Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 50: Demon disease

"I don't know what it means!"

Everyone was fleeing, and even anxious to fight for it, in order to prevent the flying dragon from killing the ring. What made the people particularly angry was that such an emergency situation made some people laugh at them as a fuss!

And these words are exactly what Chu Jingtian said!

"Master Cui, what do you do?" Everyone couldn't help but look at Chu Jingtian, who was walking towards the dragon and the dragon alone.

"No matter this boy, since he is willing to die, let him go! Let's quickly suppress the demon!" Cui Xing bit his teeth.

In the eyes of this critical section, everyone hated that his father and mother had lost two legs to escape, and he was okay to go up and die, and even when the king of Beiliang came to investigate, it was not related to them.

Thinking in his heart, Cui Xingyi already drove his monster.

Cui Xing is a royal beast-master, and the monsters he drives are naturally not simple. I saw a flash of light and shadow rushing into the sky, it was a red-eyed tiger!

The third son of Tiger, there must be one!

When this red-eyed tiger bounced out, even the dragon's eyes could not help showing a hint of fear. The black emperor of Ding Wenyuan is even more like an enemy.

In addition to it, other beastmasters have also urged their monsters to dash up. At this instant, the barracks seemed to be plunged into a group of demon flurry dances!


At this moment, the sound of crickets suddenly sounded.

Suddenly, those monsters that rushed wildly seemed to hear the orders of ancient ancestors. It was at this instant that he was trembling with fear and trembled at Chu.

It is the wild lizard-like dragon that bursts like a lion, and obediently descends, obeying like a sheep.

Dozens of beast-controlling masters couldn't hold back, and even the flying dragon lizard, whose number made the beast horns uncontrollable, even bowed his head obediently in the anger of Chu!

"how can that be?"

Cui Xingyi, Zhou Zhilong and others were stunned, unable to return.

"This is the means of Master Chu, Lao Cui, you can't accept it!"

In a word, the dragons and dragons made the beasts surrender, recreating the scene of the Beast Guild. Ding Wenyuan couldn't contain the ecstasy in his heart anymore, and immediately laughed.

Especially looking at the faces of these royal beastmasters, he felt that all the bad breath in his chest was exhaled.

"Is this the power of the ancient dragon language?"

The princess's beautiful eyes flashed with divine light, and the glance towards Chu Jingtian was completely worship.

The other Yellow Scarves and barracks were stunned and couldn't believe it. This demon, which made the beastmaster of the entire dynasty helpless, was surrendered by Chu Jingtian's applause!

"How could he do it ..."

Cui Xing came back to God, but still couldn't hide his shock.

"How can't I?"

The long princess glanced at Cui Xingyi, who had lost her soul, and sighed, "You use the beast horn to suppress the flying dragon. Do you know who got the beast horn from the Manchu Mountain?"

"This is the Blue Dragon Corps snatched from Zhang Xuan's hands in Wanshoushan, and the black dragon army of Xiqi who wants to get the beast horns! I only heard that the Blue Dragon Corps was assisted by a master animal master. ... "

Cui Xing murmured, suddenly he thought of something, and looked at Chu Jingtian with incredible eyes.

The princess nodded and said:

"That's right, that master beast master that shot was Chu Jingtian!"

"And you don't know yet, Chu Jingtian has passed the examination of the second-order animal master! But the animal master badge has not been sent from the headquarters!"


Every time the princess said, Cui Xingyi looked pale.

He never expected that Chu Jingtian would be the second-order animal master like them.

Zhou Zhilong was dumbfounded. If there was a hole in his foot, he could not wait to get in on the spot. No wonder Chu Jingtian never opened his eyes and looked at him. At first he thought the other party was afraid of himself. Until now he understood that Chu Jingtian didn't put him in his eyes.

"Second-order beastmaster under the age of 16, no wonder the princess and President Ding both respect him so much!"

The other beastmasters of the imperial family and barracks present were even more upset.

Besides, relying on Chu Jingtian's previous means of suppressing herds, they surpassed them too much. And they still have a high self-righteous attitude ...

However, Cui Xingyi, after all, **** is old and spicy, and quickly forgets all of this:

"Master Chu can suppress this flying lizard and dragon, that's the best. President Ding, don't you quickly contact the headquarters for a rescue?"

President Ding snorted coldly, without looking at Cui Xing:

"Master Chu has said it. This is just a trivial matter. Why should I contact the headquarters? Is it Master Chu?"

Chu Jingtian nodded, "Yes!"

This made Cui Xingyi irritated a little.

