
Chapter 108 The gang in monster beast [5000 words]

Night falls.

The night in Clear River County looks very quiet. After all, most ordinary people simply don’t dare to go out at night. Who knows if they will suddenly encounter any demons?

For those ordinary persons, even just an ordinary wandering ghost is enough to scare them away.

even more how…

Clear River County got into the demon cultivator a few days ago, and for some reason it spread throughout the county.

This led to up and down Clear River County, all people were alarmed.

Normally, even ordinary wandering ghosts are afraid.

Not to mention a demon cultivator of murder without blinking an eye!

At this time.

Fu Shuangni has put down all his business, because the cooldown of the cultivation simulator has ended.

She was a little nervous.

The reason for the apprehension is naturally that I am worried about whether I can enter the cultivation simulator again?


Fu Shuangni felt relaxed in his heart when he saw the familiar text pop up.

You can also enter the emulator yourself!

[Welcome to the cultivation simulator again! You currently have two options——]

[Option 1: Continue the last immortal immortal. This option will carry over the attributes of the last Sims, as well as the newborn innate talent, but will need to start from scratch. ]

[Option 2: Restart a new life. This selection will re-select newborn innate talents, and re-assign individual attributes randomly, all from scratch. ]

[Please choose! ]

Looking at the lines of text popping up in front of him, Fu Shuangni looked thoughtful and murmured in his heart: ‘Can you actually start another life? ‘

But she didn’t choose the second option, of course, because she had only just learned about monster beast during the day.

The result is a whole new Sims?

Then didn’t she see it in vain?

“Choose 1!”

Fu Shuangni still chooses to continue to be a monster beast, because she is quite satisfied with her newborn innate talent.

A monster core of the Golden Core Great Demon, as long as you use it well, can definitely become stronger.


After choosing option 1, you know what’s going to happen in the future.

This gives her enough room to operate.

equivalent to foresight.

Born to have an edge!

[You chose to continue your immortal training last time, your newborn innate talent is: inhuman (you won’t be reincarnated into a human 100% anyway), monster core (I heard that it is a Golden Core Realm monster beast’s monster core), bounce (you have a 50% chance to bounce off the enemy’s attack, your next attack will hit the enemy 100%)]

[Your personal attribute, Has inherited the attributes of the last simulated repair immortal. ]

[The simulation starts! ]

When these paragraphs of text popped up, Fu Shuangni only felt a sudden blackout in front of him, and even lost control of his consciousness.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself in an egg again.

Fu Shuangni starts pecking the shell without saying a word!

[At the age of 0, you were reincarnated into a cultivation world, but the race you were reincarnated in was rather special and became a monster beast. Your race in monster beast is called – Moon Crow! ]

[After exhausting Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, you swallow all the broken eggshells into your belly. ]

[You start to try to use the monster beast body to breathe Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. ]

[But it wasn’t particularly smooth. 】

Fu Shuangni is not discouraged, she knows that her reincarnated “Moon Crow” monster beast is not a rare monster beast.

There is no special bloodline, and there is no exaggerated innate talent and root bone.

Want to get stronger.

Don’t be in a hurry.

“The Golden Core monster beast hasn’t appeared yet, so I can prepare well before it appears. First of all, the most important thing is to exercise my will and spirit, because this is the same as my soul. Strength is closely related.”

“If my soul strength becomes higher, the Golden Core Great Demon will need more time and energy to possess me.”

Fu Shuangni muttered to himself about the next plan in an eerie tone.

