Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 986: Come back

? ......

Outside the training ground, the bronze ghosts who came to watch the war all around were stunned and stared at the dust sweeping away.

In this case, no one had a shocking look on his face.

The movement of Chu Jingtian and these black iron wandering souls is really terrifying. If there is no protective formation in the training ground, I am afraid that most of the local government offices will be demolished by him.

"How's it going!"

The hawk-eyed ghost almost tiptoes, looking anxiously towards the front.

Others also widened their eyes.

I saw the dust slowly dissipate.

Chu Jingtian stood in the center of the training ground, and his feet pierced into the ground half an inch. The entire rockery and trees in the training ground collapsed. Everything in the field of vision is full of scars and nothing is intact.

Around him, those dark iron wraiths were horrified and embarrassed.

"This is real?"

The hawk-eye ghost jumped up immediately.

"it is true!"

The Golden Lion old man's gaze was cold, and he nodded slowly.

Others are also shocked.

You know, so many of them were there before, but none of them could be optimistic about this Chu Yousoul.

He even rushed over and watched the other person ugly.

However, who would have thought that the other party stepped on these thorns so easily.

"He is really alone, so much black iron wandering souls!"

The hawk-eyed ghost jumped his eyelids and couldn't help it.

The Golden Lion old man looked down slightly, and suddenly thought of something, snorted, and patted the Golden Lion under his seat and left the training ground.

"Not always!"

Others looked different.

They are here this time mainly to see what the new bronze ghost can do. If they want to eat so many prickles at once, more people are holding a joke.

But this scene is beyond their imagination.

Of course, Chu Jingtian stepped on these people, what does it mean?

Means beating!

People who they have been suppressing and failing to conquer have been trampled down by others in this way. Does this not mean that they have lost a head?

"This is ruthless!"

"His strength is stronger than us!"

"When was there such a figure in the Holy World who joined the prefecture?"

Of course, although curious, no one would inquire about Chu Jingtian's history in private.

The prefecture has always had an unwritten rule.

When a person is unwilling to reveal their identity, you ask about it, which is taboo.

However, you can inquire about things in the local government.

"This is your strength?"

Chu Jingtian naturally didn't know what the minds of the ghosts who left were outside. All his current concerns are on these black iron wandering souls.

Seeing the anger and intimidation of everyone around him, he slowly retracted his hands and suddenly smiled:

"That's all for today. I'm still waiting for you at the training ground at this time tomorrow!"

After that, the negative hand left.

Lu Jianli stood aside and waited for Chu Jingtian to say a few words of hegemony, and then these black iron wandering souls were moved on the spot, and even worshiped.

But who knows, Chu Jingtian just left like this, some tigers and snakes!

"Boss, let's just leave like this, is it appropriate?" Lu Jian looked away from his eyes, "You didn't see, when you just left, the eyes of those wandering souls ..."

Lu Jianli gestured with his hand, "It's like a knife. I want to wear you a pair!"

"Really, that's right!"


"Good!" Chu Jingtian glanced blankly at Lu Jianli and said leisurely: "You and these people have absolutely no reason to say. If it is really that simple, they must have used the original boss, and Not working! "

"How do you know?" Lu Jian asked subconsciously, but as soon as he got out, he immediately responded. If it works, those people are presumably already capable men of the ghosts, how could they be willing to let it go?

Chu Jingtian saw that Lu Jianli had already returned to God, so he nodded his head and smiled and said, "So, there is nothing to say. Since you don't agree, hit them until they are satisfied!"

"Can you still do this?"

Lu Jianli was a little dumbfounded.

He was also curious, and wanted to see how Chu Jingtian could tame this group of untamed guys? But who knows, this is actually the way?

"Look at it!"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

To deal with this group of people, the means should be less and not more, but this coercive means is most suitable for this group of people.

If you don't believe it once, then twice!

Not twice, but three times.

Chu Jingtian didn't believe it, and couldn't hold back this group of people by his own means!

"Can this be done?"

Lu Jian whispered a few words.


After Chu Jingtian left, the entire training ground had exploded.

They originally thought that the newly-appointed bronze ghost was bad and would rely on their strength to oppress them. If that was the case, they would naturally not be convinced. But who would have thought, Chu Jingtian left his hand after leaving hands.

Moreover, what he said meant to be here on time tomorrow.

"This kid is a hard idea!"

Watching Chu Jingtian leaving, Ji Youhun stood up angrily and gritted his teeth. "I didn't expect him to be so powerful, so many of us were folded in his hands!"

"Yes, isn't it just that you are stronger and want to convince us? But it wasn't that easy! Lao Tzu was chased and killed by people from the Wei family for so long, when did I bow my head?" Anonymous Youhun also got angry He shouted, and the shout almost revealed his family and history.

The same goes for everyone else.

They consider themselves extraordinary and refuse to bow their heads.

Otherwise, it will not become the group of bronze ghosts who can't avoid it, fearing like a snake.

"What should we do, the guy said, he asked us to wait for him here tomorrow!" Hunting Swordsman asked.

"He's old, let's be here, right here?" Cried a wandering soul with a little fear, but as soon as his words fell, someone sneered:

"If we don't come tomorrow, doesn't it mean we are afraid of him?"

Everyone heard that ~ ~ couldn't help frowning.

The bronze ghosts they followed were not as good as Chu Jingtian.

After playing, let them continue to wait here tomorrow.

"This guy seems to be able to eat us!" For a long time, the unknown soul grimaced angrily.

The hunting knife wandered, and subconsciously said, "Nameless, what shall we do?"

Anonymous Soul sneered: "He is nothing but strength by virtue of his own cultivation, but in the prefecture, the most important thing is strength. We don't look for outsiders, take a good night's rest, and bring the state to the top!"

"Let him stand in tomorrow, lie down and go out!" Anonymous spirits angered in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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