Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 97: 1 Finger Boom

How can war be accurate?

The battlefield is constantly changing, maybe you have the upper hand at this moment, and you will lose the next moment. Prior to that, it took two years for the White Tigers to win the Hanshui Lake, but it was taken back in less than half a month.

Lu Jianli also responded to asking an idiot question, and quickly turned to Chu Jingtian for help.

"I don't choose anyone else, you can do it! Pack up, I'm going into the wild and ancient forest now!" Chu Jingtian said lightly.

Bearded Beard ignored Chu Jingtian, but instead looked at Chu Jingtian in an interesting way:

"Why should I listen to you?"

"I'm ordering you as the commander of the White Tigers? Can you, the thousand captain, refuse?" Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the beard first fell into a frown, and then laughed. They had long expected that Chu Jingtian might use the identity of a big leader to oppress them. If they were nearby, he might still be cautious, but he was not afraid of Chu Jingtian at all.

This hairy guy is too far away from the old commander. If the old commander is here, he would not dare to say a lot of nonsense. He would have gone to work long ago.

Even if Chu Jingtian becomes the great commander, what qualifications are there to order him?

"I have only served two people in my life. One is the old commander of the White Tigers, Zhao Feitian! The old commander entered the White Tigers at the age of sixteen, starting with an ordinary Guards soldier, and then promoted to centurion, thousand captain, The captain and the last officer worship the post! "

"Since he took over as the Grand Commander, all the barbarians have been driven out of the Western Territory and hid in the barren forests! The barbarians killed by his own hands have piled his head like a hill. This is my most admired person!"

"The second one is Yang Mucheng, the 9th prince today! He is a prince, but he has never oppressed others as a prince. After coming to Baihuying, he ate and lived with us. Counterattack. "

Bearded beard patted his chest heavily, sternly and forcefully.

When he said this, the other soldiers couldn't help but nodded secretly. When Yang Mucheng came to the barracks, no one could think that he could support it, but in the end he not only persisted, but also won the respect of everyone.

Although the ninth prince is also a captain, that is all real military merit, without any moisture. If he were to be the great commander, they would naturally obey.

After speaking, the other person looked down at Chu Jingtian condescendingly:

"What patience do you have to order me?"

"What is Yang Mucheng and Zhao Feitian can be compared with the boss of Chu?" Lu Jianli cried. "Here is the leader of the White Tigers. How dare you disobey?"

The beard named Zhou Wou-ki snorted coldly, unhappy.

Chu Jingtian's face was dull and he didn't take it for granted:

"Zhao Feitian barely counts a person in my eyes, but unfortunately he only knows how to deal with it, but he doesn't know the strategy, but he is just a stupid man. Although Yang Mucheng has some ingenuity, he has nothing but to bow to me.

"These two people will admire you. It seems that the captain of the white tiger group is just a frog at the bottom of the well!"


As soon as he said this, not only Zhou Wuji's face changed greatly, but other guards also glared at each other. It's not enough that the other party humiliated the old leader they admired, and even scolded the entire White Tiger team.

"Extremely wanton!"

"If he is not the chief commander, I dare to unscrew his head with this sentence!"

"I am just a sister-in-law. What qualifications do I have to look down on this and look down upon that? Even our White Tigers dare to shame?"

The Guards who had returned to God could no longer bear anger. Then the sound of reprimand, angrily, and swearing swept away from all sides.

But Chu Jingtian turned a deaf ear, just watching Zhou Wuji quietly:

"I only ask you one last time, listen or not?"

"Chu Jingtian, don't think that as a big commander, you can show off your power in front of me. Even if your old man is the king of Beiliang, I'm not afraid. To humiliate our white tiger group, you must pay the price of blood!"

"Be honest with your Grand Commander, no one will care what you do. But you are not qualified to give orders to us!"


Zhou Wuji stepped out suddenly, and the whole person burst out like an arrow off the string, directly blasting towards Chu Jingtian.

His foot was so fierce that he stepped on the ground and collapsed. The dense cracks spread like a spider's web, and the momentum of smashing and rolling was extremely fierce, and even caused a stern whistling sound.

"Broken, the captain is angry. He's a horde, but he will die if he hits it!"

The guards present were all wide-eyed, and even though Zhou Wuji was not coming at them, they could still feel the huge waves of blood in the body of Heng Lian.

"It's actually a warrior who has grown up!"

Lu Jian raised his eyebrows and immediately became interested. The martial arts warriors in the imperial city are very rare. Most of them are mainly refining gas and practicing cultivation, making him a master of horizontal cultivation who can't find a practicing opponent at all.

