Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 982: waste

?"It's him?"

With the emergence of Chu Jingtian, the noisy training ground was briefly silent for a while, and then resumed the previous noisy.

Obviously, these black iron wandering souls didn't put Chu Jingtian in their eyes at all.

Lu Jianli, who was next to Chu Jingtian, couldn't help shaking his head secretly. This group of black iron wandering souls clearly shows that they are a group of people with headaches. He couldn't figure it out. Why was Chu Jingtian asking one-eyed Yasha to bring this group of people together.

Chu Jingtian held his hands on his back and looked at these lazy black iron wandering souls, but his face was calm.

‘This group of people is like a fierce horse. Those bronze ghosts feel that these people are thorny and difficult to discipline, because they don't have enough strength, and it is naturally difficult for this group of people to take orders! ’

‘But if you subdue this group of people, they will become the sharpest sword in their own hands! ’

Chu Jingtian shook his head secretly.

Here, he didn't care. If he doesn't have enough self-confidence, naturally he won't dare to mobilize this group of people easily.


"Look, this group of wandering souls didn't take this kid into their eyes at all!"

The hawk-eyed ghost almost held his fists and looked at the training ground with a sneer.

Not only him, other people nodded again and again.

This group of disobedient guys gathered together is equivalent to a boiling oil pan. It is not so easy to press down!

Even they can only obey orders reluctantly. As for whether they will be yin and yang, it is impossible for anyone to say.

"Eagle Eye, is that soul under your control?"

Just then, a ghost sent out.

Everyone quickly looked up.

Then he saw a huge black iron wandering soul carrying a saber, walking towards Chu Jingtian.

"Yes! This man is indeed my man!" The hawk-eye ghost almost nodded. "He called his hunting knife and wandered the soul. He practiced the extremely fierce sword, his character burst, and it was very difficult to discipline. I took over his On the first day, he clashed with him! "

"Looks like he's having trouble finding Chu Guicha!"

Everyone looked at each other with a look of ridicule.

I'm afraid it's not that easy for this kid to hold so many thorns.

At this time, the hunting sword wandering soul has come to Chu Jingtian, he looked up and down Chu Jingtian, his eyes were full of unruly and contemptuous:

"You are the bronze ghost who took over us?"

"Good!" Chu Jingtian nodded slightly.

"Oh, I thought what kind of character I was, I didn't expect to be just a hairy kid. You only participated in the mission once, what qualifications are you to be our leader?"

Hunting sword wandering smiled at Chu Jingtian.

"This kid might be walking through the back door!" Someone cooed.

"I don't even have a bird's eye. As for you, stay cool wherever you go. Don't bother me in the future. You walk on your Yangguan Road, I cross my single wooden bridge, and everyone will not commit river water!" The soul hummed and walked directly towards the training ground.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked towards Chu Jingtian.

If Chu Jingtian can suppress the hunting sword and wander the soul, they may still be afraid of a few points, but if they can not suppress, then they naturally do not need to care.

"You ask me what qualifications?" Chu Jingtian was not angry.

Xiu's strength can reach this realm, and he is originally a master who is not tame. Not to mention that they are still members of the prefecture, and they are also good at picking hundreds of miles. It is not so simple to want them to surrender:

"Naturally because I am stronger than you, and I can suppress you!"

The hunting knife wandered and heard a cold cry, only when he was farting.

Others shook their heads secretly.

Stop talking about it, anyone will say.


"Haha, I thought this boy had any skill! It was just a hairy boy who played with the mouth!" The hawk-eyed ghost looked at this scene in the field, and couldn't help laughing.

If these people can change their minds in just three or two sentences, they will not have such a headache.

"Yes, if you want to suppress these guys, you need to have enough strength to calm them." Another ghost said, "But just to calm down, that's not enough. At most, these guys dare not make trouble. He wanted them to be commanded by his arm, I'm afraid he had to convince him to take it! "

Everyone heard the words and nodded.

This training ground is just the first confrontation.

If this is not the first time to calm down, Chu Jingtian will face the embarrassing situation of no one available in the future.

Now hunting swords and wandering souls are leaving. If Chu Jingtian can't stop him, the black iron wandering souls might come to an end.

Thinking of this, everyone looked forward.

The hawk-eye ghost is sneer.

‘I worked so hard for decades before I became a bronze ghost. Why did the kid join the prefecture for less than a month and be able to sit on an equal footing with me? ’

‘I see how ugly you are! ’

He looked around, and most of the other ghosts also had this idea.


"Where are you going?"

Chu Jingtian looked at the hunting knife wandering directly towards the training ground, and raised his eyebrows.

"Go back to practice! I don't have time to accompany you here to waste time." The hunting sword spirit stopped and said coldly: "You shouldn't be stupid enough to stop me, right?"

"Of course I won't stop you!"

Chu Jingtian shook his head.

The hunting knife wandered, and there was a slight contempt in his eyes. But just when he was about to leave, he only heard Chu Jingtian say:

"Under my hands, I give you the right to come and go freely! But if you want this right, you have to have conditions."

"What conditions?"

Chu Jingtian did not answer the words of Hunting Sword and Wandering Soul, but turned his eyes and swept towards the training ground:

"You're not wondering, why did I not be promoted to the bronze ghost to stand here to order you soon after I joined the prefecture? It's simple, because I am far better than you!"

"What?" Those souls who didn't pay much attention to the situation here, almost frizzed on the spot when they said this, "What did you say?"

"You're too arrogant!"

Many people are even gearing up ~ ~ ready to give this kid a hard lesson.

Those bronze ghosts off the field were sneered.

"I don't care who you were before, I don't care how lazy you were before, but starting today, you are my Chu's subordinates. It's the dragon who drew me down, and the tiger who lay me down!

Chu Jingtian's eyes glanced around, facing that one that was either ridiculous, disdainful, or scornful, his voice was low:

"Don't say that I don't give you a chance. I don't want to obey his orders. Naturally, unless you have the strength to beat me. Otherwise, just stay at the training ground honestly!"

(End of this chapter)

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