Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 98: Kill if you don't agree

"His grandmother, didn't he say he was going on a tour, but he hid here to drink great wine!"

Shi Han, who was seen by Chu Jingtian in a partial account, had several thousand captains last night except the captain. When the two came in, they were bragging about holding the wine bowl, and Lu Jianli could not help but cursed.

"How did you come?"

Shi Han glanced fiercely at the leading guard, before asking out loud.

The other thousands of captains were also ‘you are dead’ looking at the Guards.

Chu Jingtian's patience is almost gone, Han said in a cold voice:

"I'm going to a cold water pond. You better hurry to send two people who know the route with me. Don't fool me with those excuses, or there are some consequences you can't bear!"

As soon as Chu Jingtian made this remark, everyone in the field raised his eyebrows, with a look of disapproval on his face.

They have not seen any strong winds and waves, how can they care about the threat of a little boy?

"Captain!" The guards leading the way sweated and shouted quickly.

He wanted to tell everyone that this big commander was not just a gilt son of gilt, but an extremely powerful man who did nothing to kill. Such a character cannot be resigned and ignored.

But his voice didn't end, Shi Han had narrowed his eyes slowly and sneered:

"Chu Jingtian, don't think you can order me as a big commander. I don't know how you settled Zhou Wou-ki, and I don't know what means you used to let these guards lead me. But ..."

Han Han's eyes were flourishing in Shi Han's eyes.

"But I can't threaten you! You go back now and be your big commander honestly, don't get involved in our white tiger group's affairs, and don't try to order us arbitrarily, I can let you stay safe and secure Here."

"A lot of people died in the wild and ancient forest. Be careful that you are one of them!"

"Really?" Chu Jingtian was carrying his hands on his back, and looked at each other with a smile. "Do you have this ability?"

Everyone was surprised to see Chu Jingtian.

As if I can't believe my eyes and ears.

Shi Han's strength is obvious to everyone. Although he is a captain, he still has to take up this position by virtue of his strength. The barbarians who died in his hands piled their heads above a hill.

But now some people doubt his ability?

A thousand captain looked at Chu Jingtian and sneered: "This kid shouldn't think that he is the commander-in-chief appointed by the royal family, and Master Wanfu dare not kill him?"

"Hey, after killing him, he threw his body into the wild desert forest, and then pushed it directly to the barbarians. No one knew it was ours." Someone laughed.

When speaking, Shi Han had already strode meteor in front of Chu Jingtian, raising his hand was a push.

Everyone is waiting to see the joke, the next moment this arrogant kid is bound to throw a dog to eat shit!

However, under this push, Chu Jingtian was motionless and stable like Mount Tai.

"No wonder you can say crazy words, but you still have some skills. But here is the White Tiger Mission, you can't let it go, let me out!" Shi Han's face was surprised, and he raised his hand and hurriedly grabbed Chu Chutian.

His fingers were like hooks, with a trembling wind, grabbed directly to Chu Jingtian's neck.

"Captain Wan, you can't shoot it! His strength is too strong, and Zhou Wuji the captain was killed by a finger ..."

The Guards were frightened, and they couldn't help talking about it anymore.


The other captains present couldn't help but be shocked, and the playful face suddenly turned into thriller and disbelief. But they know Zhou Wuji's strength. This little boy can kill Zhou Wuji with one finger?

how can that be?

Shi Han was also shocked.

Before he woke up from the shock, he saw Chu Jingtian shaking hands and punching directly.

"Get me out!"

Shi Han yelled, he didn't believe he couldn't suppress each other. It should be noted that he is refining the peak, and even if the opponent is better than himself, he still has so many helpers. It's a big deal, and he's just going to kill him!

Thinking of this, he immediately shook his hands into a fist, the offensive continued to increase, and went straight towards Chu Jingtian!


In the eyes of everyone's horror, two fists slammed together.

Immediately, the incredible scene happened.

Under this punch, Shi Han's right arm exploded on the spot, only to hear a tragic cry, Shi Han's whole person flew out, hitting the ground like a gourd.

Several captains looked at Chu Jingtian like a ghost!

After looking at each other, their feet moved, clenched their fists, and tried to shoot. But in the next moment, Chu's shocking words made them fall like an ice cellar:

"Who dares to move, who will die!"


This undisguised killing intention, the shocking thousands of captains suddenly changed their faces, could not help but take a few steps towards the rear.

"I am going to kill you!"

At this time, Chu Jingtian was blown to the right arm by a punch, and Shi Han, who was vomiting blood, jumped up from the ground in a frantic manner, and the vast blood exploded directly.

