Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 85: Wangfu Annual Meeting

The convention of the annual meeting has been held since the establishment of the Dayan Dynasty, from the royal family to the civilian family, but it is a summary of the year. The annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang is not ordinary, and often all parties will come to congratulate them.

But compared to the past, no annual event has received such high attention today.

The entire dynasty knew that Chu Wushuang of the Beiliang Palace was a superior talent. At the age of sixteen, he had reached the true state of mind and became the captain of the White Tiger regiment. Today, it is the day of the battle between him and Chu Jingtian. This battle determines who will inherit the right to inherit the Beiliang Palace in the future.

"Is that Chu Wushuang?"

The eyes of the guests could not help but be attracted by the youths wearing armor and heroic style.

"So many people today are fighting for the annual meeting?" Yi Fan, Bai Yucheng's main character, looked at the crowd entering and couldn't help stunning. Almost half of the Great Yan Dynasty's wealthy people have come to the Beiliang Palace today!

"Yeah, this is related to who will be the orthodox heir of the King of the Liangliang in the future. How could everyone not pay attention to it?" An old man wearing a gall bladder and wearing practice clothes nodded Yi Fan with a smile.

"You're here too?" Wu Yifan lingered.

The old man is Wei Qingfeng, the city leader of Qiannan City. Qiannan city is a rich city, the largest city except the imperial city. The status of the city owner is naturally higher than that of others.

In previous years, the annual meeting of the Royal Palace of Beiliang, Wei Qingfeng only sent middle and younger juniors to participate, but this year he actually came in person.

"This year's annual meeting is different from the past, and it's normal for me to attend in person." Wei Qingfeng smiled.

As soon as the words fell, there was a commotion outside the Beiliang Palace.

Just as everyone was looking outside, someone suddenly called:

"The Nine Prince arrives! The King Hanjiang arrives!"

Suddenly, a group of people surged in the doorway, headed by the old and the young, and the other party was the Hanjiang King and the nine emperor Yang Mucheng!

Ordinary guests, you can greet them from the subordinates, but these two exist, one is a royal person, and the other is one of the four kings of the Great Swallow. Chu Ao in the chamber has to frown slightly and has to meet in person. .

"I'm here today. One is to participate in the annual meeting of Beiliang King's Mansion, and the other is for Chu Wushuang!" Yang Mucheng stood still and said softly.

The arrival of the ninth prince was originally well-received. He said that the lively royal palace was quiet after that.

"The nine princes and the king of Hanjiang are helping Chu Wushuang to help out!" The iron gall in Wei Qingfeng's hands was ringing by his "Dang Dang". Yang Mucheng's words were meaningful!

俆 Yi Fan was silent, but in his heart it turned over:

‘In the battle of Wansheng Tower, although Chu Jingtian had the advantage on the bright side, the power of the second-order animal master was revealed. I originally thought that Chu Jingtian would establish his orthodox heir today, but now it seems that things are not as simple as I imagined. ’

"Chu Wushuang is a gifted talent. Xiu has already achieved his strength. Being a thousand captain with his strength is really a disgrace to his strength. So I begged my father to promote him as a white tiger. Captain! "

Yang Mucheng smiled.



The guests in the palace all took a breath of air.

He has become the captain of the youth at such a young age, will he not become the white tiger leader in the future? Or even General Sima? I am afraid that this status is not inferior to Beiliang King, let alone the potential of his demon!

"Chu Wushuang is only 17 years old this year? My God!"

"It's amazing to go on like this. I remember the head coach of the White Tigers, Yan Hezhi, who only reached his infuriating stature at the age of thirty. "

"Among the Dayan Dynasty, except for Mr. Chu, I am afraid that only the royal family can hold him down!"

The people around couldn't help groaning.

A tribe from the tribe of Beiliang Wangfu produced a real dragon. No wonder he dared and Chu Jingtian to **** the position of heir. Only 17 years old will be able to achieve the real Qi Xiaocheng, in a few years will not be able to step into the Grand Master, and even reach the mystic realm?

Chu Ao could not help but look stiff.

Chu Wushuang's eyebrows fluttered suddenly, and his eyes spread, trying to find Chu Jingtian in the crowd. He wanted to see what expression he had on his face when he became the captain.

Unfortunately, Chu Jingtian didn't seem to show up.

Seems to be aware of Chu Wushuang's eyes, Yang Mucheng looked at Chu Ao meaningfully:

"Wang Beiliang, why is Chu Jingtian not at the annual meeting of the Wangfu?"

"Yes, what about Chu Jingtian?"

"He is one of the protagonists today. I said why it seems something is missing. It turns out that he hasn't arrived yet!"

"On such an important day, as the son of the King of the Liang Liang, he was still late to the scene, it was simply rude!"

"Hey, how dare he come? Although today is the annual meeting, but it is also the day of his life and death battle with Chu Wushuang. Chu Wushuang has the support of the nine princes. Not fun! "

"This is true too!"

The crowd could not help nodding.

After an episode like the nine emperor, the annual meeting of the palace was completely changed. Some of the elites who were still waiting and waiting to prepare for the team after the end of World War I had already congratulated Qi Wushuang.

"Master Chu Wushuang really is the first genius of the palace!"

