A white mang appeared torn through the void, no sign appeared, and when everyone was shocked, it was already on top of Ye Zhichen's head!


Ye Zhichen was horrified. He just felt an unprecedented crisis approaching himself frantically. The palm that was originally shot towards Chu Jingtian turned into a fist and smashed directly towards Bai Mang.


A thunderous thunder rang through, and the bursting thunder was broken by the punch on the spot, spreading like a cobweb. Amidst the endless lightning, a figure flung back in panic.

Everyone looks like a wooden chicken, looking towards the ring, the figure of that burst is Ye Zhichen!


The whole venue was silent and silent!

As if after a long time, everyone came back to God, and a stormy call broke out in the field.

"How is that possible? It forced Ye Zhichen back in one stroke?"

"What spell is this? No seal, no spell, such a terrible power?"

Fang Chengjing's eyes were full of shock, leaving only shock, he kept mumbling:

"Is this the real spell?"

This sudden thunder that not only changed the perception of the practitioners, but also completely shattered the confidence of the White Tigers. In a moment, their faces became ugly.

Of course, the most shocking thing is Ye Zhichen.

If it were not for the last minute, he would turn to attack and be bound to be shattered by this mad thunder. Clenching his numb right fist and suppressing the swollen blood in his chest and abdomen, he stared at Chu Jingtian with disbelief. After a while, he laughed loudly:

"Mr. Chu, is this mad thunder your reliance? No wonder you don't put our martial arts in your eyes! But such powerful techniques, you must not support it a few times!"

"When you run out of mana, it's your death!"

Ye Zhichen's words suddenly awakened the audience.

This immediately made everyone's hope that Chu Jingtian had just ignited extinguished again. The magic of the spiritual person depends on the mana, and once the mana is exhausted, it is no different from ordinary people!

Although Chu Jingtian's mad thunder can force Ye Zhichen back, how many times can he force Ye Zhichen back?

"Master Ye killed him! Let them know that our white tiger group is terrific!" There is already a professor who can't help clapping.

"Sure enough, the cultivator cannot fight the warrior!"

Fang Chengjing sank for a moment, and finally sighed and mourned.

But Chu Jingtian grinned indifferently:

"You just resisted my attack! It was just an appetizer, and then it was a real meal. Ye Zhichen, pick it up!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Jingtian closed his eyes and yelled loudly:



At this instant, the mad thunder whistled out of the air without warning. This time there were dozens of mad thunders. Each mad thunder was faster than the previous thunder and the power was even more powerful. Strong!

Even in an instant, the entire ring was blocked.

"How could he be so powerful?"

Ye Zhichen almost fluttered away. Previously, he was just a mad thunder, and then he was really angry and chaotic. Now these dozens of mad thunder are enough to kill them instantly!

Not dare to resist directly, he was a little tiptoe, and retreated towards the rear, trying to avoid the raging lightning.

"I can easily kill you just by dragging you to the point where you run out of mana!"

He is confident that the cultivation of a peak of qi is enough to drag that moment!

But then, a chuckle came:

"Want to spend time with me? Windbound!"

I saw Chu Jingtian grabbing his right hand towards the void, and countless powerful auras of heaven and earth converged, turning into violent winds and rushing towards the field. Ye Zhichen, who had retreated, only felt that his body seemed to be seized by countless pairs of invisible palms, but he couldn't move!

At the moment when Kuang Lei was about to cover Ye Zhichen, he saw that he did his best to cut it, tore the wind, and his body retreated like an arrow off the string.

During the roar of thunder, the previous position under his feet was shrouded in mad thunder. After a continuous explosion of explosions ceased, everyone was surprised that most of the ring was torn!

"Well, actually dodging? I'd like to see if it was your energy to kill me at the end of my mana, or did I kill you before that?"

Chu Jingtian showed surprise, but immediately laughed lightly.

"But then, my attack was not so easy to escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Jingtian opened his bow around, and squeezed a different seal with his hands. A flame rose on the left hand, turning into a fire dragon and circling. The cold ice on the right hand side forms a full-body crystal ice dragon.

Ordinary practitioners can only release their spells with the seal of their heart and mind, but when they reach the level of Chu Jingtian, they can use both of them and even three of them.

Others can only release one spell at a time, but Chu Jingtian can release two, three, or even more in the same time! By this means alone, how can ordinary practitioners compare?

