
Chapter 120 Divine Transformation Demon Embryo! mysterious mask! 【5000 words】

Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao’s efforts were not in vain. They discovered that there are a large number of huge stone walls in the Core Zone of Cave Mansion.

Cultivation techniques are recorded on the stone walls.

Some cultivation techniques were created by the Ancient Demon named Daoist Blood Lotus, and some cultivation techniques were obtained by him in various ways.

After a full month of exploration.

They actually discovered dozens of cultivation techniques in the Core Zone inside the giant bronze gate!

Every cultivation technique is put into the cultivation world, and it is enough to serve as the Supreme Treasure of a small sect!

It can be seen from this that the Daoist Blood Lotus…

When he was in Ancient Era…

was not a simple person either!

“Slaughter Sutra! The full version of Slaughter Sutra!” Qin Jiao looked up at the relatively intact stone wall in front of him. Several millions of years have left the stone wall covered with traces of years.

Among the many stone walls they found, this one is the most complete one.

Qin Jiao saw what was inscribed on the stone wall and recognized what kind of cultivation technique it was.

The last time she simulated cultivation, she had been given a cultivation technique.

It’s called Slaughter Sutra!

It’s just that this cultivation technique was incomplete at that time, only part of it.

And now…

The “Slaughter Sutra” that Qin Jiao saw is a complete cultivation technique!


Qin Jiao knows this cultivation technique, which is also created by Daoist Blood Lotus.

Qin Jiao took out a jade slip without saying a word.

This is a jade slip that can record images. Qin Jiao recorded the text on the stone wall verbatim, and then stuffed it into the storage bag with satisfaction.

this time.

Qin Jiao thinks it doesn’t matter if he can deal with that Daoist Blood Lotus.

Because of this time, she got these resources in the cultivation simulator.

Much more than the previous several simulations of cultivation combined.

As a result…

Even now she died suddenly on the spot.

Wait to go back to the real world and settle the rewards.

This settlement reward…

It’s definitely not bad!

‘Sure enough, I have a large number of adults, and I have enough foresight to cooperate with this woman Chen Qianxue mercifully. ‘

Qin Jiao muttered very pleased in one’s mind, and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

“This way.”

Hearing the sound, Qin Jiao instinctively turned his eyes there.



I saw Chen Qianxue standing in front of a huge pillar. The huge stone pillar was unknown how high it was, and there were some traces of Formation inside it.

This huge stone pillar must be reinforced with Formation, otherwise it would have collapsed after several millions of years.

What caught Qin Jiao’s attention the most was not how thick the stone column was, or how tall it was.


The exquisite reliefs on the cylinder!

Qin Jiao saw pictures on the reliefs, as if they were recording something.

She walked over.

Look up.

For a moment.

She found a group of familiar silhouettes on it, which were a group of pure white monster beasts, which looked exactly like her pet beast A’bai…like a group of pure white auspicious beasts in the wild mountains generally.

But the next relief is another picture.

The monster beasts who looked similar to A’bai were all buried in the scarlet sea of blood.

There was only one monster beast cub left, and it was taken out alone to avoid this catastrophe.

In the end, tens of thousands of monster beasts were condensed into a Spiritual Artifact!

Is that a bloody copper coin?

“This is…”

Qin Jiao probably understands why A’bai is considered by many to be an extinct monster beast. When dared to be in Ancient Era, the entire ethnic group encountered such a catastrophe.

The monster beast cub that was picked out and sealed with secret technique…

No way, it’s A’bai, right?

The guy who played this cruel hand actually knows how to keep a monster beast cub? Avoid exhausting the pond and fishing?


Doesn’t the reproduction of monster beast require a male and a female?

Leaving only one end…

What’s the use?

Qin Jiao saw a silhouette from the relief, which was a silhouette standing on the sea of blood.

“This is Daoist Blood Lotus.”

At this time.

Chen Qianxue’s voice sounded again: “I can recognize this silhouette when it turns to ashes.”

Chen Qianxue’s expression was complicated, when she saw the silhouette on the relief , to be 100% sure…

The owner of the bronze giant gate is the devil sealed in the Demon Sealing Tower of the Grasping Heaven Sect!


Have seen each other!

Exactly the same!

