"This ... how could gems become blood? How could this be?"

There was an exclamation from the crowd.

"You cheated!"

Sun Guangtao shouted hysterically and couldn't believe this fact.

The space wheel is a third-order weapon, and it is a rare existence throughout the Dayan Dynasty. How could he watch the wrist wheel lose to Chu Jingtian?

"This drop of blood is the blood of the third-order demon king!"

Taking a look at the almost crazy Sun Guangtao, Chu Jingtian said lightly: "The blood of the demon king contains a huge amount of demon. Once you leave the body, it does not dry out like the blood of a low-level demon beast. The demon in the blood will condense. Become a crystal, turn it into a gem! "

"If you don't believe me, look again!"

Chu Jingtian pointed.

Sure enough, under the attention of everyone, the blood of this drop of blood for a while has been re-condensed and turned into a gem.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Everyone thought Chu Jingtian had lost, but he did not expect that he had a shocking reversal!

"Haha, did Sun Guangtao see it?" Lu Jianli jumped for a moment, then jumped up excitedly: "Ma Liu, hurry up and bring the space wheel!"

As soon as the words fell, he could not help but talk about wiping off the wheel from Sun Guangtao's wrist. After the other party responded, the wheel was already in Chu Jingtian's hand.

Seeing this scene, a hint of killing appeared in Sun Guangtao's eyes.

How can he leave such precious things in the hands of others. But at this moment in the public eye, he was not good at robbing, but could only suppress the anger in his heart and turned to leave.

Wu Moqing also did not expect that this gem was actually the blood of a third-order monster.

"How can you tell that there is blood in this secret box?"

She couldn't help but asked.

"This secret box is made of ordinary iron and wood. Although it is used to isolate foreign objects, it cannot withstand the corrosion of the third-order demon king's blood. Therefore, the wooden box is rotten, stained with blood and demon! Casually said.

"This wrist wheel is a third-order magic weapon. It is extremely rare ... you take it directly from Sun Guangtao like this, only to be afraid that the other party will not give up!" Wu Moqing sighed.

Although she was annoyed that Chu Jingtian had been rude to herself, she felt vaguely inexplicable to Chu Jingtian.

"Oh?" Chu Jingtian frowned, and said coldly, "If he dares to come back, I will make him regret his life!"

Listening to the other's emotionless voice, Mo Moqing couldn't help but numb his scalp.

At a certain moment, she thought that the young man in front of him was Mr. Chu, who talked and laughed at the venue, and pointed at Jiang Shan. But reason tells her that Chu Jingtian is not Mr. Chu at all!

She shook her head and said:

"I have warned you. Since you don't listen, don't blame me if something happens in the future!"

After speaking, Wu Moqing turned and left Wushi.


"Haha, this Nizi seems to be tempted by you! Boss Chu, consider my plan, tonight we dive into the Jinling Palace, give her something, raw rice to cook mature rice?"

Looking at the back of Mo Moqing, Lu Jian shouted from the clap.

Chu Jingtian didn't answer. He looked at the ring and the blood of the demon king from the secret box, and a little disappointment appeared in his eyes.

This ring is a second-order Chinese weapon, with an inscription of strength on it, which can enhance physical strength and increase the strength of the martial arts warrior.

The blood of the demon king has no blood of the true dragon, and he cannot help him to increase the ancestral skill of the dragon to the second level.

"Lu fat man, this ring is for you!" Chu Jingtian casually threw the power ring to Lu Jianli. As for the blood of the demon king, he was going to stay and refine the elixir before giving it to the other party.

Lu Jianli is a rare hegemonic body, which is one of the innate bodies, belonging to the body possessed only by ancient times. Legend has it that when you practice to the extreme, you can break through mountains and rivers and break the void.

In a small place like the Dayan Dynasty, it was natural that he could not recognize the goods and could not distinguish Lu Jianli's physique. Chu Jingtian also did not behave abnormally from Lu Jian until he entered the avenue Xianzong, only to reflect that the opponent has a hegemonic body!

"Boss Chu, you give me the ring, what do you do?"

Lu Jianli worried.

"You can rest assured that someone will make up for the emptiness of the treasury ..." Chu Jingtian laughed. The Qin family still sent him seven million Zijin, and it was more than enough to fill the treasury.

"Chu Shizi, I'm the owner of the 'Golden Dragon Shop' in Wuchi. I wonder if you will be free tomorrow?"

Just as the two were about to leave, a pot-bellied merchant stopped them. The other party was Zhou Jintian, who had just offered a price of 180,000 Zijin, and was ready to buy a powerful ordinance.

"Are you okay?" Chu Jingtian asked.

"That's it. Our shop is about to buy a batch of secret boxes recently, and we still lack a master of eyeballs. I want to invite ..." Zhou Jintian said.

The Dayan Dynasty also had such a group of businessmen.

They make a living from gambling. Often, the secret boxes excavated from the ruins and tombs will be selected by them first, and the secret boxes they do not want will flow into the market.