In this rising blood, everything in the whole big account was shattered!

As a captain, he is in the White Tigers but ranks among more than 10,000 people, but now he is beaten by a hairy guy in the eyes of the public. How can he bear such humiliation?

At the moment when the breath reached the extreme, Shi Han was desperately crushing away towards Chu Jingtian!

"court death!"

Chu Jingtian snorted coldly, raised his hand and punched, but saw the void tremble, and a wind that turned into a fist seal ‘嘭’ hit Shi Han ’s chest, and penetrated his chest on the spot.

Before he landed, he was completely out of breath.

A tenured peak captain, he couldn't stop the other side from punching at will.

Looking at the dead Shi Han who can no longer die, the nine captains present only felt that they were poured from the bucket by a bucket of ice water, and their hearts were full of ice cold. Previously, the Guards said that Chu Jingtian killed Zhou Wuji with one finger. They couldn't believe it, but now Shi Han was bombarded with a punch, but they no longer had any doubt in their hearts.

"I don't know how to live or die. I want to work hard with Boss Chu, and I don't take a **** and look at what I do!"

Lu Jianli sneered and looked at the thousands of captains in front of him: "Boss Chu is in the realm of triple masters, and in front of countless people at the annual meeting of the Beiliang King's Palace, he killed Lei Yunfei, the current state leader of the Dynasty None of the masters of Yushen Realm are your opponents, you cats and dogs dare to play tricks in front of us? "

hiss! hiss! hiss!

As soon as these words came out, everyone just felt that the scalp was numb, and the goosebumps of the whole body got up.

They only came when Chu Jingtian came for gold plating, so they did not accept him up and down, but who thought that this was a fierce god. He can beheaded to the head of the Lianyungwu dynasty. How can they, the thousands of captains, play in front of this existence?

Isn't this death?

"Your respected Yang Mucheng, not to mention it is not the boss of Chu, even I don't put him in my eyes." Lu Jianli sneered, "I forgot to tell you, I am also a master of Heng Lian ! "


As soon as the voice fell, Lu Jianli raised his foot and slammed.


The crowd only heard a loud noise, like an earthquake-like tremor. Lu Jian sags directly from the ground beneath him into a three-footed crater, and numerous cracks spread out like lightning.

Seeing this scene, everyone seemed to see a ghost. If this foot falls on them, it will inevitably step out of a blood hole in their chests, I am afraid that even the body will not be found!

Did the Grand Master of the Second Realm become the cabbage of the bad street? One horizontal master is not enough, there is actually a triple master in the second realm!

The pro-guard, named Xiao Sun, saw this scene as shameless, like a funeral test. He was anxious to bury his head in the ground, for fear that the other party would kill him on the spot, remembering what happened last night.

"Who else doesn't accept my order now?" Chu Jingtian flicked his fingers and whispered softly.

"Observe the orders of the Grand Commander!"

A thousand captain looked around, knowing that the trend had gone, and quickly knelt down.

"Observe the orders of the Grand Commander!"

Others also reacted immediately, shouting on their knees scrambling in horror, fearing that they would walk into the footsteps of Shi Han and Zhou Wou-ki after a delay.


The kneeling guards looked helpless.

He had already expected this scene, and wanted to remind him several times, but Shi Han didn't listen to him at all! When this boy came to the White Tigers, no one looked down on him, but how many people still dare to disrespect him?

How could the big commander chosen by the royal family be just a dumb kid?

"Come up, I'm not interested in your position as the leader of the White Tigers. Send someone to take me to the Hanshui Lake." Chu Jingtian has restored the appearance of the handsome young man that everyone saw in the first place, but everyone is not Dare to have a little bit of thought.

Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked.

You know, the Chief of the Guards Corps wants to fight for how many people break their heads, but he doesn't care.

However, it is normal to think about it. He can even kill Lei Yunfei. At least this strength also requires the status of a master to be considered ~ ~ Oh? Does my word not work? Do you have to kill a few more people before you can be honest? "I glanced at each other silently, and everyone looked at each other, Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

"What nonsense with these cheap bones, whoever doesn't want to lead the way will kill anyone!" Lu Jianli clicked his fist.

Everyone heard that their faces were bitter. A triple master and a horizontal master. If they shot, they were afraid they would not even have a chance to escape. Repeatedly hoeed for mercy.

A thousand captain quickly called out:

"The great commander is not that we are not willing to pass, but that the barbarians have already occupied the cold water pool. According to our speculation, the barbarians seem to be looking for something in the cold water pool!"

Chu Jingtian frowned, and quickly said:

"What are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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