Brain storage.


"Beep, beep..."

Police cars and ambulances were running on the road and soon arrived at the crime scene!

Just now, a ruthless truck knocked Ye Feng out. Because the brakes were not in time, the truck even ran over Ye Feng mercilessly.

That scene was so brutal!

When the family members came, Ye Feng had been run over by the truck and even his mother couldn't recognize him...

Dark, empty, and confused.

When Ye Feng woke up, his mind was still a little unclear.

Or, it's hard to say whether he has a brain now.

"What happened to me?"

"Oh, I was hit by a car!"

"Damn truck driver, I just found a girlfriend, and before I had time to have a relationship, she was sent away like this!"

"Dad, mom, brother, sister, you must help me, I can't die in vain, I must make that damn driver pay so much that he can't even wear pants!"

Ye Feng complained fiercely, but soon he calmed down.

He didn't know what the situation was at home, but he thought that the death compensation alone would be enough for his family to have food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

Maybe now his relatives and friends have already eaten his feast in his hometown!

The most urgent thing is to figure out his own situation first!

Ye Feng thought about it, and he began to wander.

He could be sure that he didn't have a body at the moment because he had no legs, but he did move, so he just regarded himself as a soul.

The environment he was in was pitch black, and there was no light at all.

After just floating for a while, Ye Feng hit the wall.

Uh... it was a real wall.

Although he didn't know what was going on, Ye Feng was sure that he had hit the wall.

Although he was a soul, the strange thing was that Ye Feng could really touch the "wall".

"Fuck, what's going on? Wait, people should be cremated after death, and then the ashes should be put into a box! I'm in the urn now... I'm not in the urn!"

The more Ye Feng thought about it, the more scared he felt. At least, even if he became a ghost, he didn't want to be trapped in this small box.

The protagonist's urn (Athena's pot)

He wanted to see the sunshine outside, he wanted to breathe the fresh air, he wanted to feel the beautiful big waves...


A howling rain suddenly swept the world. At this moment, the gods in the earthly world all felt the great divinity.

This powerful divine power made countless weak gods tremble.

At this time, the sea was surging, thunder was roaring, strong earthquakes occurred all over the world, and countless natural disasters took place one after another.

Greece, the Sanctuary, the Temple of Athena.

Sasha, who was sleeping soundly, was also suddenly awakened, and the whole person seemed to be in doubt.

In this plane of "Saint Seiya", the more powerful the god, the stronger his omniscience and omnipotence.

Not to mention that she is a main god, whose omniscience and omnipotence have already involved the entire universe.

Although it was only a moment, she did feel that in the Far North, a strong will and the microcosm of God suddenly burst out.

Although this burst was a bit inexplicable, its strength was undoubtedly that of the main god who could rival or even surpass her!

"Lady Athena, Sage wants to see you!"

Outside the temple, Pope Sage prostrated himself outside the gate, his words full of humility.

As a survivor of the last holy war and a link between the old and new eras, Sage is also very clear about how important the burden on his shoulders is.

"Sage, come in!"

Sasha said, and Sage immediately stood up and entered the temple.

Of course, although he entered the Temple of Athena, he could only talk to Sasha through the curtain.

As the contemporary human body of Athena, the virgin goddess in charge of war and wisdom, even if Sage, the Pope, is the most powerful person in the world, he must be respectful and humble and cannot cross the line.


"Lady Athena, just now, it rained heavily in the sanctuary! Although the rain ended quickly, it was an ominous sign!"

"Sage, your worry is correct, I also feel the huge microcosm. I'm afraid..."

Sasha didn't finish her words, but both she and Sage could feel the seriousness of it.

You know, the sanctuary is protected by Athena's divine microcosm, and it is also covered by a barrier that isolates it from the secular world.

Under normal circumstances, let alone rain, even earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions areIt is impossible to affect the Sanctuary.

But now, a heavy rain has fallen in the Sanctuary for no reason, which is enough to explain the problem.

It has been more than two hundred years since the last holy war with the underworld.

Now, a new holy war is imminent, and now such a change has occurred. Even Sasha and Sage have to worry about the future development!

Especially in recent years, news of the rebellion of the Pluto army has appeared all over the world.

First, the hero of the Sanctuary, the Leo Gold Saint Seiya, Ilias, died in the battle with Radamanthys, the Sky Star and the Wyvern, one of the three giants of the underworld.

Later, the man closest to God in the underworld, Di Kui Xing, the Great Marshal Ming Wang, Azha Poju, disturbed the earth in the underworld, and was finally sent into reincarnation by the man closest to God in the earth, Asmita, the Virgo Gold Saint Seiya.

Of course, other Saints were not idle either. After the Sanctuary obtained intelligence, Sage would immediately consider the combat power of each Saint and dispatch Saints to solve the problem.

The Hades Saints were causing chaos in the earthly world, which in itself indicated that the war with the underworld was about to start again.

If it were not for the development in recent years, the combat power of the Sanctuary would have been basically fully supplemented, otherwise the manpower problem alone would be enough for Sage to worry about!

But now, the holy war with Hades has not officially begun, and another powerful will of God has suddenly awakened. This is really not a good sign for the Sanctuary.

At least, Sage really doesn't think that the Sanctuary can deal with Hades and his Hades Army, and deal with another great god who is not inferior to Athena and Hades...

On the other side, a small town somewhere in Italy.

"I never thought that his will would awaken at this critical moment!"

"Do we need to contact him? If we can form an alliance with him, Athena and her sanctuary will be vulnerable to the upcoming holy war!"

"No, no! At least, we can't contact him before we find Lord Hades! Danados, you and I know that it's impossible for the two of us to suppress him! Even Lord Hades may not be able to do it!"

Hypnos, who appeared as a church priest, said solemnly.

And in the shadow behind him, the phantom of the huge microcosm also fell silent!

In a sense, the king of the sea is a more difficult existence than the king of the underworld!

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