
Chapter 114 The 18-year-old 3600-month-old girl Master [5000 words]

Fu Shuangni found this mysterious strange woman in front of him, not only a cultivation realm In terms of deep and unmeasurable, even the identity of the other party is somewhat intriguing.

The other party only said a few words, but Fu Shuangni had already heard a lot of information.

Can’t even protect your own sect?

Could it be…

Which Disciple of a small sect is this person? No…which sect disciple can be so outrageous?

Is it the Elder of a sect?


A Sect Master of a certain sect?

And, the sect in the other party’s mouth is very likely to no longer exist.


Fu Shuangni suddenly thought of something, and she suddenly felt that she had one’s hair stand on end.

The sect that no longer exists, hiss! Shouldn’t it be Sacred Heart Temple?

Not true.

If the other party is really the demon cultivator of Sacred Heart Temple, why is he still alive now?

“You’re here to find Bai Yi, right?” Before Fu Shuangni could say anything, Shi Zhihua asked with a smile.

Fu Shuangni was silent for a moment, nodded, she really came to find Cultivator Bai.


didn’t expect such an accident on the road.

It made her a little unexpected.

“He was too tired last night, so don’t disturb him. If there is anything, you can tell me.” Shi Zhihua’s words with a smile made Fu Shuangni realize that Cultivator Bai and Cultivator Bai The relationship between this mysterious woman does not seem to be simple.

Fu Shuangni said, “Near Clear River County, in a county called Yangqing County, there was a Blood Light Disaster, and many people died.”

” The county government initially suspects that it is under the hands of the demon cultivator.”


“Because the Clear River County government lacks staff, I would like to invite Cultivator Bai, Let’s go to Yangqing County together to find out.”

“Of course.”

Fu Shuangni added: “If Cultivator Bai , I don’t want to get involved.”

“Then I can just leave.”

“It’s useless to push the law!” Shi Zhihua squinted because he was a little drunk, and with a pair of beautiful eyes that looked a little blurry, she laughed , continued: “However, you said just now that there was a demon cultivator causing trouble?”

Fu Shuangni nods.

Shi Zhihua looked thoughtful: “If you don’t mind, can you take me there and take a look?”

Fu Shuangni was taken aback.

She really didn’t expect… There will be a surprise today!

She can be sure that this mysterious woman is very powerful.

At least it is also the foundation of the fifth layer of the Foundation Establishment, which is much stronger than itself.

In this case.

If the other party is willing to follow along, it is definitely a very powerful helper.


Fu Shuangni felt that he didn’t know enough about this mysterious woman.

It made her feel a little undecided for a while.

“Are you afraid of me?” Shi Zhihua seemed to be able to see what Fu Shuangni was thinking, she asked with a smile, “I can see that you are very anxious and very concerned about this matter. Be careful, and the seriousness of this matter is not low.”

“If you continue to hesitate here, maybe in that Yangqing County, the murderer who made such a murderous crime Just run away. The evidence of those clues may be because you hesitated for a moment…”

“It will also become disappeared.”

This is like the elders teaching Junior The preaching tone did not make Fu Shuangni feel any discomfort.

She also knew that she was too hesitant. The most important thing at this time is to make a decisive decision in time.

She took a deep breath.

Nod .

Said: “If the senior is willing to help the county government, it would be the best. I don’t know… senior’s honorable name?”

“Shi Zhihua.”

Shi Zhihua?

Fu Shuangni searched his memory and found that he had never heard of the name.

Also true.

There are billions of people in the cultivation world, and the Great Yan Dynasty she belongs to is just one of many dynasties.

There are countless immortal cultivators in the world. Under such circumstances…

How could she know anyone in the world?

Characters owned by other dynasties came after Great Yan Dynasty.

There is no who knows its name.

This happens all the time.

Nothing more than normal.

So no worries.

Fu Shuangni left this place directly with Controlling Sword Flight, and she wanted to get to Yangqing County as quickly as possible.

