Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 988: Powerlessness

? Since thinking how to suppress Chu Jingtian's limelight, these souls naturally dispersed and went out to inquire about Chu Jingtian's things.

Of course, taboos can't be touched.

Anonymous wandering soul with a halberd, hunting knife and wandering soul, went straight to the residence of a silver-faced yak after leaving the training ground.

The silver-faced yaksha nicknamed 'Horizontal Sword'.

It is reported that in the past, he joined the prefecture together with Anonymous, and mingled to the position of the silver-faced Yasha.

However, one mission failed, and the namelessness was devalued. It fell directly from silver to black iron, and its status also plummeted.

"Brother, why did you come to me?"

Hengdao was slightly surprised when he saw the nameless.

"I didn't run into some trouble, so I thought about asking my brother for help." Wuming sighed, "I want to ask someone!"

"Who?" Hengdao asked.

Anonymous whispered: "Chu Guichao! Don't worry, my brother, I'm not inquiring about things outside Chuguichafu. I just want to know what he did in Baiken Tianlin. I want to analyze it and find him Short board. "

Anonymous simply explained what he meant, and his face was a little embarrassing.

He was proud of his life and did not want to bow his head.

Now that a kid who has just joined the prefecture is about to step on his feet, how could he take this breath?

So I can only think of finding the weakness of the other party.

As the name of Hengdao is, he is carrying a horizontal knife that is larger than the hunting sword and has a heroic spirit of ‘I ’m smiling from the horizontal sword to the sky’. But at this time, he just glanced silently at the anonymous:

"Brother, don't look it up, I know what you mean, but this person is optimistic about Master Hong Luocha ..."

"What about Hong Luocha's favor?" Hunting sword wandered coldly. "Just stepping on him will prove that he has no ability to lead us. He walks his Yangguan Road, and I cross my canoe ! "

"Good!" Anonymous nodded.

Although Chu Jingtian is strong, they can always find each other's weaknesses. As long as he is trampled down, there is not much for the other party.

Hengdao shook his head secretly. He knew what his old brother's personality was and could only sigh:

"That being the case, I'll just say, but you have to be prepared!"

Hearing this sentence, Ji Youhun smiled disdainfully.

Anonymous wandering souls and hunting sword wandering souls are also disgusting looks.

In their opinion, as long as they can find the flaws, they will be able to crack the surface and catch Chu's weakness.

Hengdao saw the three of them like this and grinned bitterly:

"But not as easy as you think!"

"At the time, the assessment questions of these batches were made by the judge. There were twelve real people in black iron and one silver general. As a result, all these people were planted in his hands!"

Everyone heard the words, eyes and pupils closed.

They have also heard that the appraisal of the prefecture some time ago was made by Judge Cui himself, and one of them was very eye-catching. In the face of Hong Luocha, killing the Quartet, he reversed the situation that should have been a complete defeat!

They just inquired about the origin of Chu Jingtian, but who thought that Hengdao threw the news at the beginning?

"That person is Chu Guicha?" Anonymous couldn't help it.

However, this actually inspired his pride.

"Well, what about Silver General? At the beginning, I also killed two or three!" Anonymous Soul sneered.

How could it be possible to become a silver-level peripheral member of the prefecture? The other party can kill, and they can also kill, how can they avoid Chu Jingtian who joins the prefecture?

"Yeah!" Ji Youhun also returned to God. "What about Baichen Tianlin?"

"Baichen Tianlin?" Heng Dao hesitated, "At first, the fire ghost sent these new men to Baichen Tianlin to investigate the missing incident, but they encountered an ambush."

"I know this thing!" Hunting Sword nodded, "The fire ghost has been degraded by a level!"

Others nodded again and again.

Things were quite troublesome that time.

It is said that Hong Luosha even took all the silver-level ghosts in the branch and all killed Baichen Tianlin.

"Chu Guicha is this battle, and Lord Hong Luocha mentioned Bronze Guicha!" Hengdao paused for a moment, throwing a shocking message from Shibo: "In that battle, he faced Tiangong San alone Silver, dozens of bronzes. Then all died in his hands! "

"All died in his hands!"

This time, it wasn't just hunting swords, but even halberds and unnamed people. The people of this city were extremely mad.

"He alone, destroyed all these people in Tiangong?"

Shouted anonymity.

Even if he is still ignorant, he can guess that these Tiangong members are afraid of traps already set up, waiting for them to be hooked.

But this newcomer actually reversed the ambush of Tiangong with his own strength.

"That guy has a bright future!"

Anonymous soul pressed the shock in his heart, reluctantly.

Baichen Tianlin battle.

This Chu Guicha was completely in the eyes of Hong Luocha.

Because he not only bite a bite in front of Tiangong himself, but also made Hong Luocha a big profit.

"By the way, I have one more thing here. I wonder if you want to hear it?" He smiled happily when he saw the look of the unknown people.

"What's the matter?" Asked the unknown subconsciously.

"Some time ago, this Chu ghost sent a force stone on the dynamometer in the martial arts hall and punched out ninety-one lines of power law." Hengdao said lightly.


As soon as this word came out, the three of them could not help but scalp.

You know, the purpose of their coming here today is to look for Chu Jingtian's loopholes, and they want to beat each other with a little bit of noodles.

But what does Hengdao mean?

He was telling a few unnamed people that this boy has not yet come up with all his strengths. If you want to inquire about his strength, I'm afraid it's worse.

"So ~ ~ He and we have been fighting until now, are they deliberately pressing on the means?" Anonymous sighed.

The hunting sword wandering soul and the sword wandering soul stopped talking.

Shaky for a while, as if the bones had been removed, he couldn't speak.

When a person is still in front of you, you may be able to surpass him if you work hard. However, when the gap between the two sides has reached a certain level, it will become a natural sound, making people unable to resist the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

"I finally understand why this Chu Guichao left every time he finished his hand, and never talked nonsense with us. It turned out to be a treat for us!" Wuming sighed.

Originally, they thought that these people could be turned over in Chu Jingtian's hands, but found that everything was a busy life, which made everyone feel a sense of weakness.

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