Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 192: Take one person


Zhao Fan looked stunned and looked outward fiercely.

I saw a handsome teenager who didn't know when he was behind them, completely ignored everyone, carried his hands on his back, and walked like a garden.

"It's you?"

Zhao Fan narrowed his eyes.

He remembered that the boy had been in conflict with them before at the sentry post.

Chu Jingtian looked at the corpses around, and Lin Lao, who was almost chopped, frowned slightly. He sensed an outbreak of fighting here and immediately rushed in. It didn't look too late.

"Are you all right? Rest assured, with me here, you will not be in danger."

Chu Jingtian glanced at Bai Ningshuang, secretly relieved, as long as Bai Ningshuang was fine. The life or death of others has nothing to do with him.

Bai Ningshuang had a bitter face and didn't know how to speak.

Behind this group of people stands the Japanese royal family, and even behemoths like Baifu have been washed overnight in blood. What use are you here for?

"Boy, who are you? How dare you intervene in our affairs?" Zhao Fan's face was gloomy.

The young man appeared quietly here, and he saw no such fear when he saw such a battle, apparently having any reliance. He didn't dare to underestimate even if the opponent looked extremely ordinary.

"My name is Chu Jingtian!"

Chu Jingtian's divine thought swept Bai Ningshuang, and found that the other party did not have much injury, but was just over-frightened. As for the old Lin, he was almost cut off, but his life was not affected. He then turned around and looked at each other and said:

"I keep Bai Ningshuang! Get out of here!"

"Good tone, you know who we are? I care about you, what a shock, what a shock, I will kill you if you don't," Zhao Fan raised a hint of evil fire in his heart.

"Before we let you go, you dare to come and die now?"

Masters in the field, do you have the courage to step in?

What's more, Bai Ningshuang was named by the royal family. If you want to see a dead body or to see a dead body, you must cut the grass and root it. But now a cat and a dog jumped out, dare to take care of this matter, and dare to let them get away, it's just a guts.

"Little brother, you are kind enough to take my heart. You can't intervene in this matter. At that time you will catch fire, not only you can't bear it, the family behind you can't bear it!" Bai Ningshuang couldn't bear it.

Lin Lao looked at the boy with complex eyes. The White House collapsed, and the forces that had once allied with the White House were afraid to ignite the fire and avoid it. There were even people who wanted to catch them and give them to the Japanese royal family.

In the end, they are not as courageous as a teenager.

But courage is not enough. You have to be strong. Thinking of this, Lao Lin quickly said:

"Little brother, you run away quickly. The other party is the master of the Japanese Empire. They are going to kill us. No one in the world can stop it. Don't kill it."

But Chu Jingtian turned a deaf ear. Instead, he stood sideways, stopped in front of Bai Ningshuang and Lin Lao, stared at Zhao Fan and others, and said lightly:

"I'll take care of this. Bai Ningshuang, I'm insured."

As soon as he said this, the scene was uproar.

Bai Ningshuang was anxious, these people are not good at all, they are masters who can't see the blood. Do n’t you stop them, are you trying to die?

"This kid!"

Lin Lao looked at him like looking at an idiot.

In his opinion, this young man may be a child of a noble lord, and depending on his parents' background, he did not know that the sky was thick. But I don't know, some things can't be involved at all!

"Little brother, hurry out." He drank, and said to Zhao Fan: "Zhao Fan, your conscientious gas refiner in the fourth realm, shouldn't you care about such a hairy kid? You let him go! "

"Lao Lin, can you save him?" Bai Ningshuang anxiously.

Lin Lao shook his head and said:

"No way, he ran into these big masters. Zhao Fan was even more determined to kill him. We can't guarantee it ourselves. How can we save him?"

As he spoke, he stood up thinking. But the previous stab had already hit him badly. Just such a slight movement involved the injury and made him vomit blood.

In this case, the white cream can only be stunned.

As Lin said, they ca n’t even protect themselves now. How can they save each other?

"court death!"

Zhao Fan heard the words, and his heart was angry. When did the name of Inai masters no longer work? Even a cat and a dog dare to step in?

He screamed angrily:

"Biaolong, kill me!"


As soon as the words fell, a strong man behind Zhao Fan stormed out. He has a naked upper body, and his muscles are refined and refined, showing a streamlined shape, like a rock with sharp edges and corners, like a cheetah, so fast as the wind.

"Be careful!" Bai Ningshuang cried out.

"not good!"

Lin Lao's complexion changed dramatically.

This Biaolong is a strong body of sculpting, nicknamed the pretty dragon. I do n’t know where to learn an external skill, strength and speed defense are far better than those of the same level. The night he stepped out of Baifu, he didn't know how many people had been killed.

Chu Jingtian had nothing to do with his face, and even turned back to Bai Ningshuang:

"Rest assured, this kind of **** is not in my eyes!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed with his right hand, and the air suddenly stopped in the courtyard, as if he was being held in his hands. Then suddenly cut down, like a knife and a hand!


A tear sounded.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, the invincible Biaolong was cut off on the spot and separated from Chu Jingtian. Accompanied by the blood of the sky, the corpse that was broken into two parts crashed to the ground.

