"I'll come first!"

As soon as Ding Wenyuan's words fell, the princess said.

Everyone saw her as a princess of the royal family, but she didn't have any clues, so she nodded and admired.

"As a royal princess, she is not proud and impatient, modest and cautious, it is rare. Long princess, which monster you are going to tame?" Ding Wenyuan asked.

"I am going to tame the three-tailed cat demon!"

After talking about Princess Long, she was walking towards the three-tailed cat demon.

When the three-tailed cat demon saw someone approaching, it became more and more violent. The huge body '怦怦' bumped into the giant cage. When the sharp sharp claws waved, it seemed to chop the air, and it exploded with hair. His eyes were full of vigilance against threats.

When I saw the cat demon, everyone was a little worried.

"The three-tailed cat demon is a first-order lord-level monster. Our Beastmaster Guild fully used two internal masters to catch it back! This cat demon is irritable and even ate a juggler who feeds it , The long princess wants to tame this three-tailed cat demon in a short time, I am afraid it is not so easy! "

Among the puppet crowd, there was a guild elder.

After everyone said it, everyone looked at it.

Princess Long is not directly approaching the three-tailed cat demon, but stopped for a while to appease the irritable cat demon.

"The long princess naturally dare to choose the three-tailed cat demon, and she has the confidence to be tamed!" At that moment, Mo Qing interjected: "Similarly, the beastmaster was evaluated, but 'some people' did shrink head turtles at critical moments. . "

Although Mo Moqing did not name her name, everyone knew that she was talking about Chu Jingtian.

Wu Dingwenyuan even glanced at Chu Jingtian deliberately, and saw Chu Jingtian staring at the Taming Beast with a curious expression, and a look of a country guy who has never seen the world, adding a bit of disgust to his heart.

You know, there is a process to control the beast.

It's like making friends. First you have to let the other party relax and accept yourself. Even a rookie animal master, he understands these truths. But Chu Jingtian's expression looked as if he had never touched a beast.

‘Why did the King of the Liangliang make the gods recommend him? If he can pass the assessment of the animal master, my name will be written upside down! ’

With a heavy sigh, Ding Wenyuan didn't look at Chu Jingtian, but focused his eyes completely on the princess.

Chu Chu was so shocked that he didn't care about these details, and his attention was attracted by the long princess. Before becoming the Supreme Lord, he was the elder of Dadao Xianzong, and was in charge of the 'Man Beast House' in Dadao Xianzong.

He even tamed the Xuantian Dragon Eagle of the eighth order himself. The reason why he didn't grab the princess before was to see how others control the beast.

"Quiet, quiet!"

At this moment, a cry sounded.

I saw the cat monster who was still irritable the moment before, and obeyed quietly.

"It's so quick to calm down the irritable three-tailed cat monster, maybe the princess can really tame it!" Everyone showed a look of expectation.

Long Princess stood in front of the cage and slowly approached the three-tailed cat demon.

The three-tailed cat demon snarled a few times. The first princess responded quickly, and quickly made people pick up a few koi. The cat demon wolf picked up the koi and began to swallow.

Yun Ding Wenyuan nodded.

Because this cat monster is so violent, no one dares to feed it, so this cat monster is hungry for several days. Taking this as the starting point, the princess has won the favor of the cat demon.

Sure enough, the koi filling the stomach was not as violent as before, and even showed obedience to the princess.

I patted the head of the cat demon, and then the long princess turned and said:

"President Ding, I have initially tamed this three-tailed cat demon. It only takes half a month at most, and it will obey me. I wonder if I can pass the assessment?"

"Of course it passed!"

Ding Wenyuan laughed and laughed: "The average person wants to tame a fierce monster, at least ten days and a half months, and at least several months are possible. The long princess calms down the cat demon, Show more goodwill, your talent for beast control is not only me, we all see it! "

In addition to Ding Wenyuan, many guild elders nodded in approval.

I do not know the beast language, this is the greatest advantage of the princess.

It is not so easy for ordinary people to win the favor of a monster. Only by starting from the monster's habits, character, and hobbies can we cultivate the trust of both parties.

As long as the hardest step is completed, the rest is as easy as pushing the boat down the river.

过 "Award! I still have a lot of shortcomings, and I still need to ask the seniors in the guild for advice!"

Princess Long said modestly.

Everyone nodded after hearing her say this. Who doesn't like a princess who is in a high position, not arrogant, or humble? Everyone's evaluation of the princess suddenly increased a bit.