[At the age of 22, after another year, Chen Qianxue found out more information about Daoist Blood Lotus in the Core Zone of the Bronze Giant Gate, and let her know more about this ancient Era demon . ]

[23 years old, accidentally triggered a Formation, Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao and the others were trapped for half a month, and finally got out of the formation, but also died of it for more than a dozen years. A secret guard. ]

[The Great Wei Emperor Chen Fengyin gave Chen Qianxue hundreds of Great Wei secret guards, and now there are only more than 50 people left. ]

[24 years old, Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao, found a Spiritual Artifact that was familiar to me in the Core Zone. ]

[That’s a bloody copper coin! ]

[The blood-colored copper coins are guarded by dozens of Mechanical Beasts. Chen Qianxue wanted to find another time to get this Spiritual Artifact, but he never thought that those dozens of Mechanical Beasts would take the initiative to attack. ]

[The lowest strength is the Mechanical Beast of the Golden Core First Layer, fighting with the Great Wei Guard! ]

[A lot of Mechanical Beasts were destroyed and impossible to move, but Great Wei’s Secret Guards also suffered heavy losses. ]

[The leader of the secret guard suffered serious injuries. ]

[But, I also grabbed that copper coin! ]


“What an amazing Blood Fiendish Qi, this is a demon beast made of blood sacrifice with the lives of tens of thousands of monster beasts from a monster beast group. weapon!”

The shocked voice of the grandmother who was carrying it sounded: “This thing is very ferocious, if someone with a bad fate, touch this thing…”

“I’m afraid, the next day , you have to destroy the corpse in the wilderness!”

The grandmother said solemnly: “This demonic weapon seems to be used for fortune-telling.”

“And the accuracy may be very high. .”

Looking at the blood-colored copper coin in his hand and listening to the reminder from his grandmother, Qin Jiao’s mood was slightly complicated.

Because she knows the reason why A’bai has become, there is only one monster beast left in the entire cultivation world, because those of A’bai’s kin have been refined by blood sacrifice.

Tens of thousands of monster beasts turned into a copper coin, Qin Jiao naturally understands that this is not ordinary.

Fortune telling…

High accuracy…

This seems to be similar to A’bai’s Innate Ability.

Daoist Blood Lotus has refined such demonic weapons, probably to save their lives!


Are there other uses that I don’t know about yet?

“If this thing can really predict good or bad luck, it will be an incredible Spiritual Artifact for you and me.” Chen Qianxue said suddenly: “This means that we can avoid some dangers.”


Qin Jiao also knew this. He held the blood-colored copper coin in his hand and looked at A’bai not far away.

Complicated thoughts.

[25 years old, bronze giant gate Core Zone, bits and pieces have been explored by Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao and the others. It was also on this day that Chen Qianxue broke through to the Foundation Establishment Third Layer, and Qin Jiao followed closely from behind breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Third Layer. ]

[26 years old, the pet beast A’bai issued a reminder, Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao found that they had come to a strange place, which was full of strong blood Fiend Demon aura, which made them alarm bells. masterpiece. ]

[They even suspected that in the bronze giant gate, besides A’bai, is there a living monster beast? ,

[Or… is there a living person in it! ? ]

[When Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao searched deeply again, they found that there are no living ancient monster beasts and no living ancient Era people. But… what they found shocked them both inexplicably and unbelievably! ]

[They found a Demon Embryo! ! ]


In a great hall full of mottled years, the walls are all covered with bizarre reliefs, and the pictures on the reliefs seem to record a person’s life.

From birth, to growth, to cultivation, to devouring relatives, to devouring teachers, to falling into the demonic path, to slaughtering people, to becoming a great venerable demon…

Very Obviously.

This is the life track of one Ancient Demon, the Daoist Blood Lotus who recorded his whole life.


This is a peculiar hobby of that Daoist Blood Lotus.

He likes to record the things he has experienced. Even if it is some rebellious things, he still records everything in detail.

apart from this , the most striking thing is the location in the center of the great hall.

It was a very quaint altar.

The altar is covered with blood-colored patterns, and the blood-colored patterns converge into one ancient scripture after another.

The blood-colored text flashes faintly red light.

After several millions of years.

The altar is still intact.

