Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 65: Shocking bet

"Oh, you've made your choice. I don't know which two secret boxes did you choose?"

Facing the incomparable Chu Jingtian, Sun Guangtao asked with a smile.

He was still thinking about how to step on Chu Jingtian fiercely, but fortunately, in front of Mo Moqing, he showed that he was better than him. But now the other party is here, how can he let go of this great opportunity?

He doesn't believe the other party can surpass himself in gambling!

"Boss Chu, do you have a clue? If we can't open anything again, our face will be completely lost." Lu Jianli quickly grabbed Chu Jingtian's arm and asked in a low voice.

Chu Jingtian smiled and said, "I've also learned some gambling techniques, and it's definitely better than anyone!"


As soon as this statement came out, Sun Guangtao could not help laughing at it:

"Some people say their words in tongues, and the wind flashes their tongues! It is the so-called immortal secret box. I want to be a gambling expert at least with experience, knowledge, eyesight, and even family tradition! But I have never heard of Beiliang Wangfu also spreads the secret of gambling? "

"Beiliang King Shizi? Is he Chu Chutian?"

An exclamation sounded.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Chu Jingtian's eyes and became playful.

"If someone else said he had a secret gambling method, I might still believe it. But if it is Chu Jingtian, then it is doubtful!"

Everyone nodded.

Although there have been recent news about Chu Jingtian's rise and even becoming a second-order animal master. However, it was difficult for them to change Chu Jingtian's view for a while, and they regarded him as the unsuccessful uncle.

‘I do n’t know what secret box he wants to choose? ’

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian.

Under everyone's attention, Chu Jingtian chose two secret boxes respectively. The first looks brand new, but the other is worn out, as if corrupted by something.

Just after Chu Jingtian finished his election, Sun Guangtao laughed:

"I thought you had a secret gambling method, but I didn't expect it to be so!"

He said, shaking his head, his eyes full of disdain:

"This first secret box is at least 90% new. I'm afraid it hasn't had time to use it. The other one is too worn out. No normal person will put valuable things in it.

"It's too low-level for you to rely on appearance to gamble."

Chu Jingtian raised his head and said coldly.

In his view, Sun Guangtao has the lowest level of gambling methods. The so-called secret box is made of strange materials. There are wood, stone, gold and silver, and special materials.

The more advanced the material is, the more difficult it becomes. But the advanced secret box, the longer you can store things. The true secret of gambling is judging from the core of the formation outside the secret box.

Compared to Sun Guangtao, the means he has mastered are not many times higher!

"This first secret box contains items such as magic instruments, and this second secret box contains a drop of blood!"


As soon as the words fell, everyone around them laughed.

Most people can figure out if there is something in the secret box, and it is already quite strenuous. Such as Chu Jingtian can even assert what is in the secret box, it is simply incredible.

Even Lu Jianli was a little bit shocked.

Although the two brothers are often bragging together, if they were pierced on the spot, it would be silly.


俆 Mo Qing frowned slightly.

Her uncle Xuan Xuan once said that the formation method used to seal the secret box can block any divine thought and the exploration of spells, and outsiders cannot know what is inside the secret box. Because everything in the secret box is full of unknowns, the gambling secret will drive so many people crazy.

"Oh, it's a big-tailed wolf!"

Sun Guangyun laughed secretly.

In her opinion, Chu Jingtian was just muddy who couldn't help the wall, and her elder brother Sun Guangtao was almost ten thousand miles away. What qualifications do such people have with Sun Guangtao?

But in the face of ridicule, doubt and disdain, Chu Jingtian took the new secret box with a slight smile and opened it with blood.

I saw the shudder of the secret box ‘Om’, and the countless runes of culture of culture disappeared quietly.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked around. Even Mo Qing couldn't help being curious.

Sun Guangtao said with disapproval:

"If the magic instrument is so easy to open in the secret box, the magic instrument will not be so precious, it has already become a cabbage in the bad street!"

"A magic weapon!"

"Actually, a magic weapon has been opened!"

The secret box only opened a gap, and suddenly the aura wave surged out. Some sharp-eyed people stared at the ripples like a tide, and suddenly they cried out.

When the secret box was completely opened, there was a ring with a quaint pattern lying on it.

"Chu Shizi, I have 50,000 purple gold. Have you sold this ring to me?"

"Boss Wu, whether it is fluctuating from the pattern or the spiritual power, it is at least a second-order magic weapon. Would you like to buy 50,000 purple gold? I'll give it 100,000!"

When the magic weapon was opened in the secret box, there was a burst of cry in the crowd. There were a few pot-bellied businessmen who, even when they started bidding, almost rose to 120,000 Zijin after almost a blink of an eye.

Lu Jianli was also very excited. The secret box bought by one thousand purple gold has been turned over a hundred and twenty times, which is simply an exaggeration.

"Really open?"

Mo Moqing's beautiful eyes twinkled with an incredible look.

