
Chapter 107 Saintess: Heaven Devouring Demonic Art [5000 words]

Chen Qianxue joined Spirit Sword when he was 5 years old Sect, she has been practicing in Spirit Sword Sect for 14 years, her Immortal Root bone is really very good, innate talent is also the one that belongs to cream of the crop in Spirit Sword Sect.

But it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need to work hard for cultivation. She spends no less energy and sweat than others.

That year, she was 5 years old in order to impact Qi Refinement First Layer.

I haven’t slept for half a month, just to be able to break through to the Qi Refinement First Layer in one breath.

When I established the First Layer in order to break through the Foundation…

Chen Qianxue even let herself retreat for half a year.

For half a year, it was almost sleepless.

This kind of high-intensity cultivation, if there is no breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Realm in the end, will bring huge backlash to one’s body.


At that time, her efforts were not in vain, and she successfully broke through to the Foundation Establishment First Layer.


After being invited to enter that strange cultivation world by the cultivation simulator…

Chen Qianxue felt in a trance that all her efforts were in vain.

After more than ten years of penance, what did I get?

From a mortal to an immortal cultivator of the Foundation Establishment First Layer?

This is indeed a remarkable achievement in the past.

The 19-year-old Foundation Establishment First Layer is a once-in-a-century existence in the cultivation world. .

But now, she doesn’t think so.

Chen Qianxue feels that his innate talent doesn’t seem to be at worst.

Because of a few simulations in the cultivation simulator…

It’s casually surpassing her years of hard work.

All of this seemed to deny all the efforts she had made.

Chen Qianxue fell into deep thought.


After thinking about it for a full hour, Chen Qianxue suddenly came back to his senses, and her eyes recovered: “I seem to be stuck in a It is a misunderstanding of thinking. The simulation of cultivation in the cultivation simulator for just a few days is indeed comparable to the ten years of ascetic practice…”

“The problem is that the short period of time in the cultivation simulator A few days, in fact, dozens or hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years! In reality, only a few days have passed, but in the cultivation simulator, a long time has passed.”

“I am in The effort in immortal immortal life is even more than the effort in reality!”

When he said this, Chen Qianxue’s thoughts came to his senses.

She exhaled heavily.


“Fortunately, I figured it out in time.” She said to herself: “If you struggle with this for a while, it will inevitably breed a Heart Demon, and it will be uncomfortable when the time comes.”

Chen Qianxue can keep his composure after breeding the Heart Demon in the simulator, come again at worst!

If the Heart Demon breeds in reality, she is very likely to die due to the cultivation deviation!

No matter how bad it is, I will fall into the demonic path, and my temperament will change greatly.

When a person’s temperament changes drastically, it’s hard to say whether he is himself or not.

Chen Qianxue put aside the decadent thoughts in his mind.

Focus on the settlement rewards you get this time.

“The incomplete version of “Heaven Devouring Demonic Art”!”

“Quasi-Innate Spirit Physique!”

Chen Qianxue’s mind came up with a paragraph out of thin air Memory, there is a huge amount of information in memory, which is filled with hundreds of thousands of texts, and it is extremely profound, as if it contains the mysteries of the universe.

Some of it might have been difficult for her to understand if it wasn’t forcibly fed into her head by the cultivation simulator.

“Is it only one-tenth of the content?”

Chen Qianxue was startled.

Have so many Great Demons been rewarded with one-tenth of the Heaven Devouring Demonic Art?

Could it be…

“Is it too special?”

Chen Qianxue can only think about it, after all, the dream brought by the mysterious mask has given She was greatly shocked.

The kind of picture in the dream made her realize how small she was.

took a deep breath.

Chen Qianxue took out a medicine pill and smelled the fragrance of the medicine pill, her eyes narrowed.

In an instant!

A faint layer of aura lingered above the medicine pill, which was disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the medicinal incense emitted by this medicine pill also disappeared at a very fast rate.

The medicine pill in just a few breaths…

turned into an ordinary pill, like a mud pill.

Makes it impossible to tell that it was a Spirit Pill.


The medicine pill turns into fine ashes.

Slowly drifting away.


Chen Qianxue’s beautiful eyes flashed a shock: “What a domineering demon art!”

