Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 79: 9 Prince Grand Feast

With the end of the year and the end of the year, the shock caused by Yan He's death seemed to be dispersed.

Countless people in the dynasty are looking forward to the day when Mr. Chu reveals his identity. Even those members of the royal family who have not been able to stay in the palace for a long time frequently appear. If they want to know the news of Mr. Chu in private, if they can make a good relationship with Mr. Chu, they will get The support of one party's forces increased the capital for the throne.

But most of these people found nothing because of Chu Jingtian's disappearance.

In addition to teaching Lu Jian to practice, Chu Jingtian couldn't live in this period. He had already reached the neck of his cultivation, and he could break through to the master's state at any time.

‘Repair is faster than I expected! Now I should think in advance how to break through the triple masters. The ancient martial arts refining is the most difficult. You need to upgrade the ancestral mystery to the third level, and this requires the blood of the fourth-order demon to make it! ’

The blood of the third-order demon king was still found by Chu Jingtian from the secret box. As for the fourth-order demon prince, he looked at the entire Great Yan Dynasty. Even if there were, he could not compete with his current strength, let alone take blood from the other side.

‘I can refine the gasification realm and the corporate body of cultivating. I can refine‘ Xuanye Dan ’and‘ Yu Shen Dan ’to break through, but the elixir needed by these two elixir is not owned by the Dayan Dynasty! ’

‘Oh, it ’s better to be a fairy lord of the avenue. What do you want? Why should I worry about these things because I am the Lord ’s order? The martial arts level of the Dayan Dynasty is still too low. ’

He once handed over the list of Xuan Ye Dan and Yu Shen Dan to Qin Ruoxi, hoping that the Qin family would pay attention to these elixir for him. But even the well-informed Qin family three tigers are actually a kind that they have never heard of. How to collect them?

‘Although I do n’t need elixir, I can make my own breakthrough, but I ’m afraid it ’s difficult to do without three or five years! ’

"Boss Chu, Boss Chu!"

Just when Chu Jingtian tried to make a breakthrough, an excited cry came from the door. The master of the voice opened the door and stumbled in. Who was the other person, not Lu Jianli?

"I gave you the boxing skills, have you cultivated?" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"The Jiu Jiu has matured." Lu Jianli was a little embarrassed, but he immediately shifted the topic: "The emperor Jiu Ji returned to the imperial city, and he hosted a large number of sons of noble officials, including the heirs of the four kings.

"Really, I didn't receive the invitation!" Chu Jingtian frowned.

Now everyone in the entire imperial city knows that Chu Wushuang is competing with Chu Jingtian for the right to inherit the Beiliang King's Mansion. Recently, Chu Wushuang has broken through the period of true energy.

Coupled with the annual meeting of the two, many people think that the inheritance of Beiliang Wangfu will fall on Chu Wushuang, so Chu Wushuang is in the limelight for a while.

But Chu Jingtian, the true heir, was left alone.

Lu Jianli complained quite:

"Boss Chu, if you are willing to reveal that you are Mr. Chu, then the nine princes will definitely come to you to ask you. But you just don't want to ..."

Lu Jianli wanted to say more, Chu Jingtian stared at him, and immediately scared his neck.

Da Da Da ~

Just then, a footstep sounded slowly.

I saw a large group of people passing by in front of the door, and the center of the crowd was Chu Wushuang. Chu Wushuang swept away the decadent fear in the exchange venue a few days ago, and he became more and more energetic, and the compliments continued around him.

"Brother Wushuang, this time the nine princes returned to the feast, directly invited you without Chu Jingtian, but by default you may replace Chu Jingtian and become the next heir to the Royal Palace of Beiliang!"

"Haha, if Chu Jingtian knows this news, I'm afraid he will vomit blood!"

"What if he is a second-order animal trainer? Brother Wushuang has reached the early period of qi at the age of sixteen and has unlimited potential in the future. It is not impossible to become Mr. Chu's existence!"

Chu Wushuang walked in the center, and also fluttered.

At that time, the ninth prince contacted him to design Chu Jingtian with a trap, step by step to seduce the other party to embezzle the treasury and play tricks on Mo Qing to make a big mistake, in order to seize the right to inherit Beiliang Wangfu!

Until the day of the Wangfu annual meeting, he will be the orthodox successor of the Beiliang Wangfu.

"Brother Wushuang ..." At this moment, someone whispered a reminder, Chu Jingtian was in the room. "Let's play with him?"


Chu Wushuang frowned, not knowing what he thought of, and suddenly nodded with a smile.

"it is good!"

At the moment, people rushed into Chu Jingtian's house, and Lu Jian could not stand the temper. He rolled up his sleeves and beat them out, but Chu Jingtian patted him lightly. He immediately seemed to be hit. Petrochemicals are generally nailed in place and cannot move.

Lu Jian was shocked during the centrifugation.

Since the activation of his hegemony, he has been infinitely powerful. He has personally played against several really strong men in the West Palace, and shouted the crying dad who beat each other. He thinks that he is only one line behind Chu Jingtian. However, I didn't expect that the other party just made a random shot today, leaving him unable to move.