But the high-level secret box is more valuable, often even reaching 5,000, or even tens of thousands of purple gold. And they just opened the treasures in the secret box and sold them on the market. Although this makes more money, the risks are also great!

Zhou Jintian was worried that he would not master the eye tomorrow. As a result, today he saw the means shown by Chu Jingtian in Wushi, and he moved the idea of ​​invitation for a while.

"Do you want me to help you identify the secret box?" Chu Jingtian frowned.

"Yes! If Chu Shizi is willing to help, I can give you priority to choose three secret boxes!" Zhou Jintian gritted his teeth and gave himself a very rich condition.

"Only three? At least ten!" Lu Jianli interjected.

Chu Jingtian smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Jintian's remuneration seemed nothing, but he gave up the option. If he wants, he can pick the three most valuable secret boxes from the pile.

How can an average appraisal master have such a generous remuneration? At most, only one can be selected, and it is left over by others.

"Chu Shizi, these secret boxes were dug up from the tomb of this master of the gods period. Their value is extraordinary. Maybe there are items far higher than the strength and ordinance and blood of the demon king you opened today! "

Seeing that Chu Jingtian was not interested or even prepared to leave, Zhou Jintian hurriedly cried.

"Is it a secret box dug out of the same tomb?" Chu Jingtian couldn't help but stop when he heard this sentence.

He was still disappointed before, and he could not get the blood of the demon king with the blood of the true dragon. I did not expect that the most precious batch of secret boxes had already been in the hands of these merchants.

"Well, in this case, then I will see the treasure box of the tomb of the Royal God Period, what kind of treasure can be opened!" Chu Jingtian nodded. "

"Thank Chu Shizi!" Zhou Jintian rejoiced.

After finishing Zhou Jintian's affairs, Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli wandered around Wushi again, and then returned home.

After Chu Jingtian's guidance, Lu Jianli bought several secret boxes. Although he did not open the items like the power law, he also earned him hundreds of thousands of purple gold.

This made Lu Jian's mouth closed.

"Boss Chu, why haven't you seen the moon for a while? You seem to have become a personal person?" Lu Jianli smiled and put Zijin into the space ring Chu Jingtian gave him, unable to help asking.

Because of the space wrist wheel, Chu Jingtian naturally could not use the space ring, and simply gave Lu Jianli directly.

In this way, Lu Jianli changed his shotgun directly.

‘You may only have a few months, but for me it ’s been thousands of years! ’

He watched Lu Jianli shook his head and couldn't help falling into thought.

In the past life, the fat man died in front of him, but he could not do anything. In order to get revenge, he fled into the Avenue Xianzong to practice madly. But after he came back, not only did the enemies turn into loess bones, but even the Dayan Dynasty was already swallowed up by the enemy!

This world Chu shocked and vowed that he would never let that kind of thing happen again.


Not long after leaving Wushi, I saw a figure quickly chasing from the side, directly blocking the two to go!

"Chu Jingtian, let's meet again!"

The visitor was not someone else, it was Sun Guangtao. However, at this moment Sun Guangtao, how could he have the polite gesture in front of Yun Moqing, his eyes were full of gloom.

"I want to get out of my body and return my space wheel!"

Sun Guangtao held the long sword in his waist and stared at Chu Jingtian coldly.

"You guy is so insidious? The space wrist has been lost to us ~ www.readwn.com ~ That's our thing, you dare to **** it back afterwards?" Lu Jianli cried.

Sun Guangtao snorted coldly, his face became more gloomy.

This space wrist wheel is a third-order magic weapon, which is extremely rare and even more valuable. How can he be reconciled to losing to just one bet?

"Oh, I knew you would come back to **** this wristband, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. But the space wristband has already fallen into my hands, do you think you still have a chance to take it back?"

Chu Jingtian sneered sneer.

"If you do not pay, I will kill you today. Wushi was originally a mixed place of fish and dragons. Murders and treasures often occur. After I kill you, and then destroy the corpse, no one will know that it is my hand! "

The coldness in Sun Guangtao's eyes was stunned, and he was already stepping forward, and the cultivation of the Qi period was released almost without reservation. A shocking momentum directly locked Chu Jingtian and Lu Jianli.

Feeling the killing in it, Lu Jian's complexion changed greatly, he just felt as if there were a million peaks on his body.

But at this moment he did not dare to move, because he knew that Sun Guangtao's breath had locked himself, and once he acted rashly, he would inevitably be attacked by overwhelming momentum.

"Boss Chu, why don't we give him the space wheel ..." Lu Jianli whispered. "The magic weapon is gone, we can do it again. If we lose our lives, we will have nothing!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Jingtian sighed:

"Sun Guangtao, you have no way in heaven, **** has no way to vote. I originally wanted to spare you a fate, but I didn't expect you to come to your door!"

"That being the case, then I will send you a ride!"

After speaking, I saw Chu Jingtian's eyes anger and yelled:

"Shen Yuan!"

ps: Thanks for the reward!

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