
Chapter 121 Tool people make a fortune! The black hand surfaced [5000 words]

The appearance of the mysterious mask made the grandmother with her heart palpitate for a while, and she dared not pay too much attention to the mysterious mask.

Because she always feels that once she pays too much attention to this thing, she will fall into signed to eternal damnation!

This mask, like an abyss black hole, seemed to devour her.

Let the grandmother feel a strong sense of crisis instinctively!

Since turning into a Remnant Soul and temporarily living in this quaint necklace…

She hasn’t felt this way for a long time.

She feels that she has encountered the strongest enemy, and the sense of crisis brought to her is not as good as 1 in 1 million of the mask!

The shock finally came back to his senses.

The old grandmother couldn’t help but said: “Little baby, you don’t seem to be particularly shocked by this mask. Did you already know its existence? Do you know what it is?”

Few of the old grandmothers would take the initiative to ask Qin Jiao, this time he really couldn’t hold back.

I asked all the doubts in my heart.

Trying to find an answer.

“This…” Qin Jiao thought about it for a while, then she shook her head helplessly: “I’m not quite clear, I just know that this mask is very strange. It can bring a big living person to life. Devour it.”

Qin Jiao didn’t lie, her knowledge of the mysterious mask was limited to this.

During the last immortal immortal, Chen Qianxue showed her the mysterious mask.

At that time, she watched helplessly, a Great Demon from the Golden Core Realm…

In front of her, it took less than two breaths to turn into a lump of rotten meat.

Then it was swallowed by the mask.

No slag left!

The other party only had time to let out a scream before dying.

It’s terrifying!

That’s all Qin Jiao knows.


The mysterious mask in Chen Qianxue’s hands is more powerful than she imagined, and Qin Jiao is not confused about it. Because she knew that this was one of Chen Qianxue’s newborn innate talents. A newborn innate talent given by the cultivation simulator, where can it go wrong?

“Wei Yi senior.”

The Wei Yi in Chen Qianxue’s mouth is the leader of the secret guard, the Great Wei secret guard on the first floor of Nascent Soul.

She opened the mouth and said: “If you get close to that Demon Embryo, will it attack you?”

Guardian nodded: “If your subordinate is close to Demon Embryo, Demon Embryo will shoot instinctively.”

Chen Qianxue asked: “Can you dodge its blow?”

Wei Yi replied: “You have all your cards, you can try. “

Wei Yi doesn’t have much confidence in saying this, even if it is an unconscious Divine Transformation Demon Embryo, it is still a Divine Transformation Realm after all.

The opponent’s unconscious instinct strike may not be the full strength attack of Divine Transformation.

Yes, for his Nascent Soul realm.

Divine Transformation’s casual hit is also deadly!


Chen Qianxue without the slightest hesitation , took out one more thing, it was a dragon-shaped jade pendant with the word “Great Wei” engraved on the jade pendant. look sideways.

Chen Qianxue said: “This thing is a life-saving thing given to me by the emperor. It can resist the blow of the Xeon Immortal cultivator. There should be no problem with resisting the blow of Divine Transformation.”

Chen Qianxue said: p>

A Spiritual Artifact that can withstand a blow from Divine Transformation?

Wei Yi shook his head decisively: “Your Highness, this subordinate is confident that he can block the Divine Transformation blow with his own cards.”

“Hold it.”

Chen Qianxue said: “This is an order.”

The jade pendant is precious.

There are so many princes in the entire Great Wei Dynasty, and the only people who have been gifted by the emperor to jade pendant are the Crown Prince of Great Wei and Chen Qianxue.


Chen Qianxue felt that such a one-off Spirit Artifact was not as precious as a Nascent Soul powerhouse.

She’s impossible to kill only one Nascent Soul with battle strength.

Chen Qianxue’s order, Wei Yi could not refuse, he could only take jade pendant.


Chen Qianxue said: “There is this thing, you also have it.”

She continued: “After approaching the Divine Transformation Demon Embryo, you must be very fast, Put this mask on its face. Then remember not to look back, leave immediately, as far as you can.”

Wei Yi nodded.

After taking the mask.

He suddenly felt a palpitating feeling in his heart, and there was a voice in his heart that told him to quickly throw away this mask, as if he didn’t deserve to touch it.

“His Royal Highness, Divine Transformation Demon Embryo has taken action, and the movement is definitely not small.”

