
Chapter 113 Additional reward: Shi Zhihua [5000 words]

[You have activated the achievement “Madam, please hold your steps”, additional Get a reward! You get the following rewards-]

[Reward 1: “Great Sun Flame Palm” (a method of attack you got from Righteous Qi Sect’s Book Collection Pavilion)]

[Reward 2: Foundation Establishment Third Layer all spiritual power (this is a very pure spiritual power)]

[Reward 3: Tianling Town Magic Pill (you become the first in the Sect Grand Competition) One’s reward)]

[Additional reward: Shi Zhihua (she will always keep your favor at full value)]

Bai Yi: “??????”

The rewards that are arbitrarily selected from the first three items seem to be relatively normal.


Is there something wrong with this extra bonus?

Can people also be used as settlement rewards?

Bai Yi was stunned.

He is unimaginable.

The most serious problem at present is, after the people in the cultivation simulator come to the real world, how will they view their own existence? And then how do you view the existence of his Bai Yi?

He frowned.

I don’t understand.

It stands to reason that the cultivation simulator It shouldn’t be making the settlement rewards such a tricky thing.

That is to say.

The cultivation simulator should make up for these bugs, right?


took a deep breath, trying to calm down the thoughts in my heart.

The rewards of the simulator have been listed, can he choose not?


Bai Yi chose the first reward, “Great Sun Flame Palm” by Righteous Qi Sect.

This is a cultivation technique of sect master killing. If you cultivate to the proven place…

With one palm down, it will be like a big sun pressing into the sky.

Of course.

Bai Yi knows this is an exaggeration, and that’s pretty much what it means.

There is a large memory in my mind.

Exactly what the Great Sun Flame Palm is about.

If it is the past, Bai Yi may try it somewhere else to see how this cultivation technique is presented in reality?


Now he doesn’t think so.


The text prompt of the cultivation simulator popped up again at this moment.

[Additional rewards have been issued! In order to prevent Shi Zhihua from discovering something terrible, you have a chance to revise her memory. Tip: Characters in the cultivation simulator cannot be invited into the simulator. ]


Bai Yi cheers up.

Modify memory?

didn’t expect, the method of cultivation simulator to solve this bug is so simple and rude.


If you can modify Shi Zhihua’s memory, then you will not let the other party have a sense of isolation between the two worlds, and you will not find the difference between the two worlds, which is quite important.


Bai Yi can completely replace Righteous Qi Sect, Immortal Spirit Sect…etc.

But doing that would be too much work.

equivalent to, Bai Yi needs to modify Shi Zhihua’s hundreds of years of memory.

He just needs to slightly revise some of the later memories.

Just do it!

As Bai Yi thoughts move, his consciousness seems to come to a large ocean of memories, here are all the memories that Shi Zhihua has lived for more than 300 years.

From birth, to growth, to cultivation, to finding a Dao Companion, to creating Immortal Spirit Sect with Dao Companion, to Immortal Spirit Sect being hit for the first time, to meeting with Dao Companion in Spirit Hall disciple’s first absurdity…

cough cough!

Bai Yi found that he had permission to modify all the memories he saw.

This made him feel quite miraculous.

He heard that there are some cultivation techniques in the cultivation world that can forcibly modify other people’s memories.

Perhaps the same?


Bai Yi uses his imagination to first erase some memories that do not need to exist, and then gradually outlines a new memory picture to fill all those vacancies.

This workload is still not small, and it took Bai Yi two hours to finally get it done.

Very exhausting.

[Modification completed! ]

See the culture simulator pop up again.

He suddenly felt that there was a familiar aura in his house.

This Immortal Spirit Sect has been in this Immortal Spirit Sect for a few years, how could Bai Yi not recognize this breath?

He straightened his emotions and got up immediately.

Go out.

“disciple, we haven’t seen each other for many years. Have you been to the sixth layer of the Foundation Establishment? Yes, with your innate talent, it is normal to break through to the sixth layer of the Foundation Establishment so quickly.”

