
Chapter 115 Chen Qianxue: Why is it so unlucky in reality? 【5000 words】

“Strange…there is always a bad feeling.” Chen Qianxue wanted to leave this county as early as yesterday. The trouble to cause.

In addition, she also learned from the mouths of two Imperial Court immortal cultivators in the county seat that something happened in Clear River County.

Chen Qianxue wanted to go to Clear River County to see how the Chen Family is doing now.

But there is always an ominous feeling that haunts me.

Let her not act rashly for a while.

She didn’t stay at the original Inn, but switched to a more remote Inn.

She was going to make another trip to Clear River County after her ominous premonition disappeared.

Chen Qianxue chooses to believe his hunch!

As a result…

After almost a day’s stay, this not-so-good premonition has not disappeared, on the contrary, there is a growing trend, She didn’t feel very good.

Is this bad premonition warning her that this place in Yuanying County is dangerous?

Yuanying County is the name of the county where Chen Qianxue is located.

“If I had known this earlier, I should have left this place yesterday, rather than just wait and see.”

Chen Qianxue shook the head: “It was a miscalculation.”

“Leaving now, it should be too late. The full speed Controlling Sword Flight will go from here to Clear River County, it won’t take too long.”

“After Clear River County, just be able to wait, The cooldown of the cultivation simulator is over.”

She muttered to herself.

Just as she was about to leave, her expression suddenly changed!

The feeling of having one’s hair stand on end rises in the mind, giving her a heart palpitation!

Not good!

As soon as these two words appeared in his mind, Chen Qianxue seemed to hear a bell, from far to near, like a bell ringing from the abyss.



On the contrary, there is a bit of gloomy and coldness out of thin air, making people instinctive hair stands on end!


The bell rang again suddenly, Chen Qianxue stumbled uncontrollably, and she was slightly dazed, making her faint. Drowsiness.


The chiming of the bell was no coincidence, it was done on purpose!


The strange sound of the bells faintly revealed some spiritual power fluctuations.

She estimated that this kind of voice was enough to spread throughout Yuanying County.

Who is this big, using such a weird Spiritual Artifact to cover the entire county?

What is their purpose?

Chen Qianxue was alarmed, and hurriedly used magic to seal his hearing.




Chen Qianxue’s spirit was once again in a trance, that drowsy feeling was really uncontrollable, and her expression was unusually solemn: ” It’s not the ear that hears this sound, but the soul that hears it!!”

Chen Qianxue hurriedly recited a scripture to guard the mind, which was like a strange ringing of bells coming from the abyss , gradually began to become smaller and smaller.

Although it can still be faintly heard, it is not enough to cause any damage to her spirit and soul.

She didn’t expect that she was just here, staying for one night…

To encounter such a thing.

Is it bad luck?

Could it be that he brought the bad luck in the cultivation simulator into reality?

If so.

That this time…

Can’t nine deaths and still alive?

“I always want to avoid those troubles, but who would have thought that those troubles would actually come to you…and the level of danger of troubles can be gradually accumulated?”

Chen Qianxue thought it was quite absurd. If it wasn’t for her better mood, she would have been pissed off.


She suddenly noticed something was wrong: “How come it’s so quiet outside?”

Chen Qianxue was stunned for a moment, then, Responded quickly.

She thought of…

I am an immortal cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Third Layer.

In the face of this strange sound of the bell, I almost lost my mind.

And what about those loose cultivators from Qi Refinement?

What about the ordinary person?

These people…

Aren’t they?

Chen Qianxue Divine Sense spread out instantly, and the “picture” that Divine Sense passed back to her made her face show an unimaginable look.

Chen Qianxue immediately opened the window of the Inn’s guest room, her eyes looking at the street below.

“Sure enough…”

Her expression was a little ugly: “The person who made the strange bell banging was not aimed at me, but at the entire Yuanying County!”

See you.

All the vendors, pedestrians, women and children on the street… all fell to the ground like corpses.


If I hadn’t been able to feel them and carried a thread of aura…

Chen Qianxue even thought they were all dead!


In this case, these people seem to be indistinguishable from death.

