Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 408: , Dare to go to the blood spot

   At this time, Xiao Ba’s heart collapsed!

   Never seen such a pit master! Even robots have human rights, OK? You squeeze a robot like this, and then personally attack it, which is really too good!

  It's just that it really doesn't make special effects! So annoying!

   At this time, Yang Chenxing at the end of the video spoke again: "So how long will it take your boss to develop this special effect drug?"

   Zhang Wei suddenly twitched his mouth, "How do you remember this? It's past the time limit!"

   Yang Chenxing... "Do you want to experience the feeling of being surrounded and throwing eggs?"

  Zhang Wei······emmm, people are so unfriendly now!

   "Then I will ask Xiaoba to send you a list, and you will be asked to bring things over. I will try to develop it sooner."

  However, Yang Chenxing asked again: "How long will it take?"

  Zhang Wei feels that he is going crazy. Are all the employees pulling it like this now? I dare to urge the boss like this, this is simply unbearable! Believe it or not, I fired you!

  However, if I thought that Yang Chenxing was fired, then Xinghai Technology's broken things could only be done by himself, and he suddenly had no idea.

  Emmm, it seems that this is actually no big deal!

   "Which time, this depends mainly on when Xiaoba can learn to make special effects medicine."

   heard this, Yang Chenxing could not help but twitched his mouth.

   "So, when it comes to the end, you still have to throw things away?"

   At this moment, she suddenly sympathized with Xiaoba, what a miserable machine this is!

  Zhang Wei said Zhenzhen with words: "I will always be on the side to guide on the spot~".

  Looking at Zhang Wei's awe-inspiring look, the netizens before the live broadcast couldn't help but want to slap him.

   "What is the expression of your face making a major sacrifice?"

   "Lazy into this way, how did you live to this day?"

  While Yang Chenxing was speechless, there was a sudden ring of telephone ringing.

   rigorously took out his mobile phone and found that it was the company who called.

   Hesitated, she was still connected.

As soon as    was connected, I heard the urgent voice from the little girl at the front desk over the phone.

   "Mr. Yan, the Queen of Britain just called us."

   "Queen of Britain?" Yan Jin didn't respond for a while, and she came back to her after a while: "Are you afraid you have encountered a liar?"

   The front desk immediately replied: "I thought so at first, but later the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called to personally confirm that the call was really from the queen."

   The front desk immediately replied: "I thought so at first, but later the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called to personally confirm that the call was really from the queen."

  Strictly a little ignorant for a while, "So what's the matter with the queen calling the company?"

  At this moment, the media immediately noticed the big news, and they all pointed the camera towards them.

"This is the case. The little grandson of the Queen, Prince George, was bitten by a stray dog ​​not long ago, but at that time, Prince George did not say anything to others. Just yesterday, Prince George suddenly became ill, which was noticed by everyone. ."

   Hearing these words, Yan Jin rolled his eyes into the sky almost immediately.

  Dare you have such a coincidence? The boss here has just said that he can develop a special medicine for the treatment of rabies. The little prince in Britain was bitten by a dog. Isn't there a coincidence in the TV series?

However, in fact, the little prince was bitten many days ago, and the onset was also yesterday. I just heard that Zhang Wei has a special medicine here, so he died as a living horse doctor, with a try attitude Called to inquire.

  At this time, the live broadcast room also boiled instantly.

   "666, this is very interesting."

   "The strongest medical care in history, understand the Queen of Britain."

   "Dare you dare to go to the point of blood, the stick drama is not so good!"

   "I vaguely thought I would actually return the urban Xiaobaiwen."

   "Then the question is coming, can Zhang Shen really develop special effects medicine?"

   "¨ The above you are wrong, how can you doubt Zhang Shen's ability, what you should doubt is that he can really develop a special drug nightmare in time?"

   At this time the front desk said again: "Now the Queen and Princess Kate have brought the little prince to China. The British royal family wants to talk to the boss, but because there is no number, they can only call the company."

   At this time, Zhang Wei's eyes at the other end of the video had already turned into the sky.

   "mmp, it's inhumane to squeeze a salted fish like this."

   At this time Yang Chenxing looked at him immediately, and countless audiences in the live broadcast room also looked at him.

   "Boss, Prince George's life is in your hands, do you want to be lazy?"

   Zhang Wei blinked, "I don't like to hear what you say, what happened to the prince, he is also a human being, will I look at him differently because he is a prince?"

 (好好好)  Yang Chenxing said to him, "emmm, if you are a little princess, you will look at each other, right?"

   "Yeah, if it's...amount, it's wrong, even if it's a princess, I won't look at it differently."

   "Well, we all believe that you will not look at each other, but do you have the heart to let a child die like this? How old is he this year."

   Zhang Wei blinked and couldn't help but have a headache. "That's it, you must send the things according to the list. I will develop it quickly."

   Hearing Zhang Wei finally agreed, Yang Chenxing couldn't help but sigh of relief, and the audience in the live broadcast room was not relieved at the same time.

   Most of the people in the country are kind, except for the miscellaneous things of the neon country, they always have compassion for others. .

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