Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1501: Tiangong intervened

Chu Jingtian is quite confident that Judge Cui and others can obtain this emperor flower. Now that the other party has let themselves go, let's stay for a long time, and just take this opportunity to sort out the remaining points of the ancestors.

No words overnight.

The next day, at dawn, the crowd in front of the million-dollar mountain had already begun to lay out, preparing to officially kill the demon fairy and take away the emperor flower.

Hu Qingyun originally thought that Chu Jingtian would also start to fight against the emperor flower, but when he did not expect that others would do it, he still only closed his eyes there. For a moment, I also moved my mind:

"Chu Shangxian, are you not interested in this emperor flower?"

Chu Jingtian naturally knew Hu Qingyun's thoughts. For his half-immortal, the emperor flower was quite precious. If Chu Jingtian didn't take the shot, he would have a chance.

Shaking his head at the moment, "If you want to get it, go."

Upon hearing this, Hu Qingyun walked towards the mountains ahead with great interest.

As soon as he saw flowers of various colors growing in a gorge in front of him, he even felt strange fragrances. With the breeze blowing, he just felt refreshed.

In the middle of the canyon, one of the most exotic flowers grows. This flower is extremely large, and the whole body is blue, like a cluster of blue flames. This is exactly the emperor flower.

Around the emperor flower, there is a huge monster butterfly.

"Do it!"

Judge Cui shouted.

Everyone in the prefecture shot.


As soon as he saw the stroke of the judge Cui, the stroke was like a dragon and snake uprising, turned into a black chain, and swept away towards the demon butterfly.

At this time, other waves of men and horses also quickly shot at this moment, rushing toward the emperor flower lightning, trying to seize this emperor flower while Judge Cui entangled the demon butterfly.

Even at this moment, even Hu Qingyun joined in.

For a time, the whole valley was in chaos, and the cloud was flying and fragmented.

"It doesn't look like I need to shoot!"

Outside the gorge, although Chu Jingtian was keeping his eyes closed, his divine thoughts always shrouded the front, observing the battle in the valley. Judge Cui and others seized the opportunity to take the shot, occupying a great advantage, and grabbing the emperor flower is just a matter of time.

What Chu Jingtian thought, Chu Jingtian simply part of his mind, put it into his own body, and inquired about absorbing dry branches.

After several days of absorption, only the last 30% of the power in the dead branches remained, but it was still majestic.

"Up to seven days, I can fully absorb this dead branch. Even then, even if I can't step into the middle of the fairy, it will be almost the same." Chu Jingtian thought of touching his chin.

"The treasures that the ancestors put into the millions of mountains seem to have some aura and powerful things, which are not inferior to this withered tree branch. If they can be obtained, they should have no worries in the middle of the fairy!"

Chu Jingtian remembered those auras.

Those things fit him perfectly.

If you can get in and step into the mid-century, there will be no difficulty.

"It's just that those babies are a little far away!"


Just when Chu Jingtian thought.

Suddenly, several powerful breaths rushed from a distance.

The breath hardly stayed.

At the same time, they rushed towards the valley.

"That is?"

Chu Jingtian frowned.

I saw the group wearing bronzing robes, everyone wearing a golden mask, and they were the warriors of Tiangong.

"Are people from Tiangong here?"

"This mess is even bigger!"

Originally, the valley was already lumped into chaos.

Now, as the people of the palace are mingled in again, wouldn't it be more chaotic.


Several figures of Tiangong flew across the sky swiftly, and already flew from a distance to the sky above the valley.

"Not good, Tiangong people!"

In the canyon, the warriors who were fighting for the emperor flower also noticed the glimmering lights in the sky, all raised their heads, and could not help but change dramatically.

The existence of the prefecture made it very difficult for them to compete for the emperor flower. If today the palace comes to blend again, I am afraid it will be even more difficult.

"Not good, Tiangong people!"

Judge Cui and others also changed dramatically.

"Get the emperor flower!"

He yelled, and the judge's pen fluttered quickly, setting off a sharp edge. Several little demon butterflies guarding the emperor flower were swept away by the pen, and the ghost division was already rushing towards the emperor flower.


At this moment, not only did the people in the prefecture move, including Hu Qingyun, the forces that had not shot in the other parties at this moment were rushing towards the emperor flower.

The more elusive the situation became, the longer the delay, the more difficult it became.

"Get away!"

The ghost teacher yelled, already reaching for his hand quickly. A huge palm protruded straight out of the void, clutching the rolling waves towards the emperor flower. The warriors present were all turned upside down by this gust of wind, and stood steadily.

At the same time, the people flying to the sky above the valley ~ ~ didn't stop, they rushed directly towards the emperor flower, and the sound of the rushing light was heard:

"Little cubs in the land, this emperor flower is ours!"

Just as the voice came out, a gust of wind surged in the light, which directly lifted everyone in the canyon to hundreds of feet. At the same time, a huge Optima palm was formed instantly, directly Just shot towards the canyon.


The crackling sounded.

In an instant, the giant palm of the ghost division that caught the emperor flower was crushed directly.


At the same time, while the giant palm of the ghost division was being crushed, a spurt of blood spewed out, apparently being bitten back in this attack and suffered internal injuries.

And his body was blasted down by the palm of the sky, and slammed to the ground.


Everyone looked at it in astonishment.

Then I saw that a few light rays in the sky had already fallen rapidly from the sky, across the void, and fell to the ground with no slight interval.

"咚!" "咚!" "”! "

There was a loud noise.

With the horrible smoke and dust, the whole earth trembled wildly. During this earthquake, there were countless cracks, spreading wildly.

And in the dust.

Tiangong crowds have slowly emerged.

The head of the man was burning with flames and wearing the mask of Huode Xingjun. And he was holding the emperor flower that had previously been plundered from the ghost master!

"Huode Xingjun?"

"Isn't it that Huo Xingjun has been beheaded by Emperor Mingsi? Why did he appear again?"

"Did it?"

When everyone saw the mask of the man headed, they could not help but change their faces.

Chu Chutian could not help but frown.

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