
Chapter 112 Simulation is over! Settlement Rewards! 【5000 words】

Three years.

Bai Yi has been in the cultivation simulator for three full years…as long as he persists for another two years, he will be eligible for settlement rewards.

In these years, Bai Yi is calm and tranquil, and nothing happened.

This made him wonder if his luck had gotten better?

from the very beginning

Have you lived for three years now?

Of course.

The greater probability is because, oneself is a relatively rare reason for the reincarnation of soul piercing.

Add the raise upwards to choose the right newborn innate talent, so that you have the ability to protect yourself at first.

Under the blessing of many reasons.

Bai Yi can break the record.

Lived for three years.

“Foundation Establishment second layer…” Bai Yi felt his own cultivation base, he muttered to himself: “This is the first time I have worked so hard for cultivation. It’s a pity that the physique in reality cannot be brought to the simulation. Innate Spirit Physique.

Human Sovereign body.

This physique Bai Yi cannot be brought into the simulator.


Raising Sword Art, Heaven Devouring Demonic Art, Formation experience… These can be remembered in my mind, and they are the products of this cultivation world in the simulator. , Bai Yi can be used casually.

No matter which of these cultivation techniques, it is much more powerful than the cultivation technique of Immortal Spirit Sect.

Especially the broken version of Heaven Devouring Demonic Art.

With Heaven Devouring Demonic Art, you can greatly improve your physique by devouring Source Power.

Make your aptitude even more exaggerated.

It is a forcible modification of the root bone!

A very overbearing cultivation technique!

“Eldest Senior Brother!”


A sudden voice from outside interrupted Bai Yi’s thoughts and caught his attention: “Eldest Senior Brother! Sect Master wants you to come over!”

Sect Master?

Bai Yi’s mind came up with a beautiful image, the other party had been his Master for three years.

shook the head, shaking off his distracting thoughts, and immediately set off for the Sect Master great hall.

The refurbished Immortal Spirit Sect is naturally not that big.

Everywhere looks relatively petty. After all, there are really not enough resources to rebuild the mountain gate of Immortal Spirit Sect in style.

Just make do with it.


The Immortal Spirit Sect now has only a few dozen Disciples, and it doesn’t need such a big mountain gate station.

It won’t be long.

Bai Yi took Sword Come to the Sect Master great hall of Immortal Spirit Sect, which is the most stylish building in the entire Immortal Spirit Sect.

Of course.

In the past, this building might have been just an ordinary side hall.

“Sect Master!”

Bai Yi greeted Shi Zhihua with a respectful tone.

Shi Zhihua was sitting on the jade chair, she said with a smile: “Didn’t you call me Master?”

Bai Yi changed his words and greeted him again: “Master .”


Bai Yi sat next to Shi Zhihua very skillfully, which, in the eyes of outsiders, was quite unremarkable as Revered Master.

How can Disciple be on an equal footing with Master? Isn’t that overstepping?

But Shi Zhihua didn’t care.

She turned a blind eye to it.

While sitting next to Shi Zhihua, Bai Yi smelled a faint fragrance and a slightly drunken smell of alcohol.

The Immortal Spirit Sect’s new Sect Master has been carrying a bottle gourd with him since that battle.

It’s as if you can forget some things just by getting a little drunk.

Doing this…

It does help a little.

It’s better to be drunk than to breed a Heart Demon.

For the immortal cultivator, once the Heart Demon breeds, it is not as simple as being a drunkard.

Fortunately, Shi Zhihua drinks well, and she doesn’t get too drunk.

Always stay sane.

“Master, what is it that you called me here today?”

Bai Yi asked curiously.

Shi Zhihua obviously drank some spirit wine before, there was still a hint of blush on her face, and Shui Ling’s eyes were still slightly drunk, she said with a smile: “Two years later, dozens of Each Righteous Path Immortal Sect will hold a Sect Grand Competition together. For each small sect, several Heaven’s Chosen Disciples will be sent, and those Heaven’s Chosen Disciples are immortal cultivators of the younger generation.”

“Those Heaven’s Chosen who participated in the Sect Grand Competition are all in their teens and fifties. I didn’t expect as a teacher, Immortal Spirit Sect has become like this, and I can still receive their invitations .”

