
Chapter 111 Newborn innate talent 9: Cao Thief! [5000 words]

[1. American Iai (you will have a Colt 1911 with unlimited bullets)]

[2. Succubus (as a succubus, you are particularly affected by men Favorite)]

[3. Eldest Senior Brother (you will definitely become the Eldest Senior Brother of an Immortal Sect)]

[4. One child with ten treasures (you have 9 A twin brother sister)]

[5. Killing a partner to prove the Tao (after killing a partner will directly increase a realm)]

[6. Righteous Path (Righteous Path to yours) Favorite +100, demonic path favors you -100)]

[7, Foundation Establishment Pill (it is said to be able to step Foundation Establishment)]

[8, tentacles (don’t think about doing it) Those strange and strange things)]

[9, Cao Thief (a beautiful married woman who always likes you)]

[10, against the father (You will have a rebellious father)]

[Please choose! 】

The ten newborn innate talents listed by the cultivation simulator were all presented to Bai Yi’s eyes.

The difference from the three tool people is that he can understand all of these newborn innate talents.

Innate talent 1 was directly ignored by him.

In a culture world, what’s the use of a pistol with unlimited bullets?

Innate talent 2 is even more unbearable to look at. Bai Yi seriously doubts that if he chooses this newborn innate talent, he will most likely change his gender.

That was a real tragedy!

Bai Yi couldn’t help but think of Qin Jiao who entered the simulated cultivation world for the first time.

At that time…

I was still very naive as the second tool person, so I chose a newborn innate talent.

The result…

The picture is very eye-catching.

Innate talent 3 is a rare sight for Bai Yi, who will definitely become the Elder Brother of an Immortal Sect, which has a very high starting point.

Even an Immortal Sect with a very hip pull…

Being able to become an Elder Brother Senior Brother must have an Immortal Root bone repaired, nowhere near it?

Innate talent 4, Bai Yi also ignored.

Why do you want so many brothers and sisters? If reincarnated into a poor family, there would still be so many brothers…

Bai Yi seriously doubts.

I will be sold.

Innate talent 5, looks very good, the problem is…Bai Yi always feels that there is a hole in it!

Because it doesn’t say, can you break through once, or can you break through several times?

If it’s only once, it’s basically not very useful.

Innate talent 6, Bai Yi touched his chin and thought for a while.

This choice has advantages and disadvantages.

The good thing is, if you’re the Eldest Senior Brother of the Righteous Path Immortal Sect, it’s all good to talk about.

But what if…

I was reincarnated as a demon?

Isn’t that suicide?


Innate talent 7 made Bai Yi unable to ignore it at all. The words “it is said to be able to one-step Foundation Establishment” are really too attractive to him.

In comparison, innate talent 8 is a bit of a stretch, and choosing this one will definitely become a monster.

Moreover, I don’t know whether this monster is strong or weak.

Innate talent 9 made Bai Yi startled.

Damn it!

Bai Yi ah Bai Yi! How can you be tempted by this newborn innate talent?

Innate talent 10 is a pit at first sight, and Bai Yi once again chose to ignore it.

After all, it was after many days that I entered the cultivation simulator again.

Choose from these ten new born innate talents.

Bai Yi naturally needs to be thoughtful.

After pondering for a while, he finally made what he thought was a more reasonable choice.




【You have chosen innate talent 3“Eldest Senior Brother “, innate talent 7 “Foundation Establishment Pill”, innate talent 9 “Cao Thief”! ]

[Randomly assigning your personal attribute…]

[Assignment complete! ]

[Countdown: 10…]


When the countdown of the cultivation simulator ended, Bai Yi only felt a sudden sudden change in front of him. One black, he didn’t feel any panic about this, because he was already used to it.

Of course, it is impossible to say that his mood has not fluctuated in the slightest…

In the more than 30 simulation cultivations before, none of them survived for more than a month.

If this time, it’s still like this…

It’s really hard to beat!


Bai Yi gradually regained control of his consciousness, and at the same time, a slide-like picture suddenly flashed through his mind.

A picture flashed in his mind, as if introducing a person’s life.

As a baby, he was born in a big family, and he was a little Young Master.

