Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1486: Horrible


Just as Chu Jingtian looked past, the countless monsters were already pouring in, and they almost reached the limit, and the black clouds were like black clouds.

The surging anger is scary.

When they flew to this forest, they already saw the huge willow tree and the dead branches that overflowed with the aura of heaven and earth. They even screamed and blasted towards the willow demon.

Obviously, they also know that this dead wood branch contains a huge aura of heaven and earth, and they want to take it away.

This type of heavenly earth treasure is not only nourishing for warriors, but also important for their monsters.


of course.

Chu Jingtian wanted to get this dry branch, but just when he was about to block it.

I saw the huge willow demon, as if awakened from a deep sleep.


A burst of crackling sounded, and there were several cracks on the trunk, and the combination of the cracks was a huge human face. In Chu Jingtian's surprised eyes, the big mouth opened suddenly, but it was a sharp growl.


The vast sound turned into a terrifying sound wave, spreading rapidly. As if a huge hurricane, the withering trees nearby were the first to be torn into pieces on the spot.

Then there was the peeling of the ground, rolling up soot. The horrible sound waves spread uncontrollably, and those overwhelming monsters were torn directly into fragments, and fell into the rain of blood.

When this sound wave reached Chu Jingtian, it was like spring weather and rain, just blowing a piece of clothing.

"So strong sound waves!"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

In this array of sound waves, there are also several demon-level existences, tearing the sound waves, unaffected, and rushing towards the front.

At the same time, his huge cultivation also erupted.


There was a roar.

One of the eagle-shaped demon fairy suddenly showed its wings. At this moment, it used double wings as a knife, and the demon swelled down suddenly. The demon gas turned into two huge demon blades, staggered across, and tore directly from the air.


There is also a lion-shaped demon fairy, who also suddenly spit out, a flame turned into a fire dragon, passing quickly against the ground. Spreading out all the time, rushing past, banging towards the willow demon's position.

The remaining monsters were also attacking at the same time. Qi Qi looked towards the monsters.

boom! boom! boom!

Such power is enough to make people discolor.

"Good strength ..."

"It is indeed a million mountains, and there are so many fairies hidden!"

The spectators watched the attacks of these demon immortals, all looking startled.

"After all, this is the top ten forbidden area!"

One of them was squinting, squinting.

If not, these people would not dare to enter the millions of mountains. So many monsters are terrifying, and one of them is enough to kill them.

What's more, the presence of so many fairies made them even more frightened.

If it wasn't for robbing the ancestor's treasure, they wouldn't dare to enter this place at will.

"It's better that the two sides fight each other and get hurt!"

The crowd looked forward.


Faced with the attacks of these demon fairy, the willow demon once again issued a sharp roar, the demon and the aura were tumultuous, and burst into the void. At the same time, the huge body twisted up.

Countless wicker entangled, but also burst out at the same time, bombarded by the overwhelming attack on the demon fairy.

Such a horrible gesture made all the soldiers watching the battle uncontrollably disappointed.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Huge forces collided, tearing this space apart, and when the shock wave of terror spread, it even ripped the ground.

In everyone's horrified eyes.

The willow tree monster was not injured under the siege of the five head fairy. And its innumerable wicker riven the terrible attack from it.

Even more, at the same time, they swept away towards those demon fairy.

It was an instant. The five monsters that reached the level of the fairy were directly pierced on the spot.


The five demon fairy were torn directly at the moment when the body was penetrated.


Seeing this scene, countless people were appalled.

No one expected that the willow demon not only broke the attack of the opponent, but also killed the opponent with one blow.


Even if you see the spin, the willow demon swings his body, stretches the wicker, and throws it at will. He smashed the huge corpse heavily to the ground. He even shook the ground suddenly.

"So strong!"

All the soldiers present took a breath of air.

Such a powerful willow demon is simply not their existence.

"Yes, it's beyond our imagination!"

"This willow tree demon ... I guess it was originally Renxiu Xiu ~ ~ After getting this ancestor treasure, the strength is even more terrifying!"


These warriors also want to **** this baby.

But the strength of this willow tree demon let them completely dispel the idea.

Because the other party is simply not what they can handle.


There are still some warriors, unwilling.

They worked hard for the ancestor's treasure, but they were first taken away by a willow demon in a million mountains, which made them breathless.

However, in the face of this powerful willow demon, they have no courage to do anything.


After killing the monsters who snatched the branches, the willow demon danced frantically to his body. Countless blood-stained willow leaves and wickers with a squealing sound.

At the same time, the evil spirit broke out even more.

"What does it want to do?"

The presence of the willow demon was noticed, and all the people present were shocked.

"Did it?"

One of them was half-immortal, eyes narrowed slightly, just felt that this moment seemed to be stared at. This feeling is exactly the same as when a mouse is stared at by a viper ...

"Hurry away! This willow demon, please strike us!"


It's almost the voice.

The willow demon wielded countless wickers, like a vast green sea, constantly swept away towards the crowd where they were. That fierce gesture is even more fierce than when the five demon immortals were killed.


The willow demon had initially taken control of that dead branch, and it also regarded the entire forest as its territory. Any existence that has stepped into its territory will be unkindly killed by it!

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