Hiss! hiss! hiss!

For a while, the beast building was filled with the sound of air-conditioning.

眼 Everybody's eyes almost did not stand out!

The previous disdainful buddy also widened his eyes and could hardly close his mouth. Yao Ziyue almost did not bite his tongue. They all thought that the other party could not afford the money at all, but did not expect to bring out so much at once!

"What is the black gold card?"

I whispered someone who didn't know.

"The black gold cards are extremely valuable, each one worth millions of purple gold! This boy is really hidden!" Looking at the black gold card in Chu Jingtian's hand, the person who spoke only felt scalp.

"No wonder he dared to fight against Yao Ziyue! We all underestimated this kid!" Some people couldn't help it.

Chu Chu was shockingly holding the black gold card and looked at Yao Ziyue with a sneer:

"Who did you say was the inferior?"

子 Yao Ziyue looked at the black gold card, his face changed and changed, almost speechless!

He was not upset because Chu Jingtian took out a black gold card.

But this way, Mu Xulong will be bought by the other party.

In the beginning, he vowed to promise Zhang Fanchen that he would bring a Muxu dragon back within ten days. If this wooden bearded dragon was robbed by Chu Jingtian, how could he find a second wooden bearded dragon in the remaining days?

After seeing Chu Jingtian for a moment, Yao Ziyue sighed, arching:

"Little brother, I had previously made a mistake and had offended me a lot. I want this wooden bear dragon to save my life, and I hope you can give it to me. Even if you do n’t look at me, you have to look at the fourth prince Zhang Fanchen. Face it ... "

"If you give me Mu Xulong to me, I will tell the four princes and remember this relationship."

"If you don't give me Mu Xulong, I will tell him, remember what you did today!"

Speaking of this, Yao Ziyue took a deep glance at Chu.

There was a silence in the Beast House. Everyone you look at me, I look at you, and sighed secretly.

Yao Ziyue's meaning of the threat is very clear. If you have money, dare to grab something with a prince? Can you compare to a prince?

"It seems that this wood bear dragon has to hand in!" Some people in the crowd sighed.

"Yeah, although Zhang Fanchen is the prince of the Lingwu dynasty, wouldn't it be easy for you to use his strength to deal with you? This kid is so uninteresting, he should give out the wooden bear dragon from the beginning!" No Few people nodded and agreed.

The guys at the Hundred Beast House have dared not speak.

Whether it is Yao Ziyue, who is backed by the four princes, or Chu Jingtian, who is holding out a black gold card, is not an existence he can offend. It's like a fairy fight, the other person can crush his mortal by moving his fingers.

Yao Ziyue quietly looked at Chu Jingtian, with a hint of shame in his eyes.

When he was in the Lingwu dynasty, he was always the only one who bullied others. But now in a foreign country, he bows his head and asks for a wooden bearded dragon. He made up his mind and gave the boy a hard lesson after getting Mu Xulong.

Even if the other party wanted revenge in the future, by then he had returned to the Lingwu dynasty. Is he still afraid of others on his own site?

As for Mu Xulong, he is not afraid that Chu Jingtian will not give it. He didn't believe that when the boy was facing a prince, he could still face it! But he didn't expect it, but Chu Jingtian snorted coldly:

"I said a long time ago that I have to decide on this wooden bear dragon. Even if he Zhang Fanchen comes to me in person, I may not let him. Not to mention you?"

Yao Ziyue's complexion changed abruptly, and "Pedal Pedal" took three steps to retreat, and he couldn't believe it.

He, the son of the Chancellor of the Treasury, whispered, and even moved the four princes, even if you are the emperor and the emperor. But this kid actually didn't let in oil and salt, he didn't let it!

Yun Chu glanced at him and looked at the man and said, "Give me this wooden bear dragon ..."

He didn't want to entangle with Yao Ziyue.

Once the Tochigi Dragon is in hand, he can practice the ancestral mystery. When the three cultivations are achieved, his cultivation will be considered on track.

My dude swallowed saliva. How could he know that Chu Jingtian, the seemingly harmless master, didn't even buy the face of the four princes of the Lingwu dynasty, so he dared to paddle and rushed to get the wood bear dragon.

"How dare ... Fire Python, come out!"

子 Yao Ziyue's face was suddenly distorted, especially when Chu Jingtian turned around and looked at him, like a slap on his face. This humiliation made him almost crazy!

Wrath rises from the heart, evil is born to the guts!

As soon as his eyes were closed, his right hand was raised sharply, and the cat's eye ring on his index finger suddenly became red.

Yao Ziyue stamped in the void, and a sudden blast of wind struck a strange energy across the field.

At this moment, a wave of heat hit his head and covered his face, and the horrible heat caused the eyes of everyone to be twisted at this moment. Immediately after, I saw a flash of red on the cat's eye gem, and the fierce fire spread out, turning into a fire python in mid-air, rushing towards Chu Jingtian!