Because if there is no way to wake them up, they will starve and die of thirst in a few days.

In an eerie comatose slumber…

A silent death!

Chen Qianxue’s Divine Sense limit is enough to cover a radius of hundreds of kilometers, but she can’t perceive any living person, everyone within the coverage area of Divine Sense, is affected by the sound of the bell !

All in a coma!

Lie down!

Reason tells her not to get involved in this kind of thing. The strange bells that can affect the entire county must be a very special and strange Spiritual Artifact. This Spiritual Artifact definitely needs someone with an amazing cultivation base. , can be motivated.


You can also take some special means to motivate this special and weird Spiritual Artifact, but what kind of good people can use this method?

Sacred Heart Temple!

These three words, for no reason, emerged from her mind.

In the end…

Chen Qianxue obeyed her own reason. With her own strength, how could she interrupt the other party’s layout?

Are you up there?

To die for!

“The most sensible thing to do is to leave here, this level of danger is not something I can participate in.” After Chen Qianxue murmured, she hesitated for a while, and then she took out a Communication Talisman.

“This is the only thing that can help.” A lot of spiritual power was poured into Communication Talisman, and Chen Qianxue recorded some brief information in it.

Immediately thoughts move.

Communication Talisman blinked away at a speed that the eyes couldn’t keep up with.

She told her sect Spirit Sword Sect what happened here!

Spirit Sword Sect is Righteous Path Immortal Sect. If you encounter this kind of thing, especially if this kind of thing happens not too far from Spirit Sword Sect, Spirit Sword Sect must be managed .

If Spirit Sword Sect ignores this kind of thing, it is estimated that it will be ridiculed by other Righteous Path Immortal Sect.


In the air about a dozen or more li away from Yuanying County, he was on his way to Fu Shuangni in Yuanying County on the Controlling Sword Flight, as if he saw a flash of light flashing before his eyes.

This is?

Communication Talisman?

Fu Shuangni recognized Communication Talisman at a glance, because the last time she simulated cultivation, she used a Communication Talisman because of a Vast Sun Sect deacon.

That’s why a series of subsequent events happened, and she was hunted down by Vast Sun Sect.

Now, after seeing Communication Talisman again, Fu Shuangni’s first reaction was to fight.


Communication Talisman is flying too fast when she thinks so.

The Communication Talisman that turned into a light has long been disappeared without a trace.

But Fu Shuangni could not help frowning slowly.

‘Who’s Communication Talisman? Looking at the direction, it should have flown out from Yuanying County, could it be…’

When Fu Shuangni murmured in her heart, she was suddenly startled: ‘Is it a request for help from Yuanying County? ‘

The reason why some of them rushed to Yuanying County.

I was worried that Yuanying County would end up in exactly the same situation as Yangqing County.

Becomes an alternative to Clear River County.

When I was on the road…

Fu Shuangni really hoped that all her previous conjectures were wrong, she would rather go on an errand for nothing than see this. This kind of send cold shivers down one’s spine thing happens again.

It’s counterintuitive.

Fu Shuangni already had a bad premonition when he saw the Communication Talisman who had fled far away.

This is far from Ying County.

Something may have happened!

Damn it!

How come these magical cultivation bases of the Sacred Heart Temple move so fast?

Not enough reaction time at all!

“Senior Li! Book senior!” Fu Shuangni said immediately: “Yuanying County may be being poisoned by the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator, and they are most likely absorbing the souls of everyone in the entire county!”

The Golden Core puppet was slightly nodded, it directly dropped Fu Shuangni and the others, turned into a ray of light at a faster speed, and flew out in the blink of an eye.

Shi Zhihua also followed closely from behind.

As for Fu Shuangni and other Foundation Establishment Realm immortal cultivators, they can only follow.

But unfortunately…

The speed of these people’s Controlling Sword Flight, even one-tenth of the Golden Core Realm…



“Huh?” The Golden Core puppets controlled by Shi Zhihua and Bai Yi soon came to the top of Yuanying County. In the scene below, her tone sounded slightly surprised: “didn’t expect, we are still a step late.”