Wei Yi reminded: “You and this Young Lady Qin, it is best to leave the great hall temporarily, To avoid being affected.”

Chen Qianxue certainly knew this.

She nodded.


Together with Qin Jiao and other secret guards, they quickly left this place of right and wrong to avoid the aftermath of the aftermath.

The aftermath of Divine Transformation’s blow, even if it’s just a little rubbing, is enough to kill the Foundation Establishment in seconds!

Watching Chen Qianxue and the others leave, Wei Yi took a deep breath.

He felt that the mysterious mask in his hand seemed to be covered with spikes, making his palm extremely painful.

He realized that the mask was resisting him.

Forcibly suppressing this discomfort, Wei instantly took out his Life Source Spiritual Artifact.

It was a fierce flag, and the terrifying imposing manner distorted the surrounding scene.

At the same time.

Wei Yi also took out several life-saving magic weapons, and took out hundreds of spirit talismans.

The whole person turned into a ray of light, approaching Demon Embryo at the fastest speed!


Just as he was about to approach Demon Embryo, Demon Embryo, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. There was no ignorance and childishness of a baby in his eyes, but only endless violence and fiendishness. qi, it makes the scalp tingle!

Those eyes locked on Wei Yi, and a small hand instinctively slammed it out!

In an instant!

Wei Yi felt that Heaven and Earth had dimmed, and a deadly sense of crisis rose in the mind.

The hundreds of life-saving spirit talismans he took out were all reduced to ashes at this moment.

Several life-saving magic weapons that took out have also begun to crack inch by inch!

Even his own Life Source Spiritual Artifact.

It’s also making an overwhelmed sound, as if it will break at any moment.

ka-cha —

A crisp voice rang out.

Wei Yi knew…

This is the precious jade pendant that Princess Changning gave to him broke. This jade pendant helped him block the fatal blow at a critical moment.


He is far from the Divine Transformation Demon Embryo.


Wei Yi knows very well that his Nascent Soul has a layer of cultivation base. Even if he tries his best to make the strongest blow, he will not be able to hurt this Divine Transformation Demon Embryo in the slightest. The second instinct strikes, giving instant instant kill.


This moment.

He chose to believe in Her Highness the Princess, and he knew that with Her Highness the Princess’s character, it was impossible to make a precarious decision.

Without saying a word, Wei Yi put the mysterious mask on the Divine Transformation Demon Embryo.


He ran away and left this place as fast as he could.

To avoid dying.

Divine Transformation Demon Embryo was put on his face by a mask, and he didn’t take it off immediately, but was ready to launch a second attack on Wei Yi, who was running back.


Before its second attack could be shot, a terrifying Devouring Power came, and the violent eyes under its mask suddenly stared.

Demon Embryo’s petite body began to twist, twisting and spinning like a pool of mud.

The monstrous baleful aura is devoured by the mask, and the mysterious mask seems to be enjoying some dessert.

It’s gorge oneself.

The Divine Transformation Demon Embryo, who at this time is as fragile as a baby, is enough to kill an unknown number of Nascent Soul’s mighty powers in one blow.

Its head began to turn into a lump of rotten flesh, more than half devoured by the mysterious mask.

The face that looked blurry was even more mutilated.

The header.

The neck.

The body.

The arms.


The legs.

The body parts of the Divine Transformation Demon Embryo are ruthlessly swallowed up by the mysterious mask, and it has no ability to resist at all.

This scene.

It’s terrifying!

Wei Yi, who was about to escape from the great hall, looked back as if he had a feeling in the heart. Suddenly, his face was full of unimaginable expressions, and the shock in his heart was hard to add.

He had stopped running away, because the scene in front of him let him know that there was no need to run away now.

That weird mask actually swallowed the Divine Transformation Demon Embryo step by step!

This extremely bizarre picture, he almost witnessed the whole process.

This made Wei Yi feel terrified.

He has forgotten…

I haven’t felt this way in years.


Wei Yi sucked in a breath of cold air.

Swallowing spit.

Even with the image of Chen Qianxue, the Princess Changning, in his mind, it became strange and unpredictable.

That’s Divine Transformation!

Although it is only a Demon Embryo, the strength of this Demon Embryo is also the strength of Divine Transformation!


It’s gone?

This is swallowed up?

Divine Transformation…

So bad?

Or is it not that Divine Transformation Realm is very unbearable, but that the mask is just too weird?

Even the Divine Transformation Realm, before that mask, was nothing?