Under the night, a familiar silhouette stood in the courtyard of the house, and the faint moonlight reflected on her face, revealing a little sadness in her delicate facial features.

Shi Zhihua looked towards Bai Yi with his eyes full of autumn waves.

The two looked at each other as if they were old friends they hadn’t seen in years.

Shi Zhihua sighed: “After defeating a group of demons, another group of demons came. Immortal Spirit Sect is left with you and me. The Immortal Spirit Sect that used to be, no longer exists…

Her tone was slightly lonely and haggard.

With a bitter smile: “Master, I have been wandering around the cultivation world like a headless fly all these years, and I don’t know where to go. If you don’t mind, can you make a room for Master? “

A person in a cultivation simulator, standing in front of him, made Bai Yi feel very strange.

How do I say…

It’s like your two-dimensional wife suddenly came out of the screen and became a real person, and your relationship is still very it is good.

This also made him confirm that the world in the cultivation simulator is definitely a real world.

The world should not be viewed as a game world.

Everyone inside is flesh and blood.

All are real people.


Hearing Shi Zhihua’s words, Bai Yi knew the memories he had modified…

It took effect!

In Shi Zhihua’s new memory, the cultivation world where she was before…was subjected to a major cleansing by the Demon Sect, which was a catastrophe by the Righteous Path immortal cultivator.

Not only one Immortal Spirit Sect suffered, but the Righteous Qi Sect and other sects were all wiped out in that catastrophe!

Hundreds of Immortal Sects were completely erased in that catastrophe, leaving no trace.

Bai Yi and her are the only two survivors.


The two were temporarily separated due to certain things, and one of Shi Zhihua was traveling around the huge cultivation world.

Bai Yi is still in her memory, stamped with two thought stamps-

1: Never go back to that place.

2: Never recall details.

And so on.


After modifying a person’s memory, will she still be the original person?

This is a benevolent person.

The wise see wisdom.

Looking at Shi Zhihua in front of him, Bai Yi put on a smile and said, “If Master doesn’t mind, he can live here, as long as Master doesn’t dislike a small place like Clear River County. That’s fine.”

“I’m a homeless person, how can I dislike it?”

Shi Zhihua shook his head and said sincerely, “many thanks.”

Although the two still call each other Master and Disciple, the Immortal Spirit Sect no longer exists.

They have no subordinate relationship.

It’s more like a reunited friend.


A close friend.

Bai Yi invited her into the house and was about to make a pot of spirit tea, but was stopped by Shi Zhihua.

Shi Zhihua took out two bottle gourds from nowhere, and removed the stoppers together.

The aroma of the wine pervades.

This is spirit wine.

At this time, Bai Yi discovered that Shi Zhihua had a storage bag tied around his waist, which made him startled.

If you guessed correctly…

The last belongings of the Immortal Spirit Sect are all in this storage bag.

“Drink this.”

Shi Zhihua couldn’t help but put a bottle gourd into Bai Yi’s arms.

Then, without saying a word, she gave herself a sip.

The cherry lips hung with a drop of crystal wine beads moved slightly, and a sincere smile lifted up: “You haven’t had a drink with Master for many years. Let’s have a good drink tonight.”

“As for those old nonsense, don’t talk about it tonight and talk about it later.”

Bai Yi looked at the bottle gourd in his hand, he remembered…

It was the first time I drank spirit wine with Shi Zhihua, and the next day, the two of them were due to various reasons.

I can’t stand up.

He also took a sip and said with a smile: “Okay, we’ll talk about it later.”



Next day.

When Bai Yi woke up, he didn’t feel any hangover, but relaxed and joyful. I drank the Master’s spirit wine last night, and this morning I found that the spiritual power in my body has increased a lot.

On the bed, Bai Yi was alone. If it weren’t for the bedding next to it, it looked a little wrinkled…

He might have thought that the settlement reward he got last night was just a dream.