And Shi Zhihua pulled out a bottle gourd from nowhere, took a sip of his elated drink, and then emptied out in a hurry.

Drinking and driving is a yes.


In the house.

Bai Yi is drinking spirit tea leisurely, eating some snacks Shi Zhihua made for him, looking at the two figures gradually disappearing into the sky, and muttering to himself: “This tool man No. 3 The pressure is quite high, not only to prepare for the simulation of cultivation, but also to deal with these trivial matters in reality.”

In order to allow Fu Shuangni, the third tool person, to free up more energy, Come for a mock immortal student.

Bai Yi naturally had to give her some help so that she could deal with the troubles in reality as soon as possible.

The Golden Core people would promise her to intervene in Yangqing County, which must be Bai Yi’s intention.

Because, only he can manipulate the Golden Core puppet.

And Shi Zhihua will come forward to meet Fu Shuangni, which is naturally what Bai Yi means.

He asked Shi Zhihua to meet Fu Shuangni.

At the same time, Bai Yi asked Shi Zhihua to help Fu Shuangni handle this matter.

But don’t help make it too obvious.

It’s just fine.

At that time.

When he said these words to Shi Zhihua, Shi Zhihua showed a look of looked thoughtful, and then suddenly realized something, as if he understood something.

He also patted Bai Yi’s shoulder earnestly and said a word: “disciple, the teacher will take care of you. Don’t worry, let the teacher handle it!”

Bai Yi thinks that Shi Zhihua must have misunderstood something, and this is just a tool of his own.

Thought of this.

He smiled helplessly.


There are three tool people working for him in the cultivation simulator, and there are Golden Core people and Shi Zhihua in reality.

Bai Yi feels that he is getting closer and closer to secret mastermind, although his secret mastermind doesn’t have much ambitions and goals.


Shi Zhihua can’t be a tool man into the emulator, it would be better if he could.



Several state capital immortal cultivators temporarily residing in Clear River County rushed to the neighboring Yangqing County immediately after learning this somewhat appalling news.

When they got here, they realized that Her Highness the Princess had already arrived here one step ahead of them.


Who is the woman next to Her Highness the Princess? hiss! Appearance and temperament are not inferior to Her Highness the Princess!

No way.

Is this the arrival of reinforcements from the state capital? its not right! Is there only one reinforcement?

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

They all expressed their confusion.

Fu Shuangni glanced at the immortal cultivators in the state capital, then looked towards the Golden Core people, and politely greeted: “Senior Li.”

Fu Shuangni Shi Zhihua next to him glanced at the immortal cultivators in the state capitals.

Her gaze did not stop at these people.

Instead, she stayed on the Golden Core puppet. She could see that the Golden Core puppet’s cultivation base was not much different from her own.

I was surprised and murmured in my heart: Where did the disciple come from with such a powerful puppet?


She knew that the so-called “Li Feiyu” was just a puppet controlled by Bai Yi.

That’s what Bai Yi confided to her.

Shi Zhihua at first is a little unconvinced that a puppet can have a Golden Core cultivation base?


Seeing this Golden Core puppet with my own eyes.

She had to believe it.


The person who controls this puppet…

Is it Bai Yi?

With this thought, the corners of Shi Zhihua’s mouth suddenly raised an arc, moved towards the Golden Core puppet, he blinked his eyes lightly, his cherry lips opened and closed, as if he was saying something silently.

The corner of Golden Core’s mouth twitched slightly and gave her a helpless look.

Shi Zhihua smiled even more, and quietly stuck out his pink tongue.

He is obviously a few hundred years old, but he is still pretending to be tender here.

Of course.

In Shi Zhihua’s usual drunkenness, there are no words that are too hard to say – she is very young this year, a young girl of 18 years and 3600 months!

Where are you hundreds of years old?


It’s all slander!