Bordering the Great Wei Dynasty In the Dayu Dynasty, there was an Immortal Cultivation Sect called Grasping Heaven Sect.

The most special thing about this sect is that there is a Demon Sealing Tower inside the sect.

It is said that…

In this Demon Sealing Tower, an Ancient Era Great Demon is sealed!

The Demon Sealing Tower has been around for years without any anomalies, and no one would think there would be any xenomorphs in the Demon Sealing Tower.

until ten years ago.

A Princess from the Great Wei Dynasty visited the Grasping Heaven Sect Sect Master and bluntly said that the seal of the Demon Sealing Tower will be loosened in the future, and the Great Demon will break out in the future.

At that time.

In the face of the cautionary reminder of the unfathomable mystery of Princess, a neighbor they’ve never met, Grasping Heaven Sect’s Sect Master just politely and perfunctory dealt with it.

If he hadn’t known that the Great Wei Princess was beside him, there was a Nascent Soul power to protect him and let the Grassping Heaven Sect Sect Master confirm that the other party was indeed a Princess, he would have blasted the other party out long ago.

How can anyone go to someone else’s sect and say such unfathomable mystery?


Chen Qianxue’s warning at that time, Grasping Heaven Sect did not take seriously.


What made Grasping Heaven Sect Sect Master didn’t expect…

Today, something really happened to the Demon Sealing Tower!

Boom! ! ! !

The violent rumbling sound shook the entire Grasping Heaven Sect sect. The huge Demon Sealing Tower trembled violently, and traces of blood-colored demonic energy slowly overflowed from the Demon Sealing Tower. What followed was a terrifyingly terrifying imposing manner.

The devil!

It’s the Ancient Demon! ! !

The elder guarding the Demon Sealing Tower found that something was wrong, and immediately notified the Grasping Heaven Sect Sect Master and many elders through Communication Talisman.

When a group of Golden Core and Nascent Soul arrive, look at the giant tower that trembles and seems to collapse at any time.

Feel the terrifying imposing manner overflowing inside.

Everyone is shocked!

The hairs stand on end!

“Hey!” Grasping Heaven Sect Sect Master sucked in a breath of cold air, he recalled that Great Wei Princess who came abruptly more than ten years ago, the other party’s earnest warning, he It’s all recalled now.

He didn’t expect the other party’s words, which sounded ridiculous, but they were actually true.

The seal of the Demon Sealing Tower is really loose, and the Ancient Demon inside is really about to be broken!

He was too lazy to think about why a Great Wei Princess.

Will know about their Dayu Dynasty.

Now he…

He is full of thoughts, how can he cope with the impending crisis?

“No way!”

Grasping Heaven Sect Sect Master gritted his teeth and said, “I absolutely cannot let the devil inside come out! The other party is the Great Demon that was sealed away by the Ancient Era. The strength is deep and unmeasurable! And the opponent can shake the seal of the Demon Sealing Tower, which shows that the seal of several millions years has not made the opponent’s strength go back much.”

“Or…the opponent’s strength has already A serious setback. But even after so much setback, the strength of this Ancient Demon is still so terrifying!”

“Once this devil is born, it will definitely be wiped out for the Grasping Heaven Sect. Disaster!”

“It is also a disaster for the Dayu Dynasty!”

“Everyone join me to strengthen the seal of the Demon Sealing Tower! Immediately contact other Righteous Path Sects !”


“Contact the Dayu Dynasty Imperial Court immediately!”

The voice fell.

The tower body of Demon Sealing Tower shook violently again, and a lot of dust fell down, and even pieces of the building fell.

After several millions of years, this Demon Sealing Tower will not survive the erosion of time.

At the same time.

Grasping Heaven Sect’s Sect Master and many Elders seemed to hear a roar of fury.

That terrifying roar seems to have originated from inside the Demon Sealing Tower!

That’s the Ancient Demon roaring furiously!

——”Who? Who!??? Who broke into Cave Mansion in this seat!????”



“This seat will cut you into ten thousand pieces!”

“Smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!!”



They heard a bit of flustered and exasperated from this furious roar.

A group of people.

While frightened, they couldn’t help but looked at each other in blank dismay.

You can see the doubts in each other’s eyes.

And puzzled.