Around the altar, the blood-colored demonic energy is extremely rich, making people feel cold all over the body when they get close, send cold shivers down one’s spine, and goose bumps all over the body rise uncontrollably.

A unique piece of Spiritual Artifact is placed on the altar. Spiritual Artifact has gone through several millions of years and is no longer what it used to be, but it seems to be able to be used reluctantly.

Above the middle of the altar…

A Demon Embryo like a baby floats there quietly!

Exudes a horrible imposing manner!

It’s mind-blowing!

“Divine Transformation Demon Embryo!”

At the scene, the most powerful Great Wei secret guard leader blurted out in shock: “Once the immortal cultivator reaches the Nascent Soul Realm, the inner The Golden Core will be turned into a spiritual embryo. Once the immortal cultivator reaches the Divine Transformation Realm, the spiritual embryo in the body will be able to leave the body!”

“Unless a Divine Transformation powerful The fleshy body and the spiritual embryo will be destroyed together. Otherwise…with the spiritual embryo that can be separated from the body, the Divine Transformation might be equivalent to having a second life!”

He continued in mood grave: “Generally The power of the Divine Transformation who took the initiative to detach the spiritual body from the body will be greatly reduced…”

“This is the price paid for the second life.”

At this time.

The voice of the grandmother who was carrying him also sounded: “He is right, this is a spiritual embryo of the Divine Transformation demon. Moreover, this spiritual embryo does not seem to have any consciousness, which shows that The Daoist Blood Lotus is indeed still alive.”

“Because, once the detached spiritual embryo becomes conscious, it means that the Daoist Blood Lotus…the real fleshy body has been destroyed, I have to use the spiritual fetus to live again.”


The powerful words of the two Nascent Souls at this time are naturally authoritative.

After hearing these words, Qin Jiao murmured in shock: “That is to say…even if we kill Daoist Blood Lotus in Demon Sealing Tower, he can still be resurrected by this spiritual embryo. ?”

The old grandmother said: “Not only can he be resurrected, but he can also recover at least 70% of his strength in a short period of time.”

The old grandmother continued: “Those The Ancient Cultivator used Supreme Secret Technique to refine the Demon Sealing Tower, which could seal the Daoist Blood Lotus… I even suspect that Daoist Blood Lotus was deliberately involved.”

Qin Jiao One Bewildered: “Intentionally?”

“en.” The grandmother said: “Even the Great Cultivator on the tenth floor of Divine Transformation is absolutely impossible to live for several millions years. Daoist Blood Lotus deliberately made itself sealed. , is to take advantage of the uniqueness of the Demon Sealing Tower to let himself live until now.”

“Ancient Era may have a powerful Righteous Path immortal cultivator, so Daoist Blood Lotus had to temporarily avoid the edge. He deliberately let himself Being sealed can be regarded as a disguised way to save one’s life.”


“Millions of years have passed, those powerful Ancient Cultivators, It may have died, or it may have risen to the illusory and ethereal, I don’t know if it is the real Immortal World.”

Qin Jiao suddenly realized that the image of Daoist Blood Lotus happened again in her mind. Variety.

Becomes an Ancient Demon who lives by fair means or foul.

Keep a spiritual embryo hidden here, just to give yourself an extra life.

Even if the intention to be sealed is seen through…

And then killed.

The Daoist Blood Lotus can also use this spiritual embryo to come back to life again.

Qin Jiao be eager to have a try: “Can we destroy this thing?”

She remembered that the head of the secret guard just said-

Divine Transformation Once the spiritual embryo leaves the body, his own strength will be greatly reduced.

If the spiritual embryo is destroyed, Daoist Blood Lotus, which is sealed by breakthrough, will not have this hole card.

It also prevents Daoist Blood Lotus from merging with the spirit embryo.


Will the opponent’s strength be greatly reduced from start to finish?

When you and the others face off against each other like that…

Wouldn’t you have a better chance of winning?

“Little baby, I advise you not to hold such thoughts.” The old grandmother reminded: “Divine Transformation, the almighty spiritual embryo, when his fleshy body is not dead, is indeed not conscious. . But it has the instinct of defense. Once someone wants to shoot at the spiritual embryo, the spiritual embryo will kill those people strongly. “

While she was speaking.

