Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1778: Reinforcements to


The words of the ancestor of the undead dragon immediately made the greedy dragon vigilant, and he looked at the void with a smile: "You shouldn't change your mind?"


The owner of that voice laughed and slowly said:

"Will I repent what I promised? The Valley of Dragons is too far away from the Su family, even if you reach Dixian now, even if you rush away with your strength, I am afraid the incident there is already over ! "

"Moreover, you can't change anything!"

The greedy dragon frowned.

The voice of the ancestor of the undead dragon came from all directions.

Even if he had entered the dragon graveyard for so long, he had never seen the other person's true face until now. All I know is that the entire Dragon Valley is transformed by the opponent's body!

"What exactly do you want to say?"

Greedy Dragon could not help asking.

"Don't be so anxious!" The voice of the ancestor of the undead dragon continued. "Since I promised you to go out, I won't regret it. But I won't sit by and watch you die!"

"Are you going to shoot?"

Hearing each other's words, a delight in the eyes of greedy dragon.

He knew the strength of the ancestor of the undead dragon. If he was willing to take the shot, those patriarchs of the holy family would have no chance to resist.

The ancestor of the undead dragon slowly shook his head and said, "My power cannot escape the dragon graveyard, but I can find some helpers for you!"


Just wondering about the greedy dragon.

When the ancestor of the undead dragon will find himself a helper.

He heard the other man growl and growl.

"嗷!" "嗷!" "”! "


Around the dragon graveyard.

Several low-pitched dragons came at the same time.

This dragon howl is also extremely old, but without exception, it is not thick and powerful, giving a feeling of penetrating the soul. Obviously, the masters of these voices are not ordinary people!

Just when the greedy dragon was shocked.

Just saw it.

The locations of the several dragon howls suddenly turned into a few huge figures. There are no exceptions to these existences. They are not strong and horrible, and even stronger than Yin Ye.

"this is……"

Greedy dragon found out.

The owners of these figures are really old monster dragons.

"These are the servants I received when I first came to the Holy Realm, and guarded the entire Dragon Valley for me." The ancestor of the undead dragon slowly explained: "I send them to accompany you, even those Holy Realms. My ancestors will not threaten you in person! "

Having said that.

The ancestor of the undead dragon looked directly at the demon dragons and said, "I have given you several tasks to go out with the greedy dragon to save a human being, and after returning that human being, I will come back immediately ... no extra births are allowed thing!"


The demon dragons obeyed and responded.

"What are you waiting for?" Greedy Dragon sweated heavily, "Come on, let's go!"

"Not in a hurry!"

The ancestor of the undead dragon smiled slightly, "I'll send you!"

"What? Send us?" The greedy dragon had not responded yet, and saw the whole sky tremble suddenly, as if the huge sky was shrouded on the spot, and then he just felt the darkness in front of him, as if entering a turbulent stream.

In a square inch, Qiankun reversed.

When you open your eyes again.

The greedy dragon has found himself leaving the dragon graveyard, but has come to an unfamiliar area. In addition to him, several other demon dragons also followed from the void.

"This is where?"

"Where is the boss?"

The greedy dragon hurriedly looked around.

Want to find Chu Jingtian's figure.

"Little master, there seems to be a fight in front!" A red scale covered with red scales, like a demon dragon wearing an armor forged by the essence of flames, snorted, "If there is no mistake, it should be there!"

Greedy Dragon heard the words and immediately looked over.

See you there.

In the void ahead, they had already fought together.

The power of the explosion had already broken the entire sky, and even his sight and gaze became distorted. Chu Jingtian's breath has weakened to the extreme, even weaker than the residual candle in the wind.

of course.

In addition to the breath of Chu Jingtian, the greedy dragon also felt the breath of Lu Jianli and Su Qiong.


Their breath is equally faint, as if it would go out at any time.

After feeling such a situation, the greedy dragon suddenly changed his face and screamed loudly:

"just in front!"

"Go and save people!"

"Got it!"

Just when the greedy dragon yelled eagerly.

The fire dragon's demon dragon had already answered with a sigh of sigh, and had not waited for the greedy dragon to return to God. The convenience was already a stature, at a speed unthinkable by ordinary people. With an afterglow of flames disappeared in front of the greedy dragon, rushing away madly toward the front!


And a void in front.

Chu Jingtian is completely exhausted.


Even the last trace of power could not be squeezed out, and even holding the hand of Emperor Yuan Jian, it was impossible to lift it up.


He still stood there steadfastly, showing no sign of falling.

And the other side.

The same is true of Lu Jianli.

His situation is even more critical.

Even Lien Chan couldn't stand up, and the Six-tooth White Elephant fell to his side, panting.

As for the other human immortals, naturally, it is unnecessary to mention that they have already lost their final combat effectiveness.


Even so, Chen Hongtian and others still looked solemn.


Even in this state of Chu Jingtian, at the previous moment, he was desperately beheaded to kill an earth fairy.

"Chu Jingtian, you have no way to escape, but you are still arrested, what are you waiting for?" Chen Hongtian yelled, his eyes glanced at the position of Lu Jianli and others, and his mouth rose proudly. "On the other side, they can't support it for too long. As soon as I hit, whether it's Lu Jianli or Su Qiong ... they will all die immediately under the sword!"

After hearing this sound, Chu Jingtian shook slightly.

"Boss, don't listen to them ... even if you let go now, they won't spare us. Anyway, kill one more copy, I'll see if they dare to come again!"

Lu Jianli held a Zen stick ~ ~ stood up hard.

And the other side.

Wei Wuchen's eyes were bleeding.

The four earth gods of the Wei family had already died three, and even he was cut off by Chu Jingtian. Even if Chu Jingtian gives up, he will not spare these people. Seeing Lu Jianli actually dared to resist, an unknown anger suddenly burst into my heart:

"Chu Jingtian, even if you beg for mercy now, I won't spare you! Give me death!"


The voice just fell.

Wei Wuhen was already roaring, rushing towards Chu Jingtian crazy.


Just at this moment.

A deep dragon howl came suddenly from the void.

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