Her reaction was similar to that of Chen Qianxue. Before Bai Yi, there is almost no difference.

“Also, Qin Jiao’s Quasi-Innate Spirit Physique…”

The cultivation simulator gave her a text prompt, introducing the role of the Quasi-Innate Spirit Physique.

“Is there no shackles below the Golden Core?”

Chen Qianxue was a little surprised.

Qin Jiao, that stupid girl, has this special newborn innate talent?

She was lucky.

I just don’t know, if Qin Jiao knew about himself and had the same innate talent as her…

How would you feel?

Chen Qianxue had a lot of thoughts in her heart, until the sudden movement outside interrupted her thoughts——

“The devil is gone!!!”


“All the people below hid at home! We are the guest official immortal cultivator of the Imperial Court! There is a Sacred Heart Temple devil mixed into the city. If you don’t want to be killed by the devil, hurry up and hide!”

“Damn Imperial Court eagles!!”

“The devil is dead!”



The angry shouts sounded like thunder, and these voices fluctuated with spiritual power, making them extremely loud.

Nearby ordinary people heard this and hurriedly hid in houses on the street.

That is the heinous Sacred Heart Temple devil!

How dare ordinary people like them face a vicious devil?

Even some immortal cultivators are hiding.

Either because of his own weakness, don’t dare provoke the devil of the Sacred Heart Temple, for fear of retaliation in the future.

Or, just don’t want to cause trouble.

Chen Qianxue…

It is the latter of the two.

The cautious Chen Qianxue will not go out to eliminate demons to protect the dao because of this movement.

What if this is a trap?

What if the devil being chased was actually playing the pig to eat the tiger?

For example, pretend to be hunted down and show weakness.

Then, let more Righteous Path immortal cultivator begin to stir inside, want to eliminate demons protect the dao.

As a result, the devil suddenly revealed, sharper and more ferocious minions.

Kill all these immortal cultivators in one go.

This kind of thing…

It’s not impossible.

Even with the slightest probability, it can happen.


Chen Qianxue didn’t want to get involved in this kind of thing, she just wanted to be safe.


It didn’t work out.

The sound of the fight between the Imperial Court immortal cultivator and the Sacred Heart Temple demon, became louder and louder, and seemed to be getting closer and closer.


A loud cracking sound sounded, and then, one silhouette crashed straight into the Inn where Chen Qianxue was, smashing the wall to pieces.

Finally stopped.

It was a coincidence.

Chen Qianxue watched helplessly as one silhouette smashed the wall of the guest room, and then forcibly fell in front of him.

“cough cough!”

The person who appeared in front of her looked very embarrassed.

There is a little blood oozing from the clothes.

The chest is exaggeratedly sunken, and I don’t know how many bones are broken.

The eyes are full of ferocity and baleful aura.

At a glance, you can tell that he is the Sacred Heart Temple devil who was hunted down by the Imperial Court immortal cultivator!

The other party gnashing teeth, the voice is extremely dark: “Damn… these Imperial Court eagle dogs, just like a group of dog skin plasters!”



He responded quickly, turned his head quickly, came over with a pair of ruthless eyes, and stared straight at Chen Qianxue.

“immortal cultivator!”

He recognized Chen Qianxue as an immortal cultivator at a glance. After all, the special temperament of an immortal cultivator is something that ordinary persons do not have.

The first reaction in this person’s mind is – this person is also an Imperial Court Eagle Dog!

The inescapable net has already been set up here, just waiting to enter the urn.

Thinking about it.

He immediately showed a ferocious look: “Imperial Court Eagle Dog! Die!!”


The whistling sound of the Flying Sword swept away However, I saw a cold light flashed and passed away.

The devil of the Sacred Heart Temple hasn’t had time to shoot yet.

He was instantly pierced through the head by a Flying Sword.

A hint of consternation flashed in his eyes, and the expression on his face immediately froze.

He shook his head.

No sound.


Chen Qianxue murmured helplessly: “Although I took a sect mission about the Sacred Heart Temple, I didn’t really want to be with him. This Sacred Heart Temple has contact. After all, there is a magic sect who has contact, and the trouble is too great.”

