Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 26: Beastmaster Guild

"This is too bad!"

The children of the palace around him, and even Chu Yao were all present.

The cheapest one is also worth thousands of purple gold, and only a few people can own it. But Chu Jingtian did n’t look at it and shattered it. How could he not be shocked?

"Isn't this instrument a fake?" Someone thought.

"It's all this time, I'm still dead!" Someone shook his head secretly.

Chu Chu shocking can look down on Chu Wushuang. This is incredible to others, but it is also common sense.

He has the Zijin Pavilion as the backer, and he is also a beast master. Naturally, he has the capital that can't be seen.

Who is Chen Beiwang?

One of the top ten instructors of the White Tigers Guards, the sword has reached the level of ease of deployment. How many people want to ask him to give directions. As a result, this existence was actually described as a mustard and waste by Chu Jingtian, which is simply an exaggeration!

At this time Chu Jingtian has come to the Chamber, watching Chu Ao sitting in the first place, then he started to have a headache and explained to his father. After all, rebirth is important and involves too much.

However, Chu Ao didn't seem to care about this, but asked another irrelevant thing:

"Are you a beast-controller? When you drank Chu Wushuang Flame Lion in front of the palace of Beiliang that day, did you use the method of beast-control?"

"Yes!" Chu Jingtian did not hide.

"Do you have a badge certificate from the Guild of Beastmasters?" Chu Ao asked again.

"No!" Chu Jingtian shook his head.

Certifying the guild certificate is extremely tedious and lengthy, ranging from seven or eight days to several months.

He has been born again less than a month ago, and only cares about cultivation. Where can he care about those names?

"You will go to the guild this afternoon to pass the assessment of the Beastmaster!" Chu Ao saw Chu Jingtian wanted to refuse, and frowned slightly. "I have already discussed with the Association of Beastmasters. This time you are not allowed to release human pigeons again. It's up! "

So Chu Jingtian condensed for a moment, after all, nodded.

Although Yuyu Beastmaster is not as high-ranked as alchemist and alchemist, he also has a certain status. If you can become an animal trainer, you will save a lot of trouble in the future.

Uh ...

The Guild of Beastmasters of the Imperial City is very grand.

People who want to come to participate in the assessment of the animal trainer must first register, verify their identity, and assign tasks ... It takes too long to complete the process. The mission is also strange, and it can't be done in a few months.

Chu Chu shocked with Chu Ao's token. Naturally, she didn't have to be so cumbersome, and was directly brought to the backyard by the guild's supervisor.

When he went in, someone was already waiting there.

"Oh, who is my word, actually made us wait so hard, it turned out to be you!" A beautiful-looking woman looked at Chu Jingtian with disgust. Chu Jingtian frowned, and looked at the other in surprise.

The woman who speaks is not someone else, it is Mo Qing who is the daughter of King Jinling who has been ‘indecently’ by Chu Jingtian!

"Who is he?" A young girl beside Mo Qing asked at this time.

"Chu Jingtian! It is the waste of the Beiliang King's Mansion that I said to you, who is also intended to be wrong with me. This guy doesn't know how to get here!"

Mo Moqing frowned slightly, as if naming the name was a bit off to her.

The young girl Wen Yan was also not good at Chu Jingtian's eyes, and constantly looked at each other.

"How did you get involved in the Guild of Beast Masters? This time the princess is present, if you dare to be rude this time, even the king of the north can't save you!" 俆 Mo Qing drank.

Princess Long?

Chu Chu looked at each other in shock and suddenly realized.

He was unruly in his previous life, and was taken away by Chu Wushuang's inheritance of the king of the Liangliang, almost squeezed out of the center of power. He didn't know much about Dayan's royal family, but only met a few times far away.

Politely nodded to the eldest princess, this is why Mo Qing said:

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm here to assess the animal masters! As for the" I raped "you before, I have explained many times, I was framed by people."

"Although you are as beautiful as flowers, you can't get into my eyes!"

When Mo Qing heard Chu Jingtian coming to test the animal master, she immediately dismissed her with a cold hum and was about to ridicule her, but Chu Jingtian's next words made her particularly angry and almost didn't bite her teeth.

Mo Moqing had two pride in her life, one was her daughter of King Jinling, and the other was her appearance.

Among the imperial city, her suitors are countless. Which one does not hold her in the palm of her hand is like a pearl on the palm. But Chu Chutian said that she could not get into her eyes!

"Chu is shocking, bragging is not afraid to flash your tongue, just because you also want to be an animal master, is a daydream! Immediately the elders of the guild are coming, I see when you can put it on!"

The eldest princess beside him looked very curiously at Chu Jingtian.

She often heard something about Chu shocking, thinking that this person is extremely unbearable.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, I found that this is not the case. Chu Jingtian's self-confidence is rare in ordinary people!

