Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 78: Adversary is coming


Mr. Chu was born suddenly, and suddenly disappeared. He even rejected the invitation of the princess in person, and set off waves in the Dayan Dynasty. Many people waited for fifteen days before the other party's identity became known to the world.

At this time, the Beiliang King's Mansion also restored the peace of the past.

After the World War I, although Chu Wushuang was hard hit, he also realized some truth in that battle. He spent a whole day in the barracks and practiced with a group of recruits, which would reach the period of true energy at any time.

"I also have a genius at the Beiliang Palace! Chu Wushuang's older brother is about to reach his true energy period. Although not as amazing as Mr. Chu, who can guarantee that cultivation is a smooth journey? Maybe in a few years, Chu Wushuang's older brother will surpass the other! "

Several ethnic groups talked and walked through a backyard.

After hearing these words, Lu Jian, who was practicing boxing, raised his eyebrows and lost his strength, and patted an iron lion made of pig iron down to a half-inch deep palm print.

"Boss Chu, have you heard?"

Lu Jianli looked at Chu Jingtian, who was sitting in the courtyard and drinking fragrant tea, enjoying Qin Ruoxi's pair of soft and boneless hands.

"Lu Fat, keep practicing!"

Chu Jingtian looked up at Lu Jianli, who looked indignant, and continued.

Lu Jianli took the ancient body dan, and used the dragon dan to do the traction, and opened the domineering body. His cultivation was a huge leap forward, and it surged directly to the Henglian Master. His horrible strange power was enough to run through the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

"Master Chu, Lu Shizi has already reached the Master of Heng Lian. Will such superficial boxing skills improve him?"

Qin Ruoxi looked at the boy with awe.

Chu Jingtian was shocked by World War I. Qin Ruoxi's status in the Qin family almost rose, even surpassing the Qin family three tigers. Father Qin even planned to establish her as the next owner. And her task now is to make good friends with Chu Jingtian. With the other party as a backer, the Qin family can guarantee a hundred years of worry-free.

But now that he learned that he used a few pills to create a master of Heng Lian, and she realized what Master Qin meant.

"Lu Fatty hasn't fully grasped this power, at least to the extent that it can be retracted freely, and there will be further possibilities in the future. When can the eggs be held in hand without breaking, it is considered barely qualified!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.

The underlord's body is too terrible, even nowadays, Lu Jianli can easily shoot Yan Hezhi with one hand. However, this is not enough for Chu Jingtian. The three major cultivation systems of cultivation, refining, and refining the body are just beginnings.

"Boss Chu, I'm talking about the guys outside, they said that Chu Wushuang's kid can catch up with you, aren't you angry?" Lu Jian sat down with an angry buttock and gave a stone chair Fractured.

"Fu Ying Gou Gou, why are you hanging on your teeth?" Chu Jingtian shook his head.

Does a person get angry because they are blocked by ants? In his eyes, Chu Wushuang Liu is just a cricket ant. If it wasn't for the opponent's backing in the royal family, he would have stepped on the other side.

"Master Chu, why do you refuse the invitation of the Princess Long? That is the position of the head coach, if the royal family is angry ..."

Qin Ruoxi was a little worried.

A fierce look emerged from Chu Jingtian's eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Ruoxi was scared to say so.

Lu Jian's departure is somewhat unknown, so I still ask:

"Boss Chu, I don't understand. Why do you wait until the annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang to reveal your identity?"

"There will be two enemies that day, come to the palace!"

Chu Jingtian said lightly.


Lu Jianli and Qin Ruoxi looked at each other, speculating who the two were. But seeing Chu Jingtian's reluctance to say more, he could only suppress the curiosity in his heart.

Chu Jingtian's eyes were far away, and he fell into Shen Ning.

These two people, one is the prince of the annihilation of the Beiliang Palace, the nine emperor! The other was Zhang Ruochen, the fourth prince he was so envious of.

At the time, he fled from the Great Swallow Dynasty like a bereavement dog. The nine emperor had already ascended the throne and became the monarch of the Great Swallow Dynasty.

As for Zhang Ruochen, even after he entered Datong in the Yunwu dynasty, he annexed dozens of dynasties such as Dayan and Xiqi. At that time, Chu Jingtian was an ordinary outsider disciple on the avenue Xianzong. After he learned of this, he naturally had infinite desire in his heart.

But later the achievements of the two sides were quite different. Although Zhang Ruochen is the ruler of the common world, he has become the Supreme Sovereign of the Avenue Sect, with hundreds of millions of lives in his palm!


West Xinjiang.

This is the border of the Dayan dynasty, and further forward is the wild and ancient forest that spreads thousands of miles, and the army will be stationed here all the year round. What they guarded against was a savage tribe in Gulin. These savages, dressed in animal skins, were not savvy, and coexisted with the monsters.

One of the 10,000 troops of the White Tiger Regiment is also stationed here, and the captain of this army is the nine emperor Yang Mucheng of the Dayan Dynasty!

"Prince, the imperial city!"

