Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 4: Alchemy? too easy!

After Chu Jingtian drank this sentence, the whole Yaowang Pavilion was quiet first, and then it became lively like a boiling pan.

管 Zhao Guanshi stared at Chu Jingtian with a stun.

The people around him scattered like a tide on the spot.

At this moment, Chu Jingtian is like a plague, which makes everyone avoid it.

"Are you crazy? If you do this, you will be implicated in Beiliang King's Mansion!" One elder of the King's House hissed.

"This is a big trouble! He didn't see so many kings and aristocrats standing here waiting for the Lord of the Grand Pavilion. You are so shocked like that, is not tantamount to death?" Someone screamed in horror. .

Who is Luo Shengyu?

He is the master of the Medicine King Pavilion!

You let him roll out to see you? Even the Emperor Dayan would not dare to say so!

Everyone was thinking, only a squeak, the inner door was opened, and a green old man in plain clothes pushed the door, and the old man frowned slightly, glancing at the crowd: "Luo Shengyu is discussing the matter with the lady Who is making a loud noise? "

管 Zhao Guanshi was afraid of getting burned, and quickly pointed at Chu Jingtian and said, "Lao Lin, this is the kid!"

Everyone around him rushed away and hurried away.

Old Lin frowned at the boy.

In his eyes, naturally, we can see that Chu Jingtian has not repaired at all. It stands to reason that this boy has disturbed the people in the inner room, and he should just slap him to death. But Chu Jingtian's self-confident attitude made him a little skeptical.

Thinking of this, he glanced down:

"What do you want to see Luo Shengyu?"

"I have a piece of Danfang that I want to sell to him, can you be the master?" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Let me take a look!"

Old Lin frowned.

Chu Chu shocked and took Dan Fang and passed it directly. He is not afraid of the other side secretly writing down. In this way, he only wrote seven points, and Danfang is not complete without the remaining three points.

The other party took the prescription, only glanced, then frowned.

"Quanlong Tianhu Dan? It is actually third-order Danfang, why haven't I heard of it?"

The third-order elixir, each of which is extremely precious, can be called a name, but this elixir has never been heard by others!

He didn't even hear many of Fangzi's herbs.

"I haven't heard it, I can only say that you don't know the goods!" Chu Jingtian frowned. Is this third-order Danfang too high for Yaowangge? "You took me in, maybe someone inside knew this Danfang!"

There was a flash of anger in the old eyes of Zhe Lin.

何 How powerful is the family behind him? As a celebrity in front of the young lady, Lao Lin is also a pivotal member of his family. He has never seen any kind of Dan Fang.

小 The boy held a pair of Dan Fang he didn't know, and then taunted him.

"Okay, I'll take you in. If this is a fake Danfang, not only will you suffer, but also the family behind you!"

Lin Lin snorted and entered Chu inner room with Chu Jingtian.

Uh ...

"He actually went in?"

I saw Chu Jingtian actually entered the inner room in such a grand manner, everyone was surprised.

I even have a few clever minds, and I'm even going to learn to be shocking, and get a few of them.

But some people noticed it.

"Zhao Guanshi, who is Lin always? Is it a friend of the cabinet owner, why haven't I met him?"

管 Zhao Guanshi smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile, and said, "How old is Lin's status. If the host can be his friend, his status is higher than today!"

The man frowned and said, "Is he very big?"

管 Zhao Guanshi looked around and saw that no one noticed him, so he whispered:

"I don't know the origin of Mr. Lin. But the lady in his mouth is the patron of Zijin Pavilion."

Hissing ~

The man took a sip of cold air, only to feel that a bucket of ice water poured from Tianling's lid, leaving him cold.

The power of the Zijin Pavilion was already terrifying in the Dayan Dynasty, it was shocking and dare not offend.

The other party is actually the patron of Zijin Pavilion?

Isn't that even the royal family has to be afraid of three points?

Thinking of this, he slowly shook his head:

"It's shocking!"

管 Zhao Guanshi grinned and sneered, and nodded, "Yes, it was him who was trying to die. Even if his son Beiliang came, he couldn't save him!"

Uh ...

The inner house of Shaoyaowang Pavilion is a small garden with many exotic flowers. Luo Shengyu was standing in a gazebo. What surprised Chu was that he was still sitting in front of him with a cold and proud woman wearing a white dress.

He had previously heard from Zhao Guanshi that Luo Shengyu was seeing a distinguished guest, only thinking that it was an excuse, but he did not expect it to be true.

And this woman's status is higher than he imagined!

"Miss, it was this kid who was noisy outside before! He also brought a Dan Fang!"

Lao Lin stepped forward quickly and explained in detail what happened earlier.

Luo Shengyu also looked at Chu Jingtian strangely. After a while, he seemed to remember something, and he shouted:

"It's you kid?"

"Luo Shengyu, do you know him?" The woman asked.

Luo Luoshengyu was extremely respectful to her, and arched a sneer:

"It's more than I know! The entire Dayan dynasty knows him! He is Chu Jingtian of the Beiliang Palace!"

