Far North, Siberia, Brugler.

This was once the battlefield between the goddess of war Athena and the sea king Poseidon. Since the end of the holy war in the past, many saints stayed in this far north. They also followed Athena's orders to guard the soul of the sea king Poseidon.

To this day, although those saints have passed away, their descendants, the ice warriors, still live on this continent.

They are just not wearing holy clothes, and have long been out of the control of the sanctuary.

But the mission of guarding the soul of the sea king is still rooted in the will of these warriors.

Although these warriors don't even know the Athena pot that seals the soul of the sea king, let alone the exact location of the Athena pot.

At this time, the secret library of Brugler, where the world's knowledge is treasured, also seals the soul of God guarded by the people of Brugler.

"Ah... What a powerful microcosm, this is God! Even if only a little bit is leaked, it makes people feel the irresistible vast will!"

As the lord, Garusia was sincerely in awe and intoxicated. In the secret passage of this library, countless Athena seals were pasted on the walls.

And the powerful microcosm of the Sea King was transmitted from the wall.

Although this microcosm and divinity came and went quickly, it was enough to make the lord of Brugle kneel in awe.


Unity and Seraphina stood behind Garusia. As the children of the lord, they had to come and check on the sudden situation in the territory.

"I'm sorry, Unity, Seraphina, for letting you see me lose my composure! Although Poseidon is a great god, he is a god who is hostile to the earth. As descendants of the Saints, our duty is only to monitor the soul of the Poseidon!"

Galusia stood up and did not forget to warn her children.

Poseidon's movements are related to the peace and tranquility of the earth. They must take good care of the soul of God!

"Father, do you need to report to the Sanctuary? Poseidon's will has indeed awakened, although it is very short, but it is not something we can control!"

Unity said, and Garusia nodded without refutation.

"You are right, Unity, go and notify the Sanctuary! Speaking of which, I haven't seen Dieter for a long time!"

Galusia said, and Unity and Seraphina also showed a trace of reminiscence on their faces.

Dieter, who was born in Siberia, is their childhood friend.

Now he has become a glorious gold saint in the Sanctuary. This time, there is a problem in Brugler. Judging from the situation in the Sanctuary, Pope Sage will most likely send him to deal with it.

Then, they will be able to meet their friends!

[Come on, come to me! ]


"What's wrong, sister?"

Noticing that his sister Seraphina was a little strange, Unity couldn't help but ask.

He always believed that in this lifeless far north, his sister Seraphina was the most beautiful sun on this land and the most beloved princess of all the people of Brugler!

Although this is his biological sister, Unity couldn't help but have a different idea in his heart.

He hoped that his sister would always keep a beautiful smile and live happily forever!

"No, Unity, maybe... it's an illusion!"

Seraphina looked at the Poseidon pattern on the wall, and she had a different feeling.

It was just a background, but the Poseidon's eyes seemed full of agility, staring at her...

At the same time, deep in the sea, the Continental Palace - Atlantis.

This is the domain of the Poseidon. Although it is under the sea, under the eight pillars of the Pillar of Life and the Seven Oceans Pillars, the entire underwater temple is completely isolated from the sea water and water pressure, allowing the people of Atlantis, countless aquatic creatures, as well as sea warriors and sea generals to survive in this seabed!

Sea Realm

And Atlantis, a continental palace covering an area of ​​more than 100 million square kilometers, was originally a god-level civilization on the sea in the mythological era.

It was just sunk by the Saints in the holy war with Athena.

If Poseidon's divine power was not really beyond imagination, otherwise Atlantis would have disappeared long ago.

However, even at the bottom of the sea, Atlantis still operates autonomously under the will of the Sea King, although it is a little dilapidated.

But as long as Poseidon has that idea, the sea world headed by Atlantis will immediately develop, and even restore its former glory in a short time!

You know, Poseidon's status in the twelve main gods of Olympus is second only to Zeus.

And the plane of "Saint Seiya", and has always been based on Greek mythology.

And the Lord of the Lord God means the Lord of the Universe!

With the support of a powerful Lord of the Universe, it is difficult for Atlantis not to develop!

At this time, in the Temple of Poseidon.

The scales of the Sea King are in the center, and on both sides of it, the scales of the seven sea generals are separated on both sides.

Under this scale, the Athena Pot is emitting a faint light.

The next moment, Athena's seal amulet suddenly broke, the lid of the pot suddenly opened, a blue beam of light shot up into the sky, and Poseidon's soul floated in the temple.

"That's right, I am no longer Ye Feng now, I am the Sea King Poseidon, the great Lord God!"

Poseidon muttered to himself. Just before, he was still in panic in the Athena Pot.

However, the inadvertent divinity and the will of the gods activated the Lord God's omniscience and omnipotence.

For a moment, Ye Feng immediately understood everything and knew his current situation.

Yes, he traveled through time and space, and traveled to this "Saint Seiya" plane with a soul named "Ye Feng", and completely replaced the soul of Poseidon, the Sea King.

Not only did he completely devour his soul, but he also completely occupied the will of the gods belonging to Poseidon.

And now he is the great god of the "Saint Seiya" plane - Poseidon, the Sea King!

This "Saint Seiya" plane also has many energy systems, but generally it is dominated by microcosms.

And this microcosm also has categories, divided into God's microcosm and human microcosm.

The human microcosm is mainly one to ten senses. After reaching the ninth sense, humans can gain power that rivals the main god.

If you reach the tenth sense, it is even enough to be compared with the absolute god (Chaos, Aps).

However, after the human microcosm reaches the seventh sense, there is another category, that is, Ω, which takes the macrocosm route.

Similarly, if Ω can reach the extreme, it is also enough to rival or even surpass the main god.

These two paths are possibilities for humans.

Humans have a chance to surpass God.

Although this is almost impossible, it is only almost. Once a miracle is created, humans are indeed extraordinary.

Another category of microcosm is the microcosm of God.

Unlike the human microcosm, the human microcosm is not as good as the microcosm of God at the beginning, because it needs to grow step by step.

The microcosm of God is different. This microcosm is born grand, and the strength of the microcosm of God that the god possesses is determined by the divinity.

This divinity can be said to be the talent of the gods to master the origin. The higher the divinity, the more the origin of the universe can be mastered.

Therefore, divinity is innate and cannot grow by cultivation, but it can be enhanced by devouring other gods.

The levels of gods are divided from high to low: upper main gods (absolute gods) > middle main gods > lower main gods > second-rate gods > third-rate gods > unclassified gods

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