Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 18: Lower class!

"Man, I want this Muxu Dragon!"

As soon as Chu Chu stepped forward in shock, he stared at this wooden bearded dragon, the more he liked it. This wood-bearing dragon is an adult, and it is at the time of strong blood. As long as its thirteen drops of blood, you can practice ‘Ancestral Dragon Technique’!

三 For three consecutive days, he can officially step into the first place!

"This Muxu Dragon is a second-order monster, and we only have one in the Beast House, but the price is not cheap!"

My lad whispered, although it was a respectful attitude, I couldn't stop the contempt and disdain in my eyes.

Although the Tochigi dragon is not very powerful, due to its rarity, some high-ranking officials and nobles will show off their own nets by raising a woodbeard dragon as a show off. Of course, this monster is also the object of some alchemy contention.

他 In his opinion, how can Chu Jingtian, an ordinary hairy boy, afford such a luxury item?

Chu Chu frowned.

Wherever I go, some people can't change the dog's eyes to see people's low level of problems.

He was about to speak, and a noise of noise interrupted him. I saw a group of people entering the Beast Building in full swing. When a young boy in Jinyi Shouqiu came in with a large group of people, the leading boy went directly to the counter and said:

"Man, I heard that a wooden bearded dragon was captured in Baijulou? Hurry up and give the wooden bearded dragon to the young master, delaying the thing of the young master, no one of you can afford it!"

Seeing my buddy, my eyes suddenly lighted.

I do not have the ability to know people, so he is not a buddy in the Beast House. They can tell at a glance which people must be respected and who can ignore them.

He looks like this Jinyi boy has an arrogant tone, does not squint, and obviously has an unusual status.

But Chu Jingtian was bland in tone and ordinary in clothes, not like a noble official.

I rarely need to compare, and my buddy knows who to tie up.

"This boy, you happened to be here. There is exactly one woodbeard dragon in our beast building. This woodbeard dragon is three feet and six minutes long, and it is crisp and dripping. ! "

"Although Muxosaurus has no fighting power, it is not easy to capture! This Muxosaurus grows in the Man Snake Cave, and only the full moon night will emerge from the grotto. In order to capture this Musulong, Baijulou died, but two internal strengths were fulfilled, and an internal strength master was injured! "

Wu Jinyi nodded his head and stared quietly at him: "Because of this, Muxu Long is so precious. I want this Muxu Long, please ask for a price!"

Wu Chu was shocked and stood in place, listening to them as if no one was talking, it was not for a while.

Now the other party wants to grab him in front and buy this Musulong. If he took the woodbeard dragon, how could he practice the ancestral mystery of the dragon?

"Is Baixulou doing this business? Shouldn't you be particular about a first come first? I ask you, should I come first?" Chu Jingtian frowned, looking at the man.

"Who is this kid?"

Squinting to see that Mu Xulong is about to come in, but who knows halfway to kill a Cheng to bite gold.

Tong Jinyi frowned, and looked at Chu Jingtian with displeased expression.

"This boy is also here to buy a wooden bearded dragon!" The golden signboard of Baijulou is here, and the man didn't dare to lie, the original way.

"Do you want to buy Muxu Long?"

Tong Jinyi looked at Chu Jingtian strangely, his eyes filled with sneer.

Xun Zheng's so-called thing is rare and expensive, and the price of Muxu Long is too high, even he cannot afford it. If the four princes of the Lingwu dynasty did not get injured during practice, they would need to use the blood of Muxu Long to treat him, so he would not come to buy Muxu Long!

Su Chutian's frightening look is nothing like someone who can afford a wooden bearded dragon.

Wu Jinyi snorted and threw a gold ingot. "Go away, my dear, I have no mood to talk to you, and I will give you a piece of purple gold. Don't stay in front of me!"

"Don't go further! Don't stop us from doing business at Baijulou!"

When I saw this piece of purple gold ingot, my man was full of jealousy. His salary as a buddy at Baijulou may not be a piece of purple gold for the whole decade!

This kid, but only said a few words and made so much money, at least enough for him to eat and drink in his lifetime!

Other buddies and customers, seeing this scene, looked at Chu Jingtian with envy. You can earn so much with a little bit of tongues. I knew that they would come for a share.

Chu Chu was shocked and didn't look at Zijin rolling to her feet, her brows frowned, and she sneered:

"It's you!"

"This wood bear dragon, I want to order!"

As soon as this remark came out, the Jinyi boy frowned.

Everyone around me looked at Chu Jingtian with shock.

"Boy, do you know what it means to accept it when you see it! Our young master rewards you with a piece of purple gold, and you should get acquainted with it. If you are so relentless, be careful of suffering from the flesh!" A man in white next to Jinyi Out of the channel.

