Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 594: Enter Biga Hill


Chu Jingtian's remarks made all the monks in the audience stunned.

The Buddha has a saying: sweeping the floor fearing to kill the ants, and taking care of the moth curtain lights. So far, all the monks of the Lotus King Kong Monastery have followed this principle. It is precisely for this reason that many endless horrible monsters are suppressed only in the halls of good and evil, but not executed.

"evil creature!"

Many people's monks jumped upright and bluntly.

"I pray to all beings! There are Shakyamuni cutting meat to feed eagles, and there are the Tibetan King Bodhisattva willing to spend a hundred thousand ghosts unwilling to become Buddha. You actually use this to deceive the people!"

The Jedi in the Lecture Hall even stood up and relentlessly rebuked.

"When the so-called injustice is reported, the cause and effect cycle, the retribution is unhappy. Today you kill others, others come to kill you. If so, it is really a mess!"

Many monks shook their heads secretly.

Chu Jingtian walked out of the blood of the corpse mountains and made them sigh. They were not too surprised to say these words.

But to speak these words in this Buddhist gate is disrespect.

"I'm wrong?"

Chu Jingtian looked at everyone with a smile.

"Huh, it's a big mistake, you don't even know it. How can a person like you be Buddha-like and have a root of wisdom?" Jedi shook his head and sighed, vetoing Chu Jingtian's words completely.

"Okay, then I ask you, if someone wants to kill you, what do you do?" Chu Jingtian smiled and looked at the Jedi.

"If the other party is a demon, I will suppress him in the hall of good and evil until he gives up the idea." Jedi said without thinking.

Chu Jingtian asked again: "If the devil's relatives and friends know that you suppress the devil in the halls of good and evil, and kill the people in the hall of good and evil to save people, what should you do?"

"Suppress them all in the hall of good and evil until they are no longer evil!" Said the Jedi again.

Everyone at the scene heard the words and nodded.

There was a hint of taunt in Chu Jingtian's eyes.

It is because of these pedantic monks that the Lotus King Kong Temple was attacked by the inside and the outside, and there was no room to fight back.

"If it were me, I would kill the demon with one sword and completely break the other's thoughts. If the other's relatives and friends come to revenge and kill them together. They will not continue to do evil, do you say I am right?"

Chu Jingtian asked back.

Jedi stunned.

Although the other party was right, but this is different from his cognition, so he did not reply.

Chu Jingtian also knew that it was impossible to persuade each other so easily.

He was a little tiptoe, and many monks present felt that the movement of thought was as if there was a force involved in their consciousness. The crowd hadn't responded yet. When they opened their eyes again, they found that they were already in a battlefield where the magic and the magic were two.

"this is?"

Suddenly everyone reacted. This was a fantasy constructed by Chu Jingtian with divine thoughts.

Under Chu Jingtian's thoughts, they saw such a scene:

After the two wars of Zheng Mo, the bones were scorched everywhere.

A child from the Magic Way was found out of a deep well.

Some people say that this is the evil barrier of the Demon Gate, and it needs to be cut off and rooted.

Some people say that the child is innocent, and the grudges of Zheng Mo should not be involved in him.

In the end everyone was persuaded by a monk from Buddhism to let the child go.


Many people are puzzled when they see this scene.

I don't understand why Chu Jingtian used fantasy to create this scene.

I saw the picture turn around and quickly passed.

The child was scrambling on the rivers and lakes, because hatred was always buried in his heart and countless killings. Later, it was because of his chance to become the world's largest demon.

His first thing was to kill the monk's temple and slaughter all the monks.

For hundreds of years in the illusion, but the reality is only a moment.

When everyone opened their eyes again, everyone returned to the lotus temple.

"Jedi, I ask you!" Chu Jingtian smiled and accepted the **** thought, "If you kill one person, you can save a hundred people. Will you kill or not?"

"I ..." The Jedi froze, wondering how to speak.

"If you kill one person, you can save a thousand people, and save 10,000 people. Do you kill or not?" Chu Jingtian said again.

Everyone fell into contemplation and understood the meaning of Chu Jingtian's words.

When someone just wanted to argue, Chu Jingtian hummed coldly: "I know, I killed the Tiger Guards of the Bailian Holy Religion, so that you have a lot of words. But do you know the work of Tiger Guards?"

"The red lotus sacred fire of the Red Lotus ambassador needs to be nourished with human blood, and requires two or three heart blood every day!"

What is the hard work?

It's the first drop of blood that pierces the heart. The hard work of three or two money will kill at least a hundred people.

Honglianhuwei is an accomplice!

"Lvlian Shengdi soaks his body with blood every month to practice his magical skills ... at least one pool of blood is required each time. You said, who will get the blood from this pool?"

