Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 5: Named disciple

"I don't know the sky is thick!"

In the face of Chu Jingtian's attitude, even Qin Ruoxi became angry.

I know how difficult it is to become a master. There were tens of thousands of apprentices of alchemy in the Dayan dynasty, but the first-ranking Danshi had less than two palms. For example, the Dan division at the level of Luo Shengyu is more important than a country. This shows how difficult is alchemy?

As a result, this boy actually boasted about Haikou and said that alchemy is easy?

"No need to talk to this boy, let people kill him." Lin Lao frowned slightly, he was already impatient.

"Master Luo Ge, he came to you, what do you think?" Qin Ruoxi asked.


Luo Luo Shengyu was also unable to suppress the anger.

Sunda chirped:

既然 "Since you said that alchemy is simple, then you can make a pot of elixir for me, otherwise I will take off your head and hang your corpse in front of the door of Beiliang King's Palace!"

Chu Chu was shocked and said, "Well, what kind of refining?"

"I previously made a furnace of" Chan Shen Long Mai Dan "for Ms. Qin! Since you look down on me, please also make a furnace of" Men Shen Long Mai Dan "!"

Luo Luosheng took out a jade bottle from his arms and poured out an elixir with a round shape like jade and a pearl-like color.

In a moment's time, a danxiang filled the air.

Qi Qin Ruoxi even took a deep breath, exposing a look of fatigue and relief.

The old Lin Lin frowned and shook his head:

"Master Luo Ge, you're in love! What do you care about with this shitless kid, wait for me to kill him, and discuss with the king of the Liangliang, and dare not come to me for trouble!"

Qin Ruoxi nodded.

Obviously, they were also a little angry by Chu Jingtian.

要 If you really have the ability, you can show it. But if you're just a waste, you don't know it, and you want to come out to be annoying, it's too hot.

Luo Shengyu sneered:

"Ms. Qin, Lao Lin, thank you for your kindness. I don't want to be preached by outsiders, I am bullying the small ones, let him try Dan once, I will let him understand!"

"Master Luo Ge is so bold!"

Old Lin could not help but praise.

If it is him, I'm afraid I can't help but shoot this kid. Where can I give him a chance to disturb?

As for Qin Ruoxi, there was a hint of suspicion in her heart.

She's shocked by the calm and light-hearted self-confidence, she rarely sees it in young people.

‘Is n’t this kid really alchemy? ’

However, as soon as the idea arose, she shook her head and cursed absurdly.

I want to know that it is easy to become a mixed alchemy, but it is extremely difficult to become a Dan division. Even some people can't do it all their lives. She doesn't believe Chu Jingtian will practice alchemy!

At this moment, Chu Jingtian saw the elixir in Luo Shengyu's hand, disdainfully smiled:

"What's your thing, also called elixir?"

"Shut up, still dare to speak hard? Believe it or not, I'll pinch you now!" Lin Lao angered.

Wu Qin Ruoxi did not stop, the farce ended here.

Their time is so precious, how can they accompany Chu Jingtian to waste here?

However, Chu Jingtian smiled slightly:

"Be able to watch my alchemy, this is a blessing you have cultivated in your life!"

虽然 "Although I can't make those advanced elixirs, it's more than enough to make this hardened dragon vein dandelion."

"Open your eyes and take a closer look!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly stomped and shouted:


Suddenly, the spirit grass turned into a streamer and was thrown into the Dan furnace.

This flash of fire was a masterpiece, and two red dragons tossed up and wrapped up the Dan furnace.

A scent of Danxiang, which was hundreds of times richer than before, poured out of the Dan furnace in an instant.


Luo Hengyu, who was annoyed to the extreme, was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Li Teng!

Qi Qin Ruoxi stood up in horror, her eyes were almost protruding. Lin Lao was about to taunt, and the smile on his face was completely rigid at this moment!


When everyone was horrified, I saw a shock from Dan Lu, and the furnace cover was blown off directly, emitting nine rays from it.

Chu Chu shocked his face indifferently, grabbed his right hand, and directly grasped the nine rays. Luo Shengyu hurriedly looked at, and saw Chu Jingtian's palm with nine more round pills like * white like cream. Each one also has a golden pattern, which swims like flowing water, which is wonderful.

"One, two, three, four ... eight! There are actually only eight with a Dan pattern!"

Chu Chu was shocked and frowned slightly.

He sighed in his heart that if it was during the peak period, it would be enough to refining more than one hundred Ningqi Dan, and each one has a Dan pattern. But now he is not strong enough, and he has not cultivated into the Tao, so only eight of them have Dan patterns.

"Oh my God! My God! The two dragons become dandan, then ... that's the Dan pattern, the best elixir!"

I woke up from shock, Luo Hengyu's eyes were almost protruding.

"Danwen, he actually made Danwen !?"

Qi Qin Ruoxi struggled to wake up, looking at Chu Jingtian's palm as bright as the elixir of the night, his heart was shocked.

"In addition to the top, middle, and bottom grades, there is also the best quality! The characteristic of the best quality medicine is the Dan pattern." Luo Shengyu's face was bitter, and his eyes were full of shock. "I have been a Dan division for more than 30 years, and I have never been able to make the best elixir!"

