"Someone, get out of here!"

Fang Chengjing is communicating with Chu Jingtian on the stage.

In addition to his shock at the moment, he only had admiration! Every time he casts a spell, the opponent can easily crack it and point out the flaws in his spell.

The knowledge gained in this short period of time is more than what he has learned in half his life. How can he allow others to disturb himself, and how can he allow others to be rude to Chu?

"Thunder Dragon is decisive!"

He drank with anger, his hands tied. A gust of wind galloped, and the aura of heaven and earth came together to form a mad thunder in the hands of Fang Chengjing. He pointed with his right hand, and the wild thunder roared out.

When this mad thunder flew out of Fang Chengjing's hands, his hair was thin. But after letting go, he saw the wind rise immediately, and turned into a galloping thunder dragon under the lightning flashing thunder and killed directly towards Ye Zhichen.

This amazing technique changed the color of everyone in the venue.

"Master Ye!"

The coaches of the White Tigers exclaimed in a voice.

"Huh, practice the Fa, but just go the other way. How can it be compared to our martial arts refiner? It's you who should go down!"

Ye Zhichen's thin palm clenched into a fist, and only heard the sound of ‘crampling’, he drew a straight line from head to toe, and the whole person was like a tight bow!

The fist is a charged arrow!

Just as everyone was exclaiming, just as Thunder Dragon thrashed, his right fist burst out. Suddenly, there was a violent wind on the venue, and howling, the fist wind even suppressed the roar of Thunder Dragon!

An extremely condensed boxing rushed out like a flash of light, tearing Thunder Dragon, and blasting towards Fang Chengjing unabated.


Fang Chengjing was startled, his hands quickly gathered in front of him, his fingers turned, and the print was insane.

Infinite winds gathered and formed a huge wind wall in front of him. But before Fang Chengjing breathed a sigh of relief, the terrible fist smashed the wind wall with a single punch and banged on his chest!


Under the shocking eyes of countless people, Fang Chengjing sprayed a mist of blood, and his body flew off the ring like a kite with a broken line.


The whole venue suddenly fell into a dead silence.

From Ye Zhichen's entry into the ring, to Fang Chengjing's shot, and then to his defeat of Fang Chengjing, this is just between light and flint.

But the matter between the electric light and flint is shocking everyone.

"Ye Zhichen, you are just wanton!"

Fang Chengjing vomited blood and stood up. He chirped angrily before attempting another shot.

However, facing the furious Fang Chengjing, Ye Zhichen frowned, disdain:

"Do you believe it or not, when you seal it, I can take your first order?"

This faint utterance instantly made Fang Chengjing like a lightning strike.

Ye Zhichen was too strong and too fast, and he could reach it in just ten steps. It ’s like what the other person said, but I ’m afraid that his mark is not over and the spell has not yet been formed, so the other person will unscrew his head!

Seeing Fang Chengjing closing his hands, Ye Zhichen's disdain was stronger:

"Practice your practice and practice, but it's a sidewalk. No matter how high you practice, you can't release the magic technique is waste!"

As soon as this remark was made, many practitioners in the meeting glared at each other.

But everyone dared not to say anything, and even lamented in their hearts.

Although unwilling, they had to admit Ye Zhichen's words. In the face of such a strong man, they could not even release the spells, and they would be killed on the spot.

"Too strong! Too strong!"

Chu Bao could not help clapping.

He was still skeptical. Such an old man who seemed to be panting even after taking two steps, actually defeated a Tongxuan Xiaocheng practitioner, and his strength was beyond his imagination!

The other big coaches of the White Tigers are also hard to hide.

Earlier, Ye Zhichen taught them to cultivate without increasing or retreating. When they only care about the superiors, how much dissatisfaction they still have in their hearts. But now, it is true.

"No wonder Lord Ye is so angry, so hate it!" A senior teacher sighed. "If I wait for Fang Chengjing to say so easily, I'm afraid I will end up in the opposite end, right?"

"With such a strong strength, it is no wonder that he did not put Mr. Chu's martial arts and martial arts in his eyes! Maybe Chen Beiwang's revenge can really be reported this time!"

"It's finally out of this bad breath!"

The White Tigers were all excited.

They were crushed so badly that the first day of brutality and Chen Beiwang's defeat was not enough. The next day, Chen Beiwang was beheaded, and their hearts were filled with anger, but they were not as good as people, but they could only kill their teeth Swallowed

Now Ye Zhichen's shot will certainly be able to find justice for their white tiger group!

"Are you Mr. Chu?"

After defeating Fang Chengjing, Ye Zhichen's eyes fell on Chu Jingtian's body. His eyes did not conceal the look of admiration, horror and appreciation, and there was no such thing as praise.

"At first I heard people say that I don't really believe that anyone has ever been able to achieve this level of Shuang Xiu. We can foresee how terrible you will be in the future!"