Chu Jingtian seemed to ignore Zhou Wuji, but turned his head away from Lu Jian:

"Many of the barbarians are warriors who practice the body. After entering the barren ancient forest, it is time for you to show your skills."

‘Dare to ignore me! ’

There was a hint of humiliation in Zhou Wuji's eyes. He had shot all out, and the other party dared to speak without anyone speaking, but he didn't take him seriously.

‘Do n’t you think you ’re the big commander, and I dare not kill you? ’

‘Dead to me! ’

Evil rises from the heart, and anger grows to the gall.

Zhou Wuji was not keeping his hand, clenched his right hand into a fist, and hit it like a cannonball. Refined warriors have no real energy and no mana. They rely on a strong blood and their fists are the sharpest weapons.

The power of this punch is a ten-meter-high hill, and he will also make a hole on the spot. How can ordinary flesh and blood resist?

But Chu Jingtian only slightly extended a finger and blocked his punch.


Zhou Wou-ki stunned, and he struck with all his strength, that is, the peak of true energy and the peak of Tong Xuan did not dare to compete with it, but he was stopped by one finger.

His punching away was more like a stone cow entering the sea, without causing a slight ripple, but was hurt by the opponent's strong seismic force.

‘Is this kid also a warrior of refinement, and his strength is still above me? Didn't you say Chu Jingtian couldn't cultivate, when did he have such strength? ’

The Guards also burst into an incredible cry.

They used to think that Chu Jingtian would be beaten by Zhou Wuji to cry for his father's begging for forgiveness, but now he can only use one finger to stop the attack of a small fighter who has become a martial artist.

"I stopped the captain's attack with just one finger, so wouldn't he kill someone with one punch?"

Everyone secretly said.

"You really dare to do it! Lu fat man, what crimes are committed in the White Tigers?" Chu Jingtian smiled.


Lu Jianli looked at Zhou Wuji with pity on his face.

Chu Jingtian has killed even the powerful gods, so I am afraid that you are a thousand captain.

"Okay, let's die!"

Chu Jingtian nodded slightly and flicked his right hand gently.


An extremely condensed energy was directly blasted by him, and everyone only saw a white awn passing by, as if the arrow from the string was pointing at Zhou Wuji's brows.

Zhou Wuji's eyelids jumped wildly, and his intuition told him that this energy was by no means capable of confronting him, but the opponent was too fast. At this moment, he wanted to escape too late.

He was confident that he was able to withstand the blow from the opponent with his refining body. As long as Shi Han is here, he will be saved.


But as soon as his thoughts moved, this energy in the shocking eyes of countless people directly penetrated Zhou Wuji's eyebrows and blasted out from his back.

"how is this possible……"

There was still shock in Zhou Wuji's eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he couldn't even catch the other finger. Knowing this already, where would he dare to challenge the other party?


Until Zhou Wuji's body smashed to the ground, the shocking guards returned.


Everyone wailed, and couldn't believe what they saw.

Although Zhou Wuji was not at the top in the army, even the Captain Wan would have to work hard to kill him, but he could not resist even the power of the opponent in the hands of the opponent.

Could it be that the strength of the Grand Commander is even stronger than the Captain Wan?

"You, take us to see Shi Han!" Lu Jianli looked at the many guards who were embarrassed by chirps, and pointed at one casually. "If you dare not listen, Zhou Wuji is your example!"

The guard who was scared shivered from the spot. He was just a ten captain, and he barely reached the inner strength. He was still eighteen thousand miles away from the second largest state. Not the enemy of Chu Jingtian, how dare he defy?

Seeing Chu Hantian's glory in Chu Jingtian's eyes, the ten-man's legs were frightened and he could only quickly say:

"Master, I'll take you there!"

"A bunch of cheap bones, don't teach you anything, I don't know how capable the fat man is!" Lu Jianli snorted and slammed directly on the other side's ass: "Hurry up!"

The guards saw Lu Jian away so arrogant, they both hated and dared not to say anything, so they left with their eyes open.

Until the two men's figures left ~ ~ the barracks suddenly exploded.

"The captain is dead! The captain was actually killed by this kid!"

"One finger! Just a finger!"

"Don't say that Captain Wan can't do it, I'm afraid even the old commander can't do it! How can he be so powerful, it's terrible!"

"They're looking for the captain now ..."

Everyone looked at each other, all shocked to see each other's eyes.

Chu Jingtian's strength has surpassed everyone's imagination. Even the commander can't handle that power. Everyone couldn't help worrying about Shi Han secretly.

This new leader is not a soft persimmon that anyone can handle. He is a godless killer!

(End of this chapter)

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