"Miss, you don't know. King Liangliang I is famous, but he is a 纨 绔 waste, because the hand is tight, and he has corrupted the treasury."

"Besides, he also committed two other crimes. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been beheaded and shown to the public. Presumably it was the king of Beiliang who carried it on his behalf, but I don't know how he came to me."

The lord of the grand court carefully took what Chu Jingtian had committed to the girl named Qin Ruoxi one by one, and she heard her eyebrows stand upright.

Lin Lao, who was next to him, also said:

"He took Dan Fang, whom I didn't recognize, and mocked me for not knowing anything!"

Qin Ruoxi heard the words and hummed coldly:

"Lin Lao is the guest of my Qin family. Although he is not a Dan teacher, he has also seen a lot of Dan Fang. What is he not aware of? Show me Dan Fang! I will take a look, yes What kind of danfang! "

Old Lin quickly hurried to Dan Fang.

The unfinished pen and ink on Ji Fangzi made her frown slightly, apparently it was not long before Dan Fang wrote it down. She never heard the name of Quelong Tianhu Dan.

I glanced at Chu Jingtian, who was as stable as Mount Tai, and Qin Ruoxi lowered his heart and continued to look up.

But it's okay not to look at it, the more ugly she looks. Among the Danfang, there are more than ten kinds of spirit grass, she has never heard of it, never seen it. Until Dan Fang finished reading, her face completely darkened.

"Chu Jingtian, you are so guilty. How dare you fool me with this fake Danfang?"

Qin Ruoxi smashed Dan Fang into a ball and smashed it to the ground.

Chu Chu shocked and laughed.

Seeing the reaction from the other side, he understood that the recipe he had brought out was still too precious for Yaowangge.

Awkwardly touched his nose, Chu Jingtian said:

"Please invite out your strongest Dan Master, he must know!"

"No need to ask!"

Luo Shengyu, who had been silent for a while, had just finished speaking, and then she said nothing.

He looked at Zhang Danfang again. He had only heard a few of the elixir above, and the others were unheard of.

"I can also testify that this Danfang is false!"

"Red spirit fruit is a rare poisonous fruit in elixir. A drop of fruit juice can poison an inner strength!"

"Bauhinia is used for bone formation. Grinding into powder can make the bones turn into pus in a moment."

"Natsuo Root is a broken grass ..."

Luo Luoyu explained the characteristics of several elixir in this Danfang one by one.

Qin Ruoxi, beside him, nodded even more.

Luo Shengyu was able to support the entire Yaowang Pavilion with his own strength.

After Xu said, Luo Shengyu looked at Chu Jingtian and said:

"Everything that is highly toxic is deadly. How can it be used to make alchemy?"

Lu Chu sighed helplessly and shook her head gently: "Do you know what it means to attack poison with poison?"

他 From his point of view, Luo Shengyu's alchemy level is only limited to fur, how can he understand the mystery of the third-order Danfang?

I heard Chu Jingtian's words, Luo Shengyu's eyes flashed a little humiliation.

He was a magnificent second-ranking Dan master, the Great Yan Emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty, and was actually questioned by the opponent ‘to fight poison with poison’. This is almost like a run-down beggar to teach the rich how to spend money.

"Okay, you dare to ask me questions about alchemy, I really don't know who gave you the courage! I'll ask you some questions!"

"Do you understand Dan Tao?"

"Do you understand Dali?"

"Have you seen The Great Freedom Dan Dao Jing?"

"Have you studied the Book of Hongmengdan?"

Every time Luo Shengyu said ~ ~, he took a step forward.

He took four or five steps in a row, almost in front of Chu Jingtian, staring directly at him. "Do you understand?"

"I Luo Shengyu studied teaching at the age of six and pursued alchemy avenues! At the age of twelve, I worked as an alchemist for alchemy and knew the" Poison "and" Pharmacopoeia. "

"At the age of nineteen, I became a first-ranking Danshi, the youngest first-ranking Danshi in the Dayan Dynasty! Shocked countless noblemen! How many people treat me as a guest!"

"I'm 38 years old now, and I'm already a second-order Danshi! The status is aloof. I've seen more Danfangs than you have eaten!"

"Are you a master, dare to argue with me about alchemy?"

In the face of the fierce Luo Shengyu, Qin Ruoxi slowly nodded.

It was also because Luo Shengyu was so talented at practicing alchemy that she came to Yaowangge to find him not far away. It seems that this Luo Shengyu is even more powerful than the outside rumors!

The old Lin Lin admired even more.

With Luo Shengyu's talents, maybe in a few years, he will be able to become a third-ranking master.

By then, I was afraid that even the Qin family had to pay attention to each other.

But only Chu Jingtian turned his back and slowly shook his head.

"In my eyes, you are just a frog sitting in the sky watching the sky. Is your achievement worthy of praise?"


Luo Luosheng only felt a anger rushing to the heavenly spirit cover, he was anxious to die at this moment.

He's never seen such an unknown guy.

"Dare you despise me like this?"

Luo Shengyu focused his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'd like to ask you, will you practice alchemy?"

Chu Chu shocked and smiled slightly:


"too easy!"

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