Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 437: Bailian Town Demon

In a look of doubt or doubt, or condensing, or ridicule, Chu Jingtian said coldly:

"You only see these relics. Have you ever seen the repression below?"

It was only then that everyone noticed the existence of the relic.

Under the light is a figure with a variety of shapes.

Among these beings, some were blue-faced fangs, covered with beast armor, as if evil spirits had come. Some are gloomy and terrible, with black robes and white faces, as if from the deep ox-horse face.

Many people noticed these existences in the beginning, but because the other party didn't react in the slightest, so they didn't care. Now Chu was shocked to say that everyone was surprised that the existence of these relics was not good.

In the confusion of everyone, Chu Jingtian continued:

"These existences should be the strongmen who broke into the stupa. They were suppressed here by the Buddha's power as relics. Since some people can suppress these demons, there must be a monk in this stupa!"

Chu Jingtian said, with a flick of his right hand.


A blue light shot out of Chu Jingtian's hands, hitting a wall full of golden Buddha patterns.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, this huge Buddha-patterned wall suddenly disappeared, revealing a slightly smaller stone room deep inside.


In this stone chamber, a monk in a white robe sat cross-legged. The monk gave a buddha seal with both hands, and sat on a white lotus platform in front of him. Everyone is a master of the Five Realms. Naturally, we can tell that this monk has already been seated.

But what is really shocking is that the white lotus under the monk seat suppresses this one, who is wearing stone armor and draped all over, like a stone sculpture.

"Look at everyone!"

At this time, everyone found that on the floor of this stone room, there were still a lot of densely written small letters.

In a burst of exclamation, everyone gathered around quickly, but just looked at it casually, and everyone in the room couldn't help horrifying one by one.

"Zanyuan disaster, whine!"

These small prints are written on the ground with your fingers, one stroke at a time, half a foot deep into the ground, the marks are extremely deep, as if you are afraid that the handwriting will dissipate.

Everyone was shocked.

This stupa is built with the strongest materials. Even if the main hall in the Great Guangming Temple has collapsed in half, this stupa still has an intact appearance, which shows how strong the stupa is.

But this monk, actually using his finger as a pen, wrote these words. What exactly was he writing?

"It seems that this is probably the record of the destruction of the Great Guangming Temple!"

Chu Jingtian's heart moved quickly and looked down.

Sure enough, the next content is to write about seven or eight Modao Sects joined forces to attack the Great Guangming Temple together. Including these people sneaking into the Zen Academy, outsiders are unaware of it. When the general offensive was launched, it became known that it was too late.

The Daguangming Zen Academy struggled to resist, but was powerless. And this enters the stupa, it is the strongest existence among these seven or eight magic Taoism gates.


There was a sound of gasping around.

"Is the existence of those relics of relics the strong ones of these magic Taoist gates?"

Everyone dare not neglect and hurriedly look down.

Sure enough, the following content confirmed everyone's speculation:

‘... I used the Buddha bone relics of previous monks to exhibit the golden lotus sitting method to suppress these demons in the tower. If future generations enter the stupa, please kill as many of these demon heads as possible, and return to the immortal world. ’

At the end of writing, everyone was able to feel the despair of this monk, and even Chu Jingtian was silent for a moment.

People were attacked into the ancestral gate, even into the forbidden stupa, and even forced to use the same method.

"Then we are going to retreat?"

Waking up from the shock, Nie Qianshou sighed, and then asked Xiang Chu shocked.

They came to ask for babies. Although these relics are of great value, they are mostly used as an eye to suppress these demons. Even this monk, in the face of these existences, must do everything to suppress the other party. How can they remove the magic guard?

"It's not necessary to retreat. If you are confident that you can fight these demons, you can take these relics." Chu Jingtian said in a loud voice.

Under the doubts of everyone, Chu Jingtian explained:

"Suppressed for so many years, the strength of these magic gate warriors is not as good as before, about about half a step and six levels. You can pay attention to see those relics ..."

"The stronger the relic of the relic, the stronger the strength of the repressed Mormon warrior!"

Everyone heard the words and quickly looked carefully.

Sure enough, under the phoenix, they could feel a breath of coldness, or violentness, or restlessness.

These breaths are strong and weak, basically corresponding to the light of the relic. As a result of the suppression of these martial arts warriors, the power in the relics has also dissipated a lot, about half a step and six places.

"I'll try this weakest relic first!"

Just as everyone was thinking about when to choose that relic as the target, an ancestor stood up and said, "I'll explore for you first, and try the power of these demons!"

The ancestor, wearing a green robe and carrying a long sword, showed his warfare.