The beacon python billowed with monstrous rage, and almost rushed to Chu Jingtian with almost no interval.


The terrifying explosion sounded loudly, and an air wave visible to the naked eye overflowed directly, and all the crowds watching were lifted out!

The people who were lifted out looked shockedly, looking forward, towards the area where the fire python exploded.

I saw that the fire python was passing by the ground, and a long gully had already formed, extending from the feet of Yao Ziyue for dozens of meters. And Chu Jingtian's location has become a sea of ​​fire!

Even the surrounding bluestone slabs were cracked by the burning flames of this jumping flame!

"Even the rocks have been burnt and cracked, how can the flesh and blood body withstand this high temperature?"

I looked at the sea of ​​fire, everyone was trembling.

I remembered the previous screaming gesture of the fire python, and some martial art masters couldn't help taking a sip of air. If you are in that situation, you have to be burned to ashes!

"Originally he could have avoided death ..." Feeling this towering heat wave, some people couldn't help it.

"Huh, it was him who died. The other party has even moved the four princes out in order to get this woodbeard dragon. But he doesn't move in oil or salt, I don't know how to advance or retreat!" There is an older elder, Criticizing Chu Jingtian's behavior.

As if Chu Jingtian should know the identity of the other party, he should give up the respectful respect of Mu Xulong!

"But the ring shouldn't be anything, right?"

At this moment, someone suddenly reacted.

When Yao Ziyue attacked earlier, the fire python was drilled out of the ring!

"That should be a magic weapon!"

"Only the magical tools that can be used by practitioners of the Falun Dafa!"

There are those who know how to practice.

The first realm of Shu Xiuzhen is the ‘entrance period’. This realm is the first stage of communicating the heaven and earth aura with divine thoughts.

However, the inner strength period is to transform the heaven and earth spirit into the inner limbs and bones. During the enlightenment period, the heavens and earth auras are converted into magical spells by using the mind to communicate!

But most of the techniques in the enlightenment period require complex seals or spells. Therefore, some spiritualists usually inject the heaven and earth aura into the magic weapon and release it when they are used. This will save the time of final printing!

"The spell just now is supposed to be the first-class" fire python "!" The meditator narrowed his eyes and looked at Yao Ziyue. "Although he uses the magic weapon to release the spell, at least he is also a cultivator at the peak of the path!"

"Isn't that kid ..." Someone couldn't help asking.

"Hum, hit my fire python, unless he is a master of enlightenment, otherwise he will die!" Yao Ziyue sneered after hearing the discussion.

恨 He hated tightly.

自然 He naturally knows that a kid who can easily take out millions of purple gold is by no means an ordinary character. Although you may not be afraid of retaliation in your own capacity, you will be exempt from punishment after returning.

But this doesn't matter anymore, as long as Mu Xulong is in hand!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly screamed:

"Bring me Muxu Long!"

The dog leg behind Yao Ziyue hurried forward.

Everyone saw this scene and couldn't help sighing secretly. Had Mu Xulong surrendered earlier, he would still have the friendship between the four princes.

But now instead of failing to keep Mu Xulong, he has lost his life!

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly heard in the sea of ​​fire:

"I said, I need to order Mu Xulong, no one can take it away!"

"how is this possible?"

Yao Ziyue looked forward.

I saw the sea of ​​fire ~ www.readwn.com ~ turned out like hypoxia. Chu Jingtian stood intact in the center, with his body as the center, and was three feet in size. He didn't even hurt his clothes!

"That being the case, then I will burn you!"

Yao Ziyue, who had returned to God, was shocked and angry.

He was surprised that the fire python did not burn each other! Anger is that the boy is still unwilling to let go and gives himself to Musulong!

Han Man flashed in his eyes, his hands folded in front of him, and the seal was printed again. The cat's eye ring on my fingers suddenly burst into red, and a wave of heat that was far more terrifying than immediately swept out.

"Oh my God, come again?"

"Are you going to burn him to ashes?"

I felt this heat wave, and everyone's face changed greatly.

Yao Ziyue ’s magical powers of heaven and earth are stronger than before. Maybe it will ruin the entire Beast Building. Ca n’t you wait to die if you do n’t escape?

At this moment, Chu Jingtian raised his hand.

No seal, no spell.

Only a sharp wave of heaven and earth aura in the void.

A dragon howl rang through the void, and a fire dragon with a length of more than a foot formed in the void. Immediately afterwards, the formed fire dragon rushed towards Yao Ziyue with lightning.


There was a loud blast of stone breaking.

In the fiery flames, everyone saw a human-shaped fireball flying out of the sea of ​​fire, and the burned unrecognizable Yao Ziyue fell heavily on the ground, constantly screaming crazy!


At this moment there was a dead silence in the Beast House.

No one expected that Chu Jingtian was also a master of cultivation. Such a powerful spell can be released between hands and feet, and more powerful than Yao Ziyue's Fire Python!

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