Everyone didn’t notice Shi Zhihua’s little gesture. They actually arrived at about the same time. Fu Shuangni was only a little earlier than the immortal cultivators in the prefecture.

At this time.

Fu Shuangni looked at Yangqing County in front of her. She didn’t smell a shred of blood, but she could feel something was wrong in Yangqing County, because it was too quiet here.

Yangqing County is not as prosperous as Clear River County, but it has a population of more than ten to two hundred thousand.

It stands to reason that Yangqing County is also lively, so that no one can see it.

But now, they really can’t see any outsiders.

Fu Shuangni’s complexion gradually became serious.

took a breath.

She said: “No matter how you look outside, you can’t see why. Let’s go in and have a look!”

Everyone has no opinion.

Fu Shuangni, Golden Core puppet, Shi Zhihua, as well as two state officials and two state family children, a group of seven “people” entered Yangqing County one after another.

When they enter it.

Just saw…

A horrific scene!

See you!

A large group of people, all in various postures, fell to the cold ground. There was no panic or pain on their faces. Everyone on the ground has their eyes tightly closed.

There were no wounds or bloodstains on their bodies.

Everyone seemed to collapse on the ground at the same time.

There are hundreds of people just seeing the number of people in front of them!

Densely packed!

Let people have one’s hair stand on end at a glance!


Everyone present is very knowledgeable. Although they were shocked by the scene in front of them, they did not show any panic, but observed some situations around them.

“Is he dead…isn’t it…” Fu Shuangni squatted down without any hesitation, and approached a person lying on the ground.

She found that the other party was still breathing very weakly, and there was still a trace of vitality.

Not only this person, but all the people lying on the ground are still alive.

They didn’t die, they just passed out.

But what exactly…

caused them to fall into a coma.

Looking at this, it is estimated that the entire county has suffered, right?

Fu Shuangni frowned.

She found out.

Among the fainted people in front of me, there was an immortal cultivator of Qi Refinement Realm.

Should be a loose cultivator.

Even the immortal cultivator will pass unconsciously, which is truly unimaginable.

No wonder there was no news from Yangqing County. If she hadn’t sent someone to visit here, it might have taken a few more days to find out what happened here.

By then.

The day lilies are cold.

“They were extracted from three immortal souls and seven mortal souls by some unique secret technique.” Just when everyone was in doubt, a slightly lazy voice, slowed down. It rang out slowly: “What makes me more curious is, what is the meaning of what they did??” A bottle gourd, with a faint aroma of spirit wine.

She continued with a smile, “These people aren’t taking one of the three immortal souls and seven mortal souls for no reason, the person who did it must have his intentions. “

“I must use this strange secret technique to accomplish something beneficial to him.”

“For example…”

Shi Zhihua has lived for so many years, and he has seen or heard of many examples of demons harming the world.

After she thought of something, she said faintly: “The other party wants to use this strange secret technique to break through a realm that has not been achieved for many years.”

“So big The deliberate secret technique of the scale is drawn, perhaps for the breakthrough from Golden Core to Nascent Soul?”

Every word and information revealed by Shi Zhihua makes people have one’s hair stand on end!

Especially the last sentence…

It made the expressions of everyone present except the Golden Core puppet change drastically.

Although what Shi Zhihua said was just a guess.

But it is also a more reliable guess at present, otherwise why would the devil do this?

From Golden Core…

breakthrough to Nascent Soul Realm?


Doesn’t that mean that the person who almost turned Yangqing County into a dead city is indeed a devil?

And, is it a Golden Core Tenth Layer, a half-step Nascent Soul devil?

There are more than 200,000 to 200,000 people in Yangqing County. Is it the sacrifice that the opponent needs to break through Nascent Soul?

A flash of light flashed in my mind, and Fu Shuangni suddenly stared wide-eyed.

“Those Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivators before Clear River County tried their best to infiltrate the county government office. Are they doing the same thing? Through the power of the county government office, they deployed a secret technique covering the entire Clear River County. At the right time, trigger the secret technique again?”