The grandmother did not only transmit to Qin Jiao alone, but said this sentence in public.

Anyway, her existence is no longer a secret, so everyone knows it.

Doing this with the grandmother is actually reminding Chen Qianxue next to her.

Let Chen Qianxue not act rashly. .

This time.

Chen Qianxue’s mood is slightly heavy.

It turns out…

The last time I simulated cultivation, Great The Wei Dynasty almost did its best to fight against the Daoist Blood Lotus.

Daoist Blood Lotus was not peak state, but a greatly reduced strength.

That is Say.

Even if the rats of the gutter didn’t get in the way and killed the Daoist Blood Lotus…

The Daoist Blood Lotus can also come back to life through this spirit embryo.

Perhaps, the Divine Transformation Old Ancestor of the Great Wei Dynasty at that time also didn’t expect…the same Divine Transformation Realm, the gap between the two sides can be so big.

Great Wei’s Divine Transformation Old Ancestor certainly did not separate the spiritual embryo, but the fleshy body and the spiritual embryo, fighting against the Daoist Blood Lotus.

But this still failed.


These powerhouses, who have lived for many years, are really eye-opening.

It also makes the scalp tingle!

you can’t guard against it!

If you didn’t find this spiritual embryo in the bronze giant Cave Mansion…even if this time simulates cultivation, there is a chance to put it Daoist Blood Lotus was killed.

It’s also useless!

Because it won’t take long for the opponent to reappear in front of her with another flourishing attitude.


Chen Qianxue looked at the devil’s womb, and couldn’t help but have some strange thoughts in his heart.

The old grandmother’s reminder, she listened.

Reason tells her…

In the face of the spiritual embryo of the Divine Transformation demon, it is best not to shoot at it.

An accident.

will die.


“It’s not that you can’t try it.” Chen Qianxue suddenly said something that shocked everyone present: “Let this spirit embryo be here. , it will not do us any good. Once the spirit embryo and the devil are combined into one, what level of terror will the Daoist Blood Lotus be?”

“Divine Transformation 8-Layer? ninth layer? Ten layers? Even…the legendary half-step fit?”

Hearing this, Qin Jiao felt that it was the first time he knew Chen Qianxue.

In her mind, Chen Qianxue is very cautious.

Cautious enough to make her wonder, is Chen Qianxue too timid?



Qin Jiao found out that Chen Qianxue is more courageous than she imagined!

I just dismissed that bold idea.

Then next moment.

Chen Qianxue actually picked up his own thoughts.


“Her Highness the Princess!” The leader of the Great Wei’s guards, at this time, hurriedly said: “absolutely don’t mess around!”

“I didn’t mess around.”

“Her Highness the Princess!” p>

Chen Qianxue shook the head, she was not reckless, the reason why she said such a thing was after careful consideration.

She looked at the devil and said, “I have an idea that is worth trying.”

The voice fell.

A very strange breath permeated from Chen Qianxue.

It shocked everyone present.

See you.

A pair of Bronze Grimace Mask, like crying and laughing, appeared in Chen Qianxue’s hands at some point.

“This is it!”

Seeing this, Qin Jiao’s mind flashed, and she reacted instantly, she was surprised: “Can this work? That is the Great of Divine Transformation. Demon, not some Foundation Establishment demon, or a Golden Core demon.”

Chen Qianxue shook his head and said, “You don’t know how special this thing is. Divine Transformation demon, in this mask In the eyes of the owner…”

“Maybe it’s just an ant.”

At this moment.

Chen Qianxue’s mind came up with pictures that she had dreamed of in her dreams.

If the silhouette that suppressed the eternity in your dream is really the master of the mysterious mask.


An Ancient Demon of a trifling Divine Transformation Realm is really nothing.

Chen Qianxue doesn’t even believe that a Divine Transformation Demon Embryo…

can destroy this mysterious mask.

“What is this…” In the simulation culture of this time, it was the first time that the old grandmother saw the mysterious mask.

The mood swings in her tone were even more shocking than seeing Divine Transformation Demon Embryo.

“This thing…”

“It’s like the abyss of the universe.”

“I can’t see the foundation.”

… …

In the evening, there are still 5000 words (*)

(End of this chapter )

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