‘I paid homage to Xianzong in the past. Sister Bai took good care of me, maybe because of the sympathy for the same disease! ’

Chu Jingtian secretly said.

Like Bai Ningshuang, he was destroyed by the family, because by chance, he entered the avenue Xianzong. Bai Ningshuang has a calm personality and takes great care of him.

It's a pity the last time, because I went out to perform a task, I never came back when I met Baidumen.

At that time, Chu Jingtian went mad to find her, but only saw Bai Ningshuang's corpse that had been ruined. Later, his strength was enough, and the first thing was to destroy Baidumen. But Bai Ningshuang could never come back.

'Ugh! Why did n’t you tell me all this in the previous life, otherwise I will go directly to the Great Japanese Empire after the Tomb of the Wu Dynasty, to save you from the annihilation! ’

Chu Jingtian secretly regretted it.

‘Yes, those insiders are now hunting down Sister Bai. I might be able to catch up! ’

In the previous life, he was not strong enough, so he could only watch the danger coming and couldn't change it. He is here again in this life, how can he make the closest people around him repeat the same mistakes?

Beiliang Wangfu is so! Fat Lu is so! Bai Ningshuang is so!

The same goes for the one in Xian Zong Avenue.

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian quickly closed his eyes.


A ripple that can only be seen on the spiritual level, like the wave of air waves, spreads quickly with Chu Jingtian's body. He wants to save the other side before the master in the white can find Bai Ningshuang.


"Miss, why are you here!"

In a humble home in the woods, an old man with gray hair was blaming.

This old man is the slave of Baifu, and the confidant of the Bai family. Before the incident, he was not in the Japanese Empire, so he also avoided a disaster. The reason why Bai Ningshuang came here was to join him.

Lin Lao sighed, "It's a mistake, it's almost a lifetime! The masters of the Great Japanese Empire have rushed here and blocked this area. All the major entrances and exits have their people under strict control. Now we are trapped in Can't go out here. "

"Lao Lin, then you will give me to those masters in the big field ... they only want my life, nothing to do with you, will not do anything to you." Bai Ningshuang sighed and determined: "Baifu suffered this After the calamity, I can no longer drag you down. "

Lin's old-fashioned character jumped angrily and yelled:

"My lord saved my life many years ago, and I haven't been able to repay him. Miss, you are the only bloodline in Baifu. I can't just watch you just get caught by them."

Looking at Bai Ningshuang's complexion, his heart was soft again and he couldn't help saying:

"Miss, we are not without a way to escape. When night comes, I will force someone out of the city. You take the opportunity to escape! You go north all the way, and never stop. If you can meet the immortals, worship the immortals, You will be able to survive. "

Fairy? Xianfu?

Bai Ningshuang's eyes flashed a complex look.

It is rumored that in the extreme northern region, there are immortals who can enter the sky, and there is a fairy house hanging in the void. But this long journey, can I escape alive from the pursuit of these masters?

But she couldn't bear the effort of Lao Lin.

Just then, a sudden smirk came from the door:

"Want to escape? Do you think it's possible?"


As soon as Lin's eyes were closed, the children of the Bai family in the courtyard looked outward. I saw a man walking slowly. He was wearing a red robe, and his whole body was surrounded by clouds. He pressed his right hand on the handle of the tiger's head, and his blood was very strong. With his appearance, the temperature of the entire courtyard dropped suddenly.

"Zhao Fan?" Lin Lao took a sigh of air conditioning. "Are you bringing the team to chase us this time?"

The official positions of masters in Dainai are divided by strength.

The Grand Master of the third realm is just the most common one, and the entry to the fourth realm is the leader. The small realm of the Four Realms is the leader, and the peak of the Four Realms is the big leader! It is the strongest existence in the hands of Inai Gao, and only listens to the assignment of the next person from Dayu.

Zhao Fan is the leader.

"Wrong, this time led by Yue Hongchang Yue. He is responsible for guarding the place, just to prevent you from escaping." Zhao Fan said with a smile, and he rushed in afterwards as he spoke. The eight big masters are all masters in the third realm.

"Yue Hongchang?" Lin Lao took a sigh of cold air, and a look of despair rose in his eyes. He bit his head and said:

"Why is it necessary for the Japanese royal family to chase down so hard? Baifu has been slaughtered and can no longer pose a threat to the royal family. Bai Ningshuang is the only bloodline of the prodigal. Isn't it a chance to let people live?

Zhao Fan shook his head expressionlessly:

"You need to get rid of the grass, don't you understand this?"

"Do it!"

He said, his face suddenly gloomy.


Just listening to the roar of whistle, the seven or eight inside masters behind him had already shot towards the crowd like an arrow off the string.

"Miss, you go quickly, I'll stop them!"

Seeing this, Lin Lao roared loudly. Suddenly, his momentum erupted suddenly, countless silver hairs rose into the sky, and the brown robes danced without wind. This breath turned out to be the master of gas refining in the third realm!