She looked at the fainted people below, not knowing what she was thinking of .

The expression on his face is out of tune, a little restrained.

The tone was also a little lower: “disciple, did you notice that strange sound?”

She said these words to the Golden Core puppet.

The low and hoarse voice of the Golden Core puppet rang slowly: “I heard it, there is a strange spiritual power fluctuation in the voice, and the source of the sound seems to be the center of Yuanying County.”

The sound that the two of them heard at the same time was the strange chime of the bell.


Shi Zhihua also found something else: “Like Yangqing County, there are traces of the arrangement of Formation, this is a large Formation, and the specific function may be to spread this strange sound all over the distance. Ying County.”

If you just spread ordinary voices throughout the county, you don’t need so much trouble.

However, this kind of weird chime can’t spread too far at will.

This requires the assistance of some special means.

This Formation covering the entire Yuanying County, the effect is estimated to be like this!


Whether it was the Golden Core puppet or Shi Zhihua, as if they had discovered something again, their expressions became serious, and their eyes were full of caution when the enemy came!

“demonic cultivator!”

Shi Zhihua has already threw the bottle gourd in his hand back into the storage bag.

The slight intoxication in his eyes was completely dissipated, replaced by unprecedented clarity.

She said condensedly: “I can feel his breath at such a distance, a disgusting breath. It seems that I guessed right before, that is a Golden Core demon. The opponent has absorbed the souls of so many people, and there are only two possibilities.”

“Either they want to cultivate some kind of demonic weapon, or they want to break through the cultivation base! From the cultivation base of the Golden Core Tenth Layer, breakthrough To the realm of Nascent Soul!”

“disciple, you have only the Golden Core First Layer as a person, and only the Golden Core sixth layer as a teacher.”

“The two of us together, They are not necessarily the opponents of this devil.”

Shi Zhihua continued: “It’s a bit harsh to say, the opponent can kill both of us with just one hand.”

Because of this, Shi Zhihua changed his normal behavior and became calmer than ever.

The Golden Core asked: “Can you confirm the exact location of that devil?”

Shi Zhihua nods: “The center of Yuanying County.”

The Golden Core puppet asked: “While he is breaking through, if he disrupts his breakthrough, can he be backlashed?”

Shi Zhihua frowned and shook his head: ” This is not realistic. If the other party really wants to break through here, they will definitely set up large formations to protect themselves from breaking through.”

“The greater probability is that the other party does not want to break through here. Instead, just leave this place after absorbing what you need.”


Shi Zhihua murmured, “For the teacher, I always feel that the devil is that Faintly discernible breath, a little unstable.”

The Golden Core puppet looked sideways: “Not very stable?”

Shi Zhihua nodded: “He doesn’t look like peak state, It’s more like being injured?”

This sentence reminded Bai Yi.

The reason why the Sacred Heart Temple has devils, like stray dogs, scattered all over the Great Yan Dynasty, is because they all escaped!

If the opponent is the Golden Core devil of Sacred Heart Temple, it proves that the opponent experienced a great battle not long ago.

This battle…

Let the other party’s injuries not be completely recovered yet?

Bai Yi controlled the Golden Core puppet and said, “If the other party is really injured, assuming it’s a minor injury, how long can you and I hold him back together?”

Shi Zhihua analyzed: “the time it takes half an incense stick to burn?”

The Golden Core puppet asked again: “What about serious injuries?”

“Severe injuries?” Shi Zhihua smiled: “If this is the case, maybe there is a chance to take advantage of it?”

The Golden Core person said: “This place is not too far from an Immortal Sect called Spirit Sword Sect. The battle between us and the devil is sure to get the attention of the Spirit Sword Sect powerhouse.”

Heard it.

Shi Zhihua got it.

If you find that the other party is slightly injured, then delay the other party for a while, if you can’t delay it, then run away.

Two Golden Core Realms want to run together, without the cultivation base of Nascent Soul Realm, don’t try to catch up easily.

If the other party is seriously injured, it is not as simple as procrastination.

The operation space here…

It’s too big.