A thousand captain hurriedly entered the large account, handed a stationery to the teenager, and stood side by side respectfully. It is rare for members of the royal family to serve as captains of the Guards, let alone stationed in the wild barren forests of western Xinjiang.

Once upon a time, how many senior officials in the DPRK thought that the nine emperor would come to Xijiang for less than three months, and would cry his father and call his mother's class teacher to return to the DPRK. But the other side actually stayed in this western Xinjiang for three full years.

During this period, numerous tribal and barbarians were killed. Ordinary barbaric tribes would be frightened when they heard his name, and fled!

Yang Mucheng opened the stationery and studied it carefully.

"So it is!"

After a while, Yang Mucheng dropped the stationery and nodded slightly.

"Prince Nine, what did the letter say?" The captain could not help asking.

"I said two things!" Yang Mucheng's voice was deep, and when he spoke, he had a sense of killing, which made people shudder. "The first thing is that a" Mr. Chu "came out of the imperial city! This son killed a chief coach of the White Tiger Corps and ten chief coaches in the form of a teenager, making countless spiritual masters and gas fighters bow their heads. Proclaim! "

"My elder sister went to find him in person, and asked him to be the head coach of the Qinglong regiment. He was rejected even without seeing him."

Every time Yang Mucheng said something, the look of the thousand captain was ugly. After saying that the other party actually rejected the position of head coach of the Qinglong regiment, he couldn't help but exclaim:

"The princess went to see him in person. He didn't even sell his face?"

Yang Mucheng smiled slightly:

"Mr. Chu's martial arts and martial arts, it is also said that he is also proficient in beast control, alchemy, formation methods, forges, etc. It is normal for me not to take my elder sister into my eyes."

"This person can only figure it out, not reluctantly!"

"The second thing?" The captain asked again.

"The annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang!"

A glimmer of cold mang flashed in Yang Mucheng's eyes.

The thousand captains were puzzled. We must know that such things as the annual meeting, not only the Beiliang King's Mansion, but also the King of the West Xinjiang and the King of Jinling will sum up at the end of the year.

This kind of habit is nothing short of commonplace, but he doesn't understand why the other party compares it to Mr. Chu.

But the other side did not say, he did not dare to ask.

"It's the end of the year! At the winter time every day, when the barbarian tribes are the poorest. It's also time for me to go back to the Imperial City and take a look at the Royal Palace of Beiliang!

"I don't know how successful my three-year plan has been!"

Yang Mucheng slowly got up, looking towards the direction of the imperial city, his eyes were far away.

Of course, his ambition is not just a captain, but the emperor of the entire Dayan Dynasty! But his mother is just an ordinary palace maid, unlike some other princes who have the support of the military, military, and even prime minister and national division.

So he can only start to draw from the four kings of Dayan.

One of the four kings, the Hanjiang King, has already formed an alliance with him, and Chu Wushuang is also preparing to seize the right to inherit Beiliang Wangfu with his support. And this annual meeting is the struggle for inheritance rights. Once successful, then there are two of the four kings of the Yan support.

In this way, it will be much easier to win the remaining Kings of Jinling and Xijiang.


Yunwu Dynasty, Mingyue Temple.

"'Mr. Chu'?"

Zhang Ruochen opened his eyes slowly, and a light of gold flashed from his eyes.

"This man was born ~ ~ I am afraid that there will be great resistance to our annexation of the Great Yan Dynasty in the future!" A white-bearded old man said lightly.

This old man is exactly Lei Yunfei, the master of the Yunwu dynasty!

He groaned:

"Yan Hezhi really has no guarantee for the late festival. He fought with me 30 years ago, and he was comparable. I couldn't even kill him, but he didn't expect to die in the hands of a hairy kid!"

"Haha, that old thing is too self-righteous. Only genuine and successful cultivation, even I can easily kill him!" Zhang Ruochen slowly shook his head, watching Lei Yunfei respectfully.

Thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi.

Thirty years ago, Lei Yunfei and Yan Hezhi were ordinary strong spirits. But thirty years later, the former has broken through the true Qi period to reach the Xuanye period, and is the national division of the Yunwu dynasty. But the latter died in the hands of others and became a stepping stone for a teenager.

"You are my true disciple, and you have obtained the Bloodwing Silver-eyed Demon Worm from the secret box, and now you have reached the realm of true master. Naturally, you can easily kill Yan He!" Lei Yunfei laughed.

Zhang Ruochen nodded slightly.

The blood wing silver-eyed monster is a third-order monster. He accidentally opened it from a secret box at first. Unexpectedly, the monster saw the blood to stimulate the fierceness, but actually got into his Qihai Palace.

But who knows that instead of destroying his Qihai Palace like he imagined, the demon worm lived there. With this monster in Qihai Palace, his practice has increased dramatically by dozens of times, and he has actually reached the realm of true master in just six months.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ruochen slowly got up and said:

"I heard that Yang Mucheng, the ninth prince, has also returned to the Imperial City. Three years ago, I played against him, and three years later, I will definitely be able to beat him."

"I'll go with you, and just happen to meet this Mr. Chu!"

Lei Yunfei said lightly.

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