[Chen Qianxue’s mysterious mask completely devoured Daoist Blood Lotus’ Demon Embryo, and Daoist Blood Lotus far away in the Dayu Dynasty seemed to feel it. The flustered and exasperated Daoist Blood Lotus, who swore to destroy his Demon Embryo, smashed to pieces. ]

[Everything in the entire bronze giant Cave Mansion has been explored, and every corner has not been spared. ]

[Mysterious mask gave Chen Qianxue a lot of feedback and nourishment, and Chen Qianxue broke through two realm in an instant. 】

【Chen Qianxue has been the fifth layer of the Foundation Establishment! ]

[28 years old, except for some immature spiritual medicines and a large spiritual vein that cannot be taken away, all the things that can be looted in the bronze giant gate have been swept away. null. ]

[29 years old, Qin Jiao breakthrough Foundation Establishment fourth layer! Chen Qianxue breakthrough Foundation Establishment sixth layer! ]

[At the age of 30, Chen Qianxue returned to the imperial city. ]

[Qin Jiao also came to the imperial city together. ]


Great Wei imperial city.

In the Imperial Palace.

I haven’t seen my daughter for more than ten years, and I use Communication Talisman to communicate with each other. Naturally, Chen Fengyin misses Chen Qianxue very much.

Now he finally sees his youngest daughter again.

Chen Fengyin was very emotional when he saw the slim Chen Qianxue.

He remembers…

Chen Qianxue left the imperial city of the Great Wei Dynasty when he was 14 years old.


Chen Qianxue, who is back in the imperial city of the Great Wei Dynasty, is 30 years old!

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.


A dozen years are nothing to an immortal cultivator.

But who made Chen Qianxue change so much.

It makes people have to sigh.

“Changning, you are already in the sixth layer of the Foundation Establishment?” Chen Fengyin couldn’t hide the surprise on his face after discovering Chen Qianxue’s cultivation base.

The 30-year-old Foundation Establishment sixth layer, what kind of innate talent is this? It is shocking!

Chen Qianxue nods


Acknowledging it generously.



Chen Fengyin laughed immediately: “As expected of the Princess of my Great Wei Dynasty, as expected of me Chen Fengyin My daughter, such an innate talent dumped those sect Saintess, I don’t know how many streets! hahahaha!”

After saying.

He looked towards Chen Qianxue’s back, the girl with the same excellent appearance, asked in surprise: “This…is the Qin Jiao, Qin Xiaoyou, who was always mentioned in Changning’s letter, right?”


Chen Qianxue this time, brought Qin Jiao over and asked her to meet Chen Fengyin.

Faced with an emperor, Qin Jiao was very calm and not nervous.

After all.

Chen Fengyin is only ten layers of Nascent Soul.

She has even seen the Divine Transformation Demon Embryo with her own eyes, and now she is facing a tenth Nascent Soul Emperor.

How can you possibly be nervous?

Qin Jiao also ordered nodded.

“It’s really a giant amongst men!”

Chen Fengyin saw Qin Jiao’s cultivation base at a glance, and couldn’t help but admire: “It is the fourth layer of the Foundation Establishment at a young age, and the entire Great There are few Heaven’s Chosen in the Wei Dynasty that can match Qin Xiaoyou’s amazing innate talent.”

“Imperial Father.”

At this time, Chen Qianxue said: “Bronze All the resources in the giant Cave Mansion, we have brought back to the imperial city, and now they are in the treasure house of the Imperial Palace. If you are interested, you can take a look.”

Chen Fengyin is naturally very impressed. Interested, he also knew the Cave Mansion, which was an Ancient Demon’s Cave Mansion.

He waved his hand and said loudly with a smile: “Okay! Then let’s go and have a look!”

[Chen Fengyin watched Chen Qianxue and Qin Jiao and the others have worked hard for many years After the harvest, I was shocked! He found that the entire treasure trove of the Great Wei Imperial Palace combined is not as good as the harvest of these two people! The treasury of the Great Wei Dynasty has become richer than ever! ]

[At the request of Chen Qianxue, Chen Fengyin mobilized some resources to relieve a large number of poor people in the Great Wei Dynasty, and the national fortune of the Great Wei Dynasty was slowly increasing. ]

[32 years old, a better news came——]

[Chen Qianxue learned that the secret mastermind, who was trying to gain the imperial power of Great Wei, finally surfaced. It was actually related to the previous dynasty! That is, the last dynasty of the Great Wei Dynasty! ]




Today’s 4D is sent |’-‘)

(end of this chapter)

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