Bai Yi sensed it with Divine Sense and found that Shi Zhihua had not left the house.

I was tinkering with something in the house.

He went out to have a look.

I found out that Shi Zhihua arranged the Formation in the house before playing with him.

Shi Zhihua, who turned his back to him, seemed to know that he was awake, and said without looking back, “Have you practiced Formation Dao all these years?”

“Your Formation foundation is pretty good, but your understanding of Formation is still not deep enough. My teacher will give you a little enhancement of this Spirit Gathering Array.”

“…OK It’s over!”

Shi Zhihua turned around and looked at Bai Yi, not knowing what the wind was blowing, he even blinked, undisguisedly sending a surprise.

In this regard, Bai Yi expressed his calmness.

Completely ignoring the bold movements of the Master, who smelled of alcohol.

at this time.

He is immune to all negative effects.

Don’t ask.

Ask is cooling.

And when he was in the cultivation simulator, he was already used to Shi Zhihua’s boldness.

Since the Immortal Spirit Sect was hit hard and Shi Zhihua was left alone, she didn’t seem to care about many things.

The whole person seems to be a little unreliable.

Not at all like a man who has lived for hundreds of years, nor a Sect Master of a small sect.

Even when I was in charge of Immortal Spirit Sect, I didn’t develop the sect very deliberately.

More like…

A pure widow?


In the county office of Clear River County, Fu Shuangni looked at the documents about the demonic cultivator in his hand and couldn’t help rubbing his eyebrows: “Is there still no more clues? It’s just not far away. In a county seat of the Imperial Court, two Imperial Court guest officials killed a Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator…”

“Could it be that the demonic cultivator of the Sacred Heart Temple did not organize any larger conspiracy and plan? Could it be…Is it all just me worrying too much?”


Fu Shuangni shook the head, murmured, and gradually became firmer: ” Impossible’s inference is wrong, these devils must be brewing some big conspiracy.”


Fu Shuangni was interrupted by a commotion from outside.

As soon as she browsed knit, she was attracted by the content of the noise outside.

“Know…the magistrate! Guest Official Bi! There is… an accident! There is a major event! There are dead people in Yangqing County next door, many dead people! Many people! All of them are dead people.


Fu Shuangni remembered that it was a fast-catching voice, and the other party’s tone was full of panic and fear.

Moreover, she remembered that yesterday she sent this catcher to the next county seat to inform the next county government to pay attention to the traces of the demonic cultivator.

He’s back so soon?

Also brought back news?

“What’s dead and not dead?” The magistrate’s voice of hate iron for not becoming steel rang out: “Even if it is really dead, it’s the business of the next county, what’s our business! Isn’t it a thankless task for you to take all these things over?”

“Sir, let him clarify!” This is Bi Xu’s voice: “Don’t mess up, keep talking.”

The arresting fast, anxiously said: “I…I received the order from the state government yesterday, so I rushed to Yangqing County.”

“Then I I found that there was simply no one guarding the city wall of Yangqing County.”

“I…I just went in and took a look out of curiosity. As a result…they were all dead people!”

“Male, female, old, young, tall, short, fat, thin…all lay on the ground!”

“They…they There’s no blood, but they’re motionless!”


“They’re all dead!!”

Chau Kuai’s tone was full of Fear, which shows how flustered he is now.

It can also be seen that what he said is not false, he really saw a terrifying scene.

Fu Shuangni’s expression changed when he heard this.

He stood up uncontrollably.

Go outside.

She ignored the magistrate and Bi Xu, and walked straight to the front of the catcher, with an unprecedented serious expression, she asked in a deep voice: “What you said is true?”

After seeing Fu Shuangni, Zhu Kuai didn’t dare to meet her eyes.

He tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, trembling quite a bit, and said: “Big… adult, little one didn’t lie, little… All of these things are true. ”

Fu Shuangni took a deep breath, her serious expression became a little livid and ugly.

Although, there is no conclusive evidence yet.