The two looked at each other, and they could see the tacit understanding in each other’s eyes.

When they went deep into the interior of Yuanying County, they immediately sensed that it was in Yuanying County…

Except for the astonishing devilish atmosphere of the imposing manner.

There are also bits and pieces, which are also similar to the atmosphere of the demon cultivator.

At the same time.

There is still a normal immortal cultivator atmosphere!

Shi Zhihua thought it was a luckier immortal cultivator.

Not affected by this weird chime.

The Golden Core puppet manipulated by Bai Yi recognized that aura at once.

Chen Qianxue? ! ! !

Bai Yi, who has always been attracted by the Sacred Heart Temple demonic cultivator, really didn’t use the cultivation simulator to sense the location of the tools and people, didn’t expect his No. 1 tool person to be in Yuanying County. in?

No wonder.

If it is Chen Qianxue, it is indeed impossible to be implicated, after all, it is also the Spirit Sword Sect Saintess.

If a Saintess is so fast, it might as well be killed by a piece of tofu.

Bai Yi retracted his attention to Chen Qianxue.

He knew that Chen Qianxue was more cautious and would not get involved in this kind of thing.


At this time.

Shi Zhihua’s solemn voice sounded: “disciple, this strange sound in Yuanying County may be from that Spiritual Artifact.”

Golden Core The dummy looked at it, and immediately saw that there was a large cloud of black mist lingering in the center of Yuanying County.

A large amount of black mist covers a radius of several hundred meters, and the inside of the black mist is filled with a cold and gloomy atmosphere.

Golden Core Realm’s Divine Sense probed over, and was slowly melted away by this black mist!

I can’t help but have one’s hair stand on end!

I vaguely seemed to hear endless mourning, which came out from the black mist.

Take a closer look and you will be shocked.

The black fog is actually composed of thousands of souls, squeezed and twisted together!

Those souls are like humanoids, and their blurred faces seem to show panic and despair.

Souls are being devoured one by one!

The scene is horrific!

Inside the dark fog.

The blood light flashes.

The blood light actually took on the shape of a giant bell, and the pale red sound waves visible to naked eyes were spreading out from the giant bell, and in the blink of an eye, it spread to several hundred meters away, and it was very fast. The speed spread to the entire Yuanying County.

Shi Zhihua and the Golden Core puppet didn’t hesitate to move towards the bloody giant bell, and the starting move was a huge move!

Shi Zhihua took out a special Spiritual Artifact, which turned out to be a big gun that sent out bursts of cold air.

The imposing manner of the Golden Core sixth layer bursts out, one shot out, like Ice Dragon comes to life.

Tear apart the black fog and pointed at the blood-colored giant bell!

bang! ! ! !

The terrifying loud noise shook the eardrums, and wherever the naked eye saw, there was a thick layer of frost, and there was spiritual power on top of the frost, which kept surging. .

The Golden Core puppet also shot in an instant, a blood-colored ball was taken out, and the monstrous blood spread.

At the same time, a golden ring was also taken out from the storage bag by the Golden Core dummy.

Blood Bead!

Golden Ring!

Both of these are Spiritual Artifacts that are rewarded when the tools are used to simulate cultivation.

The former is a Demon Sect Spiritual Artifact, and the latter is a one-time Spiritual Artifact.

Blood Bead flew out together with the golden ring and exploded in the black mist as a bright light.

Cooperate with Shi Zhihua’s heaven shaking, earth shattering shot.

The powers of the three were superimposed together, and the aftermath of terror swept across the four directions, and a large area of buildings was flattened.

The black fog was forcibly blown away!

The weird chiming sound came to an abrupt end!

“Who is it!!!!!!”

A slightly violent and manic voice roared like a ferocious wild beast.

the other side.

Chen Qianxue, who was taking out Flying Sword about to leave, suddenly turned his head and looked towards the Central Zone of Yuanying County.

“That’s it?”

She was surprised: “Someone fought the devil?”


“Not from the Spirit Sword Sect?”


Awkward, last night I wrote it after two in the morning, but I forgot to post (*)

(end of this chapter)

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