[1 year old, you exercise your willpower through various methods. Among them is stepping into dangers that you can’t get out of right now. ]

[With the help of the sense of crisis and the great terror brought by the danger, after several encounters of life hanging by a thread…]

[Your willpower success has become more and more Taller! ]

[2 years old, you are full-fledged a year earlier than last time, and learned to fly after one try. You who have the ability to fly, in the mountains, look for spiritual medicine that can make you stronger. 】

【You found a spiritual medicine and ate it without the slightest hesitation, your physique increased a lot. ]

[physique +3]

[You meet a Qi Refinement First Layer monster beast, and the other party treats you as food. With your ability to fly, after nine deaths and still alive fights, you successfully killed the opponent! ]

[With less than the strength of Qi Refinement First Layer, you feel unimaginable to defeat Qi Refinement First Layer’s monster beast. ]

[You ate the monster beast corpse. ]

[The flesh and blood of monster beast greatly increases your physique, and you become stronger! ]

[3 years old, you are looking forward to the Golden Core Great Demon finally appearing, the opponent fell heavily into the mountains, smashed the ground into an exaggerated pothole, and ran away from wild beast in Shaolin . ]



Feeling the monster beast of Golden Core Realm, the one that comes from bloodline on top of the oppression.

Fu Shuangni, instead of having a trace of fear, was a little excited and a little excited.

But such emotions were quickly dispelled by her.

Fu Shuangni is very rational, she will not let her emotions dictate her behavior.

The Golden Core Great Demon had just died, and the terrifying imposing manner on his body made other monster beasts dare not approach, or even run as far as possible.

Only Fu Shuangni dared to approach.


She saw a huge body like a hill, which made her fly down without saying a word.

The strong smell of blood is unpleasant, but Fu Shuangni doesn’t mind the details.

She plunged directly into the blood pool.

Bathing the Golden Core demon blood!

[The terrifying energy contained in the blood of the Golden Core Great Demon, after being absorbed by you…you have broken through! 】

【You Qi Refinement First Layer! 】

【You have Qi Refinement second layer! 】

【Your Qi Refinement is on the third floor! ]

“It’s the limit…”

Fu Shuangni walked out of the blood pool, and blood was still gushing continuously from the ferocious wound on the Golden Core Great Demon.

She looked at the big pit that was filled with blood and turned into a blood pool, and muttered regretfully: “After all, I still lack a storage bag.”

This sentence is already hers Said for the second time.

But no way.

As a monster beast, where can she get a storage bag?

Steal the immortal cultivator?

That has to be a chance!

Tell the truth.

Fu Shuangni has not even seen a silhouette after so long, which made her seriously doubt whether there are any human beings in this world?

It can’t be all monster beasts, can it?

Shake his head.

Putting aside the useless thoughts in his mind, Fu Shuangni felt his own unstable cultivation realm and said with emotion: “Compared with the last Sims, I have broken through one more realm…”

“Maybe it’s because I frequently and deliberately experienced dangers in order to increase my mood and strengthen my soul.”

“It’s also possible that I ate that spiritual medicine.”

No matter what…

This is progress.

As long as one’s own strength is strong and one’s mood is high, when using that monster core cultivation, one’s security will be increased.

As for now…

Fu Shuangni looked at the body of the Golden Core monster beast and felt a little helpless.

Here again.

[4 years old, by swallowing the flesh and blood of the Golden Core monster beast, you have successfully broken through to the fourth layer of Qi Refinement! But it may be the reason why its own cultivation base has become higher, or it may be that the Golden Core monster beast has been dead for too long. Devouring the flesh and blood of the Golden Core monster beast, the increase to the cultivation base has been minimal. ]

[You took out the monster core of the Golden Core monster beast one year in advance. In order to avoid being affected by the Remnant Soul in the monster core, you decided to take the monster core from morning to evening every day. Get out in the sun! ]

[Using the Supreme Yang and Hardness contained in the scorching sun to melt the Golden Core monster beast Remnant Soul in the monster core. ]

[You dreamed of a Great Demon cursing at yourself. ]

[Note, this is really useful. ]

[7 years old, your body is already huge enough, in this piece of land, you are another monster beast at the Overlord level. Some low-strength monster beasts pass through here, and they will become your rations. 】

【At the age of 12, you have achieved the fifth layer of Qi Refinement by using monster core cultivation! You realize that you often dream of Golden Core monster beast Remnant Soul, and the other party is still immortal and wants to have body possession of your body. ]

[Your site in the mountains is bigger, you don’t have to kill the monster beast in the site. Instead, beat them and have them bring you a spiritual medicine every month. ]

[Monster beasts with low strength should either go far away, or be your tool people obediently. ]

[You have become the king of the mountains in this area! ]


Deep in the mountains.