You know, becoming a beastmaster is not just about conquering and driving monsters. You also need to understand the various characteristics and symptoms of monsters. Only in this way can you prescribe the right medicine and solve the incurable diseases that occur on monsters. And this depends on experience!

What kind of experience can Chu Jingtian be so young?

"Master Chu, please open your mouth!"

Zhou Zhilong and others were also a little unconvinced, but after seeing Chu Jingtian's methods, they realized that their intervention was no longer here, and they could only talk softly.

"Well, he can suppress the flying dragon is beyond our expectations, but if he can cure the flying dragon, I would never believe it!" Zhou Zhilong has concluded in advance.

"We have looked through the classics and various records, and we can't find the reason why the flying dragon is crazy. Even if he is talented in controlling the beast, he cannot solve this symptom!"

The other beastmaster shook his head.

Although he has seen Chu Jingtian's methods, many people still think that he is unable to return to heaven. Quietly, the surroundings were quiet, and everyone set their sights on them.

Facing everyone's expectations or doubts or disdainful eyes, Chu Jingtian said lightly:

"There is nothing wrong with this flying dragon!"


As soon as the voice fell, Cui Xing jumped and yelled.

When Zhou Zhilong and others saw Chu Jingtian say this, they all showed a taunting smile. Obviously they were right, Chu Jingtian couldn't solve the disease of the dragon.

"Master Chu, is there really nothing wrong with this flying lizard?" The princess looked suddenly stunned.

She had expected Chu Jingtian to say a long story and explain the reason why the dragon was crazy, but who thought it was such a result?

This was so unexpected that even she couldn't accept it.

"How can there be nothing wrong? This dragon lizard has been in the barracks for seventy or eighty years, and it has never seemed like a period of madness! Every madness, it will lose its reason and disregard the killing of the war.

"Chu Jingtian, shouldn't you be able to solve the problem, just give me a reason to fool us?"

Of course, Zhou Zhilong would not let go of this opportunity, and said sarcastically.

Ding Wenyuan was also full of doubts. Like everyone else, he must have some reason to suddenly become crazy.

I saw Chu Jingtian sarcastically glanced at Cui Xingyi and Zhou Zhilong, disdain:

"What do you know?"

Ignoring the eyes of everyone, he continued: "This flying lizard is about to break!"

"Don't you feel it, the demon's energy is tumbling, and every time you go crazy, you will be one point stronger than before? Thanks to you or the second-order animal trainer, you don't even feel it?"

"Because it can't withstand the surge of demonic energy in the body, it must release this power through combat. But because each time it is released, you are mistaken for madness, causing the strength to accumulate in the body, and in the end it will naturally lose it. reason."

The princess seemed to remember something, she covered her mouth and was shocked.

The beastmaster at the scene, after Chu Jingtian so dialed, also immediately responded.

"General monsters are difficult to break through, because they live in the wild, and Tianling Dibao is limited. However, the flying lizard and dragons stay in the barracks and are fed daily with elixir, and they will naturally break through!"

"As second-order beastmasters ~ ~ you can't tell these small problems, what qualifications are there to stand here to blame others?"

Chu Jingtian was carrying his hands, his face mocked.

Such a small problem shocked the beastmaster of the entire imperial city, and even these people could not solve the problem, and they were ready to go to the headquarters of the guild. It was too shameful.

You have to know that even a disciple of Daoxian Xianzong can easily solve this problem!

"Master Chu, how is it good now?" Asked the princess quickly.

"Take some 'Nine-tooth Xuanming Fruit' and feed it ..." Chu Jingtian said casually.

"Nine-tooth Xuanming Fruit will dispel its enchantment!" The Princess Long couldn't help but startled.

Chu Jingtian smiled and said, "No problem! Although Nine-tooth Xuanming Fruit will dispel its enchantment, but it is only temporary. This is like flying meridians to the dragon's meridians. Widen to accommodate more enchantment. "

"After it has regained demon energy, it will be able to break through naturally and have the strength equivalent to the true master."

The Princess Wen Yan took a deep breath and bowed heavily to Chu Jingtian.

Her bowing completely broke the arrogance of Zhou Zhilong and others. Cui Xingyi even consciously continued to stay without a face. When he left, he gave Chu a terrible glance and left his sleeve.

"This Cui old ghost will report, he already hates you!" Ding Wenyuan whispered.

"These clown jumping clowns are just grasshoppers after the fall. They can't jump for long!"

How could Chu Jingtian care about a small Cui Xingyi, and with a cold smile, he took his hands and turned away from everyone's respectful eyes.

"I must worship him as a teacher!"

The long princess looked at Chu Jingtian's back, and her thoughts germinated more and more firmly!

ps: Thank you for your reward!

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