Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Chapter 99: Cold water pool

After the other party said, Chu Jingtian then understood the specific problem.

The Western Territory of the Dayan Dynasty has been invaded by barbarians since ancient times. With the western border as the boundary, the wild and ancient forest is the territory of the barbarians. Over the past three years, the White Tigers' offensives have become increasingly fierce, and they have even beaten the barbarians back to the depths of the ancient forest.

You know, the barbarians rarely show up in the winter. But this winter was very abnormal, and almost all the barbarians dispatched together, taking the cold water pool from the hands of the White Tigers.

The White Tigers attacked several times, trying to drive the barbarians back, but without any merit, they were forced back by the opponent.

"We have sent people to investigate the cause. After the barbarians recaptured the cold water pool, they have been gathering there, as if looking for something." After the commander said, his head slammed into the ground and screamed:

"The great commander is not that we are not willing to go, but that the cold water pool is now occupied by the barbarians, and we cannot go there at all!"

Are they also trying to be comfortable with ice grass?

Chu Jingtian frowned.

But immediately, he dispelled the thought. Although the free-fried ice grass is rare, for the barbarian who does not know alchemy, it is no different from ordinary herbs, maybe it is poison.

"Is there anything else in the cold water pond?"

Thinking of this, he quickly released the snake in the badge.

This Yin snake has finished the promotion, the sarcoma on the head is fully open, and a horn like a dragon is emerging. When it appeared, the huge volume directly occupied the entire large account.

"Is it?"

"It actually fell into the hands of the Grand Commander?"

Everyone was secretly shocked when they saw this snake.

At that time, they had also participated in conquering the black snake. How could they not know that this black snake was dominated by an animal trainer under Yang Mucheng? With so many people present at the time, we could barely suppress it, but now the Yin Snake actually clings to Chu's shock, how can this not make everyone shocked?

"Boss Chu, what's the matter?" After seeing Chu Jingtian communicating with the snake, Lu Jianli quickly asked: "Is there anything in the cold water pool?"

He said, and stared fiercely at the thousands of captains who were kneeling on the ground.

‘If you dare to lie, none of you want to live! ’

"The Yin snake is not very clear, but I can be sure that there is indeed something there. Freezing ice grass is not an ordinary elixir. It can only grow in the place where the evil spirit gathers. I didn't think much at first, Only now come to realize! "

Chu Jingtian Shen Ning Road.

Elixir doesn't just grow randomly. If so, what's the difference between it and the weeds on the roadside? Higher order elixir has higher environmental requirements, and some even grow in extreme environments like volcanoes.

It is no accident that Freezing Frostgrass can grow in cold water ponds. But Chu Jingtian didn't think about it before. If there is anything in the cold water pond, it can be explained.

"Great commander ..."

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian in awe.

A centurion thought out:

"We can use our strength to cover the wild barren forests and sneak into the cold water pool ..."

His voice didn't fall, and when Chu Jingtian slowly raised his head, he slowly spoke out:

"Notify the owner of the White Tigers that the entire army will set off within half an hour. The barbarians can take the cold water pool over, then I will be able to take it back! I will take the ice grass, and I will take everything else in the cold water pool I want it too! "

Everyone lingered.

This is a tough guy!


Wild wild forest, cold water pond.

This pond is twenty-one feet square, with no grass around it, and a chill emerges. The temperature here is even lower than the outside world. Some brutal people wearing animal skins who have the technique of refining have purple lips, which are almost irritating.

But at this moment they didn't dare to move, and their dreaded eyes continued to look aside. There, there were still a few boys and girls, about the age of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing Jinyihua clothes, and didn't seem to be aware of the extremely low temperature of the cold water pool.


Just listening to the sound of water, a figure emerged from the cold water pool.

"Sir, I found a cemetery under the cold water pool. The cemetery was sealed with a bronze door. I can't pull it!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that the map was real, there really is a cemetery in this cold water pool." A young boy led by him laughed with satisfaction, and the other boys and girls also cheered excitedly.

"Our barbarians have driven you away from the White Tigers, and now we have found a cemetery for you. Should we let us leave?" The barbarians who climbed out of the cold water pond glanced at the group of people, uncomfortable.

Ai Long, the patriarch of the barbarian tribe, has the strength to reach the Master of Heng Lian!

In the winter, most of their barbarians will be energy-saving and no longer have any activities. But these young people who do n’t know where they came from have unexpected strength. They were defeated by one move, and they threatened to find the cemetery by killing the entire barbarian life.

But as soon as the voice fell, the head-headed boy stared at him, and shouted at him politely:

"Stupidly doing something, digging into the water!"


