Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 436: stupa

In martial arts, who doesn't know the name of the Northern Liang Tianwang?

Numerous warriors reacted at this moment, looking at the figure who looked like a teenager next door, with awe.

"This is Meteor Valley!"

Chu Jingtian jumped down from the back of Heiming Tianpeng and looked at the valley in front of him. Only when you watch closely, can you feel the hugeness of Meteor Fairy Valley. The diffuse clouds cover the whole valley like the sea surface. Only the central position is defeated by golden light and a huge hole is created.

Above that golden light, a powerful breath was revealed, but this breath was slowly dissipating.

"Yes, this is the power of the relics ... this power surrounds the entire Meteor Fairy Valley, no wonder it is repaired to a low level, unable to walk in."

Chu Jingtian secretly said.

The position covered by this golden light is like mud. You are not strong enough to enter it at all. If you forcibly penetrate into it, I am afraid that the whole person will be crushed by this force.

"Brother Chu, how is it?" Nie Qianshou quickly asked when Chu Jingtian took his eyes back.

"Yes, this is indeed an authentic Buddhist meditation hall, but the relic of the relic is too much, and the divine thought cannot enter the interior of the Great Guangming meditation hall. If you want to know the key, you have to take a look.

"As for the danger, it should be in the Zen courtyard. You two will follow me, and there won't be too much problems!"

Chu Jingtian finished speaking to the nervous Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong. Then he looked at Heiming Tianpeng and patted his head and said, "Xiao Hei, you are waiting for me here ..."

After speaking, he glanced at the ancestors who looked down and said nothing, then smiled and turned into the Meteor Valley.

Xu Guanglong and Nie Qianshou caught up and hurried up.

"Finally gone!"

After the three of them walked away, someone took a sigh of relief, as if the big rock in his heart had been removed.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the Great Guangming Zen Academy in the Meteor Fairy Valley actually attracted King Chu Tianwang. And in his tone, it seemed to be absolutely secure for this place!" Someone looked at Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong enviously.

"Looked away!"

Chu Jiuyuan sighed.

When he first met the young man, the other party was a junior who did not make a statement. But at this time, the other party is already the Northern Liang King who is famous throughout the martial arts world.


"They all came in!"

Soon after entering the Meteor Valley, a noise came from behind, and Nie Qian hand glanced back and found that the five masters outside the valley had already followed.

Chu Jingtian smiled faintly, but he looked around.

‘Sure enough, it ’s not much different from what I ’ve known in the previous life ... Daguangming Chanyuan was destroyed by the magic gate. ’

As far as I can see, there is a mess in the valley. There are a lot of marks on the ground, and you can see how brutal the battle was at the beginning.

Xu Guanglong also saw a mountain-like skull that had two horns and hovered to the back of his head. He touched it and it turned into fly ash.

‘Looking at this, I ’m afraid several Momen forces are attacking together! ’

Chu Jingtian sighed softly.

He strode forward, passed through the infinite bones, and came to a place where the inscription rune turned, and saw a huge mountain gate that opened the cracks in the space and stood there, with the solemn five characters carved on the mountain gate:

Great Bright Zen Temple!

"I'm afraid this is a fairyland, right?"

Xu Guanglong couldn't help but sigh.

Chu Jingtian heard a word and smiled. For him, this is just a Zen temple that is not so ordinary. But for people in martial arts, isn't this a fairyland?

After stepping into the mountain gate, the three obviously felt a lot of pressure.

"Brother Chu, where do we start?"

Nie Qianshou can't wait.

He found that all the ancestors who had come in had dispersed and explored the entire Great Guangming Temple.

"Let's go to Yaowang Yuan first!"

Chu Jingtian said indifferently, watching Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong look puzzled, he explained with a voice: "Similar to the Buddhist temple of Daguangming Zen Temple, the layout is roughly the same. There are dozens of departments under the door: Luohan Hall, Prajna Church, court of commandment, church of confession ... "

"For example, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is the place to store the classics and classics. Here you can find the practice methods of the Buddhist monasteries. The Medicine King Academy is the place for alchemy and medicine, and the Discipline Academy specializes in punishing monks who make mistakes ..."

"Although you don't have to find too much, at least you have to try your luck."

Upon entering the Great Guangming Zen Temple, Chu Jingtian knew that he might come here for nothing.

The entire Zen Temple was full of broken walls and remnants. It was difficult for others to imagine what kind of battle happened in the past, but he could see that the Daguangming Zen Temple had been attacked by the magic gate, and it had been slaughtered. !!

According to the character of the magic gate warrior, I am afraid that all useful things in the Great Guangming Temple have been taken away, and nothing can be left.

"Sure enough, Yaowang Yuan is empty!"

