From Yijieyu, he suddenly became a master of Henglian. This is equivalent to becoming a giant in one night, one step into the sky!

Lu Tianxun asked him a lot, but Lu Jianli kept silent, but now he suddenly spoke, which naturally surprised Lu Tianxun. He seemed to think of something and couldn't help but startled:

"Is it related to Chu Jingtian?"


Lu Jian nodded. "I ate a Hualong Dan and an Archaic Dan, which inspired the body of the hegemon, and I was elevated to the level of the master of cultivation almost overnight!

Hualongdan! Archaic Dan!

Lu Tianxun was shocked.

Although he didn't know what Gutidan was, he heard about Hualongdan. Mr. Chu used this elixir to rescue Wang Chong, who had a broken heart. This elixir has become a magic drug in the eyes of almost everyone.

‘Mr. Chu produced eleven chemical dragons, and nine of them were taken by himself. There are two left, one of which saved Wang Chong, and the other was given to a friend! ’

‘Is this Chu Jingtian related to Mr. Chu? Mr. Chu gave Hua Longdan to Chu Jingtian, and Chu Jingtian transferred it to Lier? ’

Lu Tianxun couldn't help but turn the river over.

If so speculative, then it can explain why Tong Lu Jianli suddenly became the master of Heng Lian.

He nodded:

"If Chu Jingtian and Mr. Chu have a relationship, then this battle needs to be re-examined. No wonder, Chu Jingtian also became a second-order animal master overnight!"

"But even so, it is difficult for Chu Jingtian to fight against Chu Wushuang, who has a royal background!"

Chu Wushuang is leaning on the royal family, and he is a strong man with the support of nine princes. He may not be defeated by Chu Jingtian who also has a backer!

Looking at the tangled Lu Tianxun, Lu Jianli smiled:

"What if Chu Jingtian is Mr. Chu?"

"If that's the case, Chu Jingtian will definitely lose." Lu Tian nodded, suddenly he seemed to be struck by lightning, stood up and stood up, stunned:

"Chu Jingtian is Mr. Chu?"


Lu Jian nodded. "Boss Chu is going to make a breakthrough in the next few days, and will soon reach the state of triple master. You said that he and Chu Wushuang were in a battle. Who will win?"

Lu Tianxun seemed to be drawn from the whole body's bones, and sat down softly.

Realm of Triple Master!

Master Qi, Master Tong Xuan and Master Heng Lian, I am afraid that they will be shocked when they say this state!

If Chu Jingtian only had Mr. Chu as his backer, Chu Wushuang with Yang Mucheng's support might still win. But if Chu Jingtian is Mr. Chu, then Chu Wushuang's battle is dead!

"And Boss Chu has found a great freezer to make‘ Yu Shen Dan ’. As long as this elixir is available, he can reach the realm of Yu Shen at any time!” Lu Jianli threw another sentence.

"Yu! God! Realm!"

Lu Tianxun almost moaned and shouted from his mouth.

The triple master's situation is already terrible enough, but Chu Jingtian has not reached the limit. If that state is reached, I am afraid that the royal family, who can be crushed by him alone, bowed down!

Struggling from the shock, Lu Tianxun quietly glanced at Lu Jianli, saying:

"I know what to choose!"


But he said that Chu Jingtian had arranged the Yin snake and returned to the palace.

After all, the Yin snake is too big, and it is not convenient to follow him. He simply left the Yin snake in Zijin Pavilion for Luo Shengyu to take care of. As soon as he returned to the palace, someone sent him to the Chamber.

At this moment, the Chamber was brightly lit, and all the high-rises of the palace were on the side.

The elders and others looked dull, Chu Ao's face was dull and he could not see what he was thinking.

"Father!" Chu Jingtian shouted.

"Huh!" Chu Ao nodded, a hint of pride appeared in his eyebrows. He hadn't spoken yet, and the elder on the side could not help but stood up and yelled at the table with a pop:

"Chu Jingtian, what should you do?"

Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows slightly. The father and son were really unsettled. His son Chu Wushuang had only troubled him in Wansheng Tower before. Now it is his turn again, and he looks at the elder elder with anxiety. Chu Jingtian laughs:

"Oh? What crime did I commit again?"

The elder hummed coldly, "Isn't your work in Wansheng Tower still big? You killed the prince of Jiu Ji and disturbed the whole banquet."

"That man was killed by his own snake, why was he blamed on me? Besides, even if I killed it, what happened? If I die in the hands of the opponent, I only I think I deserve it. "

"Yang Mucheng hasn't been held accountable. Your old dog ran over and barked first. Why? When a dog became addicted?"

Chu Jingtian laughed.


The elder was very angry.

He was almost going to be suffocated by Chu Jingtian. Since the trial of the three courts, this boy has become increasingly blind, and now even scolds his old dog face to face. But Chu Ao was present, and he could only swallow this breath!

"Chu Jingtian, after all, the other party is under the control of the nine emperor. If you kill him in a fight, you will make the nine emperor unhappy. Let's bow down and apologize!"

