Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 593: Kill the wicked

When Zhang Jiulong made this remark, everyone's face changed drastically.

"Senior ..." Zhen Tiannan exclaimed even more. He did not expect that as soon as the other party came, he directed his hair directly at Shi Linger. If something really happened to Shi Linger, I am afraid it will be difficult to end!

Everyone has seen Chu Jingtian's character. If Zhang Jiulong hurt Shi Linger, I'm afraid it will be an endless end.

"Chu Jingtian, he hurt my brother, why should I discard him?" Zhang Jiulong sneered.

The Yanwutang crowd couldn't help but be taken aback and looked towards Shi Linger.

I saw Shi Linger standing there without any fear.

"Senior, the enemy should be solved or not. I'll pay you a favor for this matter, I hope you can see it in the face of Avenue Xianzong, and that's it." Zhen Tiannan said quickly.

"If the elders of Daxian Zongzong came here, I might still sell him a face. You are just a helmmaster, and dare to let me give face? Can you live with it?" Zhang Jiulong looked around and fell, Zhen Tiannan's body.

He was so angry that his younger brother was beaten into disability, and a small sub-rudder dared to let him sell his face?

Zhen Tiannan heard a bitter smile.

He underestimated the hatred in Zhang Jiulong's heart, and overestimated his position in Xianzong of the Avenue. "Chu Jingtian is the person who divides my rudder, and the mistakes he made are naturally undertaken by me. You are the extreme of the Seven Realms Daoqiang, it's too low for a little girl. If you have any anger, let me take it on my own! "

"Did you bear it?" Zhang Jiulong's voice turned sharply, his voice suddenly cold.

At this moment, the whole sub-man only felt a terrible chill emerge. All the people present felt that they had become little white rabbits and were facing a male lion about to be furious.

It is Zhentian, the helm master, who is only a slightly stronger white rabbit.

"If you want to be strong, you don't have that ability." Zhang Jiulong looked at Zhen Tiannan quietly, his eyes gradually became cold. "I waited for him for three months. If he didn't come out, I would kill his disciples!"

Zhentian Nan was shocked and was about to speak.

I saw Zhang Jiulong's voice turn, and said coldly:

"Chu Jingtian is a great dedication to the rudder. You, the helm director, have no way to teach. As for you, it is difficult to blame. Although the death penalty is unavoidable, the living crime cannot escape!

After he finished speaking, he waved his right hand slowly and banged towards Zhentiannan.

Zhen Tiannan was horrified.

Facing this palm, he retreated instinctively. But when he first thought, a force almost surpassing the earth suddenly hit him. Under this power, he seemed to have lost control of his body, and could only watch the palm of his hand blast.


Zhen Tiannan trembled, only to feel an inexplicable presence penetrate into his own body. It was a surging and pure sword spirit, like a dragon, flowing unbridled in his undulating meridians.

He hadn't responded yet, and the sword gas exploded, turning into the sharpest acupuncture, covering the meridians of the whole body!


Rao is a perfection of the Six Realms, and under this sweep of sword qi, can't help screaming.

At this moment, it was like years.

He only felt that his body was torn apart by the palms of countless hands. This pain is poured directly into the soul, making it impossible for people to survive or die.

"I am" Xumi Meson Sword Qi ", as small as hair and as big as covering the sky. I will also give you three months. If Chu Jingtian does not return, you will be waiting for this sword. Tear it alive! "Zhang Jiulong said lightly.

The crowd on the performance martial arts field did not dare to look up, and even the atmosphere did not dare to sip, for fear of being discovered by Zhang Jiulong, they also gave them this sword.

Even the town Tiannan has become like this under the sword, how can they resist with them?

Zhang Jiulong didn't look at these frightened children, sneered, and turned to leave.

"Lord Master!"

Inquired about Qing Jing who came, and several other church owners, he quickly lifted up the town Tiannan who fell to the ground.

When they saw Zhen Tiannan's face, they couldn't help breathing down.

Xu Miezi's sword qi broke out for three breaths, but made Zhentian Nan like thirty years old. For a time, everyone's hearts could not help but burst of shock and fear.

Is this the strength of the Seven Realms?

Hold one side of the world, hold one side for life and death.

Such a terrible existence was actually aimed at Chu Jingtian. For a time, all people could not help but raise a doubt, can Chu Jingtian be such a strong opponent?

At this time, Chu Jingtian at the Lotus King Kong Temple did not even know what was happening in the sub-rudder.

On the Buddha has been open for three days and three nights.

Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli stayed aside, watching each monk spitting and arguing, looking dull. However, the aura in this lotus King Kong Temple is extremely abundant, Chu Jingtian sat cross-legged and practiced.