He lifted his palm, flipped it, and patted it forward. Zhou Tian's aura turned into a huge wave and hit those masters who rushed in. The seven or eight people were actually stopped by Shengsheng's sudden blow.

"Miss, let's go!"

When others saw this, they pulled Bai Ningshuang and fled outwards.

"If I don't arrange the battle, how can I appear so bright and honest?"

Zhao Fan sneered, only to see him take a deep breath and drink suddenly.


Suddenly, the air around the courtyard suddenly twisted, and countless golden sculpted words emerged from the void, quickly condensing under the incredible eyes of Lin Lao, Bai Ningshuang, and others, forming a chain, which directly locked the entire courtyard. .

The children of the Bai family who were carrying Bai Ningshuang to escape, suddenly felt that they had hit a wall that was invisible, and suddenly they screamed and fell back.

Everyone hurriedly looked at it, and they saw that the void, which had nothing, was turbulent and rippled, and soon calmed down, as if nothing existed.

"This is a sleepy dragon rising to heaven! This yard has been completely blocked by me, outsiders can't enter, and people inside can't go out. You can stay here with peace of mind!" Zhao Fan sneered.

And what he said next made everyone look pale.

"Don't even think about escaping. After I found you, I've sent someone to inform Master Yue. Otherwise, they'll all come over."

"No one wants to escape from here without my permission!"

Lin Lao looked at the matrix formation in the air, looked at the masters in the surrounding area, and drank in a cold voice: "Since this is the case, I will catch you and force you to let go of the array formation!"


As soon as his voice fell, he stepped forward.

The distance of more than ten meters was stepped out by him, and it was almost in front of Zhao Fan in an instant. I saw him waving his hands, and the surrounding aura was surging, turning into a cold and aura-like sword of aura. At the same time, it was already overwhelmingly towards Zhao Fan.

"Old man, why do you fight for the Bai family? You thought you exhausted your efforts and forced the strength to the Grand Master, then you can fight me?"

Zhao Fan laughed and patted. I saw the invisible ripples in the void shaking, pulling out a long white mark, countless reiki swords were smashed on the spot and turned into reiki scattered in the void.

"Let's go up together, take him down, and force him to unlock the formation!"

The others looked at each other and rushed towards Zhao Fan.

Zhao Fan sneered, and his right hand pressed on the handle suddenly drew. Just listening to the sound of the long knife coming out of the sheath, a shocking blood-colored sword rushed out, as if the blood-colored galaxy reversed in nine days, swept out on the spot.

"Not good, run away!"

Lin Lao quickly yelled.

He grabbed Bai Ningshuang and jumped back like a dragonfly. But others are just ordinary warriors in the third realm, where can they react in this section. On the spot, he was cut into two pieces and fell to the ground.

"Little Five!"

Bai Ningshuang lost his voice.

But when she looked at them, those people turned into corpses, as if all the blood had been drawn away by the previous knife. .


Zhao Fan snorted coldly, his right hand shook violently, and split again towards Lin Lao.

Lin Lao's heart sank, and he threw Bai Ningshuang back, and at the last moment he burst out of the whole body's anger, and ate it hard to take him!


The protective body, which is several inches thick, is really qi, and this knife is like a knife that cuts into butter.

Lin Lao retreat!

But the blood-red swordman suddenly turned around and gently brushed his body.


Lin Lao screamed and fell directly from the air.

After he landed, he couldn't stand still. A terrible wound stretched from the left chest to the right rib, showing the ribs of white flowers. If it was not in time for him to evade, I am afraid that this knife will also cut him in half!

"Lin Lao!"

Bai Ningshuang was distraught.

Only the third realm of Lin Lao was fulfilled. He had exhausted his efforts and pushed his strength to the Grand Master. It was barely alive. But let alone fighting, even standing up is a problem.

"Not dead?"

Zhao Fan looked at Lin Lao who wanted to get up several times, and raised his eyebrows, preparing to raise his knife and cut again.

Seeing this, Bai Ningshuang knelt and cried:

"Boss Zhao, please let him go ~~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm willing to go with you ... doesn't the Japanese royal family just want my life, you can take them and let them go!"

Zhao Fan looked at Bai Ningshuang, asking for mercy, and said blankly:

"Late! I've given you a chance, but you don't cherish it. If you die, he will die too!"

Bai Ningshuang heard that, a hint of despair rose in his heart.

Lin Lao spit out blood, bitter in his heart, full of remorse. He only hated that his strength was too poor to protect Bai Ningshuang, and the last blood of the Bai family had to be cut off here.

Just then, a voice suddenly came from the outside:

"I'm here, no one can kill Bai Ningshuang!"

PS: Thank you Gongqinghuan, 大. 承 ッ 诺 `, Niu Dewang for their rewards. In addition, I recommend a new book named "God of War" by the Great Vest of the Great Gods. If you like, you can search for it.

(End of this chapter)

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