Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 983: Get up now!


As soon as Chu Jingtian's remarks came out, the training ground that had been noisy immediately seemed to explode.

The reason why they did not obey the order before was because the previous ghosts could not restrain them, and because of this, they also regarded themselves very high. Originally led by a rookie who had just joined the prefecture, he took a sigh of relief, but now he is even more dissatisfied when he hears this.

The hunting knife that was about to leave stopped violently and looked at Chu Jingtian with a somber face:

"Are you serious?"

"of course!"

Chu Jingtian nodded slowly.

He has always spoken according to the law, which is more valuable than the emperor's Jinkouyuyan. How could he promise?

"That being the case, then I will challenge you!"

Before the hunting sword wandering spirit had time to speak, a wandering spirit stood up.

The wandering soul is majestic, with eyes like tiger eyes under the mask, giving an indescribable sense of deterrence. He walked step by step, and every step he carried a sound like an ancient golem on the ground, leaving behind a series of strong and powerful footprints.

"Swim your soul down!" The tiger-eyed man looked at Chu Jingtian proudly and said, "Since Master Gui is so confident, let me show you your skills!"

"Is that your strong soul?"

The hawk-eyed ghost narrowed his eyes and looked at a ghost with a three-headed goatee.

"Nice!" The ghost almost nodded, his face was smooth: "Old is a warlock who practices spiritual cultivation, and can naturally suppress him with my cultivation. But the boy believes in breaking the heavens and sanctifying his body. He believes that spiritual cultivation is just The other side left the door, and my order has always been against Yang and Yin. "

Everyone heard what they said, and they all looked the same, apparently they had already seen it.

Chu Jingtian stood in the field, but just glanced quietly at the man who claimed to be a strong soul wanderer, then retracted his eyes and shook his head:

"You don't deserve it!"

"I don't deserve it?" Heaving the soul vigorously, he laughed with a smile, and said with a smile: "Although I am just an ordinary soul, but now one punch is enough to lighten the 54 lines of power law, which can be compared to those who specialize in cultivation. Physically, you say that I am not worthy? "


Chu Jingtian nodded faintly.

"what about me?"

The soul wandering was about to get angry, and then another calm man came out. He was covered with a black war halberd, and the whole man was so impassive that he looked at Chu Jingtian coldly.

"You are?" Chu Jingtian didn't move.

"You don't know me?" The calm man snorted coldly. "My name is Jiyou Soul."

Seeing his mouth open, the previous vigorous soul wandering with dissatisfaction only had to pout his mouth and backed away.

There are some strong men in the local government who have been degraded similar to the fire ghost.

This halberd, once a silver yak, once made a mistake of belittle the enemy in one mission, and was lured by the Tiangong side. The eighteen bronze ghosts who accompanied him were annihilated, and only he escaped by chance.

Later, Hong Luosha became angry, deprived him of the title of Silver Yasha, and was degraded to the outermost black iron wandering soul.

Regarding such existence, ordinary ghosts are afraid to command him.

Even if his status is not as good as before, but he still has the strength and can not command him without the ability to be able to do so.

"Mu Shan Guichao, is that one of your halberds?" The hawk-eyed ghost turned his gaze, and his gaze fell on a burly middle-aged man.

"Yes!" The strong man issued Hong Zhong Daluo's voice: "I'm not as good as him, I'm not as good as him, and I can't naturally command it. Since this boy likes big bags, I will just give him the halberd! "

"Hey, this kid certainly didn't expect that among these wandering souls, there were also a few genuine silver Yasha hidden!" The hawkish ghost sneered.

Others shook their heads again and again.

It's not so easy to be a hero. Here is the land government, each member is the elite among the elite, and believes in the use of force to rule the king and the strong to be respected! Whoever is strong, who has the ability, and who has the credit, everyone will serve, not on the level and status.

"I heard you!"

Chu Jingtian heard the words, and gave a special glance at the halberd soul.

When Cyclops shoved these people at him, he also told him several people, including one of them. At first, one-eyed Yasha also asked Chu Jingtian whether he wanted to exclude the halberd soul, but Chu Jingtian rejected it directly.

After all, to him, this was a genuine silver Yasha, and others couldn't hold him back, but that didn't mean he couldn't.

"Since you know me, then I ask you, do I deserve to play against you?" Ji Youhun looked at Chu Jingtian coldly.

With this remark, Ji Youhun looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile.

Although the strength of the previous strong soul wandering is not bad, they can only rank at the midstream level among them.

But now, instead of being a silver yak, this kid should taste the pain of lifting a stone to hit his own foot? Many people even waited to see Chu Jingtian humble and apologize.

"not enough!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Jingtian glanced at each other and shook his head.

"What about me?" At this time, an old man with a dwarf figure, dying, and covered with corpses, stood slowly.

As soon as the old man stood out, even the spirit of the halberd changed.

This old man is called 'Anonymous Wandering Soul'.

When they first joined the prefecture, he was already a wandering soul, and it is said that he was quite good. The reason why he joined the prefecture was only to be chased by a holy family and find a place to live.

Because of his family, he has always regarded himself very high, and naturally no one can direct him.

Anonymous wandering soul carried his hands on his back, and a smirk of smile appeared in the cloudy eyes:

"Young man, don't say too much in the future! You are just a bronze ghost, and there is too much to surpass your existence ..."

Anonymous Souls poses like a predecessor of predecessors, and smiles at Chu Jingtian with a smile.

But Chu Jingtian laughed loudly:

"Anonymous wandering soul, you are just a lonely ghost in the Holy Family. You escaped from the family and did not even dare to reveal your own name and surname. What qualifications do you have to preach to me?"

"what did you say?"

Anonymous Wandering Chill asked ~ ~ To escape from the family and not dare to reveal his real name was a shame in his life.

Now Chu Jingtian told it, only ice cold left in his eyes.

Chu Jingtian ignored the unnamed soul who gloomed to the extreme, sweeping everyone on the training ground:

"For me, you're just a bunch of unscrupulous waste. If not, why did your former bosses put you in my hands?"

"Want to challenge me, you guys should go together!"

As soon as Chu Jingtian said this, the training field was quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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