Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1779: Dragon appears

"It's over!"

The moment when Wei Wuzhen rushed out.

Everyone present was desperate.

Whether it is Lu Jianli, or Su Qiong, or Su Yuanming, forestry, or other immortals. They can all see that Chu Jingtian has reached the end of his crossbow.

The reason why we can still stand here today is entirely by our own perseverance.

And Wei Wuhen's move is not simple.

The moment he rushed out, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed down, and saw the infinite strength of the infinite power of the heavens and the earth forming a horrible palm that covered the sky.

Even the blood emerging from his broken arm poured into this palm frantically, making the horrible giant palm stained with blood.


In order to kill Chu Jingtian, Wei Wuchen has desperately tried everything.

Under this attack, even Chu Jingtian's heyday had to be treated with care, not to mention Chu Jingtian in this state today?

"not good!"

Not just Lu Jianli and others panicked.

Even Chen Hongtian and others changed their looks.

of course.

They were not worried about Chu Jingtian, but they were worried that Chu Jingtian fell into the hands of Wei Wuhen. Once they fell into the hands of Wei Wuhen, they would have no chance to intervene!


But just then.

A terrible dragon howling suddenly came from the void.

When the sound of the dragon howl came, how sudden it was. Permeability penetrated directly into the hearts of everyone. The first bearer, Wei Wujin, trembled suddenly in the sound of the dragon howl, even his breath could not help but tremble.

"what is this?"

This sudden Xiao Xiao shook Wei Wuhen's body, and a little doubt appeared in his mind.


We haven't waited for Wei Wuzhen to react.

It was still seen that a dragon claw with infinite fire light was caught directly from the void.

How abruptly this dragon claw appeared.

There were almost no signs, no spaces, and so it appeared directly. It was even at the time of the emergence that Wei Wuhen's palm that was enough to smash the world was directly crushed by this huge dragon claw.

"how is this possible?"

Wei Wuzhen's complexion changed.

And after grabbing the giant palm, that flame dragon claw didn't mean to stop at all, and went directly to Wei Wuhen. In the horrible discoloration of everyone, Wei Wujin was directly grasped in his hands.

Haven't waited for everyone to respond.

See you there.

The terrible flame dragon claw suddenly closed, no matter how Wei Wujin struggled, howled, how to explode the power, but in front of this dragon claw appeared a little weak.

With the sound of "click! Click!" Wei Wujin was pinched and burst, and even his body was burned to ashes.

This scene is a long story, but it only happens between light and flint.


No one had expected what was happening between the flashes of light.


this moment.

Everyone took a breath of air.

The body that was going to kill Xiang Chutian suddenly stopped. Looking forward in horror, he saw a huge flame dragon claw, which protruded directly from the void.

And the owner of this dragon claw is breaking free from the void.

In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, they stepped out of the void. That is a huge body, just a leaf scale, which is several feet in size.

The squiggly shape of the body made even the immortals present feel the chill in their hearts.

The explosive power in the opponent's body made them extremely shocked.

"How could he still have such a strong backing?"

"What kind of monster dragon is this, and how powerful is it to such a degree? Even compared to his ancestors, he doesn't let it go!

"This kind of existence is definitely not an unknown member ... but why haven't I heard of the existence of the other party before?"

Everyone was horrified.


After all, the people present were not ordinary people.

Someone reacted in the first place.

Xu Mingjin immediately drank:

"Catch Lu Jianli quickly!"

In this case.

They already want to catch Chu Jingtian again, there are not many possibilities.

You may not even be able to retreat yourself.

In this case, grabbing a person as your own shield and then trying to figure it out is the most correct choice.

And even if this flame demon dragon is even stronger, relying on him alone, surrounded by so many immortals, can only protect Chu Jingtian at most. If you want to forcibly protect other people, you will inevitably ignore them.

At this time.

Others reacted.

However, the people of the Xu family have been one step ahead, and it is not so easy to catch Lu Jianli again.

So you can only aim at others.

"Catch Su Qiong!"

"Catch Su Yuanming quickly!"

Many of the immortals present were already completely frightened by this flame demon dragon who had been freed from the void. Hearing the shout, this only came over, one after another rushing towards the landing sword away in madness.

"嗖!" "嗖!" "”! "

There was a violent wind breaking.

It was already seen, violent light flashing across the void. With an unbelievable stance, the rush came quickly.

"not good!"

See this scene.

Chu Jingtian's look changed dramatically, but it was too late to try.

I can only watch them rushing towards Lu Jianli and others.

Just when he was eager.

Then he heard the mocking voice of the flame demon dragon behind him:

"Don't worry, someone will protect them!"


It's almost the voice.

I saw the tremor of the void, followed by a huge dragon claw grabbed from the void. This dragon claw is sky blue, with a chilly chill, as if forged from pure ice.

As the dragon claws protruded from the void, it was already quickly grabbing towards the Xu family.

The posture of this dragon claw is even more abrupt than the previous flame demon dragon.

Along with the dragon claws, there is even more endless chill, like the tide, and the vastness is surging.

"Click, click!"

With the time.

Suddenly saw it.

Those Xu family immortals who left for Lu Jian ~ ~ were directly shrouded in this chill, and they were frozen into ice sculptures on the spot.


"A monster dragon?"

"The strength of this demon dragon is not more than that of the previous one!"

"Where did these monster dragons come from?"

Seeing this dragon claw coming out again.

Those immortals who rushed towards Su Qiong, Su Yuanming and others were suddenly shocked.

With little hesitation, they quickly retreated towards the rear.


The moment they retreated.

Another dragon claw, grabbed from the void!

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