As a child, he was sent to test the cultivation base, and the result was a good Immortal Root.

When I was a teenager, through hard work and some luck, I became an inner sect disciple.

When I was an adult, I passed the Sect Grand Competition and became a True Disciple.

The good times don’t last long.

When the “protagonist” of the slide was 23 years old, his Immortal Sect was attacked by a demonic cultivator. The battle lasted for a full month, the Immortal Sect was torn apart, and the Sect Master was killed.

However, the demon cultivator is even more miserable, they didn’t expect to kick an iron plate, and also didn’t expect this Immortal Sect, so hard to chew.

The demonic cultivators are all destroyed!

And the “protagonist” in the slideshow passed out because of exhaustion after the war.

There is no later.

The slideshow is over.


Bai Yi woke up, and he heard some, very small sounds.

“Alas…although we have successfully killed all those damned demons, our Immortal Spirit Sect has also been dilapidated, and thousands of Disciples have been killed in this battle. People. Even the Sect Master died at the hands of the devil.”

“Damn the devil, why did you choose our fairy door? Now, the huge Immortal Spirit Sect, only left We Outer Sect Disciples who ran to take refuge at the beginning of the war.”

“There is no way…we Outer Sect Disciples, simply not qualified to participate in such a battle.”

“How about… let’s move to another sect?”


“Shh! What nonsense? The wife of the Sect Master, our mistress. , is still there!”

“Yes! We still have a big tree that we can rely on.”



These words are full of pessimism, and it seems that the Immortal Spirit Sect in their mouths is indeed not good enough.

and so on.

Immortal Spirit Sect?

Bai Yi suddenly felt that the name was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

He suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight from the bed.

Immortal Spirit Sect!

He immediately looked down at his body and realized that he was not a baby.

But an adult.

Good guy!

Soul wear?

The same way of reincarnation as Chen Qianxue?

[At the age of 23, your soul penetrated an inner sect disciple of the Immortal Spirit Sect, who is the only one surviving True Disciple of the Immortal Spirit Sect. It’s a pity that in the end, he took his last breath and was possessed by your body. ]

[You can’t help but touch your current face, and find that this face is exactly the same as yourself, and according to the content of the slideshow, you find that this person’s name is exactly the same as yourself . ]

[Your awakening has attracted the attention of the Outer Sect Disciples outside, who immediately became ecstatic. ]

“Wake up! Wake up! Senior Brother Bai was in a coma for 5 days and 5 nights, and finally woke up!”

“Quick, quick! Quickly give Senior Brother Bai one medicine pill, let him recover well!”

“Senior Brother Bai! wu wu wu, you are our Immortal Spirit Sect, the last True Disciple. Fortunately, you are awake, wu wu wu…”

“Why are you crying? Senior Brother Bai is fine! Don’t cry and ruin the atmosphere!”

“Senior Brother Bai woke up!!”


A group of half-aged teenagers broke in, and they surrounded Bai Yi one by two with surprises written on their faces.

There are men and women, but it can be seen that they are not very old.

The oldest one may be seventeen or eighteen.

And their strength is not particularly strong.

The highest cultivation base is the Qi Refinement three-layer cultivation base.

This Immortal Spirit Sect’s Outer Sect Disciple…

It seems that the quality is not high.

That’s right…

In the cultivation world in the cultivation simulator, the Immortal Spirit Sect is just a medium-sized Sect, the Sect Master who died at the hands of the devil, also There is only the cultivation base of Golden Core Realm.

In this case, the Outer Sect Disciples of Immortal Spirit Sect are not much stronger.


Bai Yi saw an Outer Sect Disciple of Immortal Spirit Sect and handed him a medicine pill.

The other party said, “Senior Brother Bai, this is the Cultivating Spirit Pill. The teacher told us…if you wake up, this medicine pill will be given to you.”

The other party’s The tone is very respectful, after all, he is just an Outer Sect Disciple.

In the cultivation world, the division of superiors and subordinates…

It is still very obvious.

“many thanks.”

Bai Yi can feel how weak his current body is.

He reached out and took the medicine pill and swallowed it.

Start slow refining.

