Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1502: Core members of the previous generation

The world has known for a long time that Huode Xingjun fell into Chu Jingtian's hands, and now appears again, how can it not make everyone present feel shocked and surprised?

Could there be any means to bring life back to heaven?

If so, it would be terrible!

And Judge Cui and others also changed dramatically.

Although there are only three of the Tiangong strongmen here, each of them has an immense breath, reaching the level of half a cent. Although they did not surpass the crowd in terms of cultivation, they were far superior to everyone in terms of strength.

"What's going on, isn't Huode Xingjun already ridiculed? How can he appear again?" Lu Jianli couldn't help but startle.

In addition to Huo Xingjun, there are Feng Bo and Lei Zhenzi.

"So it is!"

Outside the valley.

Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows.

At this time, Judge Cui was also dignified. He looked at the three men and shook his head: "I don't know the others, but Feng Bo and I saw him die in the East China Sea, and all the spirits were gone! However, his breath seemed to be The one who died in the East China Sea is a little different. "

"Did it?" The ghost teacher also noticed a difference. "Is it the existence of the previous generation?"

"It's possible!" Judge Cui nodded.

Tiangong and Difu have gone through many eras. It is impossible to have only such core members. There will always be some core members ridiculed for various reasons. Some of them disappeared directly, but some of them retained a little bit of remnants.

For the strong at this level, immortal souls are immortal. Even re-cultivation and even rebirth are very likely.

The three in front of them, although huge in breath, are inevitably overflowing with a bit of ghosts in the body, and they are obviously likely to be the three core members of the last era.

Others in the field also felt those ghostly spirits, and they could not help but stare at them immediately. Although the three men's cultivation seems to be only half a cent, but this old monster has no hole cards.

"Three core members of the previous generation!"

Some people also reacted and suddenly turned wild. These three were all beheaded and immortal generations, and now they have joined the WTO.

"Looks like someone remembers us!"

Huo Dexingjun glanced around and saw the shocking eyes of everyone around him, nodded with satisfaction.

"Haha, we had occupied one side at that time. If it hadn't fallen into that side of the secret realm, now maybe we have already reached Dixian!" Feng Bo stepped on the breeze and was imposing, "The result is now one and a half. Half-ghost posture! "

Although they were reborn, they were too weak to bear the powerful spirits.

"The emperor's flower is in hand, and now we can have a few more immortals in our Tiangong ..." Lei Zhenzi sighed.

This Thunder Zhenzi is far more powerful than the one who Chu Jingtian beheaded and killed in Huyushan. Thunder and lightning gathered, turned into two wings, and the electric snakes around him entangled, lighting the surroundings like daylight.

"Yes!" Huo Xingjun slowly put away the emperor flower, and the head agreed: "Thanks to the trial this time, those ancestors took out the things that they were usually reluctant to take out. If they could get that thing If so, the three of us could really live off the weight! "

The crowd listened to the three of them, but felt cold all over.

In this way, wouldn't Tiangong have three more immortals?

Moreover, it is not an ordinary human fairy!

At this time, the faces of several judges Cui also became extremely dignified. They had no idea that when the Emperor's Flowers were in their hands, the people in the Tiangong would kill them, and they were still these three old monsters!

"No need to waste time here, let's solve these people first!" Lei Zhenzi slowly uttered his voice, like a vast thunder, and the whole valley that shook suddenly shuddered.

"Yes, I almost forgot these people!"

Huo Dexingjun nodded slowly, his eyes glanced at several judges at the end of the valley. Any one of them has the ability to sweep the crowd, not to mention the three of them joining forces.

"I didn't expect it to be these three, it seems that the prefecture is over!" Hu Qingyun couldn't help shaking his head.

"In recent years of fighting, the local government has won more and lost less. It looks like the situation is now turning around." Someone sighed.

Faced with the last generation of Marshal Cui Xingjun, Lei Zhenzi, and Feng Bo's Judge Cui, he first laughed and then suddenly smiled: "I didn't expect it to be your three remnants. If you can escape now, you will have time, otherwise this time you will It ’s going to be here and it will never be born again! "

"Good breath!" Huode Xingjun snorted coldly.

Lei Zhenzi even laughed wildly: "Let our souls fly away? It's up to you, don't bluff anymore. It's you who are really trying to escape!"

Feng Bo also shook his head slightly, apparently not convinced that the other party had this ability.

Others present were thinking the same way.

The difference in strength between the two parties is really huge ~ ~ Difu is unlikely to have a chance to come back.

"It seems that among these millions of mountains, Tiangong must win first!" A half-immortal stared at the field, slowly shaking his head. "These three people all existed in the era of demons. Although there is only a remnant soul, it is also equivalent to a human immortal. If there is no strong person in the land government, I am afraid that several of Judge Cui have to scorn here!

"Isn't it that Houtu has also come to a million mountains? Judge Cui is so calm. Is Houtu just around here?" Someone speculated.

As soon as his guess came out, he was interrupted by others: "Impossible, Houtu has entered the depths of a million mountains. If you want to get here, you need at least half a day's strength. When she arrives, Judge Cui Waiting for their bodies to be cold already! "

"Then they ..."

The crowd couldn't help but look at the local government and others. They were not as panic as the crowd showed, but they looked with a little gloat in their eyes. It seems that the three people in Tiangong have already been eaten!

Of course, Feng Bo also noticed the strange behavior of several judges, and he could not help but frown and looked at Huo Dexingjun and Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi snorted and said, "They will have any hole cards, but it's just a bluff! Don't talk nonsense with them, kill them again!"

"Yes!" Huode Xingjun dismissed: "Even if the Emperor Laozi is here, will they die!"

"is it?"

Just then, a cold voice suddenly came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a human figure stepping out of the void, and appeared in the canyon without warning, and descended like a **** in front of everyone.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, under the unbelievable gaze of Huode Xingjun, Lei Zhenzi, and Fengbo, this figure gradually became clear, a large black robe, and silver hair flying in the wind.

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