"Emperor Qinglian wants nine hearts for boys and girls every day. Guess who is going to catch these children?"

Every time Chu Jingtian said something, everyone's face was pale.

Even if there is no need to explain, they all understand that these evil people are naturally the tiger guards.

"I ask you, did I kill those tiger guards, did I save a lot of innocent people who would have died tragically in their hands?" Chu Jingtian said again.

This time, those monks who have been quite critics all closed their mouths.

Chu Jingtian looked at the monks coldly, shaking his head secretly.

Be merciful!

But there is no need for mercy!

You clearly know that the other party is a big deal and will never repent. Why should you expect such people to sincerely regret it?

"Man is good, man is evil, this is the cycle of heavenly principles, and cannot be cut off. You have your Buddhism, and I have my way! It is better to think blindly about why people do evil when you blindly pursue how to guide people to good!

Chu Jingtian said lightly.


Almost as soon as the voice fell, a thick bell rang out from Bigashan.

The crowd was shocked, and they saw a light burst from the Biga Mountain directly under the Brahma of the Buddha's Light, and fell quickly into Chu Jingtian's hands. When the light faded, it was a slap-sized token.

"There is no solution, and there is a way out."

"Mr. Chu has been acknowledged by Bigashan!"

She said quickly.

He took a deep look at the shocking sky. If he doesn't speak again, the beliefs of most of the monks at the Lotus King Kong Temple will probably be shaken by Chu Jingtian. Once belief collapses, a demon is created in self-doubt.

Buddhism in the fairy world, although the practice speed is the slowest, it will not produce heart demon. If Chu Jingtian's remarks, on the contrary, gave birth to their demon, it would be a joke.

"Lu Jianli, what's your opinion on this?" Jue Yuan looked at the sleepy Lu Jianli again.

As long as the Buddha Conference was held, Lu Jianli slept for a long time.

Even Chu Jingtian didn't hear what he said just now. How should he answer?

Everyone shook his head secretly.

They also heard about Lu Jianli's reincarnation. However, over the years, the King Kong Temple of Lotus has not been a generation with great wisdom and Buddhism. Seeing Lu Jian's appearance this way, many people even suspected that he had looked away.

But at this moment, there was another loud bell that had just calmed down in Biga Mountain, and a light of Buddha rose into the sky and fell into his hands.

"This, what is this!"

Many monks' popular noses almost crooked.

Their tongues were brilliant, in order for Bigashan to recognize their beliefs, but in the end, Chu Jingtian, a disciple of non-Buddhist monks, was recognized, and the other Lu Jianli had not opened his mouth, and he had been recognized.

The difference is simply too great!

Only Chu Jingtian and the distant priests who were present understood that Lu Jianli was ‘no self, no Buddha, follow the road’.

"This concludes the Buddhist Conference, and today is the day for you to enter Bigashan to search for the Buddha's fate." As far as the abbot of the Lotus King Kong Monastery, he set the final tone for the conference.

The monks present had regrets, remorse, and expectations.

"I have to emphasize the things to pay attention to when entering Bigashan." Looking at the people from afar, "Bigashan is the treasure of my lotus Vajrayana temple, and the good destiny made by the first generation of ancestors. In There are countless Buddhist treasures and great opportunities in this Biga mountain. But if you want to get these, you have to pass numerous tests. "

"You can only get these if you pass the test!"

"Although it fell in the Biga Mountains, it may not really die. Once it falls, it will be forced to be sent out of the Biga Mountains! Everyone can only enter the Biga Mountains once in a lifetime. This life can no longer enter them. One line for a month! "

Is there such a thing?

When he heard the words far away, Chu Jingtian could not help but frown.

Even those monks who were so excited that they wanted to show their strength in the Biga Mountains couldn't help it.

Can only go in once in a lifetime?

This is too strict than Gasan!

When he spoke far away, Bigashan in his hand also slowly glowed. The rays of light drew some heaven and earth, distorting the surrounding space.

"The presence recognized by Bigashan can now be entered."

"For a month, what you can get in Bigashan ~ ~ totally depends on your fortune and opportunity!"

"go in!"

With the far-off voice, everyone's eyes could not help but turn to Bigashan.

Chu Jingtian also narrowed his eyes.

He had heard of the mysterious treasure of Lotus King Kong Temple, which was only open to Buddhist disciples, in his previous life, but he did not expect to have the opportunity to enter it. Looking at this Biga mountain, the speculation in his mind became more certain.

This Biga Mountain may be the treasure that exists!

If he can get in, he might be able to understand the strengths that exist.

"Let's go!"

The two deacons of the Good and Evil Hall looked at each other and jumped into the light of the Buddha. But the moment their bodies touched the Buddha's light, they suddenly seemed to be pulled by a huge force, and they went straight into the slab-like peak.


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