Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 965: 1 Power Sky

Before approaching the Wuguan, several black iron wandering spirits were practicing, and suddenly they felt something. They hurriedly looked towards the position of the gate and saw that there was a tall and mighty man standing there. Figure.

This figure is so powerful that it is almost the same as the angry sky that fell to Chu Jingtian's hands before, just like the same iron tower.

The huge blood fluttered in the body, faintly bringing the sound of the tsunami shock.

"It's Wei Guichao!"

When everyone saw this figure, they immediately reacted.

The Wei Guichao is a bronze ghost of the top three under Master Hong Luocha's strength. He is trained in physical training and can be promoted to Silver Yasha according to his strength and merits.

But because of his hot temper and hurting himself with a word of inconsistency, so far he is only a bronze ghost. For this reason, Hong Luocha even found him several times in person.

But even so, he still has no intention of converging, but is getting more mad.

The existence of those silver yaksha levels, Wei Gui could not afford to offend, nor dare to offend.

Therefore, in the eyes of the members of the Bronze and Black Iron level, the Wei Guichao is like a beast. Seeing this Wei Guichai came in, all the people present subconsciously suppressed their emotions and sorrows and tried not to make some drastic actions to stimulate this Wei Guichai.

"Why isn't Master Hong in the branch? Not only him, but the silver Yasha is not there!" Wei Gui narrowed his eyes and had some discomfort on his face.

Behind him, there were seven or eight black iron wandering souls. At this time, they followed carefully, and when he heard Wei Gui's doubts, he could not help but tremble in his heart and quietly lowered his head.

Only one hadn't responded yet, just happened to look back at Wei Guicha who was looking back, and scared him immediately:

"Master Wei, it is said that when a team explored a missing soul in Baiken Tianlin, they encountered an ambush in Tiangong. Lord Hong brought other silver-faced Yasha adults to meet those members of Tiangong ..."


Wei Gui snorted slightly, apparently somewhat dissatisfied.

Because this is an action that only Silver Yasha can participate in, and he is not yet qualified.

The talking soul knew that Wei Gui was upset and even more afraid to speak. The whole martial art hall could not help but be silent in a depressive atmosphere, and everyone was careful.


Just then, there was a noise in the distance.

This noise immediately made Wei Gui frown:

"How can it be so noisy?"

"It's the Fire Ghost who is measuring strength with several newcomers!" A thin wandering spirit behind him heard the question and quickly and respectfully replied.

"The fire ghost is bad?" Wei Guicha sneered sneer.

Everyone saw this smile, and they all had an ominous hunch in their hearts.

There were some frictions and holidays between the two people.

In the past, fire ghosts would deliberately avoid each other.

Now I'm hit this time, I'm afraid it's hard to retreat.

Sure enough, Wei Gui smiled coldly:

"I seem to have heard that the task of Baichen Tianlin is dominated by the fire ghost! Go, we used to say hello to him."

At this time, the fire ghost waited for others, watching the situation of Chen Weiming and others testing their strength.

Looking at the lit patterns of power, Wei Gui could not help but raise his lips, and his face was even more contemptuous.

Especially when Chu Jingtian said that he could light up the ninety lines of power law, Wei Gui almost didn't laugh:

"The Ninety Strength Patterns? Could this kid be in a sleepwalk? Even the Silver Yasha, there are only a few that can light up the Ninety Strength Patterns."

Everyone heard the words, and quickly slapped:

"Master Wei said extremely well. Now these newcomers are really not as good as a group. It is almost a vernacular. Does he know what it means to light up the ninety lines of power?"

When others heard the words, they nodded quickly.

Wei Gui sent a punch to light up the eighty-one lines of power law. With this capital, he was confident that he was not weaker than any silver-faced Yasha.

Even some silver-faced Yasha who practiced the Tao and devoted all their powers could only light up the forty lines of power law. With this kind of physique, he couldn't help but punch with all his strength!

"Come on, let's go and see what qualifications this newcomer has, dare to say that he can lighten ninety lines of power law!"

Wei Guichao had a gloomy complexion on his face. At this time, he was happy, squinting and walking towards Chu Jingtian and others.

At this time, Chu Jingtian was surrounded by everyone and did not notice the situation in the distance. After all, this is the martial arts hall of the prefecture. People come and go, and the situation is complicated. They haven't reacted yet. Wei Guichao is directed at himself.

Faced with the curiosity of everyone, Chu Jingtian nodded:

"Okay, I'll try it!"

Going to the stone monument, he took a deep breath and slowly raised his right hand.

Lightening the ninety power lines is just his guess. He also wants to know how many lines he can light up.

"Hehe, this guy really wants to try it, isn't he afraid of shame?"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian actually came to the stone monument, Wei Guicha suddenly laughed suddenly, and his disdain was even worse. In his opinion, this boastful kid can light up the twenty-seven lines of power law, which is already pretty good.

As soon as the words fell, the smile on his face suddenly became stiff.

I saw Chu Jingtian raised his right hand, already shaking hands into a fist, and beating towards the stone tablet.

This hand fluttered with no force at all. But the falling momentum was so powerful that the void that was hit was bursting.


Countless rays of light burst into bloom on the stone monument, half of the power magic pattern was lit on the spot, reaching eighty-three!


At this moment, Wei Gui suddenly stopped and couldn't help taking a sip of air, but felt that his roots couldn't help getting cold.

Those who followed Wei Guichao still ridiculed with their faces, wanting to see Chu shockingly ugly.

But after this punch, they completely shocked them.

"Is this kid's power too terrifying? A raised hand can actually light up the 83 power lines?"

Liu Yiyi, Huoguichao, Li Youhun, and others all around couldn't help getting scalp tingling.

No wonder Chu Jingtian can easily kill the silver general, his power has already reached the silver level.

"Chu Youhun, you are already very powerful and have surpassed the silver level. This is a stele specially prepared for the warrior ..." The fire ghost on the side looked at Chu Jingtian with a slightly frown ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Quickly speak.

After all, Chu Jingtian previously estimated that he was able to light up ninety power lines, but the difference was seven lines.

The words didn't fall, but Chu Jingtian raised his hands again, and his blood was turbulent and turbulent.

The condensed qi and blood set off a vast cloud of mist.

Several people standing nearby were shocked by the horrible blood. The crowd had not responded yet, Chu Jingtian's fist had swept out like a storm!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Eighty-six Power Patterns!

Eighty-eight Power Law Patterns!

Ninety Strength Patterns!

Suddenly, the power pattern on the stele was lit up 90%!

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