“We Immortal Spirit Sect are currently eligible to participate in this time Sect Grand Competition…maybe only you.”

“Would you like to try one? Try it? It’s also good to meet Heaven’s Chosen from other Sect.”

Bai Yi was taken aback.

Sect Grand Competition?

He just thought for a few seconds and then nodded: “Okay!”

Bai Yi is very clear about the reward mechanism of the cultivation simulator.

The rewards you want to settle are more generous, in addition to living long enough…

You also need a more exciting life.

Participating in this so-called Sect Grand Competition may be beneficial for future settlement rewards.

At this time.

Shi Zhihua continued: “Well, two years later, you represented Immortal Spirit Sect at the Sect Grand Competition. But…don’t underestimate Heaven’s Chosen from other Sects. Especially those Large Immortal Sect, they have a strong background, and there are countless children of Heaven’s Chosen.”

“In the past two years, I have tried to find a way for the teacher to help your cultivation base and bring it up a level.”


“If you can get a good place in the Sect Grand Competition.”

“You can also get some good rewards from there.”

” The reward may be a very precious medicine pill, or it may be a very good Spiritual Artifact.”

Bai Yi nods: “Yes, Master.”

【Your Master Shi Zhihua has taught you more carefully and deeply than ever before, and you have benefited a lot. But you always feel that the look that flashed in this Master’s eyes when he looked at you seemed to have an inexplicable meaning. ]

[After Shi Zhihua’s in-depth teaching to you day and night, your cultivation base has grown rapidly, and your cultivation experience has also begun to gradually increase. ]

[Shi Zhihua taught you a secret art of sect. Although it is far inferior to “Raising Sword Art”, you still learned it. ]

[27 years old, today is the anniversary of the death of the former Sect Master of Immortal Spirit Sect. You came to the Sect Master great hall as usual, but Shi Zhihua asked you to wait for her in the apse, and you waited for a long time. ]

[Shi Zhihua once again passed on another secret technique of yours. You, who think you are upright, don’t want to learn this secret technique, but your body doesn’t seem to obey. 】

【You have grown up. ]

[28 years old, in just two years, you once again felt the opportunity of breakthrough. Shi Zhihua personally assists you in this time breakthrough and protects you personally. ]

[Breakthrough is successful! ]

[You are the Foundation Establishment Third Layer! ]

[After half a year, you left Immortal Spirit Sect and walked alone with your sword, and came to an Immortal Sect called “Righteous Qi Sect”. Righteous Qi Sect is an extremely powerful Immortal Sect. It is said that there are three Nascent Souls in the sect. ]

[The initiator and venue of the Sect Grand Competition is within the Righteous Qi Sect! ]


The 28-year-old Bai Yi looks no different from when he was at first. At first glance, he is still so young.

But the faintly discernable imposing manner exuded from him.

But it made other immortal cultivators along the way look at him.

“This person is a very proven cultivation base. At first glance, it is like looking at a vast ocean. I am the cultivation base of Qi Refinement Tenth Layer, and I can’t even see his cultivation base. He must be It’s the Foundation Establishment Realm!”

“Such a young Foundation Establishment Realm? Could it be that he is one of the participants in this time Sect Grand Competition? But why is he alone?”

“constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry, when I was so young, I only had the third floor of Qi Refinement!”

“Which Immortal Sect is he from?”

“This costume…a bit familiar, it seems to be the immortal cultivator of Immortal Spirit Sect!”

“Immortal Spirit Sect? Is that… Immortal Spirit Sect already in name only?”

“Should it be?”


The clothes Bai Yi wears are naturally the clothes of Immortal Spirit Sect Disciple, as long as they have a little bit of Immortal Spirit Sect Understand the immortal cultivator, you can recognize it at a glance.

It was precisely because they recognized it that they showed a shocked expression.

In their impression, Immortal Spirit Sect only has two or three big cats and kittens left.

Not even some very small Immortal Sects.

In this case…

Immortal Spirit Sect can send a Disciple to participate in the Sect Grand Competition?


Immortal Spirit Sect, how could there be a genius at this level?