"At a young age, I became the captain, and it really made me wait for admiration!"

"You have a bright future!"

Chu Wushuang all smiled.

He is proud of the spring breeze.

As long as he wins today's battle, he is the orthodox heir of the Beiliang King's Mansion.

At this moment, the crowd around was another commotion, and, looking at the momentum, the visitor was even bigger than the Nine Prince!

"Well? Why is he here?"

"I'm not mistaken!"

"It's him……"

Hearing the discussions all around, Chu Ao, the Nine Prince, Chu Wushuang and others all looked towards the door.

I saw the crowd diverging on their own, no matter whether they were from the Wangfu tribe or the big swallows, they all gave way respectfully. The visitor and his party are the ten chief teachers of the Green Dragon Regiment, headed by Wang Chong!

"Teacher Wang!"

Chu Ao hurriedly greeted.

A great teacher is naturally not worthy of his beloved King Liangliang to reduce his worth to greet him, but Wang Chong is not an ordinary great teacher, he is also a named disciple of Mr. Chu, but one of the hottest characters in the Dayan Dynasty!

"I've seen Beiliang King!"

Wang Chong was prestigious in front of others, but did not dare to show off his power in front of Chu Ao, and quickly returned to salute.

"Teacher Wang, you are here ..."

Yang Mucheng's eyes brightened, and he quickly greeted him.

After returning to the imperial city, he found Wang Chong several times, and wanted to see Mr. Chu through the other party. It is a pity that the other party has always avoided, and now it is a close opportunity, how can he let it go?

"Oh, Prince Nine!"

Wang Chong nodded casually, and walked in person. How could Yang Mucheng and Chu Jingtian not be aware of what happened in Wansheng Tower as a registered disciple? Not to mention that the other party is a prince, even if he is the emperor, he will not sell face.

Yang Mucheng was in situ, with a little anger in his eyes.

Wang Chong saluted Chu Ao, but he bent down and bowed, just like his juniors. But I just ignore myself!

He was a grand emperor, when was he ignored? The other party is just a big coach. With his status, he can play with the other party!

"Why did King Teacher come here?"

The elders on the side hurried round.

"This year's Beiliang Wangfu annual meeting, unlike in the past, naturally I came for the annual meeting!" Wang Chongdan said indifferently.

"Rest assured that this battle will never let you down!" Said the elder Han with a smile, obviously full of confidence in Chu Wushuang.

"Really?" Wang Chong smiled.

He glanced lightly and could not help frowning slightly, Chu Jingtian was not in the crowd.

"Where is Chu Jingtian?"

"Eh ... he's still retreating. If the head teacher Wang wants to see him, I'll call him over here!" Chu Ao said slightly, quickly.

"No! Don't bother him!"

Wang Chong shook his head again and again.

He knew, however, that Chu Jingtian had been working hard to reach the status of triple master in these days. If you have not yet passed the customs, I am afraid that you have not yet reached that level.

‘Nothing should go wrong, right? ’

Wang Chong secretly worried.

His look fell into the eyes of everyone, and it caused another speculation.

"Retreat? Does the animal master need to retreat?"

"Should he dare not come out?"

"This battle of life and death was settled face to face. Is he going to shrink the tortoise? Even the head teacher Wang is beginning to be dissatisfied with him!"



In another courtyard.

Chu Jingtian took a deep breath, and the endless world aura of heaven and earth suddenly turned into his qihai palace and poured away. At the same time, his momentum is constantly rising.

When this momentum reached its peak, he slowly opened his eyes, and a faint flicker passed from his eyes and pupils.

"A full seven days! I have finally reached the triple master!"

"It's been a while since the annual meeting ~ ~ I don't know who came?"

Thinking to myself, Chu Jingtian slowly got up.

Squeak ~

The seven-day gate opened at this moment, and Chu Jingtian strode toward the palace hall of the palace.

Almost as soon as he appeared, Wangfuton became a sensation.

"Chu Jingtian, Chu Jingtian is here!"

"What about him coming? But it's just insulting himself!"

Chu Wushuang in the crowd sneered and went straight to Chu Jingtian.

Everyone looked forward.

These two people are the focus of the annual meeting. More than 90% of the wealthy people who come here today are for their first battle!

Chu Wushuang's cold voice sounded with a mocking tone:

"Chu Jingtian, I heard that you have been retreating for the past seven days. I hope you can make a breakthrough. Don't let me down in the first meeting of the annual meeting!"

Chu Jingtian turned his head, glanced at the other side, and walked directly.

Chu Wushuang is not annoyed, just sneered and continued:

"You are really deadly! By this time, you still have the same eyes. I hope you will continue to maintain this posture when you kneel under my sword."

"Don't think that you are a second-order animal trainer, you can be sure to win. The animal trainer is always only a lower class job, not as good as our warriors in the gasification realm!"

"is it?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Chu Jingtian paused, his eyes full of sarcasm.

‘Chu Jingtian is here? ’

Wang Chong, who was about to enter the Chamber with the crowd, turned his eyes and fell on Chu Jingtian, who was facing tit-for-tat with Chu Wushuang, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He stepped out of the crowd directly, came to Chu Jingtian, and said in awe of everyone's astonished eyes:

"Master Chu, you are finally out!"

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