Not only that, he couldn't even speak.

"What are you doing here?" Chu Jingtian glanced at the incoming crowd and stared at Lu Jianli. He knew that Lu Jianli was violent, and he might reveal his identity when he was excited.

"Everyone is a family, I naturally care about you!" Chu Wushuang said with a smile. "It's seven or eight days before the Wangfu annual meeting. I wonder if you're ready?"

"No need to worry about you! Get out!"

Chu Jingtian impolitely ordered a guest.

Seeing each other's arrogance, many people glared at each other. Chu Wushuang also showed a hint of shame in his eyes, but Xuan even stretched his brow:

"Chu Jingtian, the ninth prince returned to the imperial city to entertain the heirs of the four kings, as well as the sons of the noble officials in the imperial city. I received the invitation. I wonder if you received it?

Everyone sneered, wanting to see Chu shockingly ugly.

After all, it stands to reason that this is the orthodox heir, and he should be the most invited. But Prince Nine bypassed him and invited Chu Wushuang. The reason for this is naturally not that simple.

Chu Wushuang also looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile, as if he had already seen the other person throbbing. But who ever thought that Chu Jingtian was a matter of irrelevance.

"Oh? Really! Congratulations!"

Chu Wushuang's brows were darkly frowned. The indifferent expression on the other side made him have the illusion of punching into the air, which was extremely uncomfortable. He looked at Chu Jingtian coldly and said:

"Don't hold on, I know you want to go to the party too. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll take you with me!"

Chu Jingtian took a quiet look at Chu Wushuang and suddenly laughed:

"it is good!"

Looking at Chu Jingtian who actually promised, Chu Wushuang didn't seem to expect it, but immediately he sneered and took everyone away.

"Boss Chu, can you take this breath?"

Lu Jianli, who was untied, couldn't help it anymore.

If it hadn't been blocked, he would have beaten Chu Wushuang's face with a fist.

"Because I can't swallow this breath, I have to go to the banquet to take a look!" Chu Jingtian got up slowly, took a Lu Jianli, and no matter how unwilling the other party was, he still couldn't help but follow Chu Jingtian behind him.

‘I still remember this scene to this day! ’

‘On that day, the nine princes returned to the imperial city and banqueted everyone, but they only missed me. I was frustrated at the time, broke into the banquet, and ended up being beaten up by the ninth prince. In order to make me angry, Lu Fat was also interrupted by the son of the 9th prince. ’

‘This incident spread throughout the dynasty, and some senior officials from the DPRK and China also played criticism. In addition, I had committed three crimes. The Prince Nine almost lost his right to inherit the palace. ’

‘They were so happy at the time, but I could only curl up in the corner like a bereaved dog and lick the wound. ’

Thinking of this, Chu Jingtian's eyes flashed a hint of cold.

‘Now that I ’m born again, how can I still let things develop according to the past? Prince Nine, don't you want to win over the four kings to take the throne for you? See how I stirred your game today! ’


The banquet is located in Wansheng Building.

This building is seven stories high, with glazed eaves and mahogany carved railings. It is the first restaurant in the imperial city. Those who can enter and exit here are either rich or expensive.

But today it was reserved by the nine emperors, and the wagons filled with all kinds of exotic animals outside the restaurant ~ ~ even once made people doubt whether the upper-level characters of the entire Dayan gathered here!

The building is divided into seven floors, and the level of guests is also divided into seventh.

The sons of ordinary officials can only be on the first floor, not even the nine princes' faces may be seen. The sons of the four kings are on the seventh floor, and they are eligible to eat and drink with the nine princes.

Chu Jingtian took the landing sword away. He came toward the nine princes, so naturally it was impossible to stay on the ground floor, directly behind Chu Wushuang, straight up to the seventh floor.

Seeing Chu Jingtian's appearance, the children in the field couldn't help rushing.

"Why is he here? The 9th prince did not invite him! Look at this posture, and it's hard to cause trouble."

"Even if it is here, how can he let the ninth prince feast him to make trouble? I'm afraid he will be beaten out!"

Chu Jingtian turned a deaf ear to all the talk around.

Lu Jianli was also suffocated, but when Chu Chu was struck by the sky, he could only swallow it. A group of people went up to the seventh floor. There were the fewest people here, only twenty or thirty, and half were almost guards.

The head of the ninth prince, Yang Mucheng, signaled:

"Chu Wushuang, you are here, please sit down!"

"I've seen Prince Nine!"

Chu Wushuang arched his hand, and did not immediately sit down but said with a smile: "Prince Jiu, I brought a friend this time, although he did not have an invitation, he also wanted to see it."

After speaking, he made a sideways move, revealing Chu Jingtian standing behind him.

"Chu Jingtian?"

Yang Mucheng stunned.

At this time, the banquet was laughing and laughing, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird. Every look was invariably looking towards Chu Jingtian, apparently did not expect the other party to come uninvited!

ps: Thank you Chi You and 15270 for their rewards ~

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