"Are you all here? The old age is late, please forgive me!"

At this moment an old voice came from the side.

Everyone heard the news, but they saw a crowd of people coming from the outside. The old man, headed by him, was full of energy and walked forward. A black panther was inseparably followed by his feet, and the black panther was extraordinary in strength and gave an invisible oppression.

"It's a second-order monster!"

Chu Chu frowned, this black panther was enough to defend the true-spirited warrior.

The old man was followed by seven or eight beastmasters, more or less with monsters, and even the weakest were equal to the masters of Taoism and masters of inner strength.

"Apart from the long princess, who else has to evaluate the Beastmaster?"

The old man held his hands and asked with a smile.

"It's me!" Chu Jingtian said.

Everyone looked slightly, looking at Chu Jingtian. The old man frowned, apparently a little confused. He was informed that this afternoon, a member of the royal family and a member of the Beiliang Royal Mansion came to assess the animal master.

Because of the special status of the other party, he led the assessment in person.

The princess long-born knows the beast language, and the talent to control the beast is a must. He also points to the princess, so the other party's assessment of the beast-master is also expected.

But this boy, he is face-to-face, he does not know the origin of the other party!

"Who is this boy? Is there any beast-controlling genius at Beiliang King's Mansion?" A beast-controller holding a black eagle fell into Shen Ning's thoughtfulness.

"Yes, if any genius is born, can it still be concealed from our guild? But this boy is very familiar." Another middle-aged man looked at Chu Jingtian and couldn't help it.

"Since this person was recommended by the King of Liangliang, there must be no mistake. Right, what's your name?" The old man looked at Chu with a smile.

"Chu shock!"


The people who were still guessing Chu Jingtian's identity were suddenly silent.

Even the old man's eyelids jumped slightly. Although the other party's cover was clever, he was still seen by Chu Jingtian.

Some people set their sights on 俆 Mo Qing.

I know that what Chu Jingtian did to Mo Moqing was spread all over the Imperial City. If the boy in front of him is really Chu Jingtian, then Mo Moqing will surely know it!

"President Ding, elders. I can testify that he is Chu Jingtian! The son of King Beiliang Chu Jingtian!"

俆 Mo Qing felt the eyes of everyone and nodded. "Today, like the long princess, he came to evaluate the animal master!"


As soon as this word came out, the backyard suddenly exploded.

The unbelievable gauntlets, including disgusting eyes, already fell on Chu Jingtian.

"This kid is coming to test the animal master? Is he kidding?"

"The king of Beiliang actually recommended him?"

The old man headed by is also frowning.

The old man is called Ding Wenyuan. It is the chairman of the Guild of Beast Masters and a second-order master of Beast Masters. Some time ago, he did hear someone mention something. In front of the Beiliang Palace, a young boy gave up the flaming lion and had a good animal control method.

When Chu Liangtian was recommended by Beiliang Wangfu this time, he also mentioned the matter of drinking back the flaming lion, so he appeared in person. But who would have thought that the protagonist of this matter is really shocking!

"Kekekeke, everyone is quiet."

Listening to the surroundings coaxing the environment like a vegetable market ~ ~ Ding Wenyuan forbeared the unhappiness in his heart and looked at Chu Jingtian:

"Although you were recommended by the King of the Liangliang, I also have my own rules for the Beast Guild. I won't let the water out when I will be assessed! If the assessment fails, we will not give you another chance!"

"And after the assessment fails, you are not allowed to participate again for three years!"

Everyone looked together and wanted to see how he reacted, but Chu Jingtian nodded expressionlessly: "I see!"

He was displeased by his disapproval, and it was even more unpleasant to look at him.

Mo Moqing taunted.

"If he can pass the assessment, the sow will go up the tree!"

The same is true of other people, too lazy to look at Chu Jingtian's expression.

Even Ding Wenyuan didn't want to talk to Chu Jingtian any more, so he focused all his attention on the princess. Chu Jingtian didn't care, but was leisurely.

Princess Chang's beautiful eyes could not help secretly looking at Chu Jingtian in secret.

The other person's light and light gesture made her heart dark. At least this attitude of self-confidence was something he had never seen in his eight brothers.


At this moment a roar of beasts came, interrupting the thoughts of everyone.

I saw seven or eight yellow-skinned fighters coming slowly carrying two huge fine iron cages, each of which contained a monster, a violent three-tailed cat demon, and a quiet giant ape.

"These two monsters are the content of your assessment! No matter what method you use, as long as you can make these two monsters obedient and obedient, they will pass the assessment!"

Xi Ding Wenyuan held his hands up, his eyes constantly turning back and forth between Chu Jingtian and the long princess.

"Who are you two coming first?"

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