"Is this the means of real magical release? No wonder he dares to fight Ye Zhichen with spells, and relying solely on his ability to seal the two hands is equivalent to two powerful men!"

Fang Chengjing just felt that he had completely learned the spells of the past few decades. The battle between Chu Jingtian and Ye Zhichen opened a new door for him!

"It turns out that we all despise the practitioner! If every cultivating practitioner has his skills, how can the cultivation go down? Maybe it's our martial art!

The soldiers present were silent.

They have even been able to predict that after the First World War today, the Dayan Dynasty will set off a wave of practice!

At this time, those of the White Tiger Group also closed their mouths. Even idiots could tell that the situation today is not good for Ye Zhichen. Now they only hope that Ye Zhichen can turn defeat into victory and stage a shocking reversal!

But then the idea was completely shattered!



Chu Jingtian is like a human-shaped turret. What's shocking is that he not only had his hands printed, but he wasn't even singing a spell.

The entire Yantai was instantly covered by the spell covering the sky!

If it hadn't been for the defensive circle, it would have been razed to the ground. As for Ye Zhichen, there was no longer a means of resistance, and he could only escape in the gap.

Each of these spells is enough to bombard a strong Qi, even if he is bombarded in the front, it will be unbearable. Earlier, he was tied to the wind by accident and resisted two spells. He was bled by Qiqiao on the spot, and even his internal organs were displaced by impact!

‘You chased me 30,000 miles in your previous life and it almost became a nightmare of my life. Even if I became the Supreme Lord, the scene of dreaming of escape would be awakened! When I returned from the school, I was the first one who wanted to kill you, but unfortunately you were already turned into a loess! ’

‘This life allows me to completely end your nightmare in my heart! ’

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian's eyes flashed cold.

"Ye Zhichen, eat my last move, thunderous!"

As soon as the voice fell, he patted with both hands, and a cloud of clouds was condensed over the ring, and numerous electric snakes were constantly intertwined in the clouds. Finally, in countless horrified eyes, he turned into a thunder dragon!

This thunder dragon is surrounded by three people, and the scales and veins on his body are necessary, as if a real dragon emerges.

Almost instantly, it smashed down!

"Do not!"

Ye Zhichen screamed in horror, and intuitively told him that this blow was by no means able to resist him. Even if you rub one side, you will be broken in a blink of an eye!

With almost no hesitation, he erupted his whole body directly and fled to the outside of the platform in desperation. But no matter how fast he is, how can he pass lightning fast?


Thousands of days are thundering, tearing the void.

The entire platform was shrouded in thunder, and the dust like a mushroom cloud rose up, covering up all the truth.

There was no other sound in the venue except the current raging. At this moment, it seemed that not only was breathing still, it seemed that everyone's heartbeat had stopped.

"Da Da Da Da ..."

A slight footstep sounded slowly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone's neck seemed to be heavy, and they looked hard towards the sound source. I saw Chu Jingtian lost his hand and stepped out of the ring.

He was well-dressed, as if he had not experienced him before in a battle!

"Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu, what about Lord Ye?"

Looking at Chu Jingtian who came down, a white tiger chief asked with guts.

"Don't you know if you go in?" Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

"Is Ye Zhichen alive?"

Everyone in the White Tigers' group ignited a glimmer of hope. After looking at each other, they shot towards the ring.

"After all, he finally closed his hand and spared Ye Zhichen's life!" Someone whispered.

Someone nearby nodded and said, "Yeah! After all, Ye Zhichen is one of the White Tigers’ head coach. He killed Chen Beiwang first, and he is already united with White Tiger. If he kills another head coach, he will not easily spare him. ! "

"It's these geniuses who have to bow for the strength of the White Tigers!"

"Mr. Chu?"

Wang Chong was also full of suspicion. He couldn't believe the character of Yi Chu's shocking sky, but he would finally end it?

Unexpectedly, Chu shocked and laughed:

"Ye Zhichen and I have set a life and death battle and only want to kill me. How can I spare him?"

Just then, a cry burst out on the ring.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised. The warrior who had been acutely turned over with his right hand and swept away with a gust of wind, blowing away the dust covering the platform. Everyone at the venue hurriedly looked towards the ring, and they all couldn't help taking a sip of air!

I saw that the entire platform had been razed to the ground and collapsed and shattered all around. There is no figure of Ye Zhichen on the field, but there is only a charred body whose face is unclear!

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