“Then, hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Clear River County, including some immortal cultivators…will all become the nourishment of the Great Demon behind the scenes?”

Fu Shuangni did not hide his guesses.

Although these speculations are unsubstantiated, they sound outrageous.

She said this outrageous guess.

Shi Zhihua looked sideways slightly, as if she was perceiving something carefully.

Immediately looked thoughtful and said: “Don’t say it, I really sensed the traces of large arrays in this county.”

“These traces are very hidden, if If they don’t trigger the Formation, even I can’t find it.”

Shi Zhihua said with a smile: “Your guess may be very close to the truth.”

She was drinking because of drinking I drank a lot of spirit wine, and I was a little drunk, but I could laugh.

But the others couldn’t laugh.

If this is true…doesn’t that mean that Yangqing County is a replacement for Clear River County?

The original purpose of the demonic cultivators was to use hundreds of thousands of people in Clear River County as sacrifices.

Later, for various reasons, the demon cultivators in Clear River County were killed.

So much so…

All their setup in Clear River County fell short.

In order to be able to replace a Clear River County alternative, the demon cultivator is eyeing Yangqing County?

And Yangqing County doesn’t have the variable Bai Yi, plus the loose cultivators in Yangqing County, the level of Qi Refinement’s third fourth layer is the level of Qi Refinement, no one can find out, what’s wrong The place.


The county government in Yangqing County may have been controlled by the demon cultivator of Sacred Heart Temple!

Even if you find something wrong, you can suppress these sounds, and then continue to arrange and plan them in an orderly manner!


“Your Highness!” A state official couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath, reluctant to reveal Fu Shuangni’s identity.

He said anxiously: “If Yangqing County is a substitute for Clear River County, there will definitely be a second county seat to become the second substitute for Clear River County!”


His speech was fast: “Because the population of Yangqing County is not as good as Clear River County, the devil wants more sacrifices…”

“I need more to replace Clear River County!”

“We must stop a Nascent Soul Realm from being born!”


“There will be a loss of life!!”

The state officials can think of this, and so can Fu Shuangni.

The problem is.

How to find… the demon cultivator about to break through to Nascent Soul Realm?

Where is the other party?


No one would question whether their guesses were wrong.

Such a serious matter, even if the guess is wrong, they must check it out to clear the crisis.

Even if the probability is only one percent, they can’t take it lightly.


Suddenly, another state government official hurriedly said: “Did there be a county yesterday that found the trace of the demonic cultivator? I remember that the county seat was not Not Yangqing County, but another county seat near Clear River County!”

“According to the news from there, that demonic cultivator was killed by two Imperial Court guest officials. And I remember that the population of that county is similar to that of Yangqing County.”

“The population of these two counties combined is almost comparable to that of Clear River County.”

“Could it be that… the next target of the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator is that place?”

Heard this.

Fu Shuangni made an immediate decision and gave an order: “Let’s go now!”

“Your Highness, the people from Yangqing County…”

Fu Shuangni said solemnly: “If the devil takes that place as the next target, and we don’t rush over to destroy the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator’s plan. When the time comes, not only the people in Yangqing County we can’t save, but also the people in that county. We can’t save people.”

“At this time, a choice must be made!”

Several state capitals immortal cultivator heart shivered with cold, they felt Fu Shuangni decision.

Then say nothing more.

Shi Zhihua looked surprised, and immediately turned to the Golden Core puppet, quietly sound transmission: “disciple, my teacher is very optimistic about this little girl, she has the ability to stand on its own, you are quite accurate. !”




I have a cold and induced rhinitis(*) Can you Imagine, two dozen sneezes in one breath? It’s so hard to use up a roll of paper towels in half a day!

I’m not in a good state today, but I work hard. There should be a chapter of 5,000 words in the early morning.

(end of this chapter)

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