But she already has an 80% certainty that this matter is related to the Sacred Heart Temple!

At this time, people who dare to do such a thing…

And, can The person who does this kind of thing…

In addition to the group of demons with brain problems in Sacred Heart Temple, who else?

Fu Shuangni accepts the most What can’t be said is that the other party actually shot her in front of one’s eyes!

Yangqing County is next to Clear River County!

The two counties are very close!

“Call those four over here! After Fu Shuangni’s expression changed for a while, her expression returned to calm again, because she knew that anger was useless.

The “four people” in her mouth naturally followed her and came to The four from Clear River County.


Fu Shuangni moved towards one direction, she was going to the Golden Core.

Fu Shuangni knows that this is a big deal, and she needs a strong support.

At present.

The support from the state capital has not yet arrived, and the only strong support she can think of is the Golden Core. Now! Of course, she didn’t know it was just a puppet.

She still regards the Golden Core puppet as a loose cultivator senior who is easy to talk about—Li Feiyu!



loose cultivator?

Fu Shuangni suddenly realized that she remembered that in Clear River County, there was another strong Unknown loose cultivator.

At least.

After I met him that day, I couldn’t tell what his cultivation base was.

However, I could ask Do you have to touch the other party?

Will the other party choose to lend a hand?

Fu Shuangni frowned, she was a little unsure, after all she was not sure about the other party. I have to touch the other party and offend the other party…

Isn’t it worse?

That’s all!

Try it!

Fu Shuangni decided to give it a try and see if she could get the loose cultivator. Because for her now, if she can have one more helper, she can only use one more helper.

She can only make use of it as much as possible. The resources that you can use.

To deal with the coming great crisis!

Fu Shuangni goes to the Golden Core people first and informs the Golden Core people of what happened in Yangqing County , at this time she didn’t have to hide anything, she bluntly needed the help of the Golden Core puppet.

The Golden Core puppet hesitated for a moment, and agreed.

Afterwards, the Golden Core puppet agreed. Under the surprised eyes of the puppet, Fu Shuangni walked directly with his sword.

According to the last route to that place, in a short time…

Flyed to the destination.

This place…

This is where Bai Yi lives!

The one loose cultivator in Clear River County she thought of before was Bai Yi!


Fu Shuangni exhaled slowly, she calmed down a little, and was about to step forward and knock on the door politely, but a sudden voice came, Surprise her!

This sudden voice sounded from behind her: “Huh? What an astonishing bone.”

It was a woman’s voice, with a slight tone. Laziness, and surprise: “Is the bone age only in my twenties? Has the Foundation Establishment already been established?”

“Also, with this unique imposing manner, which dynasty’s Imperial Family are you? ?”

The unfamiliar voice made Fu Shuangni’s fair forehead sweat a little.

See your age and cultivation base at a glance.


Also recognized himself at a glance.

Who is this?

If it weren’t for the fact that the other party didn’t show hostility, Fu Shuangni thought he had met an enemy, and even thought that he might have to explain it here today.

She pressed her heart palpitations and looked back.

Stunned for a moment.

Pretty – these three words were the first thought in her mind.

Fu Shuangni found that standing behind him was a beautiful and mature woman.

Fu Shuangni smelled a little bit of wine, it was spirit wine.

I don’t know if it’s my own delusion, Fu Shuangni always feels…

This strange and dangerous woman in front of me…

I’m looking at him when.

It has a strange connotation.

Let her scratch her head.

“Senior, who are you?” Fu Shuangni felt that the person in front of her was not a demonic cultivator. After all, if the person in front of her was a demonic cultivator, she would be gone now, so she asked politely.


“A weak woman who can’t even protect her own sect and can only struggling on whilst at death’s door.”

said with a smile.



Some readers feel that the simulation of the protagonist is too short, only two chapters. In fact, the content of the author’s first chapter is 5000 words… If it is replaced by a 2000 chapter, there is already no less than 5 chapters (*/ω\*)

(end of this chapter)

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