"Lu Jianli also killed one and interrupted Liu Tianyi's leg. Why didn't I see him apologize? On the contrary, the King of the Han River went to the West Palace to apologize?" Chu Jingtian smiled with a smile. .

"Can you compare with Lu Jian?" The second elder looked at him.

Others shook their heads secretly, taunting.

Today, Lu Jianli is a master of Heng Lian. Facing the existence of such strength, even Yang Mucheng must bow his head and swallow this breath. And you are just a second-order animal trainer, far from each other.

What's more, the annual meeting of the Royal Palace is about to begin. In the battle with Chu Wushuang, it is not known who will win or lose.

"How can it not be compared?"

At this time Chu Ao finally spoke.

As soon as he spoke, everyone around him was quiet.

"Lu Jianli is the son of the King of the Western Territory, Chu Jingtian is my son. Is my son going to be inferior to the others? The other died in the fight, but can only blame himself for being inferior to others. This matter will be discussed again."

"Chu Jingtian, are you ready for the battle of the annual meeting?"

"Everything is guaranteed!"

Chu Jingtian shouted.

As soon as he said this, there was a strange color in the elder's eyes.

Most of the other people are also condensed and don't know what to think about.

After the discussion, the elder quickly found Chu Wushuang.

"Father, what are you doing here for me? Didn't I say that I'm going to retreat during this period of time?" Even if his father was interrupted in cultivation, it still made Chu Wushuang unhappy.

The elder quickly said something in the Chamber, and then he was worried and asked:

"Chu Jingtian said that his annual meeting would be ten years and ten times a year, and he won another black snake. Now many people have begun to think about Chu Jingtian ..."

"The strength he showed is really terrible!" Chu Wushuang nodded, but immediately said, "What about it?"

The battle for the right to inherit the Beiliang Palace was a plan that Yang Mucheng had set a long time ago, and they are also constantly implementing it.

Seeing that the Wangfu annual meeting is approaching, Chu Jingtian rises in a shocking posture. If he loses to the other party at the annual meeting, I am afraid that there will be no suspense in inheriting the power!

"Father, you worry too much! If Chu Jingtian doesn't go to Wansheng Tower today, maybe I really have no way to clean up him. But now that he has revealed his hole cards, it is naturally not a fear."

Chu Wushuang laughed coldly.

"Oh? Did the Nine Prince already have a countermeasure?" The elder said excitedly.

Chu Wushuang nodded:

"The Prince of the Nine gave me a solid copy of Peiyuan Dan today. After I take it, as long as I concentrate on cultivation, I can revise it in the past few days."

The elder frowned, and could not help but smile.

Not long after Chu Wushuang reached the introduction of qi, he was about to improve soon. This speed can only be achieved by the royal panacea. After attaining Qi Qi Xiaocheng, Chu Wushuang was more than enough to serve as the captain.

But immediately he thought of something again and quickly:

"But Chu Jingtian is the Beast Master. Do you have the confidence to defeat the opponent's Beast Master?"

Even if it is to achieve the qi Xiaocheng?

The ghost snake captured by Chu Jingtian, but possessed the true strength and full strength, and Chu Wushuang's current strength could not compete with it.

Chu Wushuang couldn't help but laughed when he heard:

"Haha ~ ~ Do I have to fight his beast-controlling animal?"

In the other's puzzled eyes, Chu Wushuang slowly took something out of his arms.

The thing was yellow in white, only half, like a bone. It was engraved with various indecipherable patterns and runes, and the elder carefully examined it before discerning that it was a tooth.

"This is the fangs of the third-order demon king. It is the spoils that the nine emperor once wiped out a barbarian tribe. Those barbarians lived in the barren ancient forest, where the beasts swarmed. They refined this one by some secret method Fangs, made into an amulet. "

Chu Wushuang proudly said:

"As long as this amulet is worn on the body, the second-order monster is afraid to come near. Without the beastmaster who controls the beast, he is a tiger with a tooth pulled out. What fear?"

"Although Chu Jingtian will make some superficial efforts, can he beat me who has reached the realm of Qi Qicheng?"

The elders first laughed, and then laughed.

"It seems that I think too much! As long as Chu Jingtian is killed in the battle of the annual meeting, the power of this Beiliang palace will fall into the hands of our father and son. By then, no matter who it is, it will already be back to heaven Run out! "

Chu Wushuang did not comment.

But the expression of frowning on his face was difficult to conceal. Obviously, he also did not think that the other party might have a chance of turning over. Even if he did, he could break it with a sword!

‘Chu Jingtian, soon you will know that the gap between us! ’

Chu Wushuang's eyes were stunned.

At seven days, it was fleeting.

When the first rays of sunlight fell on the Beiliang Palace, the entire Beiliang Palace was like a giant waking up from a deep sleep, and countless people began to get busy.

Today is the time for the annual meeting of the Beiliang Palace!

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