Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 49: Jumping beam clown

It's not the others who talk, it's the princess!

I saw the crowd spread out, and a long princess in a casual dress came. Although she was dressed normally, it was difficult to conceal her pride. The long princess slowly came to Chu Jingtian, and slowly owed herself:

"Master Chu, I apologize for your rudeness. I hope you can see in my face and stay!"

"Prince Princess, why do you want this boy?" Zhou Zhilong on the side was already dumbfounded, and after returning to God, he quickly said: "Our military barracks, the royal family, and the Beastmaster Guild can't do anything the three masters , How can he as a kid? "

"Yes, there is President Ding here, and Master Cui is here, let's think of a way!" Said a young animal trainer.

Cui Xingyi nodded his head and raised the princess:

"You worry about the country and the people, and you care about flying dragons, we all understand. Don't worry, I will do my best to make flying dragons return to normal!"

The beastmasters all around nodded and said yes.

The existence that can be invited to treat the dragon is to be a leader in the field of animal control. Combined with the strength of the crowd, we can finally find the reason why the dragon is crazy, and he can't find him.

Of course, if even these people can't cure the dragon, even if Chu Jingtian stays, it will not be of any use.

But the long princess murmured and even looked at Chu Jingtian with entreaty.

"Master Chu shot!"

"Okay! Now that you've even spoken, I promised." Chu Jingtian calmed down, and then nodded.

His reluctant tone instantly upset the beastmasters around him.

What is the status of the long princess?

Even Ding Wenyuan and Cui Xingyi, the masters of beast-controlling, did not make the long princess so pleasurable. Even a little-known boy, even with the highest talent in beast-controlling, can they surpass him?

"Huh, it's just him that is not enough to be my disciple!" Zhou Zhilong's heart was sour.

"Yes, what qualifications does he have to be treated so differently by the princess?" The other beastmaster nodded again and again.

Cui Xingyi also frowned slightly. Obviously, he was very concerned about such a hairy boy, but he enjoyed an honor that he had never had before:

"Well, since the long princess spoke, let the dead horse be the living horse doctor, let him take a look!"

Everyone didn't hope, Chu Jingtian could calm down this flying dragon.


At that moment, the suppressed dragon dragon shouted again. Under the roar, it was like a fury and ferocious beast! Enraged, he was struggling with a towering coercion.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

The chains of each arm were shattered on the spot. The flapping wings are a hurricane that swept the sky! Several elderly beastmasters were taken off the scene by this gust of wind.

"No, it's gone crazy again!"

"Fast, fast, stop it quickly ... if you get rid of it, you will be in trouble!"

At this time, everyone still has time to care about Chu Jingtian, and all put their energy on the body of the dragon. Dozens of shirtless yellow turban fighters clutched the iron chain in their hands, fearing that the other party would escape.

Some of the beastmasters who have never seen the second-order monster in this scene have almost no protruding eyes.

"Why is this flying dragon so powerful? So many people can't help it?"

"The second-order monster has already reached this level. What would it look like if it were third-order and fourth-order?"

Chu Jingtian stood aside, with an unrelated look on his face. Hearing the conversations of these beastmasters, he couldn't help laughing.

To others, countries such as the Great Yan Dynasty, the Xiqi Dynasty, and the Yunwu Dynasty were almost beyond force majeure. But this is not the case. If you break into a third-order monster king, it will be enough to destroy any city.

Moreover, the third-order demon king can still resist with the power of the dynasty. If he is a fourth-order demon, I am afraid that he can only pray!

"Blow the horns and order the beast horns!"

Panic Cui Xingyi quickly took the beast horns from the hand of an animal trainer, and raised his cheeks to blow hard.

Under the melodious and low horn, a little fear flickered in the eyes of this mad dragon lizard, and he bowed his head unwillingly under the shocking eyes of everyone.

Until this time, Cui Xingyi had no choice but to put away the beast horns, saying:

"Trouble is big! This big demon is completely unstoppable. Even if the horn sounds, the beast horn can only make it reluctantly surrender. And I also feel that its resistance is constantly increasing. At most three or five days , This order will be completely useless to him. "

He looked at Ding Wenyuan and said busyly:

"Chairman Ding, it is not too late. You go back quickly and notify Yushou headquarters to find a solution. I will leave someone at the barracks, and I will do everything possible to suppress it!"

"If you can't get it back to normal within five days, you can only kill it!"

Everyone nodded again and again, this is the only way.

Seeing the other party directly ignored Chu Jingtian, Ding Wenyuan was a little unhappy. Although everyone is an animal trainer, even if he is the president, the level of animal train is still lower than Cui Xingyi.

At this time, he could only focus on the princess for help.

The princess also understood the other party's meaning and quickly said:

"Master Chu is still here, let him investigate the situation of the dragon, if he can't solve it, how about going to the headquarters of the guild?"

