Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 987: Search for the truth

These black iron wandering spirits are holding their breath, and the ghosts present today are also waiting to see jokes.

They know that this group of thorns is definitely not a character that is easy to give up, they must be thinking of ways to counterattack.

of course.

In their hearts, naturally it is hoped that the Dark Iron Wanderers will succeed in counterattack. If at that time, Chu Jingtian really let this group of people subdue, then they would not have no light on their faces.

After all, no one who can join the prefecture is not proud, and no one is willing to easily admit that he is weaker than the other.

Early the next morning, they rushed to the training ground early.

Sure enough, when they saw the hordes of fighting spirits, unnamed spirits, hunting knives and spirits, they couldn't help shining their eyes.

The hawk-eyed ghost sneered, holding his fist:

"These people didn't respond yesterday. They should have been defeated by the other party without showing their own strength! I see that each of these people today is fully motivated. The kid wants to win again, I am afraid it is not so easy!

"Yes!" Even the old Golden Lion nodded slightly. "If we could conquer these black iron wandering souls by force alone, we would have been able to do so already! With yesterday's failure, this group of people will surely succeed today!"

Others are also nodding.

After all, even when they are standing outside the training ground, they can feel the killing intentions emitted by these thorns, no matter who they are, they may not be able to get much benefit today.


The hopeless ghosts are more anxious than the Dark Iron Wandering Soul.

When Chu Jingtian's figure appeared around the corner, everyone couldn't help it.

It's a pity that these thorns once again let them down.

Today's battle, Chu Jingtian still wins, and it is easier than yesterday.

After beating the last person down, he still clapped his hands as he did yesterday:

"That's all for today. I'm still waiting for you at the training ground at this time tomorrow!"

After that, he threw away the dreaded ghosts and ghosts and left again.

For two consecutive days, so many people shamelessly besieged a bronze ghost, and they were all defeated.

In everyone's words, this beam is completely settled.

They will not easily bow their heads, let alone be willing to lose.

For a moment, the anger in my heart reached the extreme.

And the eagle-eyed ghost who watched the battle and others also understood some things from these two battles: the newly appointed Chu ghost was terrible and powerful. Because of winning two games in a row, Chu Jingtian has already proven his strength.

However, they did not believe that Chu Jingtian was able to subdue these people!

Sure enough, after the training ground was over, these thorns began to discuss again.

"I don't believe it, he has no faults!"

"Yes, every time this guy says he's going to take a shot, he's standing still, he's a master of gas refining, and other aspects may be worse!"

"It looks like this kid will fight long distances, but close combat is a bit worse!"

Someone is right now, and immediately make a fuss about this.

"We can hold on to his shot first, and then let those who are good at refining!"

"Both times he lost in his hands because we were too hasty! Although our number is large, there is no rule!"

"If he is dealt with at this pace tomorrow, he will definitely not get three moves!"

Speaking of which, many people laughed.

What's more, they have begun flexing their muscles and looking forward to tomorrow's arrival.

Unfortunately, they lost faster.

Because Chu Jingtian is still a strong man with three levels and eight realms, both internally and externally, has reached the body of no leakage, the result of their approach is naturally faster defeat!

Fourth day!

Fifth day!

Sixth day!

No matter how they tried, they still didn't please him in front of Chu Jingtian.

After each defeat, they will discuss how to take the next shot.

But in fact, no matter how they frustrated, Chu Jingtian all responded one by one, and after clever dissolution, these thorns finally realized that things no longer seemed to be under their control--

Chu Jingtian's strength has exceeded their imagination.

"How can this guy be so strong!"

"Three cultivations are actually three cultivations of body, law, and qi. There are also many people in this division who do three cultivations, but no one can reach his level!"

"There is no leak, there are no shortcomings, so many of us can't take him down, is it too shameful!"

Way out.

Magic weapons, tricks, except for the means of fighting, all the tricks at the bottom of the box were taken out.

Still not Chu Chutian's opponent.

But in fact, they have no way out. For six or seven days in a row, all the rogue moves have been used. If they can't win another shock, then their faces will be lost!

"When did we come out of such a character in the holy realm? Even if he joined the holy realm, it is impossible for him to remain silent. We haven't heard a little bit of wind?"

After being given a lesson by Chu Jingtian again that day, these black iron wandering souls simply did not leave, and sat in the training ground to discuss the countermeasures.

If Chu Jingtian is here and sees this scene, maybe he will be happy first.

These thorny heads are often unruly, all of them are a wolf king, and now under the pressure of Chu Jingtian, they are actually twisted. This is definitely a windfall!

"Yes, if it wasn't for the rules, I'd go out and inquire!" Hunting Knives said indignantly.

Do not inquire about the identity and origin of the other party, this is the rule of the prefecture.

after all.

People who join the prefecture have more or less their own reasons, naturally they are very taboo about others knowing their identity before joining the prefecture.

"Yeah, if you know what his origins are, maybe you can find his weakness!" Ji Youhun sighed.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Anonymous, is there any way for you?" Hunting Sword Wandering Soul looked at Unsung Soul.

In the past few days, all methods, including combat methods, have been planned by the unknown soul.

In the face of Chu Jingtian's hard bones ~ ~ everyone still chose to hold a group.

Upon hearing the inquiry, the light flashed in the eyes of the anonymous soul, and hesitated for a moment to say: "The rules of the land government, we naturally can not touch, we can not inquire about the identity of Chu Gui sent outside the land government. What he did in the prefecture! "

"Nameless, what do you mean?" Ji Youhun stunned.

"Know yourselves and know yourselves, win every battle!" The unnamed wandering soul narrowed his eyes. "Did not Chu Guicha pass through the task of Baichen Tianlin, and be promoted directly from the black iron wandering soul into a bronze ghost?"

"Let's find out all the news about this white mark Tianlin! As long as we find his faults, we will be able to crack the surface!"

Anonymous Wraith sounds cold!

(End of this chapter)

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