[You entered the Righteous Qi Sect, you alone represented the Immortal Spirit Sect in the Sect Grand Competition, which attracted a lot of attention. ]

[The Sect Grand Competition begins, you defeated the first opponent with good strength and no difficulty. ]

[Stunning the audience! ]

“Immortal Spirit Sect , elder disciple , Bai Yi .” A Righteous Qi Sect elder touched his beard and couldn’t help but said with emotion: “There is such a genius, it is estimated that it will be two more years. In three hundred years, the Immortal Spirit Sect will be able to return to the same day.”

Besides, the Elder of another Sect, his expression did not look very good, because the opponent Bai Yi defeated was the same The Disciple of the sect he is in.

He hummed softly, and coldly said: “It depends on whether he will die in the middle of it, there are many geniuses in the immortal cultivator…”

“But not Not every genius can go on smoothly.”

And there was a female Elder, whose eyes were always on Bai Yi.

An intriguing look appeared on her beautiful face.

【The Sect Grand Competition lasted for a week, and you once again defeated an opponent. I don’t know what the reason is recently, but many female cultivators who are good-looking and not young have conveyed goodwill to you. ]

[The Sect Grand Competition lasted for a month, during which time you defeated several opponents one after another. Successfully ranked in the top 50, you received more attention. ]

[You found that your Master Shi Zhihua has properly arranged some affairs of the sect, and also came to the Righteous Qi Sect. ]

[Ten days later, you defeated an opponent. ]

[5 days later, you once again defeated a Heaven’s Chosen Disciple from a certain sector. ]

[You have been ranked in the top ten! ]

Bai Yi looked at the bottle of medicine pill in his hand and silently activated Heaven Devouring Demonic Art.

Danxiang of the medicine pill quickly disappeared, and Bai Yi’s complexion also improved a lot.

I have to say…

The real value of this Sect Grand Competition is very high, none of the Heaven’s Chosen who participated in this time Sect Grand Competition is someone who is easy to deal with .

Although Bai Yi was not injured, his spiritual power was still severely depleted.



[You have once again defeated an opponent, and your reputation is already well-known, and even some of the mighty Nascent Soul Realm have heard your name a little. ]

[I don’t know if it was a sudden outburst of luck, you actually got a bye when the lottery was drawn. ]

【You become one of the last four Heaven’s Chosen in the Sect Grand Competition. ]

[You defeated a strong enemy, for which you also suffered a little injury, but it is still within the acceptable range. ]

[Your duel with the last opponent has attracted the attention of many sector immortal cultivators. ]

[The strength of the opponent makes you feel very difficult. ]

【You had to expose “Raising Sword Art”】

【You won! 】

【In this time Sect Grand Competition, you won the first place and your reputation shook the culture world! ]


The reward for the first place in the Sect Grand Competition is very generous, Bai Yi got a Spiritual Artifact of high quality, and also got a few bottles A very precious medicine pill.

Only this piece of Spiritual Artifact and these bottles of medicine pills, if they are sold out…

You can easily sell thousands of middle grade Spirit Stone, Even tens of thousands of middle grade Spirit Stone.

Have to say…

These large Immortal Sects are rich and imposing for such a good thing.

Thousands of middle grade Spirit Stones are now the entire net worth of Immortal Spirit Sect!

This shows how big the gap is between those small or medium-sized sectors and these large-sized sectors.

apart from this.

Bai Yi was also given a chance to enter the Righteous Qi Sect Book Collection Pavilion.

He can enter the Book Collection Pavilion first to the Eighth Layer.


You can choose any cultivation technique.

[Under the leadership of a Righteous Qi Sect male Elder, you came to the Book Collection Pavilion of Righteous Qi Sect. The other party took you here and left. Before leaving, he said bluntly: You can only be inside Stay for half a day. ]

[You found this Book Collection Pavilion altogether nine layers, it seems that the real secret techniques of Righteous Qi Sect, you have no chance to observe them. ]

[Book Collection Pavilion Guardian is a Righteous Qi Sect female Elder, you find that the other party’s eyes look at you, there seems to be something wrong. ]

[Through this female Elder to help you hide from the sky, you entered the Ninth Layer of the Book Collection Pavilion. 】

【You got an immortal cultivation technique called “Qi Xuan Body Refinement Art”, and an immortal cultivation technique called “Great Sun Flame Palm”. ]

[According to the description of the female Elder, “Qi Xuan Body Refinement Art” is a Righteous Qi Sect unspread secret. ]

[“Great Sun Flame Palm” is the True Disciple of Righteous Qi Sect, a cultivation technique that can only be practiced. ]

“Thanks Senior.”