"Long princess, you have seen the madness of the dragon, and soon you can't suppress the beast horns. We can only suppress him by asking the headquarters of the guild. Why do you want to let go On such a kid? "

When Cui Xing saw that the long princess had great hopes for Chu Jingtian, she was very angry.

In the past few days, they have tried their best to find out the reason why the dragons are crazy. What use is it to rely on Chu Jingtian?

Zhou Zhilong also said:

"That's right! The beastmasters gathered here are already the most elite of the entire dynasty, and Master Cui is a Taishan Beidou-level figure. Chu Jingtian is at best only a little talented in beastmasters. Know the root cause? "

"If you anger the dragons again, you will be in trouble!"

Everyone tried to persuade him that Ding Wenyuan jumped anxiously. He could only look at Chu Jingtian eagerly, hoping that Chu Jingtian would show his hand and show these low-key guys what it means to be outside the sky and someone outside.

But Chu Jingtian just carried his hands on his back, and looked at the flying dragon quietly. He didn't mean to say anything, which made him only be anxious.

"So, President Ding, you should first contact the Guild Headquarters to find a solution. Master Chu remains here ..." The Princess Chang hesitated before she spoke.

Although she had great hopes for Chu Jingtian in her heart, so many masters of beast-controlling animals could not help but shake her mind.

When hearing the long princess' order, Cui Xing and others smiled.

Zhou Zhilong even said rudely:

"Going around, delaying so much time for everyone, does it still follow the previous plan?"

He looked at Chu Jingtian with disdain: "You are here in the barracks. According to common sense, you cannot enter in your capacity. However, since you were brought in by President Ding in person, the princess also spoke in person. Just leave you here to watch. "

Everyone at the Beast Guild sighed secretly.

They often have friction with the beastmaster of the royal family, and they are secretly higher and lower in private. Originally hoped that Chu Jingtian would be able to turn the tide, but who would have thought that even he could not!

Ding Wenyuan shook his head, and then arched Chu Chutian:

"Master Chu, wait here for a while, I'll go back to the headquarters and ask for help."

Others, under the taunting eyes of Cui Xingyi, Zhou Zhilong, and others, could not stay a little, and were planning to return to the guild with Ding Wenyuan.

Zhou Zhilong even showed a smile of victory.

At first Chu Chutian shouted away the flaming lion he tamed, but this made him much ridiculed among the animal masters. Now I finally found my place, and it was a bad breath.

As for Cui Xingyi, he ignored Chu Jingtian at all, because the order of the beast horns to suppress the flying lizard and the dragon was shorter and shorter, so he could only keep guarding.

It was just a short moment of work, and the flying dragon was showing signs of madness.

"Such a trivial matter, still need help from headquarters?"

When Ding Wenyuan was about to turn around and leave, Chu Jingtian, who had been silent, fainted out: "I just confirmed some things just now, and ignored these beam-jumping clowns. Rest assured, since I promised, I will definitely Solve the madness of flying dragons? "

"It's up to you?" Cui Xing heard and snorted coldly.


However, at this moment, the same silent dragon lizard broke out suddenly.

An even more surging spirit than before, surged out of its body like a tide. The thick chain of arms is almost like bean sprouts, and it is easily broken by it.

The yellow turban fighter who dragged the chain was directly thrown by the unparalleled strength of the flying lizard dragon ten meters away ~ ~ spitting blood on the ground.

"Suppress it!"

Zhou Zhilong was frightened, and he quickly drove the black panther beside him to the dragon. But just close, the giant claws of the flying lizard and the dragon suddenly fell, smashing the black panther, who was also a second-order monster, into a pool of mud.

At the sight of Cui Xing, he hurriedly blew his horn.

However, this time the horn sound only hesitated, but after returning to the god, the dragon was immediately engulfed in rage. Its wings spread suddenly into the sky with a sudden strong wind.

"What, the Order of the Beast Horn doesn't work?"

Cui Xing almost didn't bite his tongue.

Without a horn, relying solely on strength, it is necessary to suppress this flying lizard, but four or five warriors in the same realm, where can you find so many true and powerful conquerors in this kind of joint eyes?

And this flying dragon is going crazy, I'm afraid we need more powerful ones. If it were allowed to rag, the entire barracks would be in chaos!

"Notify all the Guards soon!"

"I can't stay here anymore ..."

Looking at the eyes flushed, the dragon princess was ready to dive down.

The beastmasters present also quickly returned to God, preparing to drive their monsters to resist each other.

But just then, a faint laughter sounded from the side:

"No fuss! Don't worry if I'm here."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Chu Jingtian alone approaching, and in a shocking gaze, he drank aloud:


At this moment, his tongue was shining with a thunderous voice.

"This is the Elder Dragon!"

Nearly desperate, the princess almost jumped when she heard the familiar drinking.

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