The three came to Yaowangyuan.

The gate of the huge warehouse was opened, and it was full of scenes of being looted. The medicine garden in Yaowang Courtyard has long been abandoned and turned into a huge virgin forest.

Since you have already come to the Medicine King's Academy, naturally you can't just leave like this. Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong both searched and wanted to see if there was anything left.

In the entire Yaowang Academy, most of the remaining medicines are worthless medicinal herbs. But it really made them find many spiritual herbs:

"This is Tianyuncao, the fifth-order Xingpinlingcao grass. It can be used to make elixir of ice properties ..."

"Jingtianguo, a fifth-order medium-grade fruit, which increases qi and blood ..."

"You take it yourself!"

At this stage of Chu Jingtian, there are not many medicinal materials that can make him look good. He just waved his hands and gave it to the two.

Nie Qianshou and Xu Guanglong got the spirit herbs, and they smiled for a moment.

Chu Jingtian went to the drug store in Yaowang's courtyard again, and stopped in front of a small sapling that had been uprooted.

‘It ’s a linden tree! It is a pity that he is dead, and even his aura has dissipated. These people of the magic gates simply do not know the treasures, and they have all pulled up the linden trees! ’

Chu Jingtian regretted it.

Bodhi tree is a tree species peculiar to Buddha, and can only survive in places like Buddha's temple. After the tree is formed, it can grow into bodhi fruit. For example, this uplifted linden tree can grow into a glazed linden fruit. The fruit will mature in five hundred years, and one fruit is enough to help people reach the Five Realms.

Now the sapling is uprooted, and even he can't help it.

"Go to Zang Jing Ge again!"

Chu Jingtian turned his gaze and looked at a jade-carved building in the Zen Temple.

That's where the secrets of the scriptures are stored.

However, when everyone arrived, they found that the Tibetan scripture hall was even more damaged. All the scriptures had been damaged. Most of the rest on the ground were remnants, and the exercises were not complete.

"This is Long Gong!" Nie Qianshou picked up a remnant book, looked around for a few moments, and suddenly cried out. "The Moyun hand of the Shen Family in the Yuan Dynasty Mansion actually evolved from the dragon capture. This is the sixth-order, even the seventh-order method!"

"These exercises are all valuable, but unfortunately they were ruined ... I don't know if there are any well-preserved secrets!" Xu Guanglong also rushed to the ground and regretted his face.

"Of course you can practice these exercises, but be careful not to go into the devil!" Chu Jingtian quietly glanced at the two of them, reminding him out loud.

"Buddhist martial arts need to understand step by step. The secrets that can be placed in the Tibetan scripture hall are definitely not simple things, and the requirements for cultivation are also very high."

"Your dragon capture skills, if you want to cultivate, you must at least reach the Six Realms of Refining, otherwise even if you are successful, you will be able to drain your blood in one stroke."

When Nie Qianshou heard the words, he trembled immediately, and he couldn't bear the Long Qin in his hand.

Chu Jingtian laughed:

"If you want to get a full understanding, I will take you to the Dharma Temple later. The Dharma Temple is the place where Buddhist martial arts feel, there will be the insights left by them. . "

Hearing this, Nie Qianshou then let go of the dragon capture.

"By the way, I almost forgot the stupa!"

Chu Jingtian suddenly remembered something, and quickly led the two of them towards the stupa in the center of the Zen courtyard.

The stupa is the place where the stupid child is worshipped in the Zen temple.

For any Zen temple, it is a very precious place, even more than the location of Yaowang Temple and Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion. When the three arrived, they found that Stupa had been opened.

The golden light that enveloped the entire Zen Temple and even the entire Meteor Fairy Valley erupted from here. In addition to them, many people have come to the stupa.

At this moment, the warriors who entered the stupa were gathered in the hall.

"Is this Stupa? This space is bigger than it looks outside. I don't know how many times it is!"

Everyone looked up, the space inside this stupa was extremely large. The whole tower was bright and clear, as if the scorching sun was hanging above everyone's heads. Sculptures around it have drawn countless different shapes of Lohan and Buddha.

More attractive is the relics in this stupa, which emit infinite light.

There are dozens of these relics, which are suspended in the air, releasing infinite light. What is even more surprising is that the dark shadows are suppressed under this treasure light.

"Oh my **** ~ ~ so many relics?"

"So powerful!"

Everyone looked at these relics, their eyes couldn't help hotter.

Some people even want to come forward to pick these relics.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from behind:

"If you want to die, just take those relics!"

This sudden discourse made everyone embarrassed. It even made the five masters who went forward look angry. Everyone turned their heads, only to find that the words were truly shocking.

"Chu Tian, ​​what do you mean?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Jingtian.

(End of this chapter)


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