Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 964: Power Spell

To become a core member of the prefecture is not as simple as imagined, otherwise the status of the core member will not be so high, and it can even be compared with the head of the Holy Family.

"I'll take you to the training area to see?" Fire ghost asked carefully as he led the way.

Everyone knows that he asked Chu Jingtian, so he didn't interrupt himself.

"Yes, just for us to find a place for us." Chu Jingtian said lightly.

"Okay! Don't worry, I will make proper arrangements for you." The fire ghost almost heard that, and quickly respectfully said, "Please follow me!"

Fire ghost has been living in this branch for many years and is quite familiar with it.

The group walked through a flowery garden and walked towards those magnificent palaces.

As he walked, he kept introducing:

"This garden looks simple, but it has set up a formation method. If you make a mistake, it will cause a large array of strangulation. So when it's okay, don't run around inside."

"It will be much better after walking through this garden. Black Iron Wandering Souls, Bronze Ghosts, and Silver-faced Yasha all live here. Everything is everything! The residences of the former members, this is the area for cultivation.

Looking at everyone's eager expression, the fire ghost erupted and brought everyone to the training area.

The entire cultivation area is divided into several large places for the selection of local government members who practice different exercises. In addition, there will also be areas for competitions.

"What is this voice?"

Lu Jian was standing away from his ears, and he heard a very regular impact sound.

"Oh, this is someone punching."

The fire ghost was short-lived, and then returned to God. He took three steps and two steps to open a closed house door, and everyone hurriedly looked at it. The space inside the house was extremely spacious, and many members of the masked local government were bombarding a stone stele shirtless.

Seeing the eyes of the people looking at the stele, he quickly explained:

"The stele is a matter of detecting power. There are 108 power patterns. The stronger the power, the more power patterns will be lit."

Everyone heard the words, and they immediately became interested.

They went up to make fun of it.

After all, in order to reach their level, there are very few items that can detect their strength. I didn't expect to find such an item in the prefecture today, and I wanted to measure to what extent my strength reached.

Even Chu Jingtian was a little curious, and wanted to test how many magic lines can be illuminated by her current power.

Dongfang Yu could not wait to hit the stone with a punch.

With a single blow from his fist, there were ten lines of power magic on the stone tablet at the same time.

Seeing this, Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

Sure enough, the fire ghost glanced at only ten lines of power law, and his voice quietly cooled down.

"The power pattern on this stele is divided into 108 and four orders."

"The standard of the Black Iron Wandering Soul is to light up 27 roads, the standard of the bronze ghost is to light up 54 roads, the silver Yasha lights up to 81 roads, and the golden-faced Rakshasa can light up to 108 roads. Power Spell. "

"Dongfang Yu, although you are a spiritual warrior, you should light up at least sixteen according to normal standards. Your flesh is too weak!"

After hearing the relentless comments from the fire ghost, a regret appeared in Dongfangyu's eyes.

"I'll try!"

Seeing this, Liu Yiyi hurried forward.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped back seven or eight steps, and the whole person rushed out and crashed on the stone tablet.

Suddenly, twenty stone patterns of power lit up on the stone tablet.

Fire ghost took a short look, but nodded with satisfaction:

"As a refining warrior, you can light up the twenty lines of strength and magic, which is not bad. It has reached a normal level! However, you must not relax, you must continue to cultivate!"

"Yes!" Liu Yiyi replied excitedly when he heard the fire ghost's poor affirmation.

"Fat, try it!"

Watching everyone playing one by one, Chu Jingtian turned his eyes and fell on Lu Jianli.

Lu Jianli is the body of a hegemon and an orthodox refining warrior with unlimited potential.

Chu Jingtian wanted to see how much power pattern Lu Jianli could light up.


Lu Jianli was a little bit tickled after seeing it. After hearing this, he hurried up and punched the stone with a punch.

I saw the stone tablet shining, directly lit up the fifty lines of power law.


Looking at these fifty lines of power law, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.


"Actually lit up fifty lines of power law!"

"Is Lu Youshun so strong?"

Even the fire ghosts were stunned, and some couldn't believe their eyes.

He had previously disapproved of Lu Jianli, but only because the other party had a good relationship with Chu Jingtian, so he took special care of it. Now that power is enough to catch up with the bronze ghost one level, it is simply terror.

But they didn't know that Lu Jianli had just reached the Eight Realms, and his strength was not yet solid. When it is completely stable, it should not be a problem to light up the 54 lines of power law.

Next, newbies like Chen Weiming and Sun Wenfeng came up and tried it, but there was no such thing as Lu Jianli's extraordinary strength, and it was normal.

"Boss, if it is you, how many power spells can you light up?"

Seeing that everyone else was exhausting his power, he couldn't even lighten the twenty-seven lines of strength and law. Lu Jianli felt a little boring for a moment, and he looked curiously at Chu.


Hearing Lu Jianli's words, a lot of curiosity arose in the hearts of everyone present.

Liu Yiyi's beautiful eyes shined inexplicable colors.

The fire ghost almost thought that Chu Jingtian was killing the Quartet outside Baichen Tianlin, and he couldn't help yelling:

"Chu Youhun should be able to lighten at least eighty-five power lines."


As soon as the fire ghost spoke, a gasp sound was heard all around.

Dongfang Yu, in particular, was so shocked that he did not bite his tongue. The same for Black Iron Wandering Soul ~ ~ He is so bad that he doesn't even match his shoes.

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian, and wanted to get verification.

"Me?" Chu Jingtian was condensed for a moment, and then he looked up: "If nothing is wrong, I should be able to lighten about ninety lines of power law."

Everyone heard the words and was shocked.

Ninety Strength Patterns!

This has exceeded most of the silver Yasha.

"Chu Youhun, can you give it a try yourself?" Liu Yiyi looked expectantly.

Looking at everyone's look of expectation, Chu was shocked, and walked towards the stone monument.

As it happens, he also wants to take a look at his cultivation of the Three Realms and Seven Realms, how much is it different from Golden Rakshasa!

Just then, several figures appeared in front of the Wu Guan.

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