In the cave.

A monster beast with an ugly appearance and a big body, crawling slowly on all fours, its body surface is sticky mucus, it looks like a salamander that is bigger than a crocodile.

The monster beast screamed “gu lu gu lu” with a big mouth, and there was a spiritual medicine on its back.

It came to the inside of the cave and clumsily put down this spiritual medicine.

Then it was as if I was afraid that the next moment would die by itself.

Turn around hastily and leave this place of right and wrong.

If anyone here will see it. On the ground inside the cave, not only the spiritual medicine was placed.

Strains of spiritual medicine are piled up together, which is absolutely dazzling.

There are at least a dozen spiritual medicines!

Although the grades are not high…

But the number is better!

Not long.

A dark shadow came out from the deeper part of the cave, the sharp bird claws stepped on the solid ground, and the stones on the ground were easily scratched with deep scratches, send cold shivers down one’s spine.

When the shadow gradually appeared, it was a Moon Crow monster beast!

It’s Fu Shuangni!

“These guys are quite sensible…after beating them a few times, they become obediently and honestly, and they don’t dare to offend at all.”

Fu Shuangni sighed with emotion Monster beast’s weak are prey to the strong, and amused by the simplicity of their thinking.

But I have to admit…

monster beasts are much more honest than humans, they really bring a spiritual medicine every month, as a protection fee to honor she.

And don’t dare to play any tricks at all.


Fu Shuangni appreciates it!

“Not bad.”

Looking at the dozen or so spiritual medicine plants on the ground, Fu Shuangni expressed his satisfaction and murmured to himself, “I only took a dozen of them. A monster beast with a low strength can earn more than a dozen spiritual medicines a month, what if he subdue more than a dozen monster beasts?”

She has some begin to stir, spiritual medicine is for her , very important.

Fu Shuangni, who became monster beast, has no way to pill concocting.

But she can rudely eat spiritual medicine, which can also make herself stronger.

It’s just that the conversion rate of the efficacy of spiritual medicine is not as high as that of medicine pills.

Of course, they’ve all turned into monster beasts…

Don’t expect so many requests.

Don’t expect too much refinement either.


Fu Shuangni pondered for a while: “At present, my territory is not too small. If I continue to expand the territory, it will definitely be with the surrounding area. Those powerful monster beasts are in conflict. You and I currently only have the strength of Qi Refinement fifth layer, and it is difficult to compete with them.”


In the eyes of Fu Shuangni A smile flashed, she is different from those monster beasts who fight alone, she has a group of monster beast brothers!

This is what she has used martial power to force over the years.

She also tested their loyalty several times during her time.

The loyalty of monster beasts is very high, she tells the monster beasts to do what they do.

There will be no resistance and behavior.


It’s not impossible to touch.

[You know, you can’t pass that monster core frequently to become stronger, otherwise the influence of the Golden Core monster beast Remnant Soul on you will become bigger and bigger. You need to find other ways to become stronger, and eating spiritual medicine is the way you find it. ]

[Furthermore, there are quite a few spiritual medicines that can have an effect on the soul. This can also be used to contain the Golden Core monster beast Remnant Soul, so that the monster core can be used for cultivation more safely. ]

[At the age of 13, after a year of preparation, you decided to take a shot at Monster Wolf on the east side. 】

【The opponent is the strength of Qi Refinement sixth layer! ]

In the mountains.

A dozen monster beasts with different looks and shapes are moving towards the east and dashing forward. Along the way, it can be said that countless wild beasts are scared and run. Wherever they pass, the trees fall, the gravel is flying, and the smoke is high.