"The human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, you kid has found the wrong object. Our patience is limited. If you don't roll away, you will regret it for life!" Another threatened.

Tong Jinyi also looked at Chu Jingtian with a sneer, "Kid, open your dog's eyes, do you know who I am, dare to grab something from me?"

Uh ...

People coming and going from the Hundred Beast Houses, coupled with the aggressive attitude of the Jinyi boy, have long attracted many people to watch.

When the boy in Jinyi shouted that throat, someone wondered: "Who is he, so arrogant?"

"He is Yao Ziyue of the Lingwu dynasty, and his father is the finance minister of the Lingwu dynasty!" Some people in the crowd recognized the identity of Jinyi and introduced it quickly.

"Why people from the Lingwu Dynasty came to our Dayan Dynasty?"

Someone was puzzled.

"The fourth emperor of the Lingwu dynasty, Zhang Fanchen, was injured in the practice and needed the blood of Mu Xulong to heal. Yao Ziyue, as Zhang Fanchen's confidant, naturally came to buy him Mu Xulong."

Some people who know the inside hurriedly told the story.

After I knew Yao Ziyue's identity, many people looked strangely to Chu Jingtian.

At this time, this kid should be honest, right? Never dare to speak hard again?

The unexpected scene happened, but Chu Jingtian didn't let it go.

"So what?"

"I want this Muxu Dragon, even if the Emperor Laozi is here, I won't let it!"

If other people need Muxu Long to cure the disease, Chu Jingtian may even consider giving up Muxu Long after he runs out!

But if it is Zhang Fanchen of the Lingwu dynasty, don't even think about it!

He is still thinking about when to go to the Lingwu dynasty and teach Zhang Fanchen a meal. Now the other party's confidant has been delivered to the door!

My uncle heard that Yao Ziyue's identity was a shock, let alone he came for a prince. In this case, no matter who will make the same choice as him.

He thought for a while, looked at Chu Jingtian, and said:

"Yes! There is a first come, first served rule for doing business at Baijulou. However, this wooden bear dragon is worth 100,000 purple gold! I wonder if you can take it out?"

"If you can take it out, this wood bear dragon will be yours!"

"But if you can't get it out, don't blame our Beast House for being polite to you!"

He clapped his hands, and the crowd immediately crowded out some martial arts warriors, each of whom looked at Chu Jingtian with bad eyes.

As long as the other party dares to spit out the words "no money" from his mouth, he is dead!

Hundred Beast House has its own rules.

If you are a customer, you are naturally greeted with a smile. If you make a special trip to make trouble, there will be no good end!

"One hundred thousand purple gold! So much money, even if I don't eat or drink in my life, I can't make so much!" Someone exclaimed in the crowd.

"This boy is so poor, let alone 100,000 purple gold, even if it is ten pieces of purple gold, he may not be able to take it out!" Another person looked at Chu Jingtian, shaking his head again and again.

Everyone also looked towards Chu Jingtian.

Yao Ziyue lengheng ~ ~ He looked at Chu Jingtian condescendingly, "What are you, and you can also afford the wood bear dragon? You have to know, there are some things that are never inferior to you Accessible. "

子 Yao Ziyue's words are very polite, but no one can refute them.

Some powerful warriors can only have tens of thousands of purple gold after decades of hard work. For ordinary people, I'm afraid I won't have access to so much money in my life. But they are nobles, but they spend a lot of money without blinking, which is the gap.

No one believes that Chu Jingtian can come up with such a large sum of money.

Now he is messing up, offending Yao Ziyue and offending Baijulou, I'm afraid it can't be simply ended.

"Baijulou is not a place where you can make trouble! Dare to spread wild here, and do not urinate according to what you do." The man looked at Chu Jingtian with a sneer.

子 Yao Ziyue is even disdainful. If today ’s incident happened in the Lingwu Dynasty, how could there be such trouble, he would have let his subordinates kill him!

等 "Wait when I bring this Muxu Dragon back to the Lingwu dynasty and heal the injuries of the four princes. He will definitely look at me even more!"

"I will be the next Minister of Finance when he is made Prince-Prince and Chu-jun in the future!"

子 Yao Ziyue is too lazy to see Chu Jingtian, and his heart is flying to Huang Tengda's life on the day of vision!

People around me couldn't help sighing secretly.

If you want to find fault, you must also measure your own strength, otherwise it is to lift a stone and hit your own foot.

Some people can't even bear to look any further.

Just when everyone thought that Chu Jingtian couldn't get 100,000 purple gold at all, he saw a cold smile and took out a black gold card from the space ring: "Who said I couldn't get 100,000 purple gold?"

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