Bai Yi thanked him earnestly as he left the Righteous Qi Sect Book Collection Pavilion.

“It’s okay.”

The female Elder of Righteous Qi Sect, said with a smile: “Just tell others that the cultivation technique you got is “Great Sun Flame Palm”. Don’t say anything else, and don’t show it to others at will.”

“The Sect Master of Immortal Spirit Sect, with a peerless genius like you under his command, can be regarded as a lifetime of cultivation. Blessed.”


Righteous Qi Sect’s female Elder complexion changed slightly, but quickly returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

I saw a ray of light flew from a distance and landed in front of the Book Collection Pavilion.

The light fades away.

One silhouette is revealed.

It was also an Elder from Righteous Qi Sect, who seemed to be a solemn middle-aged man with an extraordinary imposing manner.

At first glance, it is the immortal cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, and I don’t know how many centuries it has lived.

Before, he brought Bai Yi to the Book Collection Pavilion.

He glanced at the female Elder in the Book Collection Pavilion, and a smile appeared on her solemn face.


looked towards Bai Yi and said, “Have you chosen the cultivation technique?”

Bai Yi nodded.

The middle age person continued: “I’ll take you back.”

After that.

Not waiting for Bai Yi’s reaction, he waved his hand, and a huge bottle gourd appeared out of thin air.

He stood on the bottle gourd and glanced at Bai Yi.

Bai Yi understands.

also stood up.

When the huge bottle gourd shot into the sky and flew away into the distance, Bai Yi hesitated for a while, but couldn’t help but ask such a question: “senior, you What’s the relationship with the senior in the Book Collection Pavilion?”

Righteous Qi Sect Elder, who looked like a middle age person, didn’t want to answer such a boring question.

But considering, Bai Yi is also the champion of this Sect Grand Competition.

So Heaven’s Chosen, hundreds of years later, is estimated to be a remarkable figure.

The premise is, don’t die halfway.

This kind of Heaven’s Chosen, can make friends, it is best to make friends.

Even if you can’t make friends, don’t have any hatred with each other.

Thinking about it.

He replied, “Husband and wife.”

Bai Yi was silent.

He seemed to see a ray of sunshine in front of him, but the color was healthier.

[You got all the rewards from the Sect Grand Competition and left Righteous Qi Sect non-stop. Your Master is wondering why you are walking so fast? You didn’t answer with too many details. ]

[Because you are famous in the cultivation world, there are many people, so you want to worship Immortal Spirit Sect. The number of Disciples in Immortal Spirit Sect finally broke through three figures. 】

【You share the two cultivation arts you have acquired with Immortal Spirit Sect Sect Master. Watching “Qi Xuan Body Refinement Art”, Shi Zhihua looked thoughtful and hesitated. ]

[She patted your shoulders and felt that it was not easy for you. ]

[29 years old, I don’t know if it is the first place in the Sect Grand Competition, it’s too public. You come into the sight of some demon cultivator and you get an interception. ]

[Fortunately, you have enough cards and you survived, but didn’t expect demonic cultivator’s attacks and killings, it’s endless. ]

[30 years old, a Golden Core demonic cultivator, attacking the Immortal Spirit Sect, killing all Disciples except you. 】

【Your Master Shi Zhihua fought against it, but in the end the cultivation base was weaker by a realm and lost. ]

[Your Master is dead! 】

【You are also dead! ]

[Death: 30 years, 07 months, 29 days. ]

It’s over.

Bai Yi has been accustomed to the taste of death as early as 30 times before simulating cultivation. It can be said that he has died somewhat numb.

this time.

He died again in the cultivation simulator. Bai Yi didn’t feel any turmoil in his heart.

This time is a simulated immortal student…although only 7 years old.

But Bai Yi is happy with this…


“I can finally get my own settlement reward!”

He murmured.

[You survived 30 years, 7 months and 29 days in the 37th immortal training, reaching the standard to receive rewards! There is a 24 hour cooldown until the next immortal immortal. ]

[You get the following rewards——]



(end of this chapter)

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