【You took a Cultivating Spirit Pill, your body has improved a little. But the turnaround isn’t particularly noticeable, it’s just the Gates of Hell that gets you out of the way. ]

[You found that the cultivation base of your body is actually only Qi Refinement 8-Layer. ]

[Fortunately, you are lucky to have a Foundation Establishment Pill. ]

Qi Refinement eight achievements can become True Disciple.

Immortal Spirit Sect is really not very good. Compared with Spirit Sword Sect and Righteous Heart Palace, it is far worse.

Combined with the fact that the Immortal Spirit Sect was hit so hard…

That’s horrific!

The Immortal Spirit Sect now can only be compared with the small Immortal Sect in the cultivation world.



[After a period of training, your body finally recovered bits and pieces. You swallowed a Foundation Establishment Pill without the slightest hesitation. You go directly from Qi Refinement 8-Layer, breakthrough to Foundation Establishment First Layer. ]

[The soaring cultivation base allows your body to recover completely, and at the same time, you also know more about the Immortal Spirit Sect where you are. ]

Bai Yi has been in Immortal Spirit Sect for half a month, since half a month…

He got a lot of usefulness through some Outer Sect Disciples. Information.


Immortal Spirit Sect has only dozens of Disciples left, except for Bai Yi, all of them are Outer Sect Disciples.

Originally, there are quite a few Outer Sect Disciples in Immortal Spirit Sect.


There are a lot of Outer Sect Disciples, and they didn’t find a place in time to avoid the Demon Sect’s attack.

Died in that terrible battle.

Some of the Outer Sect Disciples who survived the war saw that the Immortal Spirit Sect after the war was so desolate, and they all found another way.

Some were too scared to do cultivation, and bluntly said that they wanted to go back and be an ordinary person with a little strength

Some wanted to transfer to other Sects, feeling that in Immortal Spirit Sect There is no future.

Also true.

Immortal Spirit Sect now looks like a bankrupt business.

and there is mortal danger at all times.

No one is running!

Today’s Immortal Spirit Sect, all high-level battle strengths, are almost dead.

Only Sect Master’s wife is left, in other words Bai Yi’s wife.

This Immortal Spirit Sect, the current Bai Yi, is actually a high-end battle strength!

Good guy!

Too bad!

As for the remaining dozens of Outer Sect Disciples that haven’t run… Either the home is too far from the Immortal Spirit Sect, and it is very likely that they will rush back and die on the way.


Their own root bones are also very stretched, and if they want to transfer to other sectors, it is estimated that others will not look down on them.

It is undeniable that there are also a group of people who are loyal to Immortal Spirit Sect.

They may have received the favor of Immortal Spirit Sect before.

Nowadays, even though Immortal Spirits have fallen to this point, they still stick around.

This can be considered very rare.


In Immortal Spirit Sect, Bai Yi met the new Sect Master of Immortal Spirit Sect, his wife. Immortal Spirit Sect is naturally impossible and has always been leaderless, and this teacher has naturally become Sect Master.

It was a young-looking woman who appeared to be the same age as Bai Yi.

But the mature and intellectual meaning of in the bones…

It tells Bai Yi that the other party is definitely not young, maybe more than a hundred years old.


Two or three hundred years old is not impossible.

Because this female Sect Master is a Golden Core Realm, she is the same cultivation base as the former Sect Master who died in the hands of the devil!

It is precisely because the opponent’s strength is stronger that they can survive in that battle.

Bai Yi remembers…

The other party is Shi Zhihua.

Bai Yi saw that the Immortal Spirit Sect, the current Sect Master, was wearing a loose-fitting white mourning dress.

“Bai Yi, have you recovered?”

The Immortal Spirit Sect named “Shi Zhihua” is the current Sect Master, with a pretty face full of haggard.

She looked at Bai Yi, who was no longer in serious trouble, and said in a surprised tone: “Your injury and spiritual power loss are so serious, you only need half a month to cultivate and you will be fine?”

“en?” She suddenly noticed something, and a pair of eyebrows couldn’t help frowning slowly: “When did you break through to the Foundation Establishment? I remember, weren’t you Qi Refinement 8-Layer before? ”

Meeting with the Sect Master of the Golden Core Realm, Bai Yi must know his cultivation base and cannot hide it.

