Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 989: Mountain town

On the seventh day, in the training ground.

Those thorny heads who did not obey the management stood there, looking at the front with intricate complexion.

To be precise, Chu Jingtian looked extremely complicated.

Since the news was brought back by nameless yesterday, the people present have reacted to what exactly they are facing.

"Why didn't you attack today?"

Chu Jingtian turned his back and looked at the people in front of him with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, their eyes became more and more complicated.

In the end, the unknown soul sighed and went forward:

"Chu Guichao, we are willing to obey your orders! As long as you have orders in the future, we will never disobey, but on instructions!"

In the face of such a fight, you can't win, and you can't win. If you don't use it, it will be useless. It is better to obey the other party.

"Too early, right?" Chu Jingtian shook his head with a smile.


"Let's fight first, and wait until the fight is over!" Chu was shocked.

"Chu Gui is bad, you can really laugh."

Anonymous wandered.

Chu Jingtian frowned and said, "Who said a joke to you ..."


Anonymous, hunting knives and others looked at each other, crying and laughing.

This is the first time they have surrendered to others, but the other party is unwilling.

Now that he had chosen to bow his head, he didn't care about once or twice. Wuming could only tell the news he got from Hengdao, and then the news shocked them.

"So, you just surrendered so easily?" Chu Jingtian touched his chin, and seemed a little unconvinced.

he knows.

This group of thorns is a group of evil wolves.

It's not that easy to make them obediently surrender.

"Leave it alone!" Said helplessly.

In fact, what he didn't say is that Chu Jingtian has not only entered Hong Luocha's field of vision, but has even entered the eyes of Judge Cui.


Chu Jingtian didn't expect that these black iron wandering souls so easily bowed his head.

According to his original calculation, it was 'hit'!

When are you willing to bow your head and when will you let go. Make them afraid to disobey their orders!

After all, Chu Jingtian has always used unknown, hunting knife and other people as tools. Who has seen a warrior killing someone, but also ask whether the sword in his hand does not agree?

What Chu Jingtian has to do is control.

Letting these people obediently obey, even if they do not obey, is at least better than stumbling behind them. Of course, Chu Jingtian doesn't think it will be easy if he wants them to be fully submissive.

After all, the people who can join the land government are arrogant.

It is not too simple to want the other party to surrender so easily.


The members of the prefecture communicate with each other through masks, and they do not need to stay in the prefecture at all times.

In his spare time, Chu Jingtian stayed in the town in the hinterland of Shushan to cultivate.

As for the matter of the land government, he directly handed it over to Lu Jian to manage it. The fat man was able to eat, and soon mingled with Wu Ming and others, but Chu Chutian saved a lot of trouble.

The Su family did not agree with Chu Jingtian and Su Qiong, but did not object, and maintained a silent attitude.

Su Yue and others did not have too much consciousness. In addition to their daily leisure, they came to Chushan to find Chu Jingtian.

That day Su Qiong also came.

"Chu Jingtian, last time my father said, please don't care. He just wants to draw you into Su family!"

"I naturally know, but I don't want to stop!" Chu Jingtian shook his head. "Although the Holy Family is good, there are too many rules and regulations. I am a wild cloud crane and cannot be restrained."

Su Qiong was slightly disappointed.

When she came this time, she probably wanted Lachu to enter the Su family.

After all, in her opinion, there is a family supporting behind, it is better than fighting alone.

But where did she know Chu Jingtian's concerns, once she joined Su's family, she fell into slavery. How could he be a watchdog for others?

"I've been in the Holy World for so long, and I haven't visited the hinterland of Shushan yet, let's go and see!" Su Qiong blinked with big eyes and looked at Chu Jingtian with pity.

"Okay!" Chu Jingtian nodded.

He came to the hinterland of Shushan for so long, and didn't walk around decently. Instead, Lu Jianli touched the hinterland. It is not uncommon to accompany Su Qiong for a leisure trip.

The hinterland of Shushan is one of the holy realms.

This area stretches for hundreds of millions of miles and is the largest mountain range in the Holy Realm.

The Holy Family, including some casual repairs, will often enter the hinterland of Shushan to hunt down monsters and collect heaven and earth treasures. So over time, a small town was formed here.

Although it looks like an ordinary town, any news about Shushan hinterland will appear in this town for the first time. It is for this reason that Chu Jingtian lives here.

"The Tianling Dibao collected in the hinterland of Shushan,‘ Sky Dome Blue Pearl Grass ’, can be exchanged for sixth-order magic weapons, weapons, martial arts, and exercises!”

"The skin of the sixth-order monster" Golden Spot Titan Python ", come and see."

"A map of the mountains surrounding the hinterland of Shushan, a must-have for entering Shushan, pass by, don't miss it."


Stepping into the town and watching the crowds in front of him, Su Qiong could not help exclaiming.

Those silhouettes that constantly flew from overhead were once regarded as elders in the immortal avenue of the avenue. Rarely, they have been repaired to reach the seventh-order existence, but now they are emerging frequently on the street.

Chu Jingtian's look was as usual, and he had already seen such strangeness on this occasion.

"Do you look good on me?"

In front of a small stall, Su Qiong picked up a pair of beautiful earrings, and gestured cheerfully.

The stall owner saw that the two were wearing ordinary clothes, and frowned:

"This is a 'white jade ring', forged with good white jade, and at the same time, it is a magic weapon that can withstand an attack by the six powerful men. The price is not cheap ...!"

"Buy it!"

Chu Jingtian threw away a jade bottle.

The stall owner took the jade bottle, opened it suspiciously, and immediately looked overjoyed, and stepped aside respectfully.

The jade bottle is naturally elixir ~ ~ In order to break through the threefold and eight realms some time ago, Chu Jingtian destroyed a lot of monsters, and also harvested some heavenly treasures. He refined some of the precious spiritual herbs into elixir, mostly based on the seventh stage.

These elixir had little use for him, but it was of high value in the holy realm, which saved him the time to make money.

When the street vendors around Chu saw such a generous shot by Chu Jingtian, they suddenly stepped forward to introduce their own goods.

Chu Jingtian frowned slightly.

He didn't come to buy things, he just went shopping with Su Qiong, where would he be disturbed by others?

As I was about to catch someone, my eyes suddenly swept across a corner, and my pupils shrank, and a sound of surprise came out.

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