But Sun Guangtao, who was next to her, was completely gloomy. He had just asserted that Chu Jingtian's secret box would not have a magic weapon, but he turned on a second-order magic weapon, which was equivalent to slap him in public.

And even after the price of 150,000 Zijin has been reached, Sun Guangtao's face, even cold, is about to drip water!

"How could anyone see the condition inside the secret box? But it's just shit!"

"Chu Jingtian, I wonder if you dare to gamble with me? I bet your last secret box, not blood!"

Listening to the admiration around him, looking at Mo Moqing's glorious gaze, Sun Guangtao's heart became more jealous and unbearable, and he burst into anger.

"What are you and what are your qualifications to gamble with us?"

Lu Jianli gave Sun Guangtao a wink.

Although Chu Jingtian opened up the magic weapon, he was not dazzled by excitement. You know, the immortal secret box is not empty vernacular. Wanting to be able to infer what the secret box is every time and again, this is simply heaven and earth.

So Lu Jianli refused without hesitation.

"Lu fat man, wait!" Chu Jingtian interrupted Lu Jianli, then he gave a slight glance at Sun Guangtao and asked, "What do you want to bet on?"

The brother and sister Sun Guangtao wanted to be in the limelight in front of Mo Moqing, so he naturally had no problem. Doesn't it mean that the other party can be regarded as a stepping stone, the clay figurine is still three points rustic, not to mention he is too sovereign?

If it wasn't for him not to reveal the identity of ‘Mr. Chu’, when the other party provoked for the first time, he would cut it with one sword. How would he let him be arrogant in front of himself?

"If I win! I have everything in your two secret boxes! If I lose, this space wrist is yours!" Sun Guangtao uttered.

Chu Jingtian looked up.

However, he saw a bright silver bracelet on Sun Guangtao's wrist. The rune on the bracelet was obviously a magic weapon. This is called 'Space Wrist Wheel', and is like a space ring to store things. However, the space ring is only a second-order instrument, while the space wrist is a third-order!

"Boss Chu, this gamble is too uneconomical, it is very bad for us!"

Lu Jianli thought Chu was so angry that he hurried to persuade him.

Everyone around them nodded.

Even idiots can see that this bet is not fair. Not to mention whether there is anything in this last secret box, even if a certain baby is opened, but as long as it is not blood, even Sun Guangtao wins.

It can be said that Sun Guangtao has already won without gambling, accounting for 90% of the winning face!

"This Sun Guangtao is aggressive, no wonder Chu Jingtian will be extremely angry with him. If it is me, I'm afraid I can't help it. But no matter what, he shouldn't make such a bet with him!" A rich man in the crowd shook his head Road.

The rich man was the businessman who offered 180,000 purple gold for a ring. His name is Zhou Jintian, and his family is considered rich. He started as a gambler and was accustomed to ups and downs in Wushi.

This kind of gambling is totally ten bets and nine loses!

"Yeah, but it's hard to win. Maybe Chu shocked to learn some gambling methods?" Another said.

Zhou Jintian shook his head and said, "Even if you know some methods of gambling, they have a better chance of winning than others. I don't believe he can judge what is in the secret box!"

Everyone was silent around.

In fact, they are more inclined to Sun Guangtao's words: Chu Jingtian is just luck, and by his means, he cannot judge things in the secret box so accurately!

"Okay! I promise!"

Looking at the face of Sun Guangtao ~ ~ Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

Then he opened the box with blood in front of everyone!

At this moment, everyone held their breath, and when the runes disappeared, Chu Jingtian slowly opened the wooden box. When the wooden box was completely opened, the crowd around them suddenly sighed.

There was no blood in the secret box, only a palm-sized red gem.

"Haha, you lost!"

After seeing this gem revealed, Sun Guangtao could no longer contain the ecstasy in his heart and laughed proudly. He felt only a spit of anger, and he had not been so excited for a long time.

"Boss Chu ... this!"

Lu Fat face pale.

This gem is bright red all over the body, like a blood stone, at first glance it is an extraordinary existence. But unfortunately, this gem and the previous magic ring must be owned by Sun Guangtao.

"The fairy is hard to break the secret box! I have seen too many such bets. No one has ever been able to win!"

Zhou Jintian couldn't help sighing.

People around are either sorry, or sorry, or excited.

Sun Guangtao even reached out to Chu Jingtian, proudly:

"Chu Shizi, willing to gamble to lose, bring the gems and rings!"

Chu Jingtian raised his head, looking at the proud Sun Guangtao, and said lightly:

"Who said I lost?"

"Do you want to regret it? So many people are watching it!" Sun Guangtao sneered.

"You're wrong, this gem is blood! Since you don't believe it, I'll show you!"

After that, Chu Jingtian grabbed the ruby ​​and slammed his right hand.

Just listening to the sound of ‘click’, the gem turned into countless fragments and scattered, and in the center of the gem there was a drop of blood suspended in the void, exuding a shining glow!

Sun Guangtao's complexion changed, as pale as paper.

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