His Foundation Establishment Pill directly allowed him to go from Qi Refinement 8-Layer breakthrough to Foundation Establishment First Layer.

Such changes in the cultivation base can be seen by a discerning person.

Bai Yi has long thought of his words: “Disciple seems to have some sudden enlightenment in the battle with the demonic cultivator. Especially during the period of unconsciousness, he feels his own spirit. As if wandering in the sky, feeling the mysteries of all things in the world.”

“When Disciple wakes up, the spiritual power in the body is surging like a tide, and it breaks through several realms in just a few days. Some time ago, he broke through to the Foundation Establishment First Layer.”

His tone sounded very sincere, as if he was telling the truth.

Shi Zhihua face surprised: “You…sudden enlightenment?!”

sudden enlightenment.

Very rare in the cultivation world.

There are many immortal cultivators who have never had a sudden enlightenment in their entire life.

She herself is.

And some immortal cultivators with extraordinary natural talent and good luck, once sudden enlightenment, obtain benefits that other immortal cultivators cannot envy.

To this.

She knows it well.

Sounds like a lame excuse, but for some reason Shi Zhihua believed it.

Because she felt very pleasing to the eye when she saw Bai Yi.

I always feel that a youngster with a righteous face like Bai Yi…

It is impossible to tell a lie!

Thinking about it.

Shi Zhihua forced a smile, she recognized nodded, and said, “You can sudden enlightenment after this war, it can be regarded as a chance for you.”

She suddenly sighed: “Actually…if you want to leave Immortal Spirit Sect, Sect Master I will not stop you.”

“The Immortal Spirit Sect is now gone. “

Leaving Immortal Spirit Sect? Bai Yi didn’t have this idea. His purpose of simulating cultivation at this time was actually to live longer.

The current Immortal Spirit Sect is indeed very hip, but because of this, the Immortal Spirit Sect has nothing to be coveted.

A small spiritual vein beneath the Immortal Spirit Sect was destroyed in that battle.

In this case…

No matter how greedy people are, they see the Immortal Spirit Sect who is poor and white.

will also be ignored.

After all, the cost of Immortal Spirit Sect hitting a person when he’s down is not proportional to the benefits they get.

You will still lose money!

Bai Yi replied, “Go back to Sect Master, Disciple will not leave Immortal Spirit Sect.”

Shi Zhihua was taken aback for a while, the smile on his face gradually became more natural. .


She nodded slightly and said, “Then from today onwards, you will be the Eldest Senior Brother of Immortal Spirit Sect. At the same time, you will also be my True Disciple. In the future, I will guide your cultivation.”

“Now, the Immortal Spirit Sect mountain gate needs to be refurbished. I called you here to give you this responsibility.”


“You don’t need to fix the Immortal Spirit Sect to what it used to be, as long as you can see it.”

Bai Yi replied: “Disciple takes orders!”

Looking at the back of Bai Yi leaving, Shi Zhihua didn’t know why, but always wanted to look at him more.

As if…

I can’t get enough of it.

She frowned, trying her best to move her eyes to other places.

And muttered to himself.

“Strange, heart in chaos.”

“What’s going on?”

She was confused.

I am very puzzled.

【At the age of 24, you have successfully become Immortal Spirit Sect Eldest Senior Brother. You are finally inside the cultivation simulator and survived for more than a year. Your mood is slightly a little excited. ]

[Immortal Spirit Sect Sect Master gave you very in-depth guidance, and you have learned a lot from her, which has benefited you a lot. ]

[You think she is a very good teacher. ]

[At the age of 25, you have established a good reputation among the Outer Sect Disciples. And after two years of reconstruction, Immortal Spirit Sect has been restored. ]

[Although it’s not as good as the previous one, it’s still decent. ]

[At the age of 26, you have drawn a lot of Source Power through the incomplete version of “Heaven Devouring Demonic Art”. ]

[You start to impact the realm of the Foundation Establishment second layer! ]

[The impact was successful! ]




(end of this chapter)

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