I saw Ding Wenyuan smiling and said:

"The princess is very important. You passed the examination this time, and you are the member of the Guild of Beast Masters. You are so young that you have become a first-order master of Beast Masters. In addition to your unique talents, I may even be obliged to dominate the future!"

"Yeah, the long princess has already successfully managed the beast alone, and now she is showing her hand in the guild, let us admire it!"

"At this time, we are envious of talent!"

Everyone praised.

At this moment, a cold laugh came from the side.

Everyone just listens 俆 Mo Qingdao:

"President Ding, elders. Have you forgotten the assessment of the animal master, there is another person!"

俆 Mo Qing's opening, let everyone come back to God immediately, they actually forgot that there are still shocking!

At the thought of Chu Jingtian, many elders frowned slightly.

When the long princess tamed the three-tailed cat demon, Chu Jingtian was exactly like a country guy who had never seen the world before, with a face full of ‘the original look of beasts! ’

This performance made everyone present unceremoniously doubting whether Chu Jingtian knew how to control the beast!

If he was not recommended by the king of the north, maybe someone would have blasted it out.

"Oh? Is it me?"

Until then, Chu Jingtian didn't return.

He was thinking about the princess's method of controlling the beast. This method is too complicated, and only some low-level escorts will be used in the Avenue Fairy Sect. As for others, naturally have their own means of controlling animals!

Everyone saw him in such a bewildered expression, and sighed secretly.

Even the eldest princess became curious, wondering if she looked at Chu Jingtian high.

Only 俆 Mo Qing said rudely:

"It's your turn to be young and old! The long princess has passed the assessment and tame the three-tailed cat demon. If you can't control the beast, say it early, don't be ashamed here!"

"There is still a lot of risk in controlling the beast. The monster beast does not know what you are. Maybe you are eaten by the monster!"

Although Ding Wenyuan looked down on Chu Jingtian, after all, the other party came to take part in the assessment of animal control.

He nodded, then said:

"Chu is shocking. In the process of controlling the beast, no one will help you. You can only rely on your own strength. As long as you can make the beast feel good to you, even if you pass the assessment!"

"What if I let the monsters obey me directly?" Chu Jingtian thought for a moment.

When he said this, everyone looked at him with an idiot's eyes.

Xi Ding Wenyuan sighed secretly, saying, "If you can let the monsters obey your words, you will pass the assessment. But can you really do it?"

Everyone shook his head secretly.

The people who can stand here are the elders of the Beast Guild.

自然 They naturally understand how difficult it is for a monster to obey themselves. This requires unconditional trust between the two parties, and this process will take at least several years!

"This kid is just too boastful! I let this black eagle obey me, but it took me three years to use it. What can he do to make a monster obey him in a short time?"

The guild elder holding the black hawk shook his head and sneered.

As soon as he said this, many elders echoed.

"Will he control the beast?" An elder riding a large snake raised his eyebrows.

大 The vast area of ​​open space around the elder, a state of refusal to enter. Under his feet is a bucket-sized python, which is a second-order monster. In order to obey this Bailing Boa, he spent a full ten years of effort, until recently only a small success ~ www.readwn.com ~ Haha, can you only be arrogant? How difficult is it for a monster to listen and obey? Everyone knows that it is quite big, and you can do it? "

"Don't you just want to get the attention of the princess?"

Mo Mo chuckled rudely.

After hearing this sentence, the long princess Liu Mei frowned slightly, and looked at Chu Jingtian in wonder.

If this is the case, it will waste her expectations!

Qi Chu shocked the sky and did not intend to ignore the other party, but suddenly he made up his mind, he stopped and looked at Qi Mo Qing with a smile, "What if I can succeed?"

"If you can do it, sows can go up the tree!" 俆 Mo Qing said with contempt, "If you can pass the assessment, I will be your maid!"

"Qinger, how can you make such a bet with him, what if you lose?"

Princess Long Ling quickly dragged Mo Moqing and motioned for her to stop.

But Mo Qing did not appreciate it, but responded:

"Long princess, I am better off than anyone else. He is delicious and lazy and does nothing. If you say that he can control the beast, he can pass the assessment, and even let the beast obey his words, I am the first to believe it!"

After I finished speaking, I Mo stepped forward and stared at Chu Jingtian:

"Everyone present today can testify, as well as the senior management of the Beast Guild. If you can pass the assessment, I will be your maid! If you lose, give me three rounds of learning about dogs around the Imperial City call!"

"I don't know if you dare to gamble with me!"

Wu Moqing's eyes were full of ridicule.

行 "Okay, that's all!"

Just when everyone thought Chu Jingtian would refuse, he agreed in one gulp.

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