The scene was dead.

Lin Lao was stunned, Bai Ningshuang stunned like a chicken.

Including Zhao Fan, several inside experts looked at Biaolong's body with shock, and couldn't believe it.

"Who the **** are you?" Zhao Fan, who woke up from shock, couldn't help it. "Report your name!"

At this time, where would he dare to treat Chu Jingtian as an unknown boy? Biaolong is a master of the third realm of dragon elephants, and is a strong body-builder. Even if he wants to deal with Biaolong, it will take a lot of trouble.

How can Chu Jingtian be so casual?

"I said, my name is Chu Jingtian." Chu Jingtian retracted his right hand, looking indifferent, like shooting a trivial fly. "However, the people of the Xuanyun Dynasty prefer to call me Master Beiliang Tianwang Chu!"

Chu Jingtian looked up slightly, looking directly at Zhao Fan: "I don't know if Beiliang Tianwang has this qualification to manage this matter?"

When Zhao Fan was about to have an attack, he heard this sentence pouring down like a cold water.

He looked at Chu Jingtian in wonder, and exclaimed: "Are you the king of northern Liang?"

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian nodded.


Including Zhao Fan, the appearance of digital masters changed, and they retreated a few steps like ghosts.

In particular, Zhao Fan was in a posture of being close to the enemy.

"Lao Lin, who is the King of Liangliang? They seem to be very afraid ..." Bai Ningshuang looked at this scene with a look of sorrow.

She was chased and killed by these big masters all the way, knowing that these people act decisively and have a bad style, no matter who you are, they dare to fight. But now Chu Jingtian said a few words, giving a few steps back.

"Miss, you don't know. He is the heir of Dongfu's first clan Yefu! He is proficient in the four fields of Dan, Qi, Beast, and Array, and he is also a cultivator." Ye Lao woke up from shock, watching Chu Chutian's back said:

"At the Wu Tomb, he killed a fourth-order dragon dragon envoy. It is the hottest existence of the Xuanyun dynasty in recent days. He used his own strength to press the four major guilds to bow his head."

"Not too powerful!"

Bai Ningshuang was horrified. She thought the other party was a child of an ordinary family, but she did not expect that Chu Jingtian was so big!

"Miss, how do you know this kind of existence? We may be saved!" A glimmer of hope emerged from Lin Lao's eyes.

"I don't know him ... but he seems to know me." Bai Ningshuang shook his head.

Although she is the daughter-in-law of the Bai family, the identity and status of the other party are enough to compare with her father. In the face of Chu Jingtian, she can only look up at the other party.

Why do such people recognize themselves?

And Zhao Fan's side was also suspicious.

Who can think that this seemingly ordinary boy is actually the King of the Liangliang Kingdom?

They are notorious for their reputation these days, they are not unclear. Even the Japanese royal family wanted to contact the Northern Liang Tianwang and make friends with each other.

"It was Master Chu!"

This time, Zhao Fan's attitude can be described as respectful. He bowed his hands and worshiped:

"Master Chu, we have no intention of conflicting with you. But this Bai Ningshuang is a fugitive named by the Japanese royal family, so don't embarrass us slaves."

"If you are willing to give Bai Ningshuang to us, I will sue the royal family for this matter. It is a good thing for you! You are a smart person and you will not offend the Japanese royal family for a woman."

As he spoke, he looked at Bai Ningshuang with a grudge.

He did not expect Bai Ningshuang to associate with this existence. But even if the other party is prominent, what's the status of being superior? Is he able to stand up to it and dare to fight against the Japanese royal family?

"Yes, Master Chu. The Bai family has been destroyed, and this woman has no use value. In addition to the leader of Zhao Fan, there is also leader Yue. He has got the news at this moment and is coming here ! "

Another master inside also quickly said:

"With your strength and status, why kill and die for a woman? If the royal family knew about it, they would not give up. Even if you are not afraid, aren't you afraid of the family behind you?"

These people sing red face and white face, all are persuading Chu to shock the sky.

Zhao Fan looked at Chu Jingtian and didn't speak, he sighed secretly. With his guess, Chu Jingtian must be hesitant, otherwise he would not say a word. Anyway, the other party is a hairy boy, and his ears are soft, and he can't hear a few words of persuasion.

"It's over!"

Lin Lao's complexion changed again.

Even if this scene was expected by him ~ ~ he couldn't help secretly smiling.

Even if Chu Jingtian's strength is even stronger, how dare he fight against a dynasty? Even the Yefu behind him was afraid to fight against the Dongsheng dynasty.

Bai Ningshuang calmed down at this moment. It was enough for someone who met her to meet her, and she dared not have any extravagant hope.

In the courtyard, Chu Jingtian stood there quietly, his eyes lowered, motionless.

In the eyes of Zhao Fan and others, the opponent must have given up to continue the confrontation. Many masters in the country can't help but smile at each other. But when Chu Jingtian looked up slowly, he gave a light laugh:

"I'll take care of this!"

"Bai Ningshuang, I have also secured it!"

"If the Japanese royal family refuses to accept it, you can come to me and I will do it alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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