Their cultivation base is not very high, there are Qi Refinement First Layer and Qi Refinement second layer.

The strongest is a turtle monster with three layers of Qi Refinement.

But there are many of them.

If more than a dozen monster beasts appeared in those counties where human beings live, it is estimated that even the immortal cultivator would think that there is a beast tide coming, and a large number of monster beasts are ready to slaughter humans together?


This group of monster beasts is not trying to attack humans, and there is no who is in the radius of hundreds of miles.

They’re taking a shot at monster beast!

They are big sisters.

To take them to turf!


The eldest sister has made a promise to them, as long as the monster wolf on the east side is slaughtered, the little monster beasts in the monster wolf’s territory will be taken as subordinates.

At first, these low-strength monster beasts don’t know what their subordinates mean.

I don’t know what it means to close my hands.

Until Fu Shuangni explained it to them for a long time, they finally realized it!

It turns out…

With a subordinate, you don’t need to work hard to help the eldest sister dig spiritual medicine, just let the subordinate dig it.

They got it!

They are fighting spirit!


Fu Shuangni looked down at the group of monster beasts below. She always felt that it was not very difficult to beat a Qi Refinement sixth layer Monster Wolf with this group of inflexible monster beasts.

However, two fists are no match for four hands. In addition, he is the cultivation base of Qi Refinement fifth layer.

I’m only one small realm lower than that Monster Wolf, and I have a good chance of winning.

“Although these guys are not very smart, which monster beast doesn’t come here like this? Only those monster beasts who are born with a very special bloodline can be born with high intelligence!”


“Even if it was me, it was just an accident. If it weren’t for my soul being a human being, it would be no different from them.”


[Your active provocation made Monster Wolf of Qi Refinement sixth layer furious, it fought with a group of monster beasts you subdued, and the two sides fought fiercely. Countless wild beasts and monster beasts with low strength were frightened and fled in a hurry. ]

[At a critical time, you made a sneak attack and pecked Monster Wolf’s eyes out. One of your subordinates bit off one of Monster Wolf’s nose, and it suffered a lot of trauma. ]

[Finally, under the siege of a sneak attack that doesn’t talk about martial arts, Monster Wolf turned into a corpse! ]

[You lost five of your dozen men. ]

[You are unscathed! 】

Fu Shuangni is very satisfied with this action, these subdued monster beast brothers may not be very strong, but they are loyal enough!

Let them kill Monster Wolf, and they go together without hesitation.


Fu Shuangni suddenly saw that the monster beasts who were still alive came to the front of their dead companions, drooling, and opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.


Fu Shuangni stopped them immediately.

Seeing their blank expressions, she suddenly felt a headache.

For these monster beasts, let alone fellow races. Even if the exact same kind dies, they will choose to eat it.

Even if that same kind is their brother sister.

Even parents.


Fu Shuangni wants to train these inflexible guys into his right-hand man, because these guys are loyal enough in his eyes, and there is this Will suffice.

If you want these guys to grow up, you have to change some of their concepts and behaviors that are no different from wild beast.

If you don’t change these things, they simply won’t work.

Fu Shuangni, who took down Monster Wolf’s territory…

has already had other people’s ideas and ambitions to thrive.

Her ideas and ambitions are difficult to achieve on her own.

Thinking about it.

Fu Shuangni said solemnly: “In the future, your companions will die naturally or accidentally. You can’t eat their corpses. This is a rule! It’s a principle!”

“Those dead companions, we must properly bury them… What does burial mean? It is to dig a pit, bury it, set up a tombstone, and write an inscription.”

“I don’t understand human writing. Then follow me! Each of you, you must learn!”


[You decide to set rules for your monster beasts, they are hard to understand What do you mean by rules. You have to explain it to them in great detail for days, and then they realize it! ]

[You have changed from an ordinary monster beast king to a monster beast crime gang leader. ]




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(end of this chapter)

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