"Even if he is my master, he has only refined nine best elixir in his life! And Chu Jingtian's previous method of refining elixir is something I have never heard of before and never seen!"

"Luo Shengyu, you asked me if I could do alchemy, now you see, will I?"

Chu Chu shook his hands and sneered.

Luo Luo Shengyu recalled the previous scene, can't wait to slap himself.

Chu Jingtian once said, ‘Ask him if he understands what it means to fight poison with poison’. Luo Shengyu was farting when the other party fart, and he didn't know the height of the earth. Now he thinks of Cheng Dan like this, he is more than enough to be his ancestor.

I thought of this, Luo Shengyu's heart was trembling. He looked at the Dan furnace, and looked at the eight pills in Chu Jingtian's hands, and a sudden arousal of worship rose up in his heart.

Just just witnessing Luo Shengyu's alchemy, he felt that his own bottleneck had loosened, and there was a faint sign of reaching the third-order Dan master!

"Chu is shocking, no, Master Chu! I do n’t know Tarzan, I ask you to accept me as a disciple, and I am willing to serve you with water and tea, and saddle before and after!"


Luo Shengyu accepted his head.

Old Lin was startled and almost didn't respond.

Luo Shengyu is the first master of the Dayan Dynasty! Is it now bowing down and begging for each other? Even willing to serve tea with water, before the saddle horse, this is enough to see Chu Jingtian's previous refining of the elixir, how much impact on him!

But Chu Jingtian seems to be used to it.

How many as a Supreme Master did he want to worship under his name? There is a master and a commander in chief of a country. What kind of battle has he never seen?

Luo Luoshengyu is just a small second-order Dan master, and he has not advanced for thirty years. In his eyes, his qualifications are extremely poor.

Chu Chu was shocked and condensed, saying:

"You're not good enough to be my disciple! However, when I see you yearning for Dan Dao, I can barely accept you as a named disciple. Whether you can turn right in the future depends on your own fortune!"

"Thank you Master!"

Luo Shengyu knelt down quickly and implemented the five-body throwing ceremony.

Chu Chu shook his head slightly, receiving his worship.

In Lin Lao's and Qin Ruoxi's shocking eyes, Chu Jingtian Xu Xu looked:

"Now do you still doubt my Zhang Danfang is forged?"


The old Lin Lin felt bitter.

I remembered that I had previously vowed that Chu Jingtian's Dan Fang was fake, forged, and even shot to kill the other side, his face hurt hotly.

He quickly arched:

"Master Chu, I am blind-eyed and do not know the real person. Please forgive me!"

After speaking, Lin Lao bent down and bowed deeply.

Since the other party has sincerely confessed their mistakes, Chu Jingtian is naturally not good enough to hold him accountable, and he waved his hand and said, "Well, this doesn't blame you."

丹 This Danfang rank is too high, it is normal for others to treat it as fake.

What's more, this old Lin and Qin Ruoxi's identity are unknown. Even Luo Shengyu is careful, only because of his high status and will help him in the future. It is naturally not good to tear his face.

"Master Chu is very generous!"

Qi Qin Ruoxi was relieved when she saw that Chu Jingtian didn't plan to hold him accountable.

Qi Ruochu is just an ordinary sister-in-law, let alone offend, even if killed in person, it is nothing to her ~ ~ but the other party ’s alchemy skills are shocking.

Even Luo Shengyu worshiped him as a teacher. If you can make friends, it will be great!

"Ahhhhhhh ..."

Xun was about to speak, and Qin Ruoxi sent a violent cough.

"Miss, did you get sick again? Hurry up and eat the elixir!"

Lin Lin was so old, he fumbled to get the medicine bottle, poured out an elixir, and fed it to Qin Ruoxi.

Wu Chu was shocked and looked up, and that elixir was the quenched dragon vein.

Looking at Qin Ruoxi's pale complexion again, Chu Jingtian said:

怎么 "How do you take this elixir?"

"Master Chu, I have seen the symptoms for Miss Qin. Her meridian damage is too severe and she has to eat 'Chang Shen Long Mai Dan' to restore her meridians!"

Luo Shengyu was busy.

He is just a named disciple of Chu Jingtian. He is not good enough to call Master. He can only call ‘Master Chu’.

笑 "Joke! You are doing this, it is only a temporary solution."

Suddenly, Luo Shengyu's words fell, Chu Jingtian shook his head.

"Master Chu, are you able to save Miss?"

There was a hint of hope in the old mind of Zulin.

Twenty-three years ago, Qin Ruoxi had this strange disease on his body, which has been ineffective for treatment. It was because they heard Luo Shengyu's genius reputation that they came here thousands of miles.

Now when I saw Chu Jingtian's so profound and mysterious means, I could not help revealing my infinite expectations.

Qi Qin Ruoxi was also excited, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Chu shockingly.

"Master Chu, if you are willing to help, Qin Ruoxi will certainly not forget your great grace!"

Chu Chu shocked and condensed, and nodded:

既然 "That being the case, I'll take a shot at it!"

Uh ...

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