He slowly shook his head, watching Chu Jingtian's eyes suddenly sharpened:

"But Mu Xiu and Lin Feng will destroy it! You shouldn't, you should humiliate our White Tigers, and kill Chen Beiwang. I have to count this account!"

His voice rose sharply, and the audience replied:

"Today is my personal grudge with Mr. Chu! Who dares to stop, be so pillars!"

I saw Ye Zhichen's right hand together, turning his finger into a sword, and swiping fiercely.


A sound of swords sounded, and I saw the jade pillar outside the ring to prevent the power from being dissipated. The incision was smooth as a mirror!


Seeing this scene, there was an exhaust sound all around. The warriors who had originally wanted to persuade them also took heart. Ye Zhichen is here to chat with Chu Jingtian!

"Mr. Chu ..." Wang Chong shouted in a loss.

Chu Jingtian waved his hand and interrupted him: "A small peak of qi can't even catch my eye!"

After speaking, Chu Jingtian then looked at Ye Zhichen and said, "You said that you practiced Falun Gong, but you just left the door. I am a martial arts practitioner and a half practitioner. If you look down on the practitioner, I will use it How does France fight you? "

"Mr. Chu, no!"

As soon as Chu Jingtian's words came to an end, there was an uproar in the venue. Fang Chengjing even called without thinking. "If you fight with him in martial arts, you still have the chance to win! If you use magic, you are afraid of death!"

Others nodded again and again.

Chu Jingtian's martial arts practice is so great that it is obvious to everyone. In particular, the extent of the sword is very imaginable. If it were changed to meet the enemy with art, I am afraid it would not be so optimistic.

In addition, Fang Chengjing's fate of the enemy Ye Zhichen was so obvious to everyone. Ye Zhichen is even more eloquent, and can kill Fang Chengjing before the other party seals.

"Practising Falun Dafa is not a side course, but one of the avenues! If you do not study well, you will be knocked down by Ye Zhichen with a punch. The way to practice Falun Dafa is lost in the hands of you , Really sad and sorrowful! "Chu Jingtian shook his head.

"Haha! Are you really going to fight me with the spell?" Ye Zhichen laughed.

After he laughed, his eyes shone coldly: "I don't care whether you use the art or martial arts to humiliate my white tiger group and kill my white tiger group's chief teacher, you can never live today!"

After speaking, he stepped out and the momentum suddenly broke out.

At this moment, he was like an erupting volcano, and the terrible aura burst out. Along the soles of his feet can be clearly seen a wave of air from the qi, billowing, the stone slabs on the platform were crushed inch by inch, if the tide came towards the face!

"I'm afraid that this kind of strength is that Mr. Chu will fight with martial arts, he won't win!"

Such a mighty momentum shocked everyone.

"Wang Chong, can Mr. Chu win?"

Song Shuhang couldn't help asking.

"I don't know ..." It is Wang Chong who regards Chu Jingtian as a heavenly man, and at this moment he is uncertain. This Ye Zhichen is too strong, it gives people a sense of irresistibility.

In the face of this tidal wave, Chu Jingtian flicked his head, and a wind blade blasted out.

Just listen to ‘嘭’ and chop that air wave in half ~ www.readwn.com ~ Countless air waves are staggered from both sides of Chu Jingtian like a torrent. He blows his hair up, Yiyne flips!

By this time, Ye Zhichen had already been killed.

Huantai is only ten feet in length, and he is more than one foot in one step. It is only three steps to rush to Chu Jingtian. At this moment he was like a running cheetah, a roaring gale, and a raging lightning.

"Practicing the method and practice is the road connecting the heavens and the earth, especially the frogs at the bottom of your well who can see its full existence? Also, since you both look down on the magic, then I will let you know the power of the magic!

Chu Jingtian smiled lightly, converging sharply in his eyes.

"Dare to speak hard before you die, watch and kill!"

At this time, Ye Zhichen had already rushed to Chu Jingtian's body. He screamed angrily, and his right palm was photographed. Suddenly, a huge breath rose up, apparently just a meat palm, but at this moment it gave people the illusion of Mount Tai being top!

"It's too late, not enough time for the seal!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Chengjing shouted.

"Mr. Chu, will you be better than Ye Zhichen if you are strong?"

The White Tigers showed ecstasy, as if victory was in their grasp. Chu Wushuang even shined his eyes. After seeing Ye Zhichen's strength, his determination to pursue martial arts became more and more unshakable!

The crowd present was either lamenting, or helpless, or gloating, or ridiculed.

But it is undeniable that this born Mr. Chu, like a grasshopper after the fall, can't last long!

"I kill you, why do you need a seal?"

Looking at Ye Zhichen rushing to the front, Chu Jingtian laughed loudly.

I saw the condensed spirit in his eyes, and the air was crackling. A gust of wind passed through the entire venue, and the huge aura of heaven and earth gathered fiercely on the ring.

"Thunder comes!"

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