If the Six Realms before, it was the development of its own power.

Then after the Six Realms, it is the guide to the power of heaven and earth. If you want to set foot in the real seven realms, you need to understand the laws of heaven and earth and transform them into yourself.

But what surprised Chu Chutian was that in his previous life, he had already touched the field and successfully opened the ‘Longzu Domination’ field.

There are no other effects in this area. It is nothing more than to allow the controller of the area to have several times the power in the area.

There are many kinds of characteristics of the realm. For example, 'six senses deprive the realm'. Once the realm is enveloped by the realm, the eyes, ears, nose, nose, and body will lose their senses, and even the divine will lose their senses.

For example, in the field of "blood passing", after entering the field, the blood in the body will flow several times faster.

There are also fields that can speed up the recovery of mana after the field is opened, there are fields that deprive vitality, there are fields that enhance the power of sword power ... These are the forces that are learned from the heavens and the earth and then re-inject themselves.

However, more people, although opening up the field, are just a blank field, and there is not so much extravagant power. Even if there are, most of them are chicken ribs.

After all, looking at the entire immortal world, Seven Realms has already belonged to the highest level in this world.

The fields with attributes are extremely rare.

Of course, what surprised Chu Chutian was not what happened to the 'Longzu Dominion', but he found that he still had a second unknown domain.

"Even in the world of Xianwu, it is very difficult to open a field, not to mention having two fields ... why is this the case!"

Chu Jingtian carefully perceives this sudden unknown area.

But unfortunately, this unknown area is actually a whiteboard without any performance. It is exactly the same as those fields without any attributes ...

"Why am I in the second realm?"

"Nothing, is it the change that comes from being born again?"

Things in the field have been mysterious.

For Chu Jingtian, this second field without attributes is more valuable than his "Dragon Ancestral Field". For Chu Jingtian, as long as he practiced logically, after reaching the Seven Realms, he opened the field completely.

Although the second field has no obvious characteristics, it can also operate the power of heaven and earth. In short, it is better than nothing.

Thinking of this, he retracted his thoughts and looked forward.

At this time, the discussion of Buddha came to an end.

The so-called 'On Buddha' is not just about Buddha. This time it is about how to guide people to good, and how to dispel the suffocation of those who are suppressed by good and evil halls.

For this debate, Chu Jingtian didn't even think of participating at all.

How is it possible for you to let those magic gate warriors who are murderous like hemp and rejoice in murder? As for the Buddhist monk, it is even more impossible for Chu Jingtian to put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha.

Even after putting down the butcher knife, it was killing people. If it can be forgiven because of sincere remorse after the killing, isn't it a mess in the world?

"Mr. Chu is also a generation of Buddha's wisdom and wisdom. Why not ask him to talk about it?"

Seeing the end of Chu Jingtian's meditation, the great priest could not help but smile and said.


Chu was shocked.

"Exactly!" The great priest turned his right hand, and a uniquely shaped hill appeared in his palm. Buddhism in the mountains emerged, showing an unattainable state of luxury.

"This is Biga Mountain!"

"If Mr. Chu said that if he could be recognized by Bigashan, he would be recognized by Bigashan and thus be eligible to enter Bigashan!"

As soon as he said this, the surrounding monks turned their attention.

Participating in the discussion of Buddhism are the main temple deities and deacons of the main branches and temples of the Lotus King Kong Temple, and they are cultivated to exist in the range of Six Realms to Seven Realms. Some of them have obtained permission to enter Biga Hill, others have not.

"Is he Mr. Chu?"

"The disciples of Lu Jianli and the Hall of Good and Evil are the ones he saved ..."

"He can kill the five ambassadors of the Bailian Holy Religion ~ ~ with his own power. I say that he has strength, but I do n’t believe that he has Buddhahood and wisdom root."

Chu Jingtian was blessed by the monks at the King Kong Temple of Lotus because of the battle of the Bailian Holy Religion. But he beheaded all the tiger guards who fled, but many monks were quite eloquent.

For a time, the means were vicious, fierce, and unrelenting, and at the same time spread with Chu Jingtian.

Such existence, saying that he has wisdom roots and Buddhist nature, naturally made them unacceptable to the monks who have been nurtured by the Buddhists since childhood.

In the face of everyone's doubts, or curiosity, or puzzlement, Chu Jingtian slowly got up and said:

"The good will go to the good, and the wicked will go to the evil."

"The easiest way to persuade people to do good is to kill every wicked person in the world, and people will not dare to do evil again!"

(End of this chapter)


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