“I didn’t want to get involved in this kind of thing, and I didn’t want to cause so much trouble…”

“There is no way to stop others from seeking death.”

But who would have thought that the other party would take the initiative to come to the door.

The most important thing is that he also revealed a killing intent to himself and wanted to shoot himself.

In this case…

Chen Qianxue must have to take action.

This Sacred Heart Temple demon hunted by the Imperial Court immortal cultivator is only the cultivation base of Qi Refinement Realm.

As Chen Qianxue is now the cultivation base of the Foundation Establishment Third Layer, wanting to kill him is just a matter of single thought.

She has killed a lot of demons in the cultivation simulator, and among them, there are many Great Demons with Golden Core Realm.

Now kill a Qi Refinement Realm devil without any turbulence in my heart.

Chen Qianxue just wanted to dispose of this corpse…

When he saw someone else appear in front of him, but they were not the demon cultivator of Sacred Heart Temple.

It’s the Imperial Court immortal cultivator!

All right.

Now another trouble has appeared, and it’s still the kind that can’t be killed at will.

Chen Qianxue was even more helpless.

“This is?”

The two Imperial Court immortal cultivators who broke into the Inn and saw the body of this Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator were all surprised: “demonic The cultivator is dead?”

next moment.

They saw Chen Qianxue in front of them, and they were shocked for a while.

There are many beautiful immortal cultivators, but they are so beautiful…

This is definitely the first time they have seen each other in their lives.

But in their hearts, they did not dare to have any thoughts of overstepping.

Because they know, the tough Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator.

It was killed by the immortal cultivator in front of me!

One hit kill!

One of the Imperial Court immortal cultivators even noticed Chen Qianxue, the clothes on his body, his tone was a little respectful: “senior, but immortal cultivator of Spirit Sword Sect?”

“en. ”

Chen Qianxue did not deliberately hide his identity as the Spirit Sword Sect Disciple.

After all, the identity of Immortal Sect Disciple is still very useful outside.

It can save her from a lot of unnecessary troubles.

It’s just that Chen Qianxue didn’t expect that one day, he will be called senior by others.

The problem is…

The real world self is much younger than these two people.

This is a little weird.

“Many thanks to the senior of Spirit Sword Sect for helping Imperial Court to kill the demonic cultivator. If it wasn’t for the senior, you could help the demonic cultivator in time. I’m afraid this evil demon cultivator would have escaped.”

An Imperial Court immortal cultivator said with a bitter smile: “If the adults in the state capital on the other side of Clear River County know that we let a demon cultivator escape, I guess we will both be out of luck.”

“Clear River County?”

Chen Qianxue didn’t want to talk to them, but suddenly heard a word.

It grabbed her attention.

“Senior doesn’t know?” Imperial Court immortal cultivator said surprisedly: “A few days ago, there was a Sacred Heart Temple demon in Clear River County. So, from the state capital, a few people were sent. Sir.”

Chen Qianxue frowned.

Clear River County has a Sacred Heart Temple? Why didn’t I hear about it when I was in Clear River County before?

Could it be that he just left Clear River County with his forefoot, and those demons came out again?

There’s a demon over there in Clear River County, Chen Family It shouldn’t be okay?

Be aware…

My family is in Clear River County.

“That’s right, senior.”

The Imperial Court immortal cultivator suddenly said: “Senior assists the Imperial Court in killing the demonic cultivator, and you can go to the yamen to receive a reward… “

Chen Qianxue came back to his senses.

She looked calm and looked the head: “No need. I’ll give you this corpse, you should treat it as if you killed yourself! When you tell others, don’t mention me, remember Stay.”

The two Imperial Court immortal cultivators were stunned for a moment, a little confused, just when they were about to say something.

Suddenly saw a flash, Chen Qianxue’s silhouette has been disappeared.

Two Imperial Court immortal cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay.

You can see the stunned look in each other’s eyes.

After a while…

One of them, looking at the corpse of the demon cultivator on the ground, couldn’t help but whispered, “The Spirit Sword Sect’s Immortal cultivator, is it just like this? She doesn’t want the Imperial Court reward? That’s a lot of medicine pills to assist cultivation!”