He was so distraught that he turned towards the stupa, the faintest stupid tentative past. Under that relic, the repression was a ghost with blue face and fangs wearing a beast armor!


When his divine thought came into contact with the relic, suddenly a sound of explosion came, and saw that the relic was directly ejected, and then the treasure light covering the ghost's body disappeared.


Almost at the same time, the ghost repair sitting like a statue sitting in front of his eyes opened his eyes, a terrible breath concealed from his body without reservation.

The stupa, which was originally warm and tranquil, seemed to be a quiet area at this moment, so that everyone present felt a sense of sensation.

"Demon, let's die!"

The ancestor of Qingpao already had some preparations. With this ghost repairing his eyes, he already pulled out his long sword and shot.

But the strength of this ghost repair is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


He waved his right hand and shot a huge black claw directly.

The sharp claws were spread all over the scales, and the tips of the claws were like a dagger. In the shocking eyes of everyone, they took the roaring wind and posed on the long sword of the ancestor of Qingpao.

‘Hey! ’

A sound came, and the sword claws collided, making a sound similar to the intersection of swords, blasting a dazzling Mars around.

The two collided, and Ghost Xiu was even better. He actually retired the Qingpao ancestor with one palm.


The ancestor of the Qingpao trembled, and backed up again and again, his face became extremely difficult to look.

Seeing this scene, all the people present could not help looking pale. This ghost repair is the worst one in the entire stupa. Even so, it is still terrible.

"I don't believe it!"

The ancestor of the Qingpao gave a loud sigh, grabbed the long sword with his right hand, and listened only to the sound of ‘铮’. His long hair was raised, his robes danced without wind, and a horrible sword spread quickly.

When the sword's intention reached the extreme, he slashed in a volley and split again.


Only then did this sword gain the upper hand, splitting Ghost's big hand.

But what is even more shocking is that the ghost repairer smiled in the dark, and the split palm was filled with a surging black mist, and it was restored to its original appearance again.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his claw again and grabbed at the ancestor of Qingpao.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Qingpao didn't dare to neglect any more, and quickly pressed down to repress the relic, and the ghost repairer who was about to explode issued an unwilling roar, and sat up angrily again. .

"too strong!"

The ancestor of the Qingpao watched Guixiu being suppressed again, he couldn't help but have any fear. Looking at everyone's eyes, he naturally knew what the other party wanted to ask.

He sighed and said how he had previously played against Guixiu.

"This guy is really strong and terrible! Although it is said that he has the strength of the master of the Five Realms, when I really confront him, I have a profound feeling. I have a feeling that the other party's previous ghost claw, if true Shot on me, I'm afraid I have no resistance at all! "

Hearing the words of the ancestor of the green robe, all the people present could not help but look heavy.

Their strength may be higher than the ancestors of Qingpao, but not too much. If even he can't resist this ghost cultivation, I am afraid they will face each other, and there will be no good end.

Moreover, this is still only the most dim relic, the weakest demon suppressed.

For a time, those masters of the Five Realms who set their eyes on the brightest relics could not help looking pale. If they truly unravel the seal, I am afraid that the demons will be killed by a direct blow after they jump out!

"Since one can't handle it, then several people can join hands!" Chu Jingtian smiled slightly and reminded him.

When everyone heard Chu Jingtian's words, everyone's eyes brightened.

The ancestor of Qingpao, together with two other masters of the Five Realms, shot at the ghost. Under the watchful eyes of all the people, they beheaded and killed the Xiu Xiu, and they obtained the relics dedicated to suppressing the Xiu Xiu.

After seeing success, these five masters joined forces to begin to unseal the seals and deal with the demons that were suppressed.

But more people set their sights on the lotus platform under the monk's seat.

Because they understand that this lotus terrace is the highest level treasure in the entire stupa. If you can get this lotus terrace, it will be worthwhile.

But again, it is possible that this lotus repression is the most powerful one in the entire stupa.

"This lotus platform is the same thing as my non-phase Buddha lotus platform!"

Chu Jingtian is also watching this white lotus platform ~ ~ Unfortunately, it is used to suppress this magic road warrior, which has consumed too much of the power of the source, and has now fallen to the fifth level ... "

When Chu Jingtian's gaze fell on the magic gate warrior wearing stone armor, he could not help but wink.

"It's him?"

However, at this time, there was already an ancestor walking towards the front, preparing to unravel the suppressed Bailian.

"not good!"

Chu Jingtian wanted to stop drinking, but it was too late.

?? ps: I forgot to say the time of the eruption ... the eruption was at noon, and my face was full of sweat ...



(End of this chapter)


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