Ai Long's eyes were unbearable, but in the end he chose to give in.

He knew that the boys and girls casually beat him, and he had no power to fight back. But those people did not dare to show any disrespect for this young man. Obviously, the strength of the other party was even stronger!

The barbarians around were dare to be angry and dared not to speak, one after another picked up equipment and dug trenches around the cold water pool, preparing to draw cold water out.

"A group of uncivilized idiots!" Jinyi teenager snorted coldly.

"Boss Ye Ming, what do you think will be in this grave? Don't let us waste so much effort, it's just a cemetery in the second realm. Will we lose our wife and sacrifice soldiers?" A young man asked .

Ye Ming in his mouth was the young man headed by it. He glanced at his talking companion and said lightly:

"Xiao Yuan, pay attention to the direction of Feng Shui around this place. It is a place where the cold water gathers, and the center is this cold water pool. Those who can lay this array are also a third-order array. Mage. Even if he has nothing valuable in his grave, there will be something in the secret box! "

"Let's find the same thing casually, and we'll be here!"

After the other party said so, the young man named Xiao Yuan suddenly realized that he nodded again and again.

Others couldn't help but admire it.

"It is worthy of being the first family of the Dongsheng dynasty. Not to mention its terrible strength, it is also proficient in array formation!"

"Is the Ye family waiting for me to imagine, otherwise, how can I secure the position of the first family of the dynasty?"

"If it weren't for that, the Ye family might have become a relative of the emperor ..."

Listening to the expressions of these people, they are the children of the great tribe from the Dongsheng dynasty.

They came here just to hunt for treasure!

And the boy named Ye Ming is a member of the Ye family!

Just as everyone was laughing and joking, suddenly a barbarian covered in blood stumbled over and screamed while running:

"Patriarch, it's not good! The White Tigers fought over. This time they seemed to be dispatched by everyone. Our people were not prepared at all, they were all broken up. They will be here soon!"

"One of them is a master of horrifying practice, almost inaccessible. No one can stop them!"

The barbarians present could not help but be shocked.

Ai Long frowned and looked at Ye Ming with a displeased face. Too many people have died for this cold water pool. Now that the White Tigers are making a comeback, there is another Heng Lian master to help. How can they resist?

"A master of Heng Lian, Xiao Yuan, you will meet the Heng Lian of the White Tiger regiment and drive them away. If you don't listen, all will be killed!"

Ye Ming didn't lift his head, watching the cold water pond with the water level falling.

"These Danmaru little nations also have a master of Heng Lian. I don't know how his strength compares to my master of Heng Lian."

Xiao Yuan grinned, it was already a striding meteor walking towards the ancient forest.

The others were also indifferent.

To them, warriors from the Dongsheng dynasty, no matter whether they were big swallows or barbarians, in front of them were like a group of savages who were still undeveloped and in the Stone Age.

Even if you have practiced Master Heng Lian?

It is like an emperor in a small projectile country. How does it compare with the emperors of such large countries as the Dongsheng dynasty? I'm afraid of status, not even an ordinary city owner of the Dongsheng Dynasty!

This is like a barbarian. A big tribe, isn't it just Ai Long who is a horizontal master? But even though he is the same master, he can't handle even Xiao Yuan's three moves. This is the gap.


boom! boom! boom!

In the wild and ancient forest, Lu Jianli, like a fierce humanoid, unleashed a rampage. Even the defensive front carefully constructed by the barbarians was like a piece of paper in front of him and was easily broken.

Those swords and bows hit him, and he couldn't hurt him by half. On the contrary, as soon as he raised his hand, he was able to fight all over.

Because of their presence in the ancient forest, the barbarians have only two professions, the Refined Warrior and the Beast Master. Seeing that ordinary barbarians could not stop Lu Jianli, they could only send large groups of monsters and even big demon to deal with him.

But Lu Jianli tore in front of everyone and tore a second-order, full-fledged raging war bear in half, and the remaining monsters did not dare to take a step forward no matter how the barbarian drove them.

"Haha ~ ~ Happy!"

Lu Jianli threw the corpse of the angry war bear at his fingertips, and the corpse with a weight of hundreds of pounds shook the ground suddenly.

Since he reached Master Heng Lian, he has never played so happily. Now he has shown his mighty power and wants to pour out all his strength.

"too terrifying!"

The soldiers of the White Tiger Regiment looked almost at the same level, Lu Jian away from Wan Fumo, and the goosebumps were all up.

It was just that Lu Jianli was such a great master, and the barbarians who fought were defeated.

And what is the strength of this triple master?

Everyone looked at Chu Jingtian's gaze, and the color of fear suddenly became a little deeper.

PS: There is one more at ten o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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