Another person thought for a while, looked thoughtful: “That senior let Let’s not reveal her, is it because she took some missions in the Spirit Sword Sect that needs to be kept secret?”

“Hiss…you say that, it’s really possible! Are we really going to do this?”

“Don’t you want to offend an immortal cultivator of the Spirit Sword Sect?”

“Uh…cough cough! Then do it!”


Chen Qianxue did not conceal that he came from the Spirit Sword Sect, and it worked.


In the evening.

Clear River County.

Fu Shuangni, the No. 3 tool man, is holding a simple book in his left hand and playing with a black feather that could be used as a fan if it were wider in his right hand.

She looked at the contents of the book seriously, looking thoughtful and nodded from time to time.

“So that’s how it is, is this the usual method of the Golden Core monster beast?”

“Before dying, the monster core that seals your Remnant Soul in your body .”

“If someone uses this monster core for cultivation…”

“Then they will become a hapless person who is about to be in body possession.”

Fu Shuangni muttered to himself.

Suddenly realized.

If I had known this kind of thing long ago, I wouldn’t have lived for more than ten years in the cultivation simulator, right?


The books Fu Shuangni read were related to monster beast, a collection of books in the Great Yan Imperial Palace.

Fortunately, she is interested in reading books, and the storage bag is full of all kinds of orphans.

Among them.

There is a quaint book that introduces a lot of monster beast secrets!

This is the book in her hand.

She had come to Clear River County to investigate the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator, but she was pulled into the cultivation simulator…

All of a sudden, she focused on the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator. on the cultivation simulator.

Fu Shuangni understands what is most important and what is more important.

After all…

The cooldown is over.

There are only two hours left!

“What kind of means should I use to counter this method of monster beast? Don’t use monster core? No… If I don’t use that monster core, I just rely on my own in the simulator. aptitude innate talent, how difficult is cultivation?”

“It may take 100 years, but it may not be able to break through to the fifth layer of Qi Refinement…”

Fu Shuangni will be in the hands of I have read the book several times, but can’t find the corresponding method.

This made her frown.

At this time.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Fu Shuangni was not displeased. She calmly said, “Come in.”

I saw it.

A state official came in respectfully, then presented a stack of papers and said, “Your Highness, this is the information that the minister has collected about the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator. This information The source is not only Clear River County, but also several nearby counties.”


The state officials glanced curiously at the monster beast feather in Fu Shuangni’s hand.

What monster beast feather is this?

A bird monster beast?

Fu Shuangni took the Moon Crow feathers and books in his hands, put them back in the storage bag, took the papers, took out one at random, and looked at it.

“A demon cultivator appeared in Western Cloud City? Two Imperial Court guest officials joined forces to chase down the demon cultivator and finally killed the demon cultivator?”

Fu Shuangni Xiu Meiyi Young: “How could it be possible to find the trace of the demon cultivator so quickly?”

She was not very happy.

Rather worried.

The demonic cultivators of Sacred Heart Temple were originally a flock of frightened birds, all of which were well hidden.

Now, it’s so easy to find traces…

That only shows that there is a great probability – those Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivators are about to make big moves!

The so-called big moves of the demonic cultivators…

What a good thing it is absolutely impossible!

For example, when Clear River County discovered the traces of the demonic cultivator, Clear River County was almost infiltrated into a sieve by the demonic cultivator, and even the county government was almost controlled by the demonic cultivator.

And most importantly, not long after the demon cultivator in Clear River County was killed, another demon cultivator appeared.

There must be something urgent that the demon cultivators are eager to accomplish.

Fu Shuangni thought of the information that Cultivator Bai told her.

“Go on!”

Fu Shuangni said cautiously: “Let all the county offices in the 500-mile radius around Clear River County be more vigilant. And let them win over some loose cultivator and sect immortal cultivator to fight the demonic cultivator’s conspiracy.”

“At the same time, you use Communication Talisman to send a message to the state capital, asking them to send a large number of troops immediately!”

Fu Shuangni had a bad feeling: “Something bad might happen.”


The state government official was heart shivered with cold, seeing Her Highness the Princess so serious, he didn’t dare